Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 54

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 54

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona and Casimir do more activities with each other on vacation.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 54:

February 28th 2024. The day is Wednesday.

Sotsona and Casimir make their way to the beach to jet ski and surf.

The both of them get on two separate jet skis, ready to start them up.

The instructor explains how to operate it.


Line 1) Are you ready to go?

Sotsona beams.


Line 2) Yes, let’s race.

Casimir playfully questions Sotsona’s request, feeling impressed.


Line 3) Race? You want to race me?

Sotsona nods her head in agreement.


Line 4) Yeah. It’ll be fun.

Casimir smugly crosses his arms.


Line 5) What’s the reward for the person who wins?

Sotsona shrugs.


Line 6) Come up with something.

Casimir thinks to himself.


Line 7) I’ll take you somewhere fancy for dinner.


Line 8) Is that if you win?

Casimir nods his head.


Line 9) Don’t you maybe want to think of something bigger? That reward benefits me. Try to think of something that’ll benefit you.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in confusion.

Line 10) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Bigger? Is going out to dinner together not big? And how does it not benefit me?


Line 11) Fine. Then we go to dinner as a date. How does that sound?

Sotsona thinks back to her memories.

Line 12) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why does that suggestion seem so familiar? 

Sotsona remembers.

Line 13) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Oh, it’s because I mentioned we go on a date during our flight here*.

*Refer back to episode 37, details starting on line 43.

Line 14) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: A lot of what we talked about seems like a blur to me because I was drunk. But if it’s something I mentioned, he’s probably bringing it up again so that I keep my end of the promise.

Sotsona smiles in amusement.

Line 15) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir’s got quite a sharp memory. I’ll give him that.


Line 16) It’s only fair. I mentioned we go on a date a couple of days ago, but we never did. Do you remember?

Casimir blushes, knowing exactly what Sotsona is talking about.

He nervously laughs, remembering the kiss they had that night*.

*Refer back to episode 39, details in between lines 93 and 94.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in shock, not expecting for his demeanor to suddenly change.


Line 17) O-Oh. Right. It’s not like we went on a date after all even though you mentioned it that day.

Casimir freaks out on the inside, but keeps his composure on the outside.

Line 18) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I think that was a pretty good save. I don’t sound obvious at all.


Line 19) Then it’s settled on your part.


Line 20) But the thing is, we have to act like we’re on a date too.

Sotsona looks confused.

Casimir further clarifies himself.


Line 21) Like, you can’t interact with me the way you regularly do. 


Line 22) You have to associate with me like I’m your actual date. Do you get what I mean?

Sotsona nods her head in understandment.


Line 23) Oh. I get it. So, we’ll be going on a real date with each other?

Casimir nods his head.

Line 24) Casimir’s inner thoughts: That’ll also be a good time to ask Sotsona about our bet*.

*Refer back to episode 35, details starting on line 92, and episode 53, details starting on line 15.

Line 25) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I’ll make sure to set the mood.

Casimir praises himself on the inside.

Line 26) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I rock! I’ve got this in the bag. I’m going to win that race no problem.


Line 27) And what about you? What do you want in exchange if you win this race?

Sotsona meticulously smirks at Casimir.

Line 28) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I know the exact thing I should ask him to put him on the spot.


Line 29) Tell me what happened the night I was drunk*.

*Refer back to episode 39, details in between lines 93 and 94, and episode 40, line 75, etc.

Casimir face flushes red.

Line 30) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Based on that reaction, I’m assuming the excuse he gave me back then wasn’t true.

Line 31) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I told myself I wouldn’t pry any further, but now’s my chance to know what happened.

Sotsona thinks back to what happened the morning after*.

*Refer back to all of episode 40.

Line 32) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: The way he hugged me and then stroked my face in the morning…

Sotsona blushes reminiscing about what happened between them.

Line 33) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir and I have just started to get to know each other. You wouldn’t do something like that to someone you’ve only known for a couple of days. 

Line 34) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: So, what prompted him to make such a gesture?

Line 35) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: On top of that, we woke up on the same bed, cuddling together.

Sotsona looks flustered.

Line 36) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Again, I already came to the conclusion that this is Casimir we’re talking about, so most likely nothing bad happened.

Line 37) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But I just want to know why things were suddenly so intimate between us.

Line 38) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is the perfect way to find all of that out.

Casimir internally panics as Sotsona ponders what happened between them.

Line 39) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I tried not to think about it all this time, but now she’s bringing it back up.

Line 40) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I better not lose this race. There’s no way I’m telling her that we kissed.


Line 41) F-Fine. You’re on.

They get their jetskis equally lined up for the race.


Line 42) How far should we go?

Casimir looks across the distance of the ocean span and sees an Aquarius barrier that signifies the swimming cut-off.


Line 43) You see that bobbly circular thingy that's floating along with a cutt-off line?

Sotsona looks over and sees what Casimir is talking about.


Line 44) The first person to reach that wins.


Line 45) Alright. On your marks…

The both of them get their gas shift riled up.


Line 46) Get ready…


Line 47) Set… GO!

The both of them steer their jetskis swiftly to reach that line.

The both of them zoom to the finish line, determined to win the race.

As the both of them steer their jetskis, they become neck and neck to each other.

Sotsona glances at Casimir with competitive eyes.

He continues to get his gas riled up, eventually making it ahead of her.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in shock.

Line 48) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What? How is he ahead of me?

Sotsona also further riles up her gas conductor, trailing after Casimir.

Casimir looks behind himself proudly, sticking his tongue out at Sotsona.

Line 49) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Yes! I’m ahead of her! I’m so close to winning.

After they continue to zoom through the ocean, Casimir ends up making it first to the finish line.

He cheers himself on and waits for Sotsona to catch up with him.

Sotsona accepts her defeat with good sportsmanship.

She finally makes it to the finish line.

Casimir playfully looks at Sotsona and responds in a cocky manner.


Line 50) What a shocker! I did end up winning after all.


Line 51) You owe me a date.

Casimir flexes his muscles boastfully at Sotsona.

She sarcastically replies.


Line 52) Bummer. I really wanted to know what happened that night.

Casimir tries to conceal his flusteredness as Sotsona mentions that night again.


Line 53) Too bad. So sad.

Line 54) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’ll get him next time. I’m determined to find out sooner or later.

They continue to jet ski together surpassing the cut off barrier and have fun zooming through the water.

Some time passes as they continue to have fun together.


Line 55) Let’s get finished up so that we can go surfing.


Line 56) Do you think you’ll be good at it?

Casimir replies in a cocky manner.


Line 57) I’m pretty much a natural at everything, so yeah.

Sotsona playfully rolls her eyes.

They wrap up jet skiing and get dressed in their surfing attire.

Casimir spots Sotsona in her outfit.


Line 58) With hair like yours, you’re practically a surfer already.

Sotsona tosses her hair to the side and flips it dramatically.


Line 59) You think so?

Casimir blushes seeing her mess with her hair.

Line 60) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Wow. She’s so effortlessly beautiful.

Casimir places his hand to his chest and covers his flushed face.

Line 61) Casimir’s inner thoughts: The butterflies in my stomach are fluttering like crazy.

Casimir and Sotsona get lectured on how to surf by their surfing instructor.

They get their freshly waxed boards ready and attach the leg rope on themselves.


Line 62) Are you ready to go?

Sotsona nods her head and beams.

Casimir smiles.

Line 63) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She looks so excited.

They paddle their boards pretty far in the ocean and wait for a wave to come.


Line 64) Do you think you’ll be able to ride any waves?


Line 65) I don’t know what to expect. But, I’ll give it a shot.

A wave approaches Sotsona.


Line 66) Go for it.

Sotsona stands on her board and boosts herself onto the wave.

The wave catches her and she’s caught off-guard with the unfamiliar sensation.

Line 67) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Remember what the instructor said. 

Line 68) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Keep your knees bent, and arms loose.

Line 69) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Position yourself in the direction your wave is breaking.

Sotsona positions herself incorrectly, sending her and her board flying in the air.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in shock.

She plunges in the water and swims up to the surface, leading herself back to Casimir.

Casimir bursts out a laughter.


Line 70) Oh my gosh! I wish I could’ve gotten that on video. You were flung in the air so swiftly.

Sotsona laughs with Casimir.

The laughter of Sotsona puts Casimir into a trance.

He blushes immensely.

Line 71) Casimir’s inner thoughts: What an amazing sound.

Line 72) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She sounds so genuinely happy.

Line 73) Casimir’s inner thoughts: And she looks so beautiful when she smiles too.


Line 74) Ah, geez. I wish I could’ve seen it.

To keep Sotsona from detecting Casimir's simping, he diverts the subject.


Line 75) H-How did it feel?

Sotsona gets back on her board, speaking passionately.


Line 76) It felt amazing. Even though I was on the wave for less than a second.


Line 77) As you drift through the wave, you feel as light as a feather.

Sotsona beams.


Line 78) It’s so much fun! You need to try it for yourself!

Another wave approaches them again.


Line 79) Give it a shot with this wave.

Casimir catches the wave, with his legs firmly planted on the board and knees slightly bent.

By cutting through the wave, he boosts and balances himself.

The wave pushes Casimir through, cradling his body, while his board peeks through.

Casimir’s steady on the board for a solid 5 seconds, them stumbles from losing his balance.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in shock.

He plunges into the water, then swims back to Sotsona.

He talks in a thrilling manner.


Line 80) Oh my goodness! That was so much fun!

Sotsona praises Casimir.


Line 81) You should’ve seen yourself! You looked like a complete professional!

Sotsona’s compliment makes Casimir feel confident.

He acts coy.


Line 82) Really? You think I go it?


Line 83) Definitely. Just give it a couple more tries, and I’m sure it’ll be second nature to you. 

They continue attempting to surf and have fun with each other at the beach.

They wrap things up to head back to the hotel.

They both of them unwind and take showers.

They plop on their beds in exhaustion.


Line 84) What a day!


Line 85) What an amazing day! Today was so much fun!

Casimir smiles.


Line 86) It really was. You picked the best things for us to do.


Line 87) I’m just glad we got to do them. We’ve gained so much experience.


Line 88) And great memories too.

They smile at each other.


Line 89) But, man am I beat from surfing.


Line 90) Right! No wonder surfers are so fit. It’s such a strenuous thing to do.


Line 91) Definitely worth it though. I’m glad I somewhat know how to surf now.

The both of them laugh with each other.


Line 92) We have quite a long way to go, don’t we?

They nods their heads in unison.


Line 93) About that date… why don’t we go tomorrow?


Line 94) Sounds good, I guess. It’s only fair since you won the bet.

Casimir praises himself.


Line 95) Boy am I happy that I won that bet!

Sotsona playfully rolls her eyes.


Line 96) I suppose it was well deserved.

Casimir yawns, feeling tired.


Line 97) Let’s head to bed. It’s late.

Sotsona nods her head, agreeing with Casimir.

Casimir turns the lights off as they get tucked into their separate beds.


Line 98) Good night, Sotsona.


Line 99) Good night, Casimir.

Sotsona turns to the opposite side so that she isn’t facing Casimir.

Sotsona seems disappointed.

Line 100) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I guess there’s no need for us to sleep on the same bed anymore.

Line 101) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, something about being by his side, felt so comforting.

Sotsona blushes.

Line 102) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s a feeling I could get used to.

Casimir contemplates before he goes to sleep.

Line 103) Casimir’s inner thoughts: The other side of my bed feels empty without Sotsona.

Line 104) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I wish she’d lay next to me.

Line 105) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Or, better yet, I wish we could cuddle with each other like we did that one night.

Casimir also seems disappointed.

Line 106) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I definitely have to do something about our relationship.

Line 107) Casimir’s inner thoughts: If we start dating, we could eventually sleep beside each other like that again.

Line 108) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I just hope she loses the bet we made and admits she has a crush on me so that we can be in a real relationship.

Casimir smiles from the glimmer of hope.

Line 109) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I’ll be the luckiest guy in the world if she agrees.

Casimir smiles at the thought of them being together.

They head to sleep.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 24, 2024
Last Updated on July 24, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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