In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 81

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 81

A Chapter by Yosh

Marvin and Calista happily eat dinner together in his girly makeover, when something unexpected happen.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 81:

The day is Friday. April 21 1967.

Marvin and Calista sit and have dinner together.

Calista reflects about their day.

Calista’s narration:

Line 1) Today, Marvin was so wholesome.

Line 2) Like a little kid, who’s been waiting his whole life to go cycling with the right person.

Line 3) I feel like he’s acting this way, because he had to grow up so quickly.

Line 4) It’s like his inner child came out.

Line 5) I hope that what we did was healing for him.

Line 6) I can’t remember how my life was before Marvin.

Line 7) I can’t believe I’ve spent my whole life without someone like him in it.

Line 8) Even since Raymond left, there was an empty space in my heart for so long.

Line 9) But, when Marvin came, he repaired it with lots of love.

Line 10) Although, no one can ever replace Raymond.

Line 11) There’s someone else that my heart made room for.

Line 12) Now I can’t imagine my life without him.

Line 13) It’s gonna be so hard to say goodbye when that time comes.

Marvin grabs Calista’s hands.


Line 14) Wasn’t today fun?

Calista puts her hands over Marvins.


Line 15) Every moment with you is fun.


Line 16) And look how today ended up.


Line 17) You’re looking like a bombshell.

Marvin swifts his hair.

Shot cuts to Marvin's dad having dinner at the same restaurant with Marvin’s dad’s friend.

His friends lean forward to tell him something.

Dad’s friend

Line 18) Don’t look to the side so swiftly when I tell you this.

Dad’s friend

Line 19) I think your son’s dressed up as a woman.

Marvin’s dad chokes on his water.

Marvin’s dad

Line 20) What the hell are you talking about?

Dad’s friend

Line 21) Look steadily to the side, but don’t make it too obvious.

Marvin’s dad does just that.

He spots Marvin dressed all girly.

Line 22) Marvin’s dad: T-That’s really him.

Marvin’s dad gives a blank stare.

Dad’s friend

Line 23) I guess we weren’t far off when we said he was gay.

Marvin’s dad hides his face.

Marvin’s dad

Line 24) Don’t pay any mind to it.

Dad’s friend

Line 25) Who’s the woman he’s with?

Marvin’s dad

Line 26) Forget about it.

Dad’s friend

Line 26) They’re holding hands.

Marvin’s dad abruptly looks their way again.

He notices the both of them holding hands.

Marvin’s dad

Line 27) I-I don’t know what’s going on.

Dad’s friend

Line 28) Talk with him. She could be his girlfriend.

Marvin’s dad

Line 29) No way. He’s got a thing for Elouise Hall.

Dad’s friend

Line 30) Still on about that? He said there was nothing between them.

Marvin’s dad

Line 31) I don’t care what’s going on between them. I only care about her dad. 

Marvin’s dad

Line 32) He’s a powerful guy, so if our business’ merge because of their marriage, we could 

Benefit a lot.

Marvin’s dad’s friend looks annoyed.

Dad’s friend

Line 33) All you think about is business.

Dad’s friend

Line 34) Making sure your son has an authentic relationship matters more than that. Don’t take advantage of him. He deserves better.

Marvin’s dad blows the situation off.

His dad’s friend has his eyes set on Marvin and Calista.

Marvin’s dad

Line 35) Stop looking at them. Or they’ll notice.

Dad’s friend

Line 36) I think that she actually IS his girlfriend.

Marvin’s dad

Line 37) How can you assume that, when we haven’t even talked to them?

Dad’s friend

Line 38) Something about the way she looks at him. 

Dad’s friend

Line 39) She holds so much love in her eyes. What a score for Marvin!

Marvin’s dad looks at the couple again and sees them being lovey dovey.

Line 40) Marvin’s dad: Maybe he’s right. But, that doesn’t explain why he’s dressed the way he is.

Marvin and Calista leave the restaurant.

Shot cuts to Talulla at home.

She gets a ding dong on her door.

She goes to open it and sees Elouise.

Elouise waves at Talulla.


Line 41) Hey there. Are you free right now?


Line 42) Yes, I was waiting till you would contact me.

Elouise blushes.


Line 43) Y-You w-were waiting for me?

Talulla opens a newspaper and reads.


Line 44) Well duh. It’s boring here without any internet. While the love birds go out all day leaving me with their dog.


Line 45) But, at least he’s a cutie.

Talulla pets Rex.


Line 46) The internet? What’s that?

Talulla remembers that Elouise doesn’t know.


Line 47) Oh, it’s… Something. You’ll find out soon enough.

Line 48) Talulla: I need to make sure not to slip up around her.

Talulla shows Elouise the newspaper crossword puzzle she filled out.


Line 49) These are the lengths I’ve resorted to.

Elouise looks at the puzzle.


Line 50) Oh. I’m pretty sure all of this is wrong.


Line 51) So what? I make the rules.


Line 52) Anyway. Should we go out somewhere?

Elouise blushes.


Line 53) Go out somewhere?


Line 54) Yeah, it’s Friday. We should celebrate the end of the week.


Line 55) O-Oh, I guess.


Line 56) We should also celebrate your new self.

Elouise blushes.


Line 57) I take it that things went well with Todd.


Line 58) Yeah. All thanks to you.

Talulla drum rolls on the table.


Line 59) I need a drink.


Line 60) Do you know a good place?

Elouise nods her head.

They head out to a rock bar.


Line 61) Order me a drink of your choice.

Elouise does just that, and they drink while listening to the singers.

Talulla smiles at Elouise.


Line 62) Why don’t they have places like this nowadays?


Line 63) What do you mean? Are you already getting buzzed?

Talulla realizes her slip up.


Line 64) Are you kidding? I’m not a lightweight.


Line 65) Sure you aren’t.


Line 66) So, how are you feeling lately because of your switch up?

Elouise looks at Talulla upsettingly.


Line 67) Oh, come on. That’s essentially what happened to you.


Line 68) I’ve just been trying to get used to the way things are now. It’s only been a day, so.


Line 69) But, when I’m around you, I feel comfortable.


Line 70) So, is it okay, if I keep hanging out with you like this?


Line 71) Of course. Come by any time. We’re friends after all.

Line 72) Elouise: We’re friends!

They smile at each other.


Line 73) So, how should I take things?


Line 74) One step at a time.


Line 75) Baby steps. Figure out the things you want to accomplish.


Line 76) For example, apologies. Go one person at a time.


Line 77) And slowly earn back their trust by being friendly with them.


Line 78) That sounds good. I’ll make sure to do that.

Shot cuts back to the restaurant.

Dad’s friend

Line 79) Well, are you gonna go get him?

Dad’s friend

Line 80) This is the perfect time to talk with him. You know he hates when you stop by his place unattended.

Dad’s friend

Line 81) You’ll be able to meet his girl.

Marvin’s dad

Line 82) You’re being annoying.

Marvin’s dad

Line 83) I might as well do it just to get away from you.

The friend's dad raises a glass to him.

Dad’s friend

Line 84) You’ll thank me someday for this.

Marvin’s dad rolls his eyes and walks after Marvin and Calista.

He calls for his name.

Marvin’s dad

Line 85) Marvin!

Marvin’s dad waves at him.

Marvin goes to a halt and glances over to see his dad.


Line 86) Is someone calling your name? Or is there another Marvin here?


Line 87) Someone’s calling my name.


Line 88) Who is it?


Line 89) My dad.

Calista’s face goes blank.

Marvin’s dad walks over to them.

Marvin’s dad

Line 90) Hey there, Marvin.


Line 91) Hey there, dad.

Calista gets a good look at Marvin’s dad.

Line 92) Calista: Oh my Gosh. It’s Marvin's dad!

Calista bows at him and keeps her eyes set on the ground.

Line 93) Marvin: There she goes bowing again.

Marvin’s dad is confused at Calista’s bowing.


Line 94) Greetings and salutations sir!

Line 95) Marvin and Marvin’s dad: Greetings and salutations?!

Marvin tries to hold in his laugh.

Marvin’s dad

Line 96) U-Uh. Hey, there. Who may you be?

Calista looks at Marvin.

Marvin nods his head for Calista to tell his dad who she is.


Line 97) It’s nice to meet you. I’m Marvin’s girlfriend. My name is Calista Turner, sir.

Calista meets their eyes.

Marvin's dad gets shocked.

Marvin’s dad

Line 98) Y-Your his girlfriend?!

Marvin nods his head.


Line 99) Yes. She’s my girlfriend.

A moment of silence passes between them as Marvin’s dad processes everything.

Marvin’s dad

Line 100) That’s great news, Marvin.

They all look at each other awkwardly.

Marvin’s dad

Line 101) Alright, I won’t keep you guys here any longer. 

Marvin’s dad looks at Marvin up and down about his outfit.

Marvin’s dad

Line 102) And I won’t question what you’re wearing.

Marvin’s dad shakes Calista’s hand.

Marvin’s dad

Line 103) It was a pleasure meeting you, Calista. I hope the three of us can have dinner some time soon.

Calista smiles.


Line 104) Pleasure’s mine. Have a good evening, sir.

Marvin’s dad walks off and waves Marvin off.

He goes back to the dining table.

Dad’s friend

Line 105) Back so quickly? How’d it go?

Marvin’s dad looks irritable.

Marvin’s dad

Line 106) It went well. She’s very polite and made a good impression on me.

Marvin’s dad’s friend raises his glass.

Dad’s friend

Line 107) Cheers to Marvin, and his girlfriend.

Marvin’s dad hesitantly raises his glass and clinks it with his friend.

Shot cuts back to Calista and Marvin.

Marvin starts laughing.

Calista’s concerned.


Line 108) Oh my Gosh. Are you okay? I made a fool of you, huh?

Marvin puts his arm around Calista.


Line 109) It’s fine. I could tell you made a good impression on him.

Marvin imitates Calista.


Line 110) “Greetings and Salutations”!


Line 111) Look, I panicked. I didn’t know what to say.


Line 112) Isn’t that how people talk in this time? Especially to their elders.

Marvin laughs and shakes his head no.


Line 113) Jokes aside. Are you really okay, Marvin?


Line 114) I’m okay, Calista. Don’t you worry.

Marvin kisses Calista’s cheek.


Line 115) I feel bad I gave you this makeover and stumbled into you dad here. You have a lot of confidence pulling this off.


Line 116) The people at the restaurant were looking at you weirdly. I’m sorry if you felt embarrassed.


Line 117) Don’t be, I’m the one who let you do this. Plus, I don’t care what anyone else thinks about me.


Line 118) All I care is what you think of me. 

Calista looks at Marvin with empathetic eyes.


Line 119) I still feel bad, so let me make it up to you.

Calista kisses his cheek.

She leans her head on his shoulder.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 81 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
