Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 56

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 56

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona get ready for their serious date, with the both of them feeling flustered, yet excited at the same time.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 56:

February 29th 2024. The day is Thursday. 

Sotsona and Casimir get ready for their date. 

Sotsona is almost finished getting ready, leaving her dress left to be put on.

Sotsona puts on her dress and tries zipping it.

She can’t fully zip up her dress, desperately extending her hands out on her back to reach the zipper.

Line 1) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Dang zipper! Why can’t I reach it?

Sotsona gives up, drooping her body in defeat.

Line 2) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Am I going to have to ask Casimir to do this for me?

Line 3) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But then, he’ll see me practically with a bare back.

Line 4) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I mean, it’s nothing grandiose, but based on how things have been  between us lately, I’m sure it’ll be awkward.

Sotsona gives herself one last glance at the mirror.

Line 5) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Who knows how he’ll actually feel like when he sees me?

Line 6) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: There’s no way to find out without ripping off the bandaid. I can’t contemplate any further.

Line 7) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I just hope that I don’t disappoint him.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 8) To think that I would suddenly feel so self-conscious because of a boy.

Line 9) It’s just a feeling that I can’t seem to control, even though I know deep down that Casimir would never make me feel insecure.

Line 10) The butterflies in my stomach can’t help but flutter, looking forward to the impression we’ll get when we see each other.

Line 11) I’m scared to admit what exactly I’m feeling for Casimir.

Line 12) One thing for certain is that we’re more than just friends.

Line 13) It feels like my heart’s about to burst.

Sotsona walks out of the bathroom, heading to the living room.

She spots Casimir scrolling on his phone, looking anxious, but dressed nicely in his outfit.

He is wearing a white polo, with a suited vest that’s dark brown, and a tie that compliments his brown slacks, with shiny accents here and there.

Sotsona smiles.

Line 14) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir can’t live a day without being flashy.

Casimir hears Sotsona’s shoes clack, and he looks up at her.

Both of their eyes soften when their gazes land on each other.

They both blush immensely and stare at each other, caught in a trance from how good each other look.

Casimir’s eyes dilate as he stares at Sotsona.

Line 15) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

Line 16) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I’m always under her spell when she pulls stunts on me like this.

Casimir admires Sotsona.

Line 17) Casimir’s inner thoughts: What a marvelous lady she is!

Line 18) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I feel so undeserving to have her in my presence.

Line 19) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’s like the blue raspberry flavor that you search for when you open up a bag of candy.

Line 20) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’s the best option, and the most enjoyable one too.

Casimir swiftly stands up and walks towards Sotsona.

Line 21) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I can sit and stare at her all day, but that’ll be too awkward for her.


Line 22) H-Hey, you.

Sotsona looks captivated.

Line 23) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why is it so hard to utter a word out?

Line 24) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m so speechless, I’ve never felt this sort of sensation before in my life.

Line 25) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m so shy to be around him right now.

Sotsona calls Casimir in an affectionate tone.


Line 26) Casimir… you. Y-You look great!

Casimir’s inner eyebrows raise in an affectionate expression.

He grins from ear to ear.


Line 27) T-Thanks. You look. Just wow! You’re utterly spectacular!


Line 28) You look magnificent.

Line 29) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I should clarify that she alway looks like this, so that she doesn’t get the wrong idea.

Casimir tries to clear up the misunderstanding.


Line 30) Not that you don’t always look magnificent-

Sotsona playfully shakes her head no and closely approaches Casimir.

She places her hand on his mouth to cut him off.

They blush intensely from how close they are to each other.

Line 31) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Leave it to Casimir to ruin the moment.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 32) You don’t always have to clarify yourself when you compliment me. I understand what you mean.

Sotsona releases her hand from Casimir’s mouth.

It dawns on her that what she did just now was out of line.

Line 33) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why did I bring myself closer to him and put my hand over his mouth?

Line 34) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: That’s so rude of me. Don’t I know what boundaries are?

Sotsona’s body language turns shameful, and she looks away from Casimir in embarrassment.


Line 35) I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to silence you like that. That was so disrespectful of me.

Casimir laughs at Sotsona.

Sotsona looks at him in shock, not expecting that reaction out of him.

Casimir offers Sotsona reassurance.


Line 36) Don’t worry. I’m not offended.

Casimir talks in a flirtatious way.


Line 37) What I really want to know is how my lips felt against your hand?

Sotsona’s face flushes red.

Casimir continues to tease Sotsona.


Line 38) I’m waiting for a response. Maybe I should’ve kissed your hand while it was there?

Sotsona becomes even more flustered.

Casimir gives up his game.


Line 39) Alright. Let me forget about it.

Sotsona hesitantly looks at Casimir.

He senses her tone.


Line 40) Did I go too far? What’s wrong?


Line 41) No. It’s not that…


Line 42) It’s just…

Sotsona shyly turns her back to Casimir and moves her hair out of the way.

Casimir blushes immensely noticing Sotsona’s unzipped dress slightly showing the upper portion of her back.


Line 43) C-Can you zip up the rest of my dress? 

Sotsona blushes asking Casimir.

Casimir softly places his hands on Sotsona’s zipper, getting ready to zip her dress up.

Line 44) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s breathing down my neck again. If it’s recurring so often, I wonder if he’s doing it intentionally.

Sotsona feels ticklish.

Line 45) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can feel my body melting as he does that.

Line 46) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m starting to lose control of my senses.

Line 47) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t keep myself balanced.

Line 48) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: My coordination is slowing down, and it’s affecting my motor skills.

Casimir zips Sotsona’s dress up and she leans on him, fulling putting her weight on Casimir.

Casimir responds in confusion.


Line 49) Sotsona. What are you doing-

Sotsona falls behind Casimir, causing them to topple to the ground together.

They thud on the floor, causing Sotsona to land in Casimir’s arms.

Casimir panics.


Line 50) Sotsona! Are you okay?! Are your heels janky? Is that why you fell?

Sotsona frantically gets up from Casimir.

She looks at him in shock, placing her hands over her mouth.


Line 51) Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to fall on you like that! I don’t know what’s gotten into me!

Sotsona quickly gets up.

She extends her hand out for Casimir to use.


Line 52) Are you okay? That sounded like it hurt.

Casimir laughs at Sotsona.

He grabs her hand and she pulls him up to stand.


Line 53) I’m okay. Don’t worry about me.


Line 54) Are you okay though?

Sotsona laughs at how ridiculous the situation got.


Line 55) I’m okay. I’m sorry about that. That was weird.

They grab a cab and drive to the restaurant Casimir booked a reservation for.

Sotsona looks over at Casimir and he looks over at her, while they drive.

Their eyes interlock for a split second before the both of them look away from each other in a flustered manner.

Line 56) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: When I fell on his lap, it sort of felt like a cushion. I could really lay on it all day if he’d let me.

Line 57) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I felt the urge to snuggle into him.

Line 58) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I want to be clingy with him. I feel comfortable enough to do that.

Line 59) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But we’re not there yet. It’s completely out of line.

Line 60) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I guess I feel that way because we’ve gotten so close to each other this entire trip.

Line 61) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I feel a bit empty without him by my side.

Sotsona rubs her head in distress, feeling bad for having flirtatious thoughts.

Line 62) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Here I am thinking of this, while he’s probably thinking of something completely different.

Line 63) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I feel impure for having these kinds of thoughts.

Line 64) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I just feel a bit reckless and impulsive around him. But, I have to retain control over myself. I can’t loose myself again like I did earlier.

Casimir and Sotsona arrive to the restaurant, starting to exit the car.

Sotsona reaches for the car handle, but Casimir grabs her arm to stop her.


Line 65) Please. Allow me.

Casimir swiftly gets out of the car and goes to the opposite side to open the door for Sotsona.

He opens the door for her and she steps out.

They’re very close to each other, causing a blush to accumulate on the both of their faces.


Line 66) T-Thank you. You’re such a gentlemen.

Casimir gets flustered, but takes her hand for them to walk over to the restaurant.

Casimir feels boastful from Sotsona’s remark.

Line 67) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She called me a gentlemen.

He continues to hold her hand, leading her to the entrance of the restaurant.

They enter and Sotsona looks around the place in astonishment.

Her jaw drops looking around in enthrallment.

Line 68) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s amazing in here! 

Line 69) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Everything is decked out from head to toe.

Casimir observe Sotsona’s reaction.

He smiles, taking in her admiration.

Line 70) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’s so cute when she’s shocked. I was looking forward to this reaction.

Casimir leads them to the check-in.


Line 71) Hello. I have a reservation under the name Casimir Adair.

The hostess smiles at Casimir.


Line 72) Right this way you two.

The hostess leads them to a reserved table, handing them some menus.


Line 73) Enjoy your stay here. You guys are such a fabulous couple!

The both of them blush, and stare at each other after the remark.

They seat themselves at their table.


Line 74) Order whatever you want.

Casimir warmly smiles at Sotsona and she smiles back at him.

Line 75) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: So far. This feels like any other outing with Casimir. It doesn’t feel like we’re on a serious date.

Casimir thinks to himself.

Line 76) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I need to find a way to address Sotsona intimately.

Line 77) Casimir’s inner thoughts: The way someone would address a lover.

Line 78) Casimir’s inner thoughts: It’s not like I can call her babe or anything like that.

The both of them look over the menu for some time.

Casimir figures out what he wants to order.


Line 79) Did you figure out what you want to order-


Line 80) … D-Dear?

Casimir looks at Sotsona anxiously, hoping that he was able to slide his remark in smoothly.

Sotsona blushes after hearing Casimir address her affectionately.

Line 81) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Did he just call me “dear”?

Line 82) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Okay. Now things are starting to feel like we’re on a serious date.

Line 83) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I should say something back to spread the message likewise.


Line 84) Yes, I did. Did you figure out what you want to order. I-Imir?

Casimir looks at Sotsona in confusion.

She anxiously blushes back at him.

Casimir feels betrayed.

Line 85) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I-Imir? Did she just mistake me for someone else?


Line 86) Sotsona, it’s Casimir.

Sotsona looks at Casimir with worry in her eyes.


Line 87) Of course, you’re Casimir. Imir my nickname for you.

Casimir’s eyes widen in pleasant surprise.

Sotsona avoids Casimir’s gaze as she continues to feel flustered.


Line 88) You stated people use nicknames to convey a personal message to someone that matters to them*.

*Refer back to episode 55, details starting on line 36, etc.

Casimir blushes realizing what Sotsona is conveying.


Line 89) Oh. I see. T-Thanks.

Sotsona’s face goes blank.

Line 90) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: That’s not something you say thanks to.

Casimir feels tingly on the inside.

Line 91) Casimir’s inner thoughts: So, Sotsona’s saying that I matter to her…

Line 92) Casimir’s inner thoughts: That make me feel special.


Line 93) Then, I should come up with something for you too.


Line 94) How does “Ona”, sound?

Sotsona blushes.


Line 95) I’m okay by you calling me anything.


Line 96) But only because you’re you.

Casimir looks flustered.

Line 97) Casimir’s inner thoughts: There’s no sugar coating it now. I’m sure Sotsona has a crush on me.

They order their food and drinks for the date.


Line 98) I’m honored. It makes me feel special to know that you’re calling me by a nickname.


Line 99) It makes me feel special that you have one for me too.

Casimir hesitates before saying anything more.


Line 100) You know how couples give each other nicknames?

Sotsona shyly nods her head.


Line 101) If that’s what we’re doing, does that mean that is something along the lines of what we are?

Sotsona blushes immensely.


Line 102) And if not, can we?

They intently stare at each other after the elephant in the room gets addressed.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 25, 2024
Last Updated on July 25, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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