In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 85

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 85

A Chapter by Yosh

Continuing to ask for forgiveness, Marvin processes his father's newfound passion to make things right with him in disbelief. Will things work out, or will Marvin dismiss it all?

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 85:

The day is Sunday. April 30 1967.

Marvin and his dad are talking in their balcony about mending their relationship together.


Line 1) I-I don’t know what to say.

Marvin’s dad

Line 2) You don’t have to give me an answer now. Just be on board with what I’m trying to do.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 3) He wants to fix things between us?

Line 4) But, why now?

Line 5) There was a time in my life where I could’ve really used this…

Line 6) But now, it just seems so out of place.

Line 7) I’ve outgrown needing my father’s assurance.

Line 8) And now that he wants to restore things…

Line 9) I don’t know if I should hear him out.

Line 10) Or tell him there’s nothing he can do.

Marvin sighs and tries to gather his wits.

He leans closer to the balcony, getting the fresh breeze in his face to cool him down.

He sits in silence for a bit.

Marvin’s dad

Line 11) Is there anything you’d like to know?

Marvin is caught off guard.


Line 12) Know about what?

Marvin’s dad

Line 13) Like an explanation from me, on why things are the way they are?

Line 14) Marvin: Way to point out the obvious, of course I want to know everything.


Line 15) At this point in my life, I’ve just concluded that you’re straight up evil.

Marvin’s dad is caught off guard.

Marvin’s dad

Line 16) B-But. I’m sure I have an explanation for all that you’re wondering.


Line 17) An explanation, or an excuse?


Line 18) And are you just doing this to make yourself feel better?


Line 19) Or do you really want to make things between us better?

Marvin squares up his dad.


Line 20) Because knowing how you are, I’m sure it’s just so that you can spare yourself the guilt for how you’ve treated me all your life.

He walks closer to him as he gets madder.


Line 21) And if that’s truly that case, well then screw this whole meetup!


Line 22) I don’t need you to promise me anything with your empty words!

He is finally a couple of inches away from him.


Line 23) In fact. I don’t need you in my life anymore!


Line 24) I was contemplating quitting my job, and distancing myself from you.


Line 25) And now knowing that you’d pull something this pathetic.


Line 26) I think I’ve made my decision.

Marvin’s dad hugs Marvin.

Marvin is truly left speechless.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 27) He’s hugging me?

Line 28) When has dad ever hugged me?

Flashback to Marvin as a kid again.

Line 29) I could’ve really used something like this back then.

Line 30) But now, it’s too late. It’s far too late.

Marvin pushes his father away.

He gets emotional.


Line 31) No! You don’t get to do this!


Line 32) It’s not fair!


Line 33) Do you not understand that it’s too late?!

Marvin’s dad

Line 34) If you want to quit your job, and never see me ever again. Then do that. I won’t stand in your way.

Marvin’s dad

Line 35) But, I won’t waste anymore time that we have together which is why I’m going to take responsibility for what I did to you.

Marvin’s dad

Line 36) You may not believe me, but I am truly sorry.

Marvin’s dad

Line 37) I am saying everything to you with the greatest sincerity.

Marvin’s dad

Line 38) I know I’m late, but I won’t turn a blind eye to this because you are my only child.

Marvin’s dad

Line 39) You’re the only one I have in this life.


Line 40) Why’d you make her leave?

All of them go silent.

Marvin’s dad is confused.

Marvin’s dad

Line 41) Mama Milly? We had a contract-


Line 42) No! Why’d you make my mom leave?


Line 43) Why’d you make Luna’s mom leave too?


Line 44) If they were in our lives, you wouldn’t be alone.


Line 45) Mama Milly told me that my mom wanted to be a part of my life.


Line 46) So, why’d you make her leave?


Line 47) Are you that selfish to separate your kids from their parents?


Line 48) If our moms were in our lives, things would’ve turned out different. And for the better.


Line 49) But, you only thought about yourself didn’t you?

Marvin’s dad keeps quiet.


Line 50) You’re not saying anything because you know it’s wrong.


Line 51) How could you be so selfish?

Marvin’s dad

Line 52) I made them leave because…

Marvin’s dad

Line 53) They weren’t going to add value to the both of your lives.

Marvin’s dad

Line 54) You and your sister were unplanned.

Marvin’s dad

Line 55) It seemed to me that they wouldn't want to be associated with an unplanned pregnancy.

Marvin’s dad

Line 56) So, I told them I would raise you guys in a way for them not to be burdened.

Marvin’s dad

Line 57) Even though your mom wanted to raise you with me.

Marvin’s dad

Line 58) I knew she wasn’t capable enough.

Marvin’s dad

Line 59) She was a frail woman, who didn’t have the time nor money to care for a child.

Marvin’s dad

Line 60) That’s why she died so soon.

Marvin’s dad

Line 61) With Luna’s mother, she completely didn’t want to be connected with the child whatsoever.


Line 62) You could’ve helped her.


Line 63) If she was so weak and poor, you could’ve helped her be there for me.

Marvin’s dad

Line 64) I already made up my mind then.

Marvin’s dad

Line 65) I realized it was a mistake shortly after.

Marvin’s dad

Line 66) But, I was too late because she already passed away.

Marvin’s dad

Line 67) I know I messed up there.


Line 68) How could you be so thoughtless?


Line 69) Did she mean nothing to you?


Line 70) How could you be with someone like that and not love them?


Line 71) Are you incapable of feeling emotions, or something?

Marvin’s dad

Line 72) It’s something I deeply regret. I know it was wrong.

Marvin’s dad

Line 73) And I’m sorry I wasn’t better for you then.

Marvin’s dad

Line 74) Through the way I made decisions.

Marvin’s dad

Line 75) I should have come up with a way to compensate for what you lacked.

Marvin’s dad

Line 76) But, I didn’t give you any of my attention.

Marvin’s dad

Line 77) Although you got that care from our caretakers and housekeepers.

Marvin’s dad

Line 78) You needed it from me. And I wasn’t there for you.

Marvin’s dad

Line 79) I’m really, really sorry.

Marvin’s dad

Line 80) I take full responsibility for all the hardships you went through.

Marvin’s dad

Line 81) I sincerely apologize for everything.

Marvin’s dad

Line 82) I’m just glad you’re in good care now.

Marvin’s dad

Line 83) You have Calista by your side.

Marvin’s dad

Line 84) She’s great at being there for you.

Marvin’s dad

Line 85) Hopefully she’ll fill in the holes I left in your heart.

Marvin’s dad

Line 86) If you don’t want to talk to me, I completely understand.

Marvin’s dad

Line 87) I'm sorry it's taken me so long to apologize.

Marvin’s dad

Line 88) I just want you to know.

Marvin’s dad

Line 89) Even though it may not sound possible to you.

Marvin’s dad

Line 90) That I love you.

Marvin’s dad

Line 91) I know you don’t believe me because I never showed it. But, it’s really true.

Marvin’s dad

Line 92) I love you and wish you all the best.

Marvin’s dad

Line 93) I never intended for all of this to happen.

Marvin stays silent.


Line 94) I need some time to process this.

Marvin’s dad

Line 95) Take all the time you need.

Marvin leaves and walks home.

He gets back to his place and Calista greets him.

Rex comes by to greet him too.

Calista immediately notices how upset he looks.


Line 96) You’re back. How did it go?


Line 97) Hey, you look upset. Are you okay?

Marvin hugs Calista and melts into her.

She hugs him back.

He cries on her shoulders.

She gently rocks him back and forth and rubs his back.

Calista’s narration:

Line 98) Marvin felt so heavy on me.

Line 99) He put his whole weight on my shoulders.

Line 100) As if he’d been holding in all the pain and agony that’s been bottled up inside him.

Line 101) I didn’t pry to know what happened.

Line 102) I just let him get it all out.

Line 101) He cried so heavily.

Line 102) He needed my shoulders to cry on that night.

Line 103) Since I promised he could count on me.

Line 104) I let him, and consoled him.

Line 105) Because I have to be there for him in his hard moments too.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 85 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

Author's note: Again, this particular episode in my story underwent a lot of revisions, similar to episodes 56, 59, 64, and 71. I had to change a lot of elements in my story to make more sense or seem more in character. Upon reviewing it, I felt the need to make some changes to ensure my message was conveyed effectively. For a better understanding of my work, I suggest checking out the updated version on Wattpad. Thank you for taking the time to read. After I finish editing my entire story, I'll upload the current versions here.

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
