In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 75

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 75

A Chapter by Yosh

Marvin gets an unexpected call, leaving Talulla with random business to tend to.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 75:

The day is Thursday April 20 1967.

Marvin gets a call from the waitress where Elouise and Talulla went to the cafe.


Line 1) Talulla, someone’s on the phone for you.

Talulla is confused but listens into the calll.


Line 2) Hello? Who’s this?


Line 3) Hey, this is the server from that cafe down the street.


Line 4) Is this Talulla?


Line 5) Yes, that’s me. Why are you calling?

Line 6) Talulla: Why the heck is that random server reaching out to me? How’d they even get my number?

Line 7) Talulla: We had no connection whatsoever after I left. I didn’t even pay the bill.


Line 8) Sorry for reaching out. You must be confused.


Line 9) About that lady you were with last time…


Line 10) She crashed at our cafe super drunk and laid out.


Line 11) I tried talking to her, and that’s when she mentioned to call you, but from her friend Marvin’s phone, since she doesn’t have your number.


Line 12) Since I’m calling you, do you mind picking her up? She’s causing quite a ruckus at the cafe.

Talulla is irritated.


Line 13) I’ll be there soon. Sorry for the hassle.


Line 14) That’s alright. I’m just glad someone’s there to handle it.

Talulla hangs up the phone.


Line 15) Is everything okay?

Scene cuts to Talulla walking to the cafe.

Talulla’s narration:

Line 16) This is utterly ridiculous!

Line 17) She’s being irresponsible crashing at a random cafe.

Line 18) And the only person to deal with that crap is me!

Line 19) Because for some reason she called me.

Line 20) Which makes no sense, because we didn’t exactly end things on good terms.

Line 21) Either way, I’m sick of this girl already.

Line 22) I don’t care what’s going on with her, I don’t want to be affiliated.

Line 23) It’s my fault for taking pity on her and trying to be nice.

Talulla barges into the cafe and sees drunk Elouise sleeping on one of the tables.

She waves to the waitress.

She pokes Elouise.


Line 24) Hey Elouise. Get the heck up!

Elouise doesn’t budge.

Talulla starts to shake her.


Line 25) I don’t have time for this. Elouise! Get the heck up!

She stares around her to see other people alarmed in the cafe.

Line 25) Talulla: What the heck am I supposed to do? I’m frightening the guests.

Line 26) Talulla: I could just leave her outside.

Line 27) Talulla: But, that wouldn’t be safe.

Talulla huffs.

Line 28) Talulla: Why do I have to be such a goodie two shoes all the time? This girl doesn’t deserve it.

Talulla gets the server's attention.


Line 29) Is the water free here?

Talulla tries to pick up Elouise.

Line 29) Talulla: Geez! She’s heavy.

Line 30) Talulla: Alright, all I have to do is make it to that bench.

Talulla slowly but surely drags unconscious Elouise to the bench.

She then props her up.


Line 31) Gosh that was such a pain! I’ll probably be sore tomorrow.

Talulla snaps her fingers.


Line 32) Hey Elouise! Wake the heck up!


Line 33) This isn’t nap time!

Elouise remains unconscious.


Line 34) Elouise!


Line 35) ELOUISE!

Talulla gets her cup of water and throws it into Elouise’s face.

Elouise wakes up and chokes from the water.


Line 36) Finally!

Elouise drunkenly responds.


Line 37) Hey! Now my makeup’s ruined.


Line 38) Why the heck are you so drunk?


Line 39) I can drink whenever I want to.


Line 40) Give me your cell phone.


Line 41) My cell phone. What’s that?


Line 42) Oh. I forgot people nowadays don’t have those things. But, I wanted to call your brother.

Elouise groans.


Line 43) Don’t call him.


Line 44) I can’t. Now how am I going to get you home? Should I just use a payphone?


Line 45) Stop, don’t call him.


Line 46) You’re such a pain. Why the heck did you ask me to come here?!!


Line 47) Cause… I need to say something to you.


Line 48) Well then spit it out!


Line 49) … I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry.

Talulla goes silent.

Line 50) Talulla: She’s sorry? Am I hearing this correctly?


Line 51) I’m sorry for dragging you to that cafe with me and crying my heart out in front of you.


Line 52) You must’ve been uncomfortable.


Line 53) And I’m sorry for telling you to split your friends up. That was out of line. I don’t know what I was thinking.


Line 54) I’m also sorry for speaking to you so rudely.


Line 55) What prompted this?

Elouise is confused.


Line 56) Why are you sorry now? When it’s been a couple of days.


Line 57) Cause I was called out.

Line 58) Talulla: At least she’s being honest.


Line 59) Marvin met up with me yesterday to talk.


Line 60) He said he knew everything.


Line 61) How I planned to stage our proposal in front of everyone, so that he had to say yes. In spite of the fact that it was supposed to look like an accident on my part.


Line 62) He said he forgives me.


Line 63) And that all he wants in return is for me to leave him and his girlfriend alone.

Elouise starts getting emotional.


Line 64) Hearing it from him was like a reality check.


Line 65) I guess it just made me realize I was the evil one behind all of this.


Line 66) I’m a terrible person for going to those lengths to keep him with me. Especially since it was only one-sided.


Line 67) How could he possibly ever forgive me?


Line 68) All I do is cause anguish to those around me.


Line 69) The worst part is that I believed I was right and everyone else was wrong.


Line 70) Why was I so brainwashed?


Line 71) It’s like I’ve realized every bad thing that I’ve ever done.


Line 72) I’m screwed. No one will ever forgive me now. It’s too late.


Line 73) Sorry for crying in front of you like this.

Elouise tries wiping her face.


Line 74) You can go now. I’m able to walk myself home.


Line 75) That’s all I wanted to say. Sorry if it was a lot. I appreciate you coming by.

Talulla hesitates before she walks away.


Line 76) I’m not gonna let a drunk person walk by themselves home.


Line 77) I’m not familiar with these streets. But, all I know is that no matter what time it is.


Line 78) It’s dangerous to walk home by yourself. Especially since you’re a woman.


Line 79) I’ll walk beside you, just lead the way.

Elouise gets up grateful for what Talulla said.


Line 80) Let’s make one thing clear though.


Line 81) I don’t forgive you.


Line 82) I won't until you say what you said today sober.


Line 83) Since you’re drunk. I don’t trust anything you say.


Line 84) I’ll leave a reminder just in case you forget the next day.

They get to walking home.

Shot cuts to Marvin and Calista watching Tv on the couch with Rex.


Line 85) You think everything’s gonna be okay?


Line 86) Yeah. I know Talulla said things didn’t go smoothly last time, but since Elouise is drunk. I think things will be easier this time around.


Line 87) Why else would she have called her for the pick up?


Line 88) By the way, can we visit your mother again some time soon?


Line 89) I want to give her a gift since she welcomed us and made a meal last time.

Marvin smiles.


Line 90)  Of course. She’d love that.

Marvin and Calista cuddle together with Rex as they watch Tv.

Calista’s narration:

Line 91) I know that Marvin’s on bad terms with his father.

Line 92) But, I’d really like to meet him some day.

Line 93) After all, he is related to him.

Line 94) Even if he’s a bad guy, he’s the reason why Marvin’s here today.

Line 95) Then, I can give him a peace of my mind for being so rude to my sweet boy.

Line 96) But, I’d be nice if we had his blessing to be seeing each other.

Line 97) It feels like I got Mama Milly’s blessing.

Marvin looks at Calista.

He strokes her face.

Then kisses her cheek.


Line 98) You keep tensing your eyebrows.


Line 99) What are you thinking about?


Line 100) U-Uh. Just thinking. These thoughts never stop.

Calista knocks on her head.


Line 101) I’m just really expressive.

They continue watching the movie and it talks about dads.

Line 102) Character 1: But, what about you dad?

Line 103) Character 1: Will you give me your blessing for this marriage?

Line 104) Character 2: Of course I will, son. You’re my blood after all.

Calista gives Marvin the side eye and he catches her glance.

She flinches a bit, not expecting for him to be in contact.


Line 105) Ask. Don’t be afraid.

Line 106) Calista: He reads me so well.


Line 107) So, about your dad…


Line 108) You want to meet him?


Line 109) Because you think it’s wrong that you’re here but have no interaction with him whatsoever?


Line 110) Um. Well, you said it.

Marvin smiles.


Line 111) You’ve caught some glimpse of him.


Line 112) If you want a full-fledged interaction, be well prepared.

Calista is confused on how Marvin agreed so nonchalantly.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 75 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
