Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 55

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 55

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona roam around the town once more, stopping at various shops and chatting with each other before they go on a serious date that Casimir won a bet for.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 55:

February 29th 2024. The day is Thursday. It’s the morning.

The next morning rolls around, with Sotsona and Casimir getting ready for the day as per usual.

Sotsona suggests her activity for the day to Casimir.


Line 1) Do you want to roam around the city again today?


Line 2) I’m sure there are some things we haven’t seen around the city yet. We could also get souvenirs along the way.

Casimir’s eyes spark from the topic of shopping rousing his interest.

Sotsona notices his reaction and smiles.


Line 3) After all the things we did, you definitely deserve to go shopping.

 Casimir swiftly agrees.


Line 4) Alright then, let’s go.

The both of them head to town and walk around the streets.

Casimir looks around to spot somewhere they could go.

Another event is going on that day with many mall kiosks scattered around*.

*Refer back to episode 43, details in between lines 20 and 21.

Casimir looks around excitingly.

Sotsona observes his mood.

Line 5) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Something about Casimir is that he’s really expressive when he’s happy.

Line 6) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It could be the most mundane day in the world, and he’ll still find something to be happy about.

Line 7) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s just a really joyful person.

Line 8) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I could learn a thing or two from him.

Casimir catches Sotsona looking at him.

He smugly smiles at her.


Line 9) Am I so handsome that you can’t take your eyes off of me?

Sotsona playfully shakes her head no.


Line 10) I’m just looking. That’s all.

Line 11) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Sotsona has always been one to look people in the eyes.

Line 12) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But, I didn’t think she’d be looking at me like this, when I wouldn’t notice.

Casimir blushes.

Line 13) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She was staring quite intently too. I wonder what’s running through her mind right now.

Line 14) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Someone who’s “just your friend” wouldn’t look at you with eyes like that, right?

Casimir spots a souvenir shop.


Line 15) Let’s go in here, Sotsona.

Sotsona nods her head and they walk into the store.

The both of them look around for things to get as souvenirs.

They scour for things in the keychain ile.


Line 16) I can never find my name on these kinds of things.

Sotsona reassures Casimir.


Line 17) Neither can I. You’re not alone.


Line 18) Maybe you can find a keychain with the name “Cas”.


Line 19) Isn’t that a nickname of yours?


Line 20) It is. I remember you called me by it a couple of times, and then suddenly stopped.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in surprise.


Line 21) Really? I’m not one to usually address people by their nicknames.

Casimir looks at Sotsona intriguingly. 


Line 22) Why not?


Line 23) I’d just rather call someone by their full name.


Line 24) It may sound weird, but it's quite pleasant to hear someone say your name fully and correctly.


Line 25) I remember when I was in school, my classmates and teachers never got my name right.


Line 26) That may not seem like a big deal, but I felt invisible since they didn't seem to care how or what I was called.


Line 27) They never bothered to learn how to properly address me.


Line 28) And because of that, I’d rather properly say someone's name just in case they might feel the same way I did.


Line 29) I want them to know that I care about how they should be called.

Casimir wholesomely smiles.


Line 30) That’s cute of you.

Sotsona blushes.


Line 31) I honestly agree. It’s why I also address people by their full name too.


Line 32) But, I think that’s more of a tactic I’m accustomed to doing by being a businessman.


Line 33) But, I will say that you’re missing out on nicknames.

Sotsona looks at Casimir intriguingly. 


Line 34) What do you mean?


Line 35) When it comes to nicknames, I think they’re more intimate.


Line 36) It’s just a cute little way for you to address the person you care about.


Line 37) It’s your rendition of what you’d like to call them, which shows your admiration.


Line 38) Which is why I personally like it. It’s such a simple gesture, but it shows you’re important to someone.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in confusion.


Line 39) How does having a nickname show you’re important to someone?


Line 40) I personally wouldn’t give a nickname to someone I didn’t find important or care about.


Line 41) Think of it this way, do you think someone who doesn’t care about you would go out of their way to put in the effort in giving you a nickname?


Line 42) It’s your signature on how you call the name of the person you hold close to your heart. Don’t you get what I mean?

Sotsona shrugs.

Casimir switches the topic.


Line 43) Did you find anything you like?


Line 44) A couple keychains here and there. But overall, they’re super tacky. Are you sure you want to spend your money on something like this?

Casimir passionately speaks.


Line 45) The whole point is for it to be tacky. That’s just the aesthetic of vacation souvenirs.


Line 46) But, if you want to get something a bit better, you should look around the jewelry section.


Line 47) Jewelry section? It slipped my mind that a place like this would sell something like that.

Casimir encourages Sotsona.


Line 48) Yeah, go take a look. I’m sure you’ll find something that catches your eye.

Sotsona head over to the jewelry ile and looks around the necklaces.

Line 49) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: These aren’t so bad, but they’re not reminiscent of our vacation.

Line 50) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I want to get something that looks like it’s from here.

Sotsona spots a necklace with a shark tooth.

She takes a closer look at it, examining it intriguingly.

Casimir finds Sotsona and sneak up behind her.


Line 51) Do you want to get that?

Sotsona flinches, not expecting for Casimir to pop out of nowhere.


Line 52) Oh. I was just looking at it.


Line 53) I’m honestly fine if I get nothing. As long as you get something.

Casimir speaks in desperation.


Line 54) Please. Get something. Here. Let me put this on you.

Casimir grabs the necklace and unlocks the clasp to put around Sotsona.

He gently moves her hair out the way, and fastens the clasp around her neck.

Sotsona blushes immensely.

Line 55) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s so close to me. I can feel him breathing down my neck.

Sotsona feels tingly and warm on the inside.

Line 56) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why does it feel so good though?

Line 57) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: And why do I like the tension of him being around me like this?

Casimir grabs Sotsona’s shoulders, causing her to slightly jolt.

Line 58) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: His hands are so warm and soft.


Line 59) Turn around so I can see how it looks.

Sotsona hesitantly turns around, while Casimir examines her with the necklace.

He smiles in satisfaction.


Line 60) It’s literally impossible for you to look bad in anything.

Sotsona face continues to flush.

Casimir notices her red face, responding in concern.


Line 61) Are you feeling okay? Why are you so red all of a sudden?

Sotsona nervously responds.


Line 62) Huh? I’m fine. It must be the sun.

A moment of silence passes between them.

Casimir thinks about what Sotsona just said.

Line 63) Casimir’s inner thoughts: The sun? We’re indoors. That makes no sense.

Casimir thinks of a reason as to why Sotsona is flustered.

Line 64) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Wait. I was just really close to her putting that necklace on…

Casimir looks excited.

Line 65) Casimir’s inner thoughts: That means I’m the one that made her blush, right?

Line 66) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I remember putting on a necklace on Sotsona before.

Line 67) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But, did she act like this last time too*?

*Refer back to episode 22, details in between lines 100 and 101.

Line 68) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I don’t recall her acting as shyly as she is now.

Casimir jumps to conclusions, feeling thrilled.

Line 69) Casimir’s inner thoughts: That only leads to one explanation.

Line 70) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She wouldn’t blush like this if I were simply her friend, right?

Line 71) Casimir’s inner thoughts: That means Sotsona thinks of me as something more.

Casimir smiles.

Line 72) Casimir’s inner thoughts: How cute! She’s getting all timid being around me.

Sotsona awkwardly stands around Casimir.

Line 73) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why hasn’t he said a word, then just suddenly smiled? What’s he thinking?

Line 74) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s not helping my face tone down from all the redness it's accumulated because of his gestures.


Line 75) Let me get it for you. It looks good.

Sotsona awkwardly responds.


Line 76) If you insist.

They walk out of the store, carrying a bag of souvenirs.

They continue to roam around the town, visiting the mall kiosks, trying food and drink samples.

After walking around for some time, Casimir spots a clothing shop.

His eyes spark with an idea.


Line 77) Listen, Sotsona. I’m going all out and taking our date later today, very seriously.


Line 78) Because of that, I can’t just wear the same things I’ve been wearing ever since the start of our trip.


Line 79) I need something new. Something you haven’t seen me in.


Line 80) I thought you said you didn’t want to lug around any more stuff since it’d be a hassle for you*?

*Refer back to episode 52, details starting on line 14.


Line 81) I’ve changed my mind. I need to get something new.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 82) Are you sure you’re not just spinning a different meaning in your head as an excuse to buy more clothes?


Line 83) Well, maybe that has something to do with it too. But I really just want to impress you later today.


Line 84) You should get yourself something too. Remember we’re taking this date seriously.

Sotsona playfully rolls her eyes, smirking at Casimir.


Line 85) Fine. I’ll remember to keep that in mind.


Line 86) The dress code is fancy. I already made reservations somewhere very luxurious. So, don’t hold back.


Line 87) And also, don’t show me anything. It has to be a complete surprise for the both of us.

They enter the shop, going their separate ways to find something to wear.

Sotsona looks around the dresses.

Line 88) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He said he wants this to be a surprise.

Line 89) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, I have no clue what looks good on me.

Line 90) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir has always been the one to choose things for me to wear, since he knows what stuff is stylish.

Line 91) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If I’m taking this date seriously, I don’t want to look bad in front of him. We all know how that ended up last time*.

*Refer back to episode 23, line 82 (this was when Sotsona attempted to do a makeup look on her own, but it ended up turning out badly).

Sotsona’s hands touch a burgundy dress with rose accents, and a mermaid-cut bottom, in a smooth shiny fabric.

Sotsona’s eyes spark in enthrallment.

Line 92) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This dress is such a jem! It would look perfect with those shoes that I packed, but had yet to wear.

Line 93) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Does this have something to due with fate?

Line 94) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why else would a stunning dress like this be here, in this given moment of time?

Line 95) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Is the universe pushing me to go on this date with Casimir?

Line 96) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Does that mean he’s the one?

Sotsona blushes.

The store clerk gets the dress wrapped up in a bag for protection.

Casimir pays for it, along with his clothes, both of them unable to see what each of them picked out.

They take a cab back to their hotel.

On the ride there, Sotsona ponders her dynamics with Casimir.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 97) Lately, I didn’t have time to think about my relationship with Casimir.

Line 98) I was way too focused on our trip, and glossed over what’s really going on between us.

Line 99) After we did my hair burning ceremony, I told myself I would put in some work to develop a romantic relationship between us*.

*Refer back to episode 42, details starting on line 85.

Line 100) Everything is progressing so quickly, that I don’t exactly know how to feel.

Line 101) But, then again, why does he make me feel so flustered, in a good way?

Line 102) Why do I long to be around him, even when we’re in dire situations?

Line 103) Why do I miss his embrace and welcoming aura when they’re missing from me?

Line 104) Are all these feelings leading down to THAT conclusion?

Line 105) Is this what it feels like to have a crush on someone?

Sotsona blushes as she looks over at Casimir while they drive to their hotel.

He happily looks out the window.

Line 106) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I’m so stoked for my date with Sotsona.

Line 107) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I can’t wait to know how see feels about me.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 25, 2024
Last Updated on July 25, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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