In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 82

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 82

A Chapter by Yosh

After meet Marvin's dad, Marvin and Calista walk home when he realizes now's the perfect time to make a visit somewhere.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 82:

The day is Friday. April 21 1967. It’s the evening.

As they walk Marvin realizes he wants to show Calista some place.


Line 1) Do you mind if we visit some place right now?


Line 2) Not at all. Where do you want to go?


Line 3) I think it’s time you visit the rest of my family. What do you think?

Calista realized what this means.

Line 4) Calista: He wants to stop by their grave sites.

Calista smiles.


Line 5) Are you sure you want me to come with you?

Marvin strokes Calista’s face.


Line 6) Of course. It’s about time you come.

Calista smiles.


Line 7) Can we stop somewhere first?

They stop at a bouquet store to buy some flowers.

Calista asks a question before she steps in.


Line 8) What were your sister's favorite flowers?

Marvin smiles.


Line 9) Peonies.

Calista smiles and nods her head.

She enters the store and buys multi-colored peonies for Marvin’s sister.

She walks out holding them.


Line 10) They look amazing. 

They hold hands as they walk into the grave site.

They finally make it there.

Marvin directs Calista to the site.

They sit down in front of Luna’s headstone.

Calista places the flowers in front of the headstone.


Line 11) Do we have to do something?


Line 12) What do you mean?


Line 13) Like, pray or something to pay our respects?

Marvin smiles.


Line 14) I’m not religious, but anytime I’d come here I’d just close my eyes and imagine myself talking to her.

Calista looks at Marvin with sympathetic eyes.


Line 15) Alright, I’ll do the same. My introduction is long overdue.

Marvin smiles and they hold hands as they close their eyes.

Marvin fiddles with his necklace that he always wears with Luna’s ring on it.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 16) Hello, Luna. I hope you’re doing well.

Line 17) As you can see, I brought someone very special here with us today.

Line 18) The love of my life.

Line 19) Although our love story is not traditional, we still found our way to each other’s hearts.

Line 20) Similar to those fairytales you loved so much.

Line 21) She’s my princess, to whom I went through so much to be with.

Line 22) I knew if you were alive today, the both of you would’ve gotten along immensely.

Line 23) Please watch over the both of us, where you reside.

Line 24) I love you so much, and hope you are in good care.

Line 25) Until next time, my dear sister.

Marvin opens his eyes, and sees Calista’s are still closed.

Calista’s narration:

Line 26) Hello Ms. Luna, my name is Calista Turner and I am here accompanying your brother today to see you.

Line 27) As you may already know, I am your brother's girlfriend.

Line 28) Words can’t describe how much I love him and hold him dear to my heart.

Line 29) He is such an amazing person, and I am so grateful to be his girlfriend.

Line 30) I hope you can look after us in Heaven.

Line 31) You have my respect and best wishes.

Line 32) I thank you for letting me come to your grave site.

Line 33) I appreciate this honor, and hope you like the flowers I picked out for you. Rest in peace.

Calista opens her eyes and looks at Marvin.

She smiles at him.


Line 34) What would your sister think of the way you’re dressed today?

Marvin smiles.


Line 35) She would approve.

Calista rests her head on Marvins shoulders.


Line 36) Thank you for letting me come here today.

Marvin rubs her shoulder.

Calista looks up to see a crescent moon.


Line 37) Look at the moon today. It’s beautiful.

Marvin looks up to see the moon.

Line 38) Marvin: Thank you for looking out for us, Luna.


Line 39) I want to give something to you, Calista.

Calista looks excited.

Marvin reaches into his pocket to pull out a ring box.

Calista's face goes into realization.

He opens it and shows her the ring.

She notices it’s the one that Marvin was supposed to propose to Elouise with.


Line 40) Is this the ring?

He nods his head, and puts it on Calista’s ring finger.


Line 41) Why are you giving this to me?


Line 42) This isn’t some sort of proposal, right?


Line 43) I’m giving this to you because you deserve to wear it.


Line 44) It’s not a proposal, because we both know something like that is impossible.


Line 45) But, think of this as a substitute.


Line 46) I’m sorry that we’ll never be able to get married.


Line 47) If these weren’t the circumstances, I’d marry you in a heartbeat.

Calista looks at Marvin bittersweetly.


Line 48) I would marry you too.

Calista hugs Marvin.


Line 49) Don’t be sorry for something you can’t control.

They unbind and she strokes his face.

She looks deep into his eyes and kisses him.

They share their tender moments by the grave.

They walk back home and see Talulla and Elouise saying goodbye.

Talulla notices them.


Line 50) Hey guys. You’re back.

Elouise looks a bit uncomfortable, and is weirded out by what Marvin’s wearing.


Line 51) Hey you guys. Did you two hang out today?


Line 52) Yeah, we just got back from the club.

Marvin and Calista are shocked.


Line 53) I was just about to leave.

Before Elouise walks out, Talulla whispers in her ear.


Line 54) Remember what I told you in the club?

*She’s referring to the apologizing thing.


Line 55) Give it a shot now.


Line 56) Are you guys busy by any chance?


Line 57) No. Is there something you need us for?


Line 58) I was wondering if I could talk to both you and Calista in private. If you guys don’t mind.

Marvin looks at Calista.

She smiles at them.


Line 59) We don’t mind.

They go somewhere private to chat.

Elouise sighs.


Line 60) I wanted to talk to you guys because I owe both of you an apology.


Line 61) I’m sorry to you Marvin for how I’ve treated you these past years.


Line 62) What I did was unforgivable to you, and I hope you aren’t deeply affected by it.


Line 63) If there’s any big impact that I caused, please let me know and I’ll make it up to you as soon as possible.


Line 64) I don’t expect for everything to be cupcakes and rainbows between us, and understand if you don’t want to associate yourself with me.


Line 65) Even though you said you forgive me. I find myself unworthy of your forgiveness. So, let my apology be as it is.


Line 66) And for you, Calista, I’m sure by now you’ve heard plenty of things about me.


Line 67) I’ve realized that I was coming between you and Marvin, and I’m sincerely sorry for that.


Line 68) I have no intention of jeopardizing your relationship at all.


Line 69) I wish all the best for you two.


Line 70) I won’t disturb you two any longer. I’ll be on my way. Thank you for listening to me.

As she walks away Marvin calls for her.


Line 71) Elouise, wait.


Line 72) I know you feel guilty for what you’ve done. But, I just want you to know that I’ve moved on from what you did, and I forgive you.


Line 73) Whether you think you deserve it or not, I accept your apology.


Line 74) So do I. Stuff like that takes a lot of courage. Thank you for apologizing.

Elouise is touched and walks away.

They head back to their place.

Elouise is emotional as she gets into her taxi.

Line 75) Elouise: I can’t believe the both of them actually forgave me.

All of them head to bed and Calista’s having a dream.

In her dream she’s getting married.

She is walking down the aisle with her dress on.

She sees Marvin looking at her.

The wedding officiant starts their speech.


Line 76) Do you Marvin Douglas, take Calista Turner as your lawfully wedded wife?


Line 77) I do.

Calista smiles.


Line 78) And do you, Calista Turner, take Marvin Douglas, as your lawfully wedded husband.


Line 79) I do.


Line 80) I now officially pronounce you husband and wife.


Line 81) You may kiss the bride.

Marvin unveils Calista and kisses her.

Everyone in the wedding claps and cheers.

Talulla and Todd are seen as the best man and Maid of honor.

Calista wakes up from her dream in tears.

She looks around to see that her wedding was just a dream.

She wipes away her tears and sits in silence.

She looks over to her side and sees Marvin sleeping soundly.

Calista’s narration:

Line 82) I’ll never be able to get married to Marvin.

Line 83) We’ll never be able to start a family together either.

Line 84) My heartaches for the life I envision with him.

Line 85) Because it’s just simply impossible.

Line 86) Only in another lifetime…

Line 87) Will we be able to do those things.

Calista upsettingly cuddles into Marvin.

One week passes.

The day is Friday. April 28 1967. It’s the evening.

Talulla’s narration:

Line 88) The week went as usual.

Line 89) Marvin and Calista would go on a date.

Line 90) Elouise and I would hang out.

Line 91) We did our daily endeavors, fully adapting to this new time.

Line 92) But, deep down, we knew that it would all come to an end soon.

Line 93) For now, I don't want to say anything until it feels right. Let them enjoy what they have. 

Marvin is giving Calista a massage.


Line 94) It’s a good thing I reminded you of this, or else we would’ve forgotten.


Line 95) Yeah, are you feeling loosened up?


Line 96) Yeah, just keep going at it.

Calista melts into Marvin as she relaxes.

He laughs.


Line 97) I can’t do this for long. We have to see my dad soon.


Line 98) Do you really want to go?


Line 99) It’s not about if I want to go. I can’t deny my dad’s orders.

Calista faces Marvin.


Line 100) I just feel bad. I’m sure having dinner with him isn’t something you want to do.

Marvin boops Calista’s nose.


Line 101) That’s alright, it had to be done some time, or another.

Marvin strokes Calista’s face.


Line 102) It’s gonna be so awkward though.


Line 103) I have no idea what to say to him.


Line 104) You’ll be alright, you handle these situations better than you think.

Calista caresses Marvins hand and kisses it.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 82 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
