In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 79

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 79

A Chapter by Yosh

Calista makes her way to Mama Milly's house. What happens after that?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 79:

The day is Thursday April 20 1967. It’s nighttime.

Calista goes to a store to buy Mama Milly a present.

She looks around to see what she can buy her.

She picks out a bouquet and some sweets.

She starts walking to Mama Milly’s place.

Calista’s narration:

Line 1) I remember the pathway to her place.

Line 2) I was so caught up in the moment, that I wanted to take all of it in.

Line 3) Where we were going, what we were doing.

Line 4) I studied things so intently, so that it could be ingrained in my brain forever.

Line 5) Because I don’t want these moments to end.

Line 6) But, I feel like with the way I am.

Line 7) A rift might occur between Marvin and I.

Line 8) I don’t want to hurt him.

Line 9) Which is why I have to work on myself.

Line 10) It's just that I need to realize it's not something I can do alone.

Line 11) I need to get into the habit of reaching out for help.

She knocks on Mama Millie's door.

Mama Millie opens it and greets Calista.


Line 12) Calista? Hello! What brings you here?


Line 13) Hello. Sorry for dropping by like this. After our last visit, I felt it was necessary for me to bring you a gift.

Calista hands over the bouquet and bag of sweets.


Line 14) Oh, you’re so generous. But, a gift wasn’t necessary.


Line 15) Why did you come alone? Where’s Marvin?


Line 16) He’s out with his friends right now.


Line 17) Alright, well come on in. I insist we have some tea.

Calista comes in and they have some tea together.


Line 18) So, how are things going between you and Marvin?

Line 19) Calista: I guess we’re getting straight to the point then.

Line 20) Calista: Just rip off the bandaid and tell her. There’s no point in holding back.

Mama Milly notices that Calista’s having trouble saying something.

She grabs Calista’s hands.


Line 21) Child. On with it. You know you can tell me anything.


Line 22) Sorry. I just suck at confrontation.


Line 23) There’s no problem with Marvin. It’s more on me.

Mama Milly takes in what Calista’s saying.


Line 24) I’m afraid… That I’m not good enough for Marvin.

Mama Milly is shocked.


Line 25) This is my first time ever being in a relationship, so I want everything to be perfect.


Line 26) But, that just doesn’t seem possible, because I keep screwing things up.


Line 27) You see, I’m not an easy person to deal with.


Line 28) I fear that my complex personality will burden my relationship with Marvin.


Line 29) I feel like one day, he’ll have enough of it, and lose interest in me.


Line 30) Because of all of that. I’m afraid that it’s made me realize I might not be suited for a relationship.


Line 31) This is just a feeling I can’t ignore.

Mama Milly flicks Calista’s forehead.

Calista flinches.


Line 32) Sorry. Did I say something wrong?


Line 33) No. But, hopefully that knocked some sense into you.


Line 34) I d-don’t understand.


Line 35) Yeah, I can tell.


Line 36) You’re being too much of a control freak.

Calista is shocked by Mama Milly's words.


Line 37) You realize you’re not the only one making decisions in this relationship.


Line 38) There’s two people in this relationship, which means there’s two people that make settlements.


Line 39) So, why are you taking all of this in by yourself?


Line 40) Is opening up, hurting your pride?


Line 41) You’re questioning whether you’re good enough for Marvin.


Line 42) You need to get it through your head that Marvin chose you.


Line 43) Out of everyone he settled for you. Which means you ARE good enough.


Line 44) Sure, we have our insecurities. The problem is that if someone gets involved, it impacts them as well.


Line 45) And if that happens it’ll hurt both you and Marvin.


Line 46) Which is why you must always communicate.


Line 47) Even if you think it’s an overload for your partner to handle.


Line 48) If he chose you, he won’t lose interest.


Line 49) If he’s willing to go through all these lengths to be with you, he won’t lose interest, because he cares about you. This won’t scare him away.


Line 50) I raised my boy better than that. He knows how to make correct decisions.


Line 51) An amazing person is in love with you.


Line 52) He put his heart on his sleeve to be with you.


Line 53) You’re not about to back out now, just because you don’t think you’re ready. You’re second guessing yourself.


Line 54) Tell me, how did you guys confess?


Line 55) We did it after we weren’t able to see each other for a while.


Line 56) Marvin was planning things without saying anything to me.


Line 57) I knew right then and there that I needed to tell him that I love him, so that he would stay with me.

Mama Milly snaps her fingers.


Line 58) You just answered your own question.


Line 59) To me that sounds like you’re perfectly able to be in this relationship.


Line 60) We’ll all have our doubts, Calista.


Line 61) And if you need some assurance, you have to say something, because we aren’t mind readers.


Line 62) You saw those pictures I showed you during our last visit.


Line 63) Marvin’s my baby.


Line 64) He’s been through so much, but now he finally has you.


Line 65) Don’t let something this small, get in the way of what’s truly valuable.


Line 66) That will sabotage your relationship.


Line 67) But, you promised me that you’ll be good to him.


Line 68) So, keep your promise.

Calista nods her head.


Line 69) I know this is your first relationship, but just try your best with handling things.


Line 70) I know you can do it. I’m very glad you came to me, so that we could talk.


Line 71) You’ll make mistakes, and that’s okay.


Line 72) I’m not asking you to be perfect, I’m just asking you to do your best.

Ameilia grabs Calista’s hands.


Line 73) I advise you to be more trusting in yourself. Be confident.

Calista leaves and hugs Mama Milly.

Calista walks home.

Calista’s narration:

Line 74) That’s right, Marvin chose me.

Line 75) I should trust that he made the right decision.

Line 76) Mama Millie’s right. I should trust myself more.

Line 77) It’s just, ever since Raymond left me.

Line 78) I feel like everyone in my life will leave me too the second they get sick of me.

Line 79) But, that’s on me, for thinking everyone’s the same.

Calista starts getting emotional.

Line 80) Marvin’s a great guy.

Line 81) I trust him with my whole heart.

Calista gets reminded of how upset Marvin looked earlier today.

Line 82) I owe him an explanation and apology.

Line 83) He’s my boyfriend.

Line 84) My epic love, to whom I would do anything for.

Line 85) I feel horrible for how I’ve treated him.

Line 86) I want to make sure no one hurts him ever again.

Line 87) Including me.

Shot cuts to Todd's place, and he gets a door ring.

He goes to open the door and sees Elouise.

He pretends not to know anything.

Line 88) Todd: I know what she’s here for.

Todd gets sarcastic.


Line 89) Hey there. What might you be here for?

Elouise hugs Todd.

Todd is at a blank halt.


Line 90) I’m so sorry.


Line 91) I’m sorry for everything.

Todd hugs her back and taps her back.


Line 92) There, there, Elouise.


Line 93) I forgive you. Thank you for apologizing.

Elouise gets emotional and starts crying.

Todd hugs her tight.


Line 94) I understand all of it.

Shot cuts to Marvin walking home.

He spots Calista walking in the same direction.

They cross each other's paths.


Line 95) Where did you go?

Marvin notices she looks sad.


Line 96) Hey, are you okay?

Calista walks over to Marvin.

She hugs him tightly.

He’s confused but hugs her back tightly.


Line 97) Your silence is concerning. Are you really okay?


Line 98) … I’m okay.

Marvin notices her muffled voice and pulls her back to see that she’s crying.


Line 99) Calista, what’s wrong?

He wipes her tears.


Line 100) I’m sorry for earlier today.

Marvins face becomes sad for Calista.


Line 101) I didn’t want to tell you anything because I thought it would be too much for you to bear.


Line 102) I’m just scared to disappoint you.


Line 103) Because I think you’ll hate me.


Line 104) I’m afraid to lose you.

Marvin grabs Calista’s face.


Line 105) I can’t hate you, Calista.


Line 106) And you can’t disappoint me. 

He grabs her hands.


Line 107) We’re in this together.


Line 108) I’m always here for you.


Line 109) Even if you don’t believe me right now.


Line 110) I know I’ll eventually convince you.


Line 111) I’m a man of my word.


Line 112) You can count on me.

Marvin hugs Calista tightly.

She hugs him back.

Calista’s narration:

Line 113) Mama Millie was right.

Line 114) Marvin was always going to be there for me. No matter what.

Line 115) Because he loves me enough to do that.

Line 116) He’s too valuable to put our relationship at stake for something so small.

Line 117) I’m glad I was able to realize that now.

Line 118) He’s here, and that’s all that matters.

Line 119) I can count on him.

Line 120) I want him to count on me too.

Calista looks at Marvins face and strokes it.

Calista holds his hand to her face.

End of episode. 

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 79 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



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