Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 53

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 53

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona walk down the slope they hiked on, filling their day with more things to do.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 53:

February 28th 2024. The day is Wednesday.

Casimir and Sotsona walk down from the slope they were hiking on.

Near them is a small museum that Casimir observes the title of from a distance.

He reads that it’s a “historical museum” which piques his interest.


Line 1) Hey, Sotsona. Can we quickly hit up this museum? I want to ask the owners a question.

Casimir points at the museum as they walk and Sotsona spots it. 


Line 2) Sure. What do you want to ask them though?


Line 3) I want to know whether the story the tour guide told us about the disfigured little girl from the temple is true*.

*Refer to episode 49, details starting on line 9, etc.


Line 4) If we know for certain that all of it was fake, we’ll be more at ease.


Line 5) That’s a good idea. I definitely want to know the truth.


Line 6) Unless the truth is that the story is true…

Casimir shrugs his shoulders and they enter the museum.

Casimir leads himself to the front desk lady, and Sotsona waits by the exit for him.

Casimir warmly greets the lady.


Line 7) Hello ma’am. By any chance is there someone that specializes in the facts of this historical museum? I want to ask them a question.


Line 8) There is someone. I’ll go get them for you right this instant. Please wait a moment.

They receptionist fetches one of the researchers that collects information displayed in the museum.


Line 9) Hello sir, how can I help you?


Line 10) Nice to meet you. I was wondering if I could ask you a question about the history of Palau.


Line 11) Yes, of course. Ask away. I’ll try to answer to the best of my knowledge.


Line 12) Thank you. So, a couple days ago. Me and my…

Casimir struggles with how he should address Sotsona.

Line 13) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Do I call Sotsona my friend, girlfriend, or fiance?

Line 14) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Why am I so suddenly stumped with how I should address her?

Casimir rubs his head in distress.

Line 15) Casimir’s inner thoughts: On that subject, we made a bet earlier in the trip about what route our relationship would go on*.

*Refer to episode 35, details starting on line 92.

Line 16) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Since our trip is nearing its end, I should probably check up on that with her sometime soon.

The researcher looks at Casimir in confusion from his sudden silence.

Casimir randomly picks a word and goes with it for the conversation.

He responds with uncertainty.


Line 17) … Acquaintance? Went to that one abandoned temple, just out of curiosity, and were told a story about its origin story.


Line 18) Long story short, some spooky things happened. I’m just here to confirm whether what happened was real. 

Casimir notices the researcher amusingly smirking at him.


Line 19) So, can you please let me know what’s true?

The researcher replies with sympathy.


Line 20) Oh, you poor thing. All of that is a hoax.

Casimir responds in shock.


Line 21) Seriously? Are you certain?

The researcher replies in a confident manner.


Line 22) Yes, yes. Regulars that reside in Palau know that temple as being infamous for scamming tourists.


Line 23) It’s supposed to be some sort of tactic to scare away tourists from ever coming back to Palau.


Line 24) Just know that whatever happened to you that day, was all a skit.

Casimir doesn’t seem convinced.


Line 25) No little girl got possessed and then given an exorcism at the temple?

The researcher bursts out in laughter.


Line 26) Is that the story they told you this time? Last year it was that people were being sacrificed at the temple, the year before that it was a ghost haunting the temple because they were murdered there.


Line 27) All in all, they seem to switch up the story each year, which just further proves that it’s unreliable.

Casimir responds in a truthful manner.


Line 28) But I saw the little girl in the flesh. She had a disfigured face and red eyes.


Line 29) That’s most likely one of those latex masks that they sell during halloween, paired with some contacts. The actor they hired to scare you had to wear that to disguise themselves.

Casimir stares at the researcher, looking flabbergasted.


Line 30) So, none of it was true?


Line 31) Sorry to break it to you, but they most likely sammed you with a scary charade  just to charge you a hefty price.

The researcher replies in a genuine manner.


Line 32) I can assure you that the whole thing was a setup.

Casimir nods his head in understandment, trying to process the truth.


Line 33) Wow. I’m relieved.


Line 34) Because if it did end up being true, I don’t know how I’d be able to go about my life.

The researcher amusingly smiles at Casimir.


Line 35) Don’t worry, sir. I’m glad that you came to me for the truth.


Line 36) So am I. Thank you for letting me know. Have a great rest of your day.

They bid their goodbyes and Casimir and Sotsona leave the museum.

Sotsona replies, feeling intrigued. 


Line 37) So, what’s the truth? Give it to me straight.


Line 38) Apparently, it’s just an attraction to lure tourists into splurging.


Line 39) Other than that, everything was completely staged.

Sotsona releases a sigh of relief.


Line 40) Thank goodness that’s finally been debunked.


Line 41) I already kind of moved on from the situation, but I’m still very glad to know that all of it was bogus.


Line 42) We should give them some sort of credit for the experience. Even though it was fake, it was still pretty scary.

Casimir nods his head in agreement and they continue walking together.

He then gets reminded about his interaction with the researcher sparking how he didn’t know how to address Sotsona and how to go about bringing up the bet they made earlier in the trip about their relationship.

Line 43) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I should figure out a time to bring that up to Sotsona.

Line 44) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Right now seems too soon. But, I also need to factor in the right mood. 

Line 45) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Based on how the trip has been so far, I think that we’re having a good time together.

Line 46) Casimir’s inner thoughts: We’ve been in some crazy situations that have caused us to rely on each other.

Line 47) Casimir’s inner thoughts: We’ve gotten closer, but is it to the point of her agreeing on us being in a serious relationship?

Line 48) Casimir’s inner thoughts: My bet was that if Sotsona develops a crush on me by the end of this trip, we start dating.

Line 49) Casimir’s inner thoughts: And I feel like lately our dynamics have turned out to be a bit more romantic.

Casimir blushes.

Line 50) Casimir’s inner thoughts: So, does that mean she has a crush on me?

Line 51) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I guess I’ll have to ask her to find out.

Sotsona notices Casimir’s sudden flustered demeanor.


Line 52) Are you okay? You’re face is kind of red looking.

Casimir blushes even more immensely from Sotsona pointing out his behavior.

He nervously justified himself.


Line 53) I’m fine. Just thinking about some stuff.

Sotsona changes the topic.


Line 54) Well, where else do you want to go now?

Casimir diverts his attention to their trip.


Line 55) Weren’t the next things you listed earlier today kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding, etc?

Sotsona nods her head in excitement.


Line 56) The rest of the activities left for us to do are water oriented.


Line 57) We have surfing and jetskiing as well. So, pick what we should do before that.


Line 58) Why don’t we go canoeing, since it’s more of a partner-based activity?


Line 59) Sure, let’s do it!

They head to a canoeing site and the instructor explains how they should canoe.

They get suited up in their gear then get on their canoe, starting to row it in the lake they're in.

As they row, they notice some things in the water.

Casimir raises the topic hesitantly, hoping not to worry Sotsona.


Line 60) Sotsona, I don’t want to freak you out, but I feel a bunch of weird things in the water from our paddle.

Sotsona responds in interested concern.


Line 61) What? That doesn’t sound good.

Sotsona looks into the water intently and spots the  things floating around them.

Her eyes widen in pleasant shock.


Line 62) No way! Casimir look!

Casimir nervously looks at the water and panics.


Line 63) What the heck are those things?!

Sotsona responds in a reassuring way.


Line 64) Relax. It’s just jellyfish.

Casimir responds in confusion.


Line 65) Jellyfish?

Sotsona sticks her hand in the water and touches them.

Casimir panics in worry from Sotsona’s action.


Line 66) Sotsona! Don’t stick your hand in the water!

Sotsona tries to calm Casimir down.


Line 67) Don’t worry, I’m not touching anywhere near the bottom. I won’t get stung.

Sotsona touches the top of the jellyfish and gently lifts it to the surface to show Casimir.


Line 68) See! It’s a jellyfish!

Casimir looks at the jellyfish with uncertainty.


Line 69) I see it, alright. You can stop touching it now.

Sotsona laughs and stops touching the jellyfish, watching it sink after she lifted it.


Line 70) They feel so slimy.


Line 71) Do you remember what you told me about jellyfish*?

*Refer back to episode 35, details starting on line 41.

Sotsona responds in confusion.


Line 72) About jellyfish? Nothing comes to mind. Can you remind me?

They continue rowing their canoe, taking in the scenery of the lake they’re at.

Casimir warmly smiles reminiscing about their conversation on the plane ride to Palau.


Line 73) You said they don’t feel anything like emotions since they don’t have a heart or brain.


Line 74) You also told me that you’d rather be like a jellyfish, rather than a human, capable of feeling those things.

Sotsona nods her head in understandment, remembering their conversation.


Line 75) Ah. Yeah. That IS what I said. Why are you bringing it up?


Line 76) Well, just seeing all the jellyfish here reminded me of our conversation that day. So, I guess what I want to know is whether you still feel the same way.


Line 77) I mean, you probably do since you said it not too long ago, but I was wondering if your opinion has changed since a lot has happened during our trip.

Sotsona ponders Casimir’s question.

She smiles in irony.


Line 78) Would it be dumb if I told you my opinion has changed?

Casimir responds reassuringly.


Line 79) Of course not. I feel like the both of us have changed a lot from this trip.


Line 80) So, how do you feel now?

Sotsona replies sentimentally.


Line 81) I want to feel.

Casimir’s eyes spark in delight.


Line 82) This trip has shown me that I want to experience things and have my emotions and memories intact to remember everything.


Line 83) The world was so small to me before this trip.


Line 84) Everything that we’ve done so far has been so eye-opening. It’s also made me into a completely different person.


Line 85) I’ve come to the conclusion that life is worth living like a human.


Line 86) I was just being stubborn back then since I didn’t know anything.


Line 87) But, now I know what it’s like to be happy and I just want to continue feeling this way.


Line 88) All of this happiness has made me realize that the bad things I have gone through were paths worth taking since this is how I feel at the present moment.


Line 89) You were right when you implied that the good in life outweighs the bad.


Line 90) I’d rather feel the way I feel, than not feel at all.


Line 91) It makes me feel bad for these jellyfish since they don’t know how awesome life can be.

Sotsona cringes from her old statement.


Line 92) I’m honestly embarrassed by what I said from the past. I really had no clue what I was talking about.

Casimir wholesomely smiles at Sotsona.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 93) One of my goals was to prove to Sotsona that life IS worth living*.

*Refer back to episode 35, line 78.

Line 94) Knowing that she’s talking like this now, feels fulfilling.

Line 95) Not only is one of my goals finally accomplished, but now she finds life is worth living.

Line 96) I feel all tingly and warm on the inside. I’m very happy for Sotsona.

Line 97) It makes me wonder what other things about her have changed.

Line 98) Does she maybe feel differently about me too?


Line 99) It’s all thanks to you, Casimir.

Sotsona looks at him appreciatively and smiles.


Line 100) I know I’ve probably said this a thousand times by now, but you’ve opened my eyes to a world I had no idea about.


Line 101) My opinion changed only because you did something about it.


Line 102) Thank you for that. I’m very happy being the person that I am now.

Casimir smiles and blushes.


Line 103) I’m just happy I was able to change your perspective.


Line 104) You deserve to feel this way. I’ll continuing making sure of it.


Line 105) You’ll experience a whole bunch of great things in life. I’ll be there to support you on your journey.

Sotsona smiles and blushes from Casimir’s comment.


Line 106) I want you to know that I appreciate your support immensely.

They finish canoeing and go onto their next task.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 23, 2024
Last Updated on July 23, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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