Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 51

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 51

A Chapter by Yosh

After Casimir and Sotsona go skydiving, this leaves them wanting to do more adventurous things for the day.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 51:

February 27th 2024. The day is Tuesday. 

Casimir and Sotsona finish skydiving and collect their footage, leaving the site.

They both feel rejuvenated after doing something adventurous.


Line 1) I feel like I can do anything now! I’m so hyper!


Line 2) Same! It truly felt like we were flying, didn’t it?!


Line 3) Yeah! I’m jealous of birds now. They get to fly in the sky all they want.


Line 4) It must be so freeing to have that sort of ability.

Sotsona gives Casimir a smug look.


Line 5) Don’t you want to do something adventurous again?


Line 6) Yeah! It’s quite exhilarating facing our fears. 


Line 7) I just want to do something that gets my adrenaline pumping. Where else do you think we should go?


Line 8) On the theme of flying, do you know that one mechanism where it’s like a paper airplane that you’re strapped onto, but it’s not actually a paper airplane?

Casimir snaps his fingers in realization.


Line 9) You must be talking about hang gliding.

Casimir looks excited.


Line 10) If we’re going to be adventurous, might as well do it right.


Line 11) So we’ll go?!

Casimir happily assures Sotsona.


Line 12) Heck yeah we will!

Sotsona beams.

They find a hang gliding site to attend and make their way there.

The both of them get strapped in their gear with their partners on two separate gliders.

Casimir happily glances at Sotsona.


Line 13) See you on the other side!

Sotsona smiles and winks at Casimir.

They set off the hill the site is on and start gliding in the air.

Sotsona looks shocked, feeling the adrenaline coursing through her body.

She fearfully looks below herself as she glides in the sky.

She screams observing the height she’s at.

Line 14) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: We’re so high up! I can see everything below me!

Line 15) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I feel so scared, yet so excited!

They continue to glide through the air with Sotsona enjoying the ride.

Her hands tremble in fear.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 16) To think these thrilling opportunities were so out of reach for so long…

Line 17) How badly I yearned to go on adventures all my life…

Line 18) And now, I’m not shielded away from the world.

Line 19) I can feel free to do whatever I want.

Line 20) I finally know what freedom tastes like.

Line 21) How did I live my life all this time without doing such things?

Line 22) I feel bad for my younger self. We’ve missed out on so much.

Line 23) However, I have plenty of time to make up for all these lost years.

Line 24) And I’m not going to let anything hold me back. Not even my fear.

Line 25) I want to ensure that when I lie on my deathbed, I’ll have no regrets because I know I lived my life to its fullest.

Sotsona takes in the beautiful view of the world from how high they are.

The breeze passes through her, wisping her through the sky as she glides.

Sotsona and Casimir land on a hill in the opposite direction from the site and take off their gear.

Sotsona runs over to Casimir and they give each other high fives.

They beam with each other.


Line 26) That was so much fun!


Line 27) Definitely! I think I’m starting to get used to heights.

Casimir teases Sotsona, while laughing.


Line 28) I heard you scream when we took off.

Sotsona teases Casimir back.


Line 29) I heard you scream too.

Casimir lies down on the hill.

Sotsona joins him.


Line 30) What a day!

Sotsona sits up next to Casimir.


Line 31) Aww. Are we already done with all the fun?

Casimir’s eyes widen in shock.


Line 32) You haven’t had enough thrill for the day?


Line 33) I thought we were just getting started.

Sotsona points to the bright blue sky in the view they’re at.


Line 34) Don’t you see how bright it still is outside?


Line 35) We’ve still got plenty of time to do other things.

Sotsona gets Casimir pumped up.


Line 36) Alright, what else do you want to do?

Sotsona beams.


Line 37) Isn’t there a similar gliding mechanism, but it’s like a parachute?


Line 38) You must be talking about paragliding. It’s quite reminiscent of when our parachutes went off after we skydived.


Line 39) Oh, then we’ve already done that. What’s the one where you’re strapped onto a boat and you can glide near the sea?

Casimir guesses Sotsona’s description.


Line 40) Ah. Parasailing? We can be side by side this time around.


Line 41) Oh, really? I want to get a better view of the ocean. So, do you mind if we go?


Line 42) Not at all. It sounds fun. Let’s do it.

Casimir and Sotsona arrive at the parasailing site.

They get strapped onto the parachute that’s tied to a boat.

They’re wearing life vests and gradually get higher and higher above the ocean.

They take in the scenery from their height.

Casimir looks over at Sotsona, seeing her enjoy the parasailing experience.


Line 43) Who would’ve known that you’re so adventurous.

Sotsona glances at Casimir and he smiles at her.

She smiles back to him.

Sotsona passionately talks.


Line 44) To me, this is what life’s all about.


Line 45) We have to put ourselves out there, instead of staying stagnant all the time.


Line 46) I’m truly grateful. Some people live their whole lives without doing something like this.


Line 47) Now, I finally have the luxury to do so, and I’ve never been happier.


Line 48) I just can’t wait for what the future holds, because I know that this is just the beginning.


Line 49) And if I’m loving how things are now, then I know it’ll only get better.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.


Line 50) Whatever makes you happy, Sotsona.


Line 51) I want to help you maintain your happiness.


Line 52) You deserve to be happy all the time. You have a great smile, afterall.

Sotsona blushes from Casimir’s remark.


Line 53) There’s this quote that goes something along the lines of “You should smile before all your teeth are gone”.


Line 54) I just think it’s worded nicely. It’s the perfect way of describing that people should live their lives to their fullest.


Line 55) Did you do these sorts of things before we met?


Line 56) Sort of. But these especially extravagant attractions shouldn’t be done alone.


Line 57) I mean, you can do it alone. But, it’s funner when you have company by your side.

Casimir warmly glances at Sotsona.


Line 58) I guess I’ve just been waiting for the right person all this time.


Line 59) I’m lucky to share living my life to its fullest with you.


Line 60) I can’t think of a better person to accompany me along this journey than you.

Sotsona blushes.


Line 61) I’m the one that’s thankful that I’m able to do this along your side.


Line 62) It really does feel like we’re on a journey. I’ve never been this thrilled in my life.


Line 63) Thank you for bringing me along. This means so much to me.


Line 64) All of this is possible only because of you.


Line 65) But, if I hadn’t met you, I wouldn't have set myself out to do any of this.


Line 66) So, it’s also only possible because of you too.

They both blush at each other.

They continue to take in the scenery and finish parasailing.


Line 67) Have you had enough for today? Or is there still something you want to do?

Sotsona smirks mischievously.


Line 68) Just one last thing, and then we can continue our adventures tomorrow.

Casimir looks at Sotsona intriguingly. 


Line 69) What’s this one last thing?

Sotsona proudly replies.


Line 70) I actually know the name of this one. Let’s go zip lining.


Line 71) We’re really building up our endurance to heights, huh?

Sotsona excitingly nods her head.


Line 72) Well, if you’re up for it. So, am I. 

They arrive at the zip lining site and get themselves geared up.

Casimir and Sotsona wait on the same zip line to go.


Line 73) Who wants to go first?


Line 74) Ladies first.

Sotsona steps forward and the instructor gets her locked onto the zip line.


Line 75) Are you ready?

Sotsona looks back at Casimir and he gives her a thumbs up in assurance.


Line 76) See you on the other side.

Sotsona gets pushed onto the zip line and she screams, racing through it.

She looks below herself again, curious about the height she’s at.

Line 77) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What a view! I can’t believe I’m actually doing this!

Sotsona enjoys the scenery and finally makes it to the other side of the zip line.

She waits for Casimir to catch up with her, observing the distance she traveled.

*Shot cuts back to Casimir on the other side of the zip line.

He looks below himself to observe the height of the site.


Line 78) That is quite the height.

The instructor encourages Casimir.


Line 79) Sure is. Don’t leave your lady friend hanging though. Go join her. She’s waiting for you.

Casimir nods his head and gets situated on the zip line, being locked in.

The instructor pushes him and he races through the line.

Casimir cheers as he goes through it fastly.

He takes in the view and smiles.

Casimir finally makes it to the other side where Sotsona waits for him.

He gets off the zipline and they reunite.


Line 80) WOO HOO! We did that!

Casimir and Sotsona high five each other again.


Line 81) Wow! Who knew there were so many things to do like this?


Line 82) Right! And we still have many other things left to do.

They leave the ziplining site and walk around before heading home.


Line 83) Today was fun and full of so much adventure.


Line 84) It was, wasn’t it?


Line 85) They say experiencing fear with someone brings you closer to them.


Line 86) During the past 24 hours, we have faced and overcome a great deal of fear.


Line 87) That for sure. We’ve become quite the pair of daredevils.

Casimir looks at Sotsona intriguingly. 


Line 88) Would you say that we’re closer with each other?

Sotsona offers Casimir a reassuring smile.


Line 89) Definitely! You’ve seen a side of me lately that I didn’t even know I had.


Line 90) There’s this new bond between us. And it’s growing by the second. Don’t you think so?

Casimir smiles.


Line 91) I agree. I just wanted to assure that the feeling was mutual.


Line 92) You don’t even have to ask. You can just feel it.


Line 93) Don’t you feel it?

Casimir gives Sotsona a hug out of the blue.

Sotsona is caught off-guard with this gesture but hugs Casimir back.

Casimir pulls back and smiles at Sotsona.


Line 94) Now I feel it.

Sotsona playfully rolls her eyes at Casimir.

They finally make their way back to the hotel and unwind for bed.

Casimir and Sotsona start to get themselves situated in bed.

Casimir awkwardly brings up the bed subject* with Sotsona.

*Refer back to episode 50, line 16.


Line 95) S-So, about where we’re sleeping tonight…

Sotsona senses the mood and blushes.


Line 96) Is it necessary for us to be in the same bed again?

Casimir blushes, then realizes that he’s phrasing them sharing a bed as a burden.

He swiftly swoops in to justify himself.


Line 97) Not that I’m saying it’s a drag of any sort! I’m just asking if you want to do it again.

Casimir rubs his head in distress.

He sarcastically thinks in his head.

Line 98) Casimir’s inner thoughts: “Do it again”? What a great choice of words, Casimir.

Casimir tries to justify himself some more, hoping that Sotsona doesn’t get the wrong memo.


Line 99) Uhh. You get what I mean, right?

Casimir observes how tense Sotsona looks.


Line 100) Y-Yeah. I get what you mean…


Line 101) Remember how I told you some things are fine in the morning, but scary at night*?

*Refer back to episode 50, line 13. 

Casimir nods his head.


Line 102) Thinking about what happened last night during the morning felt fine. But thinking about it now…


Line 103) I’m definitely still feeling uneasy.

Line 104) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Sure. I’m still a bit frazzled from what happened last night…

Line 105) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, I don’t necessarily want to be beside Casimir for that reason.

Line 106) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I mainly just want to lay next to him because of how good it felt the other night.

Line 107) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s not like I’m using him just because I want to lay next to him. It’s just me being scared is not the main reason I want to do it. 

Sotsona blushes.


Line 108) So, I’m wondering if it’s okay that we share the same bed tonight again?

Casimir blushes and responds in a flustered manner.


Line 109) O-Of course it is. Now that you bring it up, I’m starting to feel uneasy too.

*Casimir is lying. He’s just going along with Sotsona’s charade to get another chance to sleep beside her. 

Sotsona looks at Casimir in concern.


Line 110) I’m sorry. If I kept this to myself, you wouldn’t be reminiscing about what happened yesterday. I didn’t mean to bring it up again to frighten you.

Casimir confidently assures Sotsona.


Line 111) Don’t worry. I understand that you were just trying to explain yourself.

Casimir gets himself in bed and pats next to him for Sotsona to join.

The both of them blush immensely as they get situated in bed together again.


Line 112) Are you comfy enough?


Line 113) I am. Thank you for asking. What about you?

Casimir nods his head.


Line 114) Mind if I turn off the lights?

Casimir shakes his head no.


Line 115) Alright then. Good night. Thanks for today.


Line 116) Goodnight to you too. Let’s continue with our adventures tomorrow.

They smile at each other and turn to the opposite sides of the bed to sleep.

They continue to blush as they lay next to each other and eventually fall asleep.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 20, 2024
Last Updated on July 20, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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