![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 74A Chapter by Yosh![]() After having a much needed conversation with Elouise to clarify some things, Marvin and Calista go about their day hanging out with each other.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 74: The day is Wednesday April 19 1967. Marvin is explaining to Elouise that he knew about the proposal plan. Elouise tries to play it off cool. Elouise Line 1) What do you mean, you knew what I was trying to do? Marvin Line 2) There’s no need to act oblivious to the situation. Marvin Line 3) I know everything. Elouise’s face goes blank. Marvin Line 4) For a while, I was furious at you. Marvin Line 5) After I took some time to process it, I was able to calm myself down. Marvin Line 6) Either way, I hope you understand why what you were trying to do to me was bad. Marvin Line 7) Although I think I deserve an apology from you, I’ll just let this slide. Marvin Line 8) All I ask from you now, is that you let me be with my girlfriend. Elouise gasps. Line 9) Elouise: That darn Talulla girl! She ratted me out! Line 10) Elouise: Now, Marvin knows everything! Marvin Line 11) I forgive you for trying to use me, and I forgive you for trying to split us up. Marvin Line 12) Now let us be. Marvin Line 13) I’m asking nicely. Elouise Line 14) I-I… Marvin Line 15) You don’t have to say anything. Marvin Line 16) As long as you understand what I said. Then we can be on our merry ways. Marvin Line 17) Elouise. You need to find other solutions to your problems. Marvin Line 18) The solutions you come up with are far too detrimental to other people. Marvin Line 19) Your actions have impacted things quite abruptly for me. Marvin Line 20) So, take my advice and sizzle down. Marvin Line 21) You know that you’re powerful enough to make big impacts. Marvin Line 22) A good person wouldn't abuse their power for their personal gain. Marvin Line 23) Take that into account before you do anything. A moment of silence passes between them and Elouise barely speaks a word. Marvin Line 24) That’s all I have to say to you. Marvin Line 25) I’ll be on my way. Marvin Line 26) I hope you take into consideration what I’ve said. Marvin walks away and leaves Elouise on the bench. Marvin walks back home and gives a deep sigh. Marvin’s narration: Line 27) I’m proud of myself for keeping my cool. Line 28) I feel a lot better now. Like a weight’s been lifted off my chest. Line 29) I was able to say everything I wanted to. Line 30) Now that I don’t have to think about that anymore, I feel refreshed. Marvin stops at the bouquet store and picks up some flowers for both Talulla and Calista. As he walks home he spots Calista and Talulla walking Rex. They spot Marvin with flowers. They meet up. Talulla Line 31) Some more flowers? Marvin Line 32) I just couldn’t resist. He gives the bouquet to both of them. They engulf themselves in the flowers. Talulla Line 33) I’ll take both of them home. You two should go out somewhere. They’re caught off guard. Talulla Line 34) Go. The both of you need to spend more time together. Calista Line 35) Thanks, Talulla. We’ll bring back something yummy. Talulla wanders off. Marvin Line 36) You mean I’ll bring back something yummy? Calista Line 37) If you want to, but I can handle the payment too. Marvin Line 38) Payment? You don’t have any money. Calista pulls out some money from her pocket. Marvin is shocked. Calista Line 39) You think I’d willingly travel to this time without bringing some money? Calista Line 40) Since this is considered a lot here, I thought I’d go all out. Marvin Line 41) So, then what should we do? Calista Line 42) Let’s go exploring. Marvin smiles. They enter a record store and wander around for a while. Marvin puts in some music to play in a cassette. Marvin Line 43) Wanna listen? Marvin puts the headphones around her head and Calista listens to the music. She nods her head along to the tune. Marvin gives Calista a questionable thumbs up to see if she likes it. She beams and gives a thumbs up. Calista’s narration: Line 44) Although I’m just listening to music. This moment feels different. But, in a special way. Line 45) It’s like the lyrics are pulling words from my head. Line 46) It’s describing exactly how I feel. Line 47) For the 60s, the sound quality sounds much more crisp. Calista starts to dance a bit and interlocks her hands with Marvins. He is caught off guard. She takes one ear out of her headphone to hear what Marvin has to say. Marvin Line 48) What are you doing? Calista Line 49) Dance with me. Marvin Line 50) I can’t even hear the music. Calista Line 51) So what? Marvin smiles. Marvin Line 52) You’re embarrassing me. Calista Line 53) Life’s too short to be embarrassed. Calista Line 54) Come on, show me your moves. Calista Line 55) I’ve never seen you dance before. Marvin Line 56) I’ll show you somewhere else. Marvin Line 57) Somewhere where we can feel the music coming from the ground. Marvin takes Calista to a jazz bar. Calista beams. Calista Line 58) A jazz club?! Marvin Line 59) You’ve got that right. Calista Line 60) I didn’t even know they could perform this early. Marvin Line 61) They make their own schedule. So, it doesn’t matter. Marvin Line 62) Jazz isn’t that popular anymore, so people don’t come around here as often. They sit at a table. Calista Line 63) Aww, why isn’t it popular anymore? Marvin Line 64) Because everyones obsessed with rock now. Calista Line 65) Oh, I see. Well, do you like rock? Marvin Line 66) I do, but jazz holds a special place in my heart. Marvin Line 67) The instruments just resonate with me. Marvin Line 68) It’s like sending a message through my soul. Calista smiles. Calista Line 69) Do people even dance at places like these? Marvin Line 70) People do both, they give the members their undivided attention, or hit the dance floor. Marvin points and Calista sees that there’s an open dance floor. Calista looks around to see that no one else except them are in the building. Calista Line 71) Gosh, it’s like a ghost town here. Calista Line 72) It doesn’t feel right for a place like this to be that empty. Calista Line 73) It just seems like there’s no energy. Marvin Line 74) Then, should we bring the energy? Marvin stands up. Calista Line 75) Is this where you wanted to show me your moves? Marvin Line 76) You’re just going to have to find out. Calista Line 77) Why now? We’re the only ones here, so all eyes will be on us Marvin Line 78) But, when it comes to a crowded music store, there’s no problem for you? Calista Line 79) That’s different, everyone keeps to themselves. Marvin Line 80) It’s not different. Marvin grabs Calista’s hand and drags her to the dance floor. They stand facing each other. Marvin interlocks his hands to Calista’s. Marvin Line 81) Keep your eyes on me. Marvin Line 82) Dance like no one's watching. Marvin starts to sway but Calista’s too embarrassed to. Marvin Line 83) Don’t be stiff. Let loose. Calista Line 84) I’m too embarrassed. Marvin Line 85) You’re the one that said, “life’s too short to be embarrassed.” Marvin Line 86) Just focus on me. Marvin lures Calista closer to him, to the point where their noses are touching. Calista blushes. Marvin Line 87) Follow my lead. Calista does just that. She laughs from the embarrassment. Calista’s narration: Line 88) I wouldn’t do something like this, if it wasn’t for Marvin. Line 89) I don’t think I’ve ever danced with someone like this. Line 90) We’re so close, and our breath is filling the air. Line 91) I can feel the warmth of his touch. Line 92) The security and trust in his moves. Line 93) It’s so small, yet so intimate. Line 94) And all we do is remain eye contact. Line 95) If this were anyone else, I would be uncomfortable. Line 96) But, this is Marvin. The love of my life. Marvin spins Calista around and dips her. The song ends and the staff claps for them. Calista shields her face at Marvin’s from embarrassment. Marvin Line 97) Thank you guys. You all were awesome. They eat at a restaurant and wander back home. They hold a bag for Talulla’s sweet treat. Calista is smiling at Marvin. Marvin Line 98) How’d you like that? Calista Line 99) I had fun with you today. Marvin Line 100) So did I. Marvin Line 101) So, would you say I’m a good dancer? Marvin flips his hair dramatically. Calista smiles. Calista Line 102) Yeah you are. They interlock hands. And Calista spins with Marvin in the middle of the road. They smile at each other. Marvin and Calista’s narration: Line 103) I feel so free when I’m around you. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 23, 2024 Last Updated on July 23, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author