![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 72A Chapter by Yosh![]() Talulla and Todd walk over to his place to meet with Elouise to enact their plan. Marvin and Calista go home to an idea sparked from Rex.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 72: The day is Tuesday April 18 1967. It's morning. Todd and Talulla walk over to Elouise’s house. He explains why Elouise is the way she is. Todd Line 1) That’s why ever since our mom left, Elouise’s been acting angsty. Talulla Line 2) Now, I owe her an even bigger apology. Todd Line 3) Go easy on yourself. There’s no way you could’ve known that about her in the first place. Talulla Line 4) You had to be there to understand. Talulla Line 5) I told her that no matter what someone goes through. People should always be kind to each other, no matter what. Talulla groans. Talulla Line 6) Ugh. I’m such a hypocrite. I don’t practice what I preach. Todd laughs. Todd Line 7) This situation must really be bugging you then. Talulla Line 8) I mean yeah. I totally over step every boundary out there. Talulla Line 9) So, how the heck should I go about the situation? Talulla Line 10) What if she kicks me out? Todd Line 11) If she kicks you out, then she kicks you out. Todd Line 12) We’ll try again next time. I won’t give up so easily. Talulla smiles. Talulla Line 13) You’re looking forward to this. Todd beams. Todd Line 14) Well of course I am. This is a chance for the old version of my sister to come back. Todd Line 15) I’ve really missed her. Line 16) Talulla: Honestly, what he’s saying is really sad. Line 17) Talulla: I can’t imagine someone so close to you changing for the worse. Line 18) Talulla: I feel bad for him. He’s so friendly and reminds me of a Golden Retriever. Talulla Line 19) I’ll just apologize to her, and ask if I can make it up to her sometime. Talulla Line 20) If she’s up for it. I’ll take her out and find tactics to make her open up to me. Talulla Line 21) Hopefully that’ll do the trick. Todd Line 22) Wow. You really know your stuff. They enter the building and the shots cut to Marvin and Calista at home. Marvin greets his dog and rubs his belly. Marvin sniffs him and realizes he stinks. Marvin Line 23) I think it’s that time of the month for Rex to have a bath. Calista Line 24) Where do you usually bathe him? Marvin Line 25) In my bathtub. But, his hair gets everywhere. They look like eyelashes. Marvin Line 26) It’s a pain to clean, and I crouch down, so my back is a wreck by the time I’m finished. Calista laughs. Calista Line 27) I get what you mean. Calista checks the time and sees that it’s not too late. Calista Line 28) You know. It’s not too late. Why don’t we give him a bath now? Marvin Line 29) I’ll just do it another time. Calista Line 30) Don’t delay it. I’ll help you out. Calista ties her hair up. Calista Line 31) If we do it now. You won’t have to worry about it later, and Rex will be all clean. Marvin Line 32) That’s not the problem. Marvin Line 33) He just hates baths, so it’s tough to lure him in and have him cooperate. They stand around Rex and try to find a way to pick him up. Marvin Line 34) You pick up his lower half. And I’ll pick up his upper half. Marvin tries to pick Rex’s paws up but Rex lays on the ground. Marvin sighs. Marvin Line 35) We’re not doing this again buddy. Marvin Line 36) You’re a big dog, that’s afraid of baths. Marvin Line 37) You’re a hundred pound scaredy cat. Marvin picks up his upper body but Rex worms around on it and whimpers. Marvin Line 38) I know, I know. But, we have to get you clean. Calista picks up his other half and they drag him into the shower. They plop him in and Rex trembles. Calista Line 39) Aww baby. Why are you so scared? Marvin Line 40) I don’t know. He’s always been like this, even when he was just a puppy. Calista beams. Calista Line 41) You have to show me pictures. Marvin smiles and gives Rex a treat. Marvin squeezes soap all over his body and they starts cleaning Rex. They wash him down and Rex shakes his body to get all the water off of himself. They shield themselves but get all wet. Marvin Line 42) Ahh, Rex! Marvin looks at Calista who is drenched. She laughs. Calista Line 43) Aww, he’s such a hooligan. They grab the towel and start drying him. Marvin is uncomfortable and gets into the tub with his socks getting wet. Calista Line 44) Marvin, your socks are wet. Marvin Line 45) I was already wet anyways. It is more convenient for me to dry him this way. They continue to dry him. Marvin gives Rex a treat and he gets out of the tub. They give him a big bone and he relaxes all clean. Calista Line 46) Ha. At least he’s all clean now. Marvin Line 47) We’re not though. Calista Line 48) You take a shower first. Wet socks sound uncomfortable. Marvin Line 49) Fine I will. But, the opportunity to join me is still available. Calista blushes. Line 50) Calista: I’m not quite ready for something like that. Calista Line 51) Just go first. Marvin makes a sarcastic bummed face. Rex looks at Marvin and turns his head. Calista looks at him. Calista Line 52) Even Rex is judging you. They both finish taking their showers and are laying next to each other in bed, Marvin Line 53) So? What are your thoughts on my friends? Calista smiles. Calista Line 54) They’re very nice. Calista Line 55) It’s good you’re surrounded by great people. Calista strokes Marvins hair. Calista Line 56) You deserve that. Marvin holds Calista’s hand. Calista Line 57) What about you? Since everyone hasn't been together in a while. Marvin Line 58) I’m very happy. Marvin Line 59) I’m especially happy to see the friends that passed away from my previous life. Marvin Line 60) I thought things would be different, since I traveled back in time. Marvin Line 61) But, I was able to slide back into the dynamics, just the way things were before. Marvin Line 62) It’s relieving. For some time I didn’t think it would be possible to see them all again. Calista smiles. Calista Line 63) I’m happy for you. Marvin Line 64) I’m just so lucky. Marvin Line 65) You’d think since I’ve had it rough, I wouldn’t take things for granted. Marvin Line 66) But, I did. Marvin Line 67) It’s a miracle everything worked out, and I was given a second chance. Marvin Line 68) I’m learning to be a lot more grateful for everything in my life. Marvin tucks Calista’s hair behind her ear. Marvin Line 69) Because I don’t want to take you for granted. Calista’s eyes spark up. Calista Line 70) I don’t want to take you for granted either. Marvin kisses Calista. She holds his hair and they kiss each other some more. Calista starts to tear up a bit. Marvin notices and wipes her tears a bit. Marvin Line 71) Everything will be okay. He hugs and holds Calista close. Marvin Line 72) I’m here with you. Calista holds him tightly and rubs her face in his chest. Shot cuts back to Talulla and Todd entering their place. Todd Line 73) Elouise! Where are you? Talulla Line 74) What if she’s asleep? Shouldn’t we keep our voices down. Todd Line 74) She’s not sleeping. She’s just in her room. Todd Line 75) Elouise! Can you come here? Elouise Line 76) Todd. Leave me alone. Todd Line 77) There’s someone here to see you. Elouise groans. Line 78) Talulla: This is such a hassle to deal with constantly. I feel so bad for him. Elouise comes out of her room and sees Talulla. Talulla Line 79) Hey there. Can we talk? Elouise recognizes her. Elouise Line 80) What the heck are you doing here? Todd Line 81) Hey, Elouise. Don’t be so harsh. She wants to talk with you. Talulla Line 82) Fine. Let’s go outside. Elouise rolls her eyes and walks to the door. They stand next to each other outside and Talulla is hesitant to talk. Elouise Line 83) Out with it! Talulla stares at Elouise. Talulla Line 84) Right. So, I came here to apologize. Elouise Line 85) I knew you’d come back for something this pathetic. Talulla gets ticked off. Line 86) Talulla: She’s testing my patience. Talulla Line 87) What you said about not knowing what you've gone through is true. Talulla Line 88) I was too quick to judge, based on how you treated that server. Line 89) Talulla: Even though it was a completely valid reason to judge her. Talulla Line 89) It was out of line for me to snap at you back then. Talulla Line 90) And that’s why I’m sorry. Elouise’s eyes spark up. Talulla Line 91) We didn’t get off the right foot, did we? Talulla Line 92) Could I make it up to you, perhaps? Elouise Line 93) Why waste your time? Elouise Line 94) I don’t even know your name. Talulla Line 95) Did I not introduce myself? Elouise shakes her head no. Talulla Line 96) Let’s start from the beginning. Talulla Line 97) I’m Talulla Faletulu. Talulla leads her hand out. Elouise looks at her hand skeptically but sassily accepts it. Elouise Line 98) I’m Elouise Hall. Talulla Line 99) So, have you thought about how I could make it up to you? Elouise Line 100) Hm. There is one thing you could do. Talulla Line 101) And what is that? Elouise Line 102) You can make Calista and Marvin break up, and set me up with him. Talulla’s face goes blank and she’s shocked. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 22, 2024 Last Updated on July 30, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author