Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 50

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 50

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona wake up in each other's arms based on the way last night went. Sotsona brings up an even bolder attraction for them to go on for the day.

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 50:

February 27th 2024. The day is Tuesday. It’s the morning.

Sotsona and Casimir wake up in each other’s arms, looking flustered.

They awkwardly release from each other’s grasp and sit up straight.

They both blush immensely.


Line 1) G-Good morning.


Line 2) G-Good morning to you too.

They look at each other, then swerve eye contact from the embarrassment of sleeping beside each other all night.


Line 3) So… How’d you sleep?


Line 4) I sleep great actually-

Sotsona realizes something.

Line 5) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t say I sleep great, even though I did. Admitting to that willl just make it awkward between us.


Line 6) Fine. I slept fine.

Casimir awkwardly responds.


Line 7) Oh. Well. As long as you got some sleep. That’s all that matters.


Line 8) What about you?


Line 9) I was able to get sleep after the night we had, which was extremely necessary since I was very scared. So. Success.

Casimir gives Sotsona a thumbs up.


Line 10) And I think that us sleeping by each other’s side helped me actually GO to sleep.

Sotsona awkwardly responds.


Line 11) Yeah. I’m glad we’re able to help each other in that department.


Line 12) So am I. Are you feeling better?


Line 13) I mean, it’s morning, so I don’t feel AS scared.


Line 14) But, who knows how I’ll feel when it gets dark. What about you?


Line 15) I’m on the same boat.


Line 16) So, if we need to use each other tonight again…?


Line 17) That would be helpful. Is that alright with you?

Sotsona nods her head.


Line 18) I’m sorry that I got us into this mess.


Line 19) I already told you not to worry about that. I was the one who agreed with your idea at the end of the day.


Line 20) On the bright side, we’re one step closer to facing our fears.


Line 21) And, if we’re ever in a situation like that again, we’ll know exactly what to do.


Line 22) It makes us tough cookies. Our survival instincts will kick in to help us.


Line 23) Also, we have something cool we can tell other people about.

Casimir appreciatively smiles.


Line 24) I know you’re only saying that to make me feel better. But, thanks.

Sotsona further justifies herself.


Line 25) No. I mean it. Don’t feel guilty. I had a choice not to come, but I did, and that’s on me.


Line 26) We share an original experience together.


Line 27) That brings us closer to each other. You’re the only person that’ll understand me.

Casimir blushes.


Line 28) Either way, I won’t put us in dire situations like this ever again.

The both of them get ready for the day and eat breakfast.

During breakfast, Casimir stikes a conversation with Sotsona.


Line 29) Do you feel like going somewhere today?


Line 30) Well, yeah. We’re on vacation. We have to go somewhere. We can’t just stay at the hotel all day.


Line 31) In that case,  you pick where we go for the day.

Sotsona picks the tourist pamphlet (provided by the hotel) back up again and looks through it*.

*Refer back to episode 46, details in between lines 85 and 86, for when she first used the pamphlet.

Sotsona spots an attraction listed about skydiving.

Her eyes widen in thrill.


Line 32) What if we went skydiving?

Casimir’s eyes widen in shock, not expecting Sotsona to bring up such an idea.


Line 33) Skydiving?! That’s crazy!


Line 34) But it goes along with the theme of crossing things off our bucket lists.

Casimir reasons with Sotsona in distress.


Line 35) And it also goes along the theme of putting ourselves in dire situations.


Line 36) Are you sure you want to do this?


Line 37) Yeah, why not? Compared to what happened last night, this is honestly nothing.

Casimir nervously chews on his fingernail in distress.


Line 38) What? Scared of heights?

Casimir replies in a hesitant way.


Line 39) No… Sort of…


Line 40) Well, me too. So, let’s both face our fears.

Casimir thinks in a worrisome manner.


Line 41) What if I pass out?


Line 42) So you pass out. That’s only temporary. You’ll eventually regain your consciousness.

Casimir looks at Sotsona with uncertainty.


Line 43) At least you can say that you went sky diving.


Line 44) Come on. We’re in our early twenties. Everyone else is doing risky things. We might as well hop on the train to join them.


Line 45) What if we don’t have a parachute strapped onto us and realize that only after we jump off the plane?

Sotsona places her hands on Casimir’s shoulders to console him.


Line 46) Can you imagine how much backlash a skydiving company would receive?


Line 47) That’s not something they’re going to let happen. I promise.


Line 48) They’ll assure us we’ll be able to land safely. We must take their word.

Casimir continues to look at Sotsona with uncertainty.

Sotsona laughs in irony.


Line 49) It’s like you and I switched teams. Now, you’re the one that’s getting all antsy.

Casimir pouts his lips in guilt, further justifying himself.


Line 50) All for the right reasons.  

Casimir looks at Sotsona in shame.


Line 51) I saw how frightened you looked last night. I just don’t want to see that look on your face ever again.

Sotsona offer Casimir a reassuring smile.


Line 52) That’s all in the past. I’ve told you countless times by now not to worry.


Line 53) I'm not forcing you though. If you don’t want to go skydiving, then where else should we go?

Sotsona passes the pamphlet to Casimir for him to look at.

Casimir hesitantly looks around the pamphlet.

He sighs processing Sotsona’s reasoning.


Line 54) Do you really want to go?


Line 55) I mean, I’m not desperate to go. But it’s an opportunity we have, so why not just take it while it’s there. You’re the one that told me that*.

*Refer back to episode 46, line 95 and episode 47, line 35 and 60.

Casimir sadly smiles at Sotsona for remembering small details.


Line 56) Who would’ve thunk that you could change so easily overnight? And now you’re using my own words against me.

Casimir gives Sotsona a reassuring smile, feeling better after her consolations.


Line 57) Let’s go then. You’re right.

Sotsona’s eyes widen from Casimir’s agreement.

They arrive at the skydiving site and get dressed in their uniforms.

Casimir exits out of the changing room to show Solsona his attire.


Line 58) How do I look?

Sotsona replies in a joking manner.


Line 59) Like you’re ready to go skydiving. How else should you look?

Casimir disappointedly looks at Sotsona.

She laughs.


Line 60) I’m just kidding. You look…


Line 61) Fearless. Exceptional. Brave. Daring. Courageous…

Casimir smiles at Sotsona, realizing her reference*.

*Refer back to episode 47, line 2 and 3.

He gives her a smug expression.


Line 62) I see what you did there.


Line 63) How’re you feeling? I’m feeling nervous.


Line 64) I’m also feeling nervous, but definitely in a good way.


Line 65) I’m sweating so much under this suit, it's unbearable.

Sotsona gives Casimir a reassuring rub on his shoulders.

They get on the plane along with the sky-diving instructors and start flying higher and higher for their drop-off.

Sotsona looks out the plane window, observing how high they’re going.

She looks nervous.


Line 66) Jeez. How many feet above ground are we?


Line 67) Currently, we’re 4,000 feet above ground.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in shock.


Line 68) And how high are we going?


Line 69) 13,500 feet.

Casimir and Sotsona nervously look at each other.


Line 70) We’ll be free falling for around 1 minute. 

Sotsona feels slightly relieved from the clarification.


Line 71) For only 1 minute? That doesn’t sound so bad.

Casimir freaks out.


Line 72) Not when we’re 13,500 feet above ground!

The instructor confidently assures them.


Line 73) Don’t be afraid you two.


Line 74) At the start, it’ll feel like you’re abruptly plummeting towards the earth.

A scared, blank expression engulfs both Casimir's and Sotsona’s faces.

The instructor passionately continues to explain.


Line 75) But once you feel the breeze, there’s no other way to describe it besides feeling like you're flying, piercing through the sky ever so gracefully.


Line 76) It’s such a vitalizing experience.


Line 77) I’m sure you guys will find it fun.

They finally make it 13,500 feet above ground.

Casimir and Sotsona get strapped onto their diving partners.

They’re all set and ready to start diving.


Line 78) Alright. Do you guys feel ready?

Sotsona looks at Casimir for assurance and he nervously nods his head.


Line 79) We’ve already come this far. It’s not like we can back out now.


Line 80) Alright. Be prepared to jump.

Casimir glances at Sotsona.

She nervously smiles at him, trying to boost his confidence.


Line 81) I’ll see you down there.


Line 82) You too.

Their instructors go to the ledge of the plane and get ready to jump off.

Casimir looks at Sotsona one last time.

Their gazes interlock and she nods her head.

Both of their instructors jump off at the same time.

Sotsona and Casimir scream for their lives, both hearing each other.

The fall down to the earth.

Sotsona slightly calms down as she’s falling.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 83) I’m starting to get used to my adrenaline pumping this rapidly.

Line 84) There’s this slight uncertainty that we’re actually falling to our doom.

Line 85) But it feels peaceful for some reason.

Sotsona looks around, taking in the beautiful view of the world.

Line 86) How wondrous is it to experience something this enthralling?

Line 87) What a beautiful site to gaze upon.

Line 88) My senses feel heightened. 

Line 89) The cold air from the sky blows through me…

Line 90) As I slowly and steadily make my way back to earth.

The instructors activate their parachutes, causing Casimir and Sotsona to drift in the air.

Sotsona wiggles her legs in excitement, taking in the view of how high they are.

She cheers on herself and she and her instructor finally land on the ground.

Casimir also lands with his instructor and they get their gear off.

Sotsona lays on the ground in relief, breathing in deeply.


Line 91) Oh my gosh!

Casimir lays beside her and kisses the ground.

Sotsona laughs.

They celebrate together.


Line 92) We actually did it!


Line 93) I know right! How crazy is that?


Line 94) How did it feel for you?


Line 95) Scary. But also fun at the same time.


Line 96) The view was amazing!


Line 97) This was definitely worth coming to.


Line 98) I feel like I’ve gained a great perspective of the world.


Line 99) Same. I feel like my life has truly changed.

Casimir gets up and slightly wobbles, trying to adjust to being on land again.

Sotsona extends her hand out and Casimir pulls her up.

She walks in a disorienting manner, trying to regain her balance.

Their instructor approaches them.


Line 100) We have your guys’ free falling footage as well.

Casimir and Sotsona give each other smug expression.


Line 101) We definitely need to see how we reacted.

Casimir and Sotsona laugh together.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 20, 2024
Last Updated on July 20, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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