![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 86A Chapter by Yosh![]() Talulla and Elouise hang out with each other, along with Marvin and Calista going on a date with each other. But, what about Marvin's dad?![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 86: The day is Wednesday. May 3 1967. A couple days go by and Talulla and Elouise meet up again. Talulla leans in for a hug. Talulla Line 1) Hey, how are you? Elouise is caught off-guard that Talulla hugged her. Elouise Line 2) O-Oh hey. I’m doing well. How are you doing? Talulla Line 3) I’m okay. Can we get lunch? Your treat. Elouise Line 4) S-Sure… Talulla Line 5) I’m only saying your treat since you’re filthy rich. Talulla Line 6) That means I’m going to order something expensive. Elouise looks nervous. They head into a restaurant and order some lunch. They eat and talk together. Talulla Line 7) So, what have you been up to lately? Elouise Line 8) I’ve just been taking your advice and apologizing to everyone I screwed up with. Talulla Line 9) Ahh, really. And how’s that been going for you? Elouise Line 10) I’ve been able to apologize to everyone officially. Shows clips of Elouise apologizing to everyone. Elouise Line 11) I’m sorry. Russell Line 12) U-Uh. Okay… Cady Line 13) F-For what? Is something wrong? Jax Line 14) I-I don’t understand. W-What you mean? Shot cuts back to Talulla. Talulla Line 15) W-Wow. That’s a hefty amount of progress, in such little time. Go you! Elouise blushes. Elouise’s narration: Line 16) Why is it that I’m so flustered when Talulla’s around me? Line 17) Is it because I’m so not used to hearing these kinds of things from anyone else? Line 18) Or does it run deeper than that? Line 19) Was it because I was vulnerable in front of her? Line 20) We had our fair share of ups and downs together. Line 21) Got into arguments, then almost got jumped by a group of men. Line 22) Come to think of it, we’ve been through a lot together. Line 23) I guess this is what it’s like to actually have a friend. Line 24) I feel like something’s blossoming between us. Talulla Line 25) So… Any new people you’ve been interested in? Talulla Line 26) Come on. Spill the tea! Line 27) Elouise: T-The tea?! Elouise gets all nervous. Elouise Line 28) I. Don’t. Know. What. You. Mean. Talulla copies Elouise. Talulla Line 29) No. Need. To. Get. Robotic. Talulla Line 30) If you’re this flustered. That means there is someone. Haha! I knew it! Line 31) Elouise: But, there’s no one! Elouise Line 32) That’s just you assuming stuff. Talulla Line 33) Wow. You haven't known me long enough to be lying like this. Elouise Line 34) I’m not lying! Talulla Line 35) Oh, I get it. You’re in the denial phase. Talulla Line 36) Alright. Come back to me when you’ve got it sorted out. Elouise Line 37) What are you talking about? Talulla Line 38) What do you mean? I’m talking about your feelings for this mystery person. Elouise Line 39) I don’t have feelings for a mystery person! I have no feelings for anyone, right now! Talulla Line 40) Then why are you acting so defensive, and agitated? Line 41) Elouise: BECAUSE OF YOU! Elouise Line 42) Just drop it. You’re making something out of nothing. Elouise Line 43) Let’s just switch the topic to you. Elouise Line 44) Do you, have a crush on someone? Elouise drinks her drink. Talulla Line 45) Yeah. It’s you. Elouise chokes on her water. Talulla laughs. Talulla Line 46) Just kidding. In your dreams. Elouise Line 47) So, are you like a Lebanese? Talulla Line 48) You mean a lesbian? Elouise Line 49) Isn’t that what I just said? Talulla laughs. Talulla Line 50) You’re joking, right? Elouise is not in on the joke. Talulla Line 51) Close enough. But, I’m bisexual. Elouise Line 52) W-What does that mean? I’m not familiar with these terms. Talulla Line 53) It means I’m attracted to guys and girls. Elouise is caught off guard. Talulla Line 54) Are you disgusted? Does this mean you’re going back to the way you were before? Elouise Line 55) N-No. Stop assuming things. I didn’t even say anything. Elouise Line 56) I-I guess it’s just a bit strange. Well at least for me. Talulla raises her eyebrows. Talulla Line 57) What about you? What are you? Elouise Line 58) I’m a-a… Line 59) Elouise: What’s the word for it? Elouise Line 60) A homozygous. Line 61) Talulla: Is she for real? Talulla laughs. Elouise Line 62) What’s so funny about that? Talulla Line 63) Alright, alright. You’re a homozygous. Elouise Line 64) That means I’m attracted to men, right? Talulla Line 65) Sureeeeee. Elouise Line 66) Only attracted to men, right? Talulla Line 67) Well, who knows for certain. What if you change your mind? Elouise Line 68) I-I don’t think so. The person with the check comes over. Talulla handles the bill. Elouise Line 69) I thought you said it was my treat. Talulla Line 70) You shouldn’t take everything I say so literally. Elouise blushes. Line 71) Elouise: She’s so spontaneous. They wrap up lunch and Calista and Marvin are watching a movie in a cinema. Marvin is leaning on Calista’s shoulder. Calista’s narration: Line 72) Marvin eventually told me what went down that night. Line 73) As I consoled him, I assured him that everything would be alright. Line 74) That he should take his time and not rush himself into talking to his father. Line 75) But, lately he just hasn’t been himself. Line 76) Has it only been three days ever since then? Yes. Line 77) Do I expect him to turn back to his happy go lucky self right after a moment like that? No. Line 78) His mood is much gloomier now. Line 79) It seems like he's putting on this happy face just for me, and I can't enjoy spending time with him if it’s gonna be like this. Line 80) I want him to know it’s okay to brood like this. Especially if it’s in front of me. Line 81) But, I think he's doing this because we have so little time together. Line 82) He wants to seize his moments with me, and not waste it being sad. The movie wraps up and they get going. They walk side by side home. Calista rubs Marvin’s face. Calista Line 83) Did the movie help cheer you up a bit? Marvin smiles. Marvin Line 84) It was less the movie and more just you. Calista’s touched. She kisses Marvin’s cheek. Calista Line 85) Let’s just head on home for the day. Calista leads walking but Marvin stays back. Calista notices. Marvin Line 86) We should go somewhere else, though. Calista Line 87) Yeah. Where do you want to go? Marvin Line 88) This brings me back to our old times, when we were just starting to hang out. Marvin Line 89) Remember when I forced you to watch that scary movie with me? Calista laughs. Calista Line 90) At least I was able to get back at you by going on those roller coasters. Calista raises her eyebrow in a flirtatious manner. Calista Line 91) And we were getting all touchy touchy with each other. Marvin laughs. Marvin Line 92) So, let’s go to a theme park. Calista beams in happiness. Marvin Line 93) Just please. No roller coasters. I’m too queasy for that. Calista Line 94) Fine, fine. No roller coasters. I wouldn’t want to go in one from the 60s. Calista Line 95) I don’t trust this times construction. It just doesn’t sound stable enough. They laugh and head to the theme park. They go to various attractions. Play all sorts of games. Calista Line 96) I’m gonna win you that teddy bear. Calista fills the whole squirt with water and wins the Teddy bear for Marvin. Marvin slacks with the teddy bear beside him. Calista Line 97) Marvin. The whole point of winning a prize is showing it off. Calista Line 98) Why are you holding it like it’s some briefcase? Calista Line 99) Is that the inner businessman coming out in you? Marvin laughs. Marvin Line 100) Then how should I hold it? If you’re such an expert. Calista adjusts Marvin’s stance. Calista Line 101) Like this. Hold it like it’s your baby. Marvin smacks his head. Marvin Line 102) Where should we go next? Calista Line 103) The ferris wheel. Calista raises her eyebrow in a flirtatious way again. Calista Line 104) Are you gonna kiss me at the top like some cliche movie? Marvin Line 105) Now that you’ve mentioned it. Not anymore. Calista Line 106) Oh, come on. Let’s go. You have to. It’s tradition. Calista drags Marvin and they go in line. They finally make it to the next in line. Worker Line 107) You guys make a great couple. Calista’s narration: Line 108) Now we can finally say we really are one in these things. Calista and Marvin Line 109) Thanks. They get on the ferris wheel and take in the view. They finally reach the top and Calista puckers her lips. Marvin notices and turns a blind eye. Marvin Line 110) I’m just gonna pretend like I don’t know you. Calista Line 111) Don’t leave me hanging. Calista Line 112) Come on. Don’t you want a big fat kiss from good old Calista? Marvin Line 113) This isn’t giving me butterflies. Calista Line 114) Do you not get butterflies from me anymore? Calista seems genuinely upset from hearing that. Marvin Line 115) Not like this. Calista Line 116) Then how? Marvin Line 117) Like this. Marvin strokes her face. The both of them blush immensely but mostly Calista. Marvin leans in for a kiss. They kiss each other at the top of the ferris wheel. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 30, 2024 Last Updated on July 30, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author