![]() Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 52A Chapter by Yosh![]() The next day rolls around, leaving Sotsona curious about the things they can do for vacation. After listing various ideas to Casimir, they agree on activities for the day.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 52: They next day rolls by with Sotsona and Casimir doing their usual routines. February 28th 2024. The day is Wednesday. It’s the morning. Casimir Line 1) Where should we go today? Sotsona replies in excitement. Sotsona Line 2) Let’s go jetskiing! Casimir looks impressed by Sotsona’s quick answer. Casimir Line 3) Wow! You already had something in mind? Sotsona replies in a hyper manner. Sotsona Line 4) Yeah. I honestly couldn’t sleep all night because I was thinking of all sorts of activities we could do today. Sotsona replies in a bummed out manner. Sotsona Line 5) Can you believe it’s already Wednesday? Don’t we have until Saturday here? Casimir Line 6) Yeah, we do. Time sure flies by when you’re having fun. I can’t believe this trip is almost over. Casimir Line 7) The next plane back to Chicago leaves Saturday night, so we shouldn’t miss it. Casimir Line 8) Either way, our original plan of staying for the weekend* wouldn’t have worked out because we’d have to rely on the schedule for when the next plane leaves, which just so happens to be this Saturday. *Refer back to episode 33, details starting on line 91. Casimir Line 9) Saturday night will officially mark a week of being on vacation. Which means we have 3 ish more days left. A wave of realization hits Sotsona. Sotsona Line 10) I forgot that we decided to stay longer last minute. That must’ve tweaked with our schedule quite a bit. Casimir Line 11) I certainly didn’t forget, since I’ve been wearing the same things that I packed only for the weekend, over and over again. Casimir Line 12) I’m just glad that our hotel has a washing machine, so we can keep our clothes fresh. Sotsona looks at Casimir intriguingly. Sotsona Line 13) You’ve had plenty of chances to buy more clothes on our trip. What haven’t you? Casimir Line 14) I just don’t want to take time away from our vacation. Casimir Line 15) And I also definitely don’t have space left in my carry-on bag to fit more clothes. Sotsona Line 16) You could always buy a suitcase. Casimir Line 17) Nah. That’s just leaves us with more things to carry. It’s more convenient to keep things light and simple. Casimir Line 18) Do you need more clothes? Sotsona Line 19) Definitely not. Don’t worry about me. I was just thinking you would want to get something for yourself. Casimir offers Sotsona a reassuring smile. Casimir Line 20) I have enough clothes back home. I must resist any temptation to go shopping. Sotsona smiles. Sotsona Line 21) I know that must be hard for you since you love shopping so much. Casimir smiles. Sotsona Line 22) But we could always get ourselves souvenirs. Casimir beams. Sotsona observes how excited he looks. Casimir Line 23) Yeah, you’re right. But, for now, let’s focus on our vacation adventures. Casimir Line 24) After jet skiing, where else do you want to go? Sotsona starts blabbering about all the things she thought of last night. Sotsona Line 25) We should go kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding… Sotsona Line 26) But, those are all very similar things. So you pick which activity we decide to do. Sotsona Line 27) And after that, we should go surfing. Or at least attempt to go surfing, since that’s something that takes a while to master. Sotsona Line 28) I was also thinking we could go bungee jumping off of cliffs. Sotsona Line 29) And we should also go hiking. Have you noticed how beautiful the valley’s look here? Casimir’s eyes widen in pleasant surprise as Sotsona overloads him with all the activities she wants to do. He smiles at her in excitement. Casimir Line 30) It seems like you still want to do many things. Sotsona passionately justifies herself. Sotsona Line 31) Of course. We only have a limited time here. We have to do as much as we can. Sotsona Line 32) Who knows what other time we’ll be able to go on vacation? Casimir gives Sotsona a smug look. Casimir Line 33) We could always stay longer. Sotsona Line 34) No. We can’t do that. You have work to do. And so do I, eventually. Sotsona Line 35) On top of that, I can’t possibly let myself stay any longer. Sotsona Line 36) I already feel spoiled enough from getting the chance to be on vacation in a place as luxurious as this. Sotsona Line 37) If I don’t keep myself disciplined from this amount of leisure, I’ll get too comfortable and end up wanting to stay here forever. Casimir smirks. Casimir Line 38) I get what you mean. You should be proud of your restraint. Casimir Line 39) Let’s just enjoy the time we have left and do all the things we can. Sotsona beams. Casimir and Sotsona head over to the bungee jumping cliff diving site. They hesitantly look over the cliff they are about to jump off of. Casimir responds concernedly. Casimir Line 40) What a steep height. Are you sure you want to do this? Sotsona nervously smiles at Casimir. Sotsona Line 41) YOLO! Might as well do it now then put it off for later. Sotsona Line 42) Besides, we did quite enough height-oriented activities to prepare us for this. Sotsona Line 43) So, it’s something we should be able to handle. Casimir nods his head in assurance. Instructor Line 44) Are you guys ready to give it a go? Sotsona and Casimir look at each other one last time for reassurance and nod their heads at the instructor. Instructor Line 45) You guys can also go together at the same time. How does that sound? Instructor Line 46) I especially recommend it if you’re nervous. Casimir and Sotsona look at each other. Sotsona Line 47) Do you want to do it together? Casimir Line 48) That’ll ease some tension, let’s do it. They nod their heads at each other. The instructor gets them strapped onto their diving gear. They are close to the ledge of the cliff and nervously look down at the height once again. Casimir and Sotsona accumulate a nervous sweat on themselves. Instructor Line 49) Alright. We’re all prepped. Let me know when you guys are ready to jump. Casimir and Sotsona nervously look at each other. Sotsona Line 50) Are you ready? Casimir nervously responds. Casimir Line 51) I-I guess so. Are you? Sotsona uncertainly responds. Sotsona Line 52) Uh. S-Sure? Casimir Line 53) Should we shake off our jitters? Sotsona nods her head and they wiggle their arms and legs together. Casimir Line 54) How do you feel now? Sotsona responds in a flustered manner. Sotsona Line 55) Uh. C-Can we hold hands or something when we jump? Casimir blushes in worry. Casimir Line 56) Is that not dangerous? Wouldn’t we pull each other’s arms when we fall? The instructor overhears their conversation and clarifies their idea. Instructor Line 57) You guys can dive holding each other. You just have to be closer and go at the EXACT same time. Casimir Line 58) So, should we do it that way? Sotsona nods her head. Casimir face flushes red. Casimir Line 59) Alright then. What position should we go for? Sotsona takes hold of Casimir's hand and scoots closer to him. Sotsona Line 60) Maybe I should be closer to you? This could still pull our arms. Casimir Line 61) So should we go for a hug? From the back or front? Sotsona Line 62) Yeah. Let’s hug from the front. I think we’d be more secure to each other that way. They get into their hugging position and blush at each other. Casimir is stands close to the ledge of the cliff and looks behind himself, feeling scared. Casimir looks back at Sotsona, fearfully glancing back at him. The instructor approaches them and gets their gear locked onto each other for more security. Casimir and Sotsona continue to hug each other tightly. Sotsona Line 63) You’re very sweaty. Casimir responds in an offended way. Casimir Line 64) Like you aren’t? Can you blame me? Sotsona slightly chuckles, feeling somewhat distracted from the cliff behind them. Casimir Line 65) Are you ready to go now? Sotsona nods her head. Sotsona Line 66) Whenever you’re ready, go for the leap. Casimir nervously responds. Casimir Line 67) A-Alright, hang on tight. Casimir steps on the last ledge that’ll drop them down the cliff. Casimir and Sotsona look at each other, focused on jumping off the cliff. Casimir Line 68) On the count of 3. 1… 2… 3… They jump off the cliff, falling down to their stopping point. The both of them hold each other extremely tightly and scream for their lives as they fall. After a few seconds, they finally reach their stopping point, dangling right side up on the cliff diving contraption that holds them. They nervously talk to each other, each a bit breathless from the fall. Casimir Line 69) A-Are y-you ok… ay? Sotsona Line 70) Ye-ah. I-I’m okay. Sotsona Line 71) Th-That was so scary! Casimir Line 72) I-It definitely was! Casimir Line 73) B-But. We did it! They smile at each other in relief. Sotsona Line 74) We’re so crazy! I can’t believe we just did that! Casimir Line 75) Me neither. But, how are we going to get back up? Sotsona and Casimir look above themselves and notice their instructor making their way towards them. Sotsona Line 76) I guess the instructor is going to pull us back up Casimir Line 77) So, we’re going to be dangling from that height again. They laugh at each other in nervousness. The instructor reaches and pulls them back to the top of the cliff. Casimir gives Sotsona assurance. Casimir Line 78) Just close your eyes, Sotsona. Casimir Line 79) Don’t look down or you’ll panic. They finally make it to the top of the cliff and lay on the hill in relief. Casimir Line 80) Now that that’s done and over with, I’m definitely never doing it ever again. Sotsona laughs. Sotsona Line 81) It was scarier than the activities we did yesterday. Sotsona Line 82) A bit too frightening to enjoy. Sotsona Line 83) But I’m glad we were able to do it together. They blush at each other. Casimir Line 84) Yeah. Me too. Casimir Line 85) Since there are many valleys and trails to walk up on, why don’t we also knock out hiking while we’re here? Sotsona Line 86) Good idea. It’ll help us get a better view of the region. They leave the bungee jumping site and walk around the area for their hike. Casimir Line 87) I guess sneakers aren’t necessarily ideal for hiking. So, just try not to walk on something that looks too slick since we don’t have any tread on our shoes. Casimir Line 88) Be especially mindful when walking downhill, so that you don’t trip and fall. Sotsona laughs. Sotsona Line 89) I’m quite the klutz, but I’ll try my best. You be careful too. They walk up the hill of a slope and take in the scenery of the vegetation and beautiful sky. Sotsona and Casimir happily look around the environment. Sotsona Line 90) What a green forest! It’s truly breathtaking here. Casimir Line 91) The activities you picked are very nature-bound. It makes me feel more connected to our planet. Sotsona Line 92) It makes me feel the same way. The beauty of our surroundings is brought to our attention when we’re in its presence. Sotsona speaks with passion. Sotsona Line 93) There’s so many other beautiful sights to see around the world. Sotsona Line 94) It’s such a shame that our lives are too short. We won’t be able to see everything our awesome world offers. Casimir smiles. Casimir Line 95) Yes. It’s quite bittersweet, but we have to make peace with that. Casimir and Sotsona make it to the top of the slope they’re hiking on. They take in the view of the sky and the other landscapes around them from the slope. Sotsona and Casimir both take deep breaths, inhaling the fresh air from the forest. Sotsona Line 96) Although bittersweet, it allows us to appreciate everything authentically since we are experiencing it for the first time. Sotsona Line 97) Through it, we are able to spend time immersing ourselves in our surroundings and simply admiring them. Sotsona Line 98) After all, we don’t want to regret anything by taking it for granted. Sotsona Line 99) I want to ingrain these special moments into my memory, so that I know I lived my life to its fullest. Casimir smiles. Casimir Line 100) Everything in our lives is not guaranteed. Casimir Line 101) We get so caught up in our day-to-day regimes that we forget when we’re truly able to live life. Casimir Line 102) Moments like these are special because they showcase using our time wisely. Casimir Line 103) We’ll be able to look back on our lives and reflect that we did the best we could. Casimir Line 104) I’m just glad that this time when I look back at these memories, I’ll be able to see your face. Casimir Line 105) It makes me happy to know that we experienced this together. Sotsona blushes. Sotsona Line 106) It also makes me happy to know that we experienced this together. Sotsona Line 107) Let’s enjoy this moment while we can. They smile and hug each other from the side as they continue to observe the view of Palau from a slope. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 23, 2024 Last Updated on July 23, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author