![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 84A Chapter by Yosh![]() After Marvin and Calista wrap up their conversation, Marvin gets an unexpected phone call.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 84: The day is Friday. April 28 1967. It’s the evening. Marvin’s dad and Calista are talking by the porch. Calista Line 1) It breaks my heart to hear it seems like you don’t have faith in your son. Marvin’s dad looks sympathetic. Calista Line 2) It’s not my business to meddle into your relationship, but I think the both of you need to have a heart-to-heart. Calista Line 3) I feel like that’s something he’d appreciate as well. Marvin’s dad sighs. Marvin’s dad Line 4) Hah. You really hit the nail with that one. Marvin’s dad Line 5) I’m sorry. Marvin’s dad Line 6) I’m sorry I misjudged you. Marvin’s dad Line 7) You’re actually a great person. Marvin’s dad Line 8) I’m glad my son is seeing someone like you. Calista smiles. Calista Line 9) It’s only natural. We all have our assumptions. Marvin’s dad Line 10) It’s really all my fault. Calista’s confused. Marvin’s dad Line 11) … My relationship with Marvin’s in shambles because of me. Marvin’s dad Line 12) I honestly don’t know what to do. Marvin’s dad Line 13) It’s been like this for years. Marvin’s dad Line 14) It doesn’t seem like there’s a way for me to fix it. Calista Line 15) It’s… Never too late. Calista Line 16) Sure, it won’t be sunshine and flowers. But, you’ll be able to work things out with him. Calista Line 17) … As long as you take full responsibility. Calista Line 18) And really mean what you say. Marvin’s dad’s eyes spark up. He smiles at Calista. Marvin’s dad Line 19) Thank you. Calista Line 20) I’m just glad you’re searching for ways to mend things with him. They head inside and Marvin’s waiting for them with his coat. Marvin Line 21) Are you guys finished talking? Calista nods her head. Marvin’s dad Line 22) Are you already heading out? Marvin Line 23) I think it’s time we go. The housekeeper gives Calista her coat and she takes it. Housekeeper 2 Line 24) I’m sorry for splashing the champagne on you back there. Calista Line 25) That’s alright. No biggy. Marvin’s dad Line 26) Alright then. I’ll let you guys go. Marvin’s dad Line 27) Thank you both for coming and having dinner with me. Marvin’s dad Line 28) It was a pleasure to talk with you, Calista. Calista Line 29) It was a pleasure to talk with you too, sir. Calista Line 30) Thank you for dinner. Have a good evening. Calista and Marvin head out, thanking the housekeepers. Marvin’s dad sits in their absence. *He gets reminded of what Calista said to him. Marvin’s dad Line 31) As long as I take full responsibility. And mean what I say. Marvin’s dad Line 32) Will he truly be able to forgive me though? Marvin and Calista take a walk home. Marvin Line 33) Did my dad say anything weird to you? Calista Line 34) Would you say, asking me how much money I need to leave you is weird? Marvin’s face goes into realization. Marvin Line 35) He told you that? Calista nods her head. Calista Line 36) Can you blame him? I would also be suspicious of the marriage intentions of my child's partner if I were that wealthy. Marvin Line 37) B*****d! Calista notices how upset Marvin looks. She rubs his shoulders to make him less tense. Calista Line 38) It’s alright. Don’t be so upset about it. Marvin Line 39) And he wonders why I don’t show up to work. Calista Line 40) I’m sure he’ll make it up to you somehow. Marvin Line 41) He won’t. Because he hasn’t his whole life. Line 42) Calista: It’s unfortunate that things between them are this uneasy. She rubs his shoulders. Calista Line 43) I’m sorry to hear that. They continue walking and talking. Calista spots a photobooth on the street. Calista gets Marvin’s attention. Calista Line 44) Hey, Marvin. What’s that thing? Marvin Line 45) Oh. I’m pretty sure it’s a photobooth. Calista Line 46) Really? We should take pictures. Marvin Line 47) Alright. If you really want to. Calista Line 48) Oh, come on. It’ll cheer you up. Calista grabs Marvin’s hand and leads him to the photobooth. They go inside it and start taking pictures. They smile in one. Calista kisses Marvins cheek in one, leaving a mark on his cheek. They make silly faces in one. They give silly poses. And lastly kiss each other. They go out and see the pictures. Calista beams. Calista Line 49) I love them! Calista Line 50) What do you think? Marvin smiles at Calista. Marvin Line 51) I love them too! They head back to their place and Marvin gets a phone call a couple of days later from his dad. The day is Sunday. April 30 1967. Marvin Line 52) Hello? Dad? Is that you? Marvin’s dad Line 53) Yeah, it’s me Marvin. Marvin Line 54) W-Why’re you calling? Marvin’s dad Line 55) Are you busy by any chance? Marvin Line 56) Not necessarily. Why are you asking? Marvin’s dad Line 57) Are you open to talk to me? In person? Marvin’s dad Line 58) Can you come by my place? Marvin’s dad Line 59) You don’t have to come if you don’t want to- Marvin Line 60) I’ll be there. Marvin Line 61) In around 20 minutes. Shot cuts to Marvin’s dad. Line 62) Marvin’s dad: Wow. I didn’t think he would agree so easily. Shot goes back to Marvin. Marvin Line 63) Hey guys, I’ll be out for a bit. Talulla Line 64) Where’re you going? Marvin Line 65) This is random, but my dad wants to meet up with me out of the blue. Talulla Line 66) Maybe he’s firing you. Marvin Line 67) U-Uh. It doesn’t seem like that. Marvin Line 68) His tone sounded different. I can’t really make out what he wants to talk to me about. Calista Line 69) I’m sure it’s nothing like that. Calista Line 70) We’ll see you soon. Goodluck. Marvin leaves and walks over to his dad’s place. Marvin’s narration: Line 71) I’m not sure I ever heard my dad speak like that to me. Line 72) What could he possibly want? Line 73) Does it have something to do with what Calista said? Line 74) Ugh. If it’s something that pathetic, we could’ve talked over the phone. Line 75) Why do I have to drop everything just to see him? Line 76) The only thing he really works around is his own schedule. Line 77) It ‘s hard for me to imagine him being thoughtful or considerate for once. Marvin makes it to his dads. He knocks on the doors and the housekeepers let him in. Housekeeper 1 Line 78) Greetings Master Marvin. Master Douglas is out on the balcony waiting for you. Marvin Line 79) Thanks. But, just do me a favor and stop calling me master. Just call me Marvin. Housekeeper 1 Line 80) Sure thing, M-Marvin. Marvin walks into the balcony to see his dad smoking. Marvin Line 81) What do you want from me? Marvin’s dad Line 82) Hello to you too, Marvin. Marvin’s dad Line 83) Am I not allowed to call up my son for a chat? Marvin’s dad Line 84) I didn’t force you to come here. I gave you a choice. Marvin’s dad Line 85) So, if you’re here that means you’re willing to hear me out. Marvin’s face changes. Marvin’s dad Line 86) I’m right, aren’t I? Marvin Line 87) You don’t have to get so skeptical. Marvin’s dad Line 88) How can I be better to you, Marvin? They stand there in silence for a bit. Marvin Line 89) I’m sorry. Am I hearing you correctly? Marvin’s dad looks sad. Marvin’s dad Line 90) It upsets me that you even have to ask that. Marvin’s dad Line 91) You’re hearing everything correctly. Marvin’s dad Line 92) So, tell me what should I do? Marvin Line 93) Tell you what to do? Marvin Line 94) I’m afraid it’s far too late for anything like that. Marvin’s dad Line 95) Really? I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. Even Calista thought differently. Marvin Line 96) Calista? What did she say to you? Marvin’s dad Line 97) She said that it’s never too late for us to work things out. Marvin’s dad Line 98) But, I guess she had no idea about what we were actually going through. Marvin’s dad Line 99) But is there… Anything that I can still do? Marvin’s dad Line 100) For us to have a good relationship? And mend the past? End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 29, 2024 Last Updated on July 29, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author