Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 49

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 49

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona get spooked by their weird tour guide and head into the abandoned temple, not knowing what to expect.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 49:

February 26th 2024. The day is Monday. 

The tour guide greets Sotsona and Casimir by scaring them while catching them off guard.

Tour guide

Line 1) I’ll be your tour guide for the day.

Casimir and Sotsona nervously glance at each other.

Tour guide

Line 2) Let’s get started with our adventure.

The tour guide leads the way and Casimir and Sotsona trail behind him.

Casimir speaks to Sotsona on the side in a low voice for the tour guide not to overhear.


Line 3) He seems a bit strange, don’t you think so?


Line 4) What kind of tour guide scares their customers?

Sotsona shrugs in concerned confusion.


Line 5) I think that’s his whole charade. He’s just trying to scare us for the full experience.


Line 6) This whole thing was your idea.


Line 7) I just didn’t know what to expect.

They walk into the temple.

Only certain gaps on the inside reflect light, leaving the rest of it in pitch darkness.

The tour guide hands Casimir and Sotsona flashlights and they shine them around the area.


Line 8) Why is this place abandoned?

The tour guide mischievously turns to face Casimir and Sotsona.

Casimir and Sotsona hesitantly stop in their tracks.

Tour guide

Line 9) The story goes that the people who would worship at this temple adopted a young girl to be a part of their group.

Tour guide

Line 10) They had no background about the young girl, and she didn’t speak much but avidly participated in their ceremonies.

Tour guide

Line 11) The main priest, however, always had his guard up and watched her like a hawk.

Tour guide

Line 12) He suggested they cleanse her since they had no idea what she'd been through, but she solemnly refused.

Tour guide

Line 13) Rumors say that she refused in quite an irritable manner. People assume the priest struck a nerve within her.

Tour guide

Line 14) Due to her refusal, the main priest, who had more authority than the other worshipers, banished the young girl.

Tour guide

Line 15) However, she did not want to leave and stayed lurking by their side.

Tour guide

Line 16) Rumors say she went berserk and started acting unusual around them. As if she were possessed.

Tour guide

Line 17) Disregarding her refusal to be cleansed, they eventually completed the ritual, hoping to exorcize whatever was inside of her. However, the aftermath remains a mystery.

Tour guide

Line 18) All that’s left is this temple. But people feel a heavy presence from it.

Tour guide

Line 19) Many on goers tried to inhabit this temple, however, none of them made it out alive.

Sotsona nervously gulps.

Casimir remains unfazed by the story, not buying the tour guide’s nonsense.

They continue walking around the inside of the temple.

Casimir skeptically asks his next question.


Line 20) And how do you know this information?

The tour guide freezes in his stance, trying to come up with something to say.

Tour guide

Line 21) T-Through the grapevine. I kept referring to rumors.

Tour guide

Line 22) It’s an urban legend around here.


Line 23) Has anything suspicious occurred around here?

The tour guides speaks in a creepy manner, wanting to scare Sotsona and Casimir.

Tour guide

Line 24) People have said they’ve seen a little girl, pale as the moon, with long black hair loitering around the temple.

Tour guide

Line 25) However, her face is disfigured and her eyes are as red as blood.

The tour guide throws a rock, creating a scattering sound inside the temple without Sotsona or Casimir noticing.

This sudden sound makes them flinch.

Sotsona and Casimir walk closer to each other, feeling fearful.

Tour guide

Line 26) Also, strange noises like that happen whenever you speak about her.

Tour guide

Line 27) If you ever spot her, just make sure not to make eye contact.

Tour guide

Line 28) … Or a horrible fate awaits you.

They tread further into the temple and look around the architecture.

Casimir talks to Sotsona on the side.


Line 29) How are you holding up?

Sotsona talks in a concerning manner.


Line 30) The noise was weird. But other than that, I’m fine. I just feel a bit cold.

Casimir checks Sotsona’s temperature by holding her hand.

He feels the cold sensation from it.


Line 31) Jeez. You are cold.


Line 32) Let’s just keep holding hands. Hopefully that’ll warm you up.

Sotsona blushes from feeling the warmth of Casimir’s hand.

Casimir and Sotsona stop in their tracks when they hear whispering.

The tour guide looks their way.

Tour guide

Line 33) Do you guys hear that?

Casimir and Sotsona nervously nod their heads.

The tour guide anxiously tries to gather his wits.

Tour guide

Line 34) T-That’s never happened before.

Tour guide

Line 35) Well, it can’t be good. Let’s pick up the pace.

The tour guide leads them away from the main hall of the temple, into one of the rooms.

Tour guide

Line 36) This was known as the prayer room.

Tour guide

Line 37) And also the room where they completed the exorcism.

All of them hear scrambling coming from the main hall.

Sotsona and Casimir flinch.

Tour guide

Line 38) I wonder what that could be.

The tour guide slightly exits the room and peers back into the main hall.

Out of curiosity, Sotsona and Casimir peer back too.

In the main hall, a figure appears near the back of the room.

Sotsona and Casimir look at the figure in shock, feeling immensely scared.

Sotsona speaks in a frightened low voice.


Line 39) W-What the heck is that?

The tour guide looks alarmed.

He explains in a panicky manner.

Tour guide

Line 40) I-It must be the girl. S-She embodies the descriptions I gave earlier.

The figure comes a bit closer to them.

Sotsona and Casimir back away from the main hall.

They step back into the prayer room.

Casimir responds in a protective tone.


Line 41) We should just stay here.


Line 42) Can you close the door?

The tour guide slowly turns his head in a terrifying way to Casimir and Sotsona.

Tour guide

Line 43) There is no door.

Casimir looks at the tour guide in a horrified manner.

He squeezes Sotsona’s hand.


Line 44) Then is there somewhere we could escape to?!


Line 45) Didn’t you see that thing?! It’s walking towards to us!

Tour guide

Line 46) The only place we could go to right now is the backyard, which leads to the forest.

Casimir and Sotsona look disappointingly petrified at the tour guide.


Line 47) A forest? Seriously?

Tour guide

Line 48) It’s better to flee there than stay here.

Casimir peeks his head out of the room again and interlocks gazes with the figure.

He sees it’s disfigured face and looks at it in fear.

He quickly brings Sotsona in front of himself and the tour guide leads them to the backyard forest.

The make a run for the exit.

Casimir responds in a stern manner.


Line 49) Whatever you do, do not look behind yourself, Sotsona.

Casimir peers back into the main hall and notices that the figure is running towards them.

They sprint out of the temple into the backyard and shut the exit there.

All of them duck down the exit, making sure that the figure doesn’t see them.

Casimir is clenching Sotsona’s hand firmly.

Casimir can feel her hand becoming sweaty in fear.

He looks at her and she looks back at him in a terrified manner.

They all flinch when the figure starts banging on the backyard exit.

Tour guide

Line 50) We need to go!

The tour guide leads them out into the forest and they run back to where they arrived in the first place.

The tour guide responds in a concerned manner.

Tour guide

Line 51) I think it’s best for you guys to make a run for it.

Casimir replies to the tour guide, feeling worried.


Line 52) We can’t just leave you here!

Tour guide

Line 53) Don’t worry. That figure can’t leave the temple. And I’ll be leaving shortly anyway.

Tour guide

Line 54) For you guys to leave properly, so that no bad juju tracks you out of here, a large tip is highly recommended. 

Casimir quickly pulls out his wallet and hands the tour guide 50 bucks.

The tour guide’s eyes widen in delight seeing the hefty tip.

Tour guide

Line 55) She will be very happy to accept this offering.

Tour guide

Line 56) You guys are safely able to leave now.

They say their goodbyes to the tour guide and walk themselves to a stop area away from the temple site.

*Shot cut back to the tour guide in the temple.

The figure comes out of the temple and walks over to the tour guide nonchalantly.

The figure takes off their mask to reveal and regular person behind it.


Line 57) How much did we make this time around?

The tour guide laughs.

Tour guide

Line 58) We got a beefy tip from this guy. Seems like we scared them good.

The both of them laugh.


Line 59) This is why I love my job.

*Shot cuts back to Sotsona and Casimir in the stop area. It’s night time now, so everything is dark.

Sotsona and Casimir sit in dismay on the bench in the stop area, looking scared.

Casimir looks over at Sotsona in concern.


Line 60) A-Are you okay?

Sotsona places her hand on her chest, feeling the rapid thumping of her heart.


Line 61) I-I can’t believe that just happened.

Casimir responds in a guilty manner, feeling ashamed.


Line 62) We shouldn’t have come here. I’m sorry for bringing you along.

Sotsona reassures Casimir.


Line 63) It’s not your fault. Don’t blame yourself. You didn’t known what you were getting yourself into.


Line 64) What the heck was that thing though?


Line 65) I don’t know. But, I looked at it. Straight into its face.

A chill runs down Casimir’s spine and he gets goosebumps.


Line 66) I hope I can block out of my mind how that thing looks.

Sotsona tries to process the situation.


Line 67) What are the chances this was all a set up?


Line 68) Didn’t you hear the way the tour guide asked for a tip? He sounded desperate.


Line 69) Having it as some sort of offering to that figure?...


Line 70) That doesn’t sound right.

Casimir nods his head in realization.


Line 71) Honestly, you have a point.


Line 72) Now that I think back to the way that figure looked, its face could have easily been a mask.

Sotsona feels relieved from Casimir agreeing with her.

She still responds in an uncertain manner.


Line 73) Exactly! See? Y-You get what I mean.

Casimir nods his head in uncertain assurance.

Sotsona gets goosebumps reminiscing about the banging on the backyard exit.


Line 74) O-Or maybe it was all real?

Casimir nervously looks at Sotsona.

They head back to the hotel and unwind for bed.

They lay in their separate beds, too scared to go to sleep, staring at the ceiling with fearful eyes.

Sotsona hesitantly talks to Casimir.


Line 75) Casimir?

Casimir responds in a panicky way, not expecting for Sotsona to suddenly speak.


Line 76) Y-Yeah?


Line 77) Are you sleeping?


Line 78) If I responded with a yeah, then I’m obviously not.

Sotsona realizes how dumb her question sounded.


Line 79) Oh… That’s right.


Line 80) You can’t sleep either?


Line 81) No…


Line 82) Yeah. Me too.


Line 83) I’m too scared to even move around in my sheets for some reason.


Line 84) I’m glad the feeling’s mutual.

Sotsona uncertainly yearns for Casimir’s assurance.


Line 85) It was fake, right?

Casimir responds in an unsure manner, trying his best to console Sotsona.


Line 86) Y-Yeah. Of course it was. 

Sotsona tries to validate Casimir’s response to comfort him, but can’t help but respond nervously.


Line 87) T-That’s what I thought too.


Line 88) Anyways, try to get some sleep.


Line 89) Y-You too.

Casimir moves his sleeping position to the side, and so does Sotsona.

They face opposite sides of the room, while trying to sleep.

Sotsona stares at the bathroom door.

She slowly closes her eyes, but her eyebrows furrow in fear.

A creak comes from the bathroom door and Sotsona’s eyes project wide open in fear.

She notices the bathroom door slightly creaked open.

She is left feeling very scared.


Line 90) C-Casimir?


Line 91) Y-Yeah?


Line 92) Can we sleep together?

Casimir responds in a flustered manner.


Line 93) Uh. Sure? If you’re really that scared.

Sotsona quickly gets out of bed and tucks herself into Casimir’s sheet beside him.

She gets herself situated in his bed.

Casimir yearns for Sotsona’s assurance.


Line 94) Is that better?


Line 95) Can I actually lay on the other side? I don’t want my back to be exposed to the bathroom.


Line 96) Oh. Uh. Sure.

Casimir and Sotsona switch places on opposite sides of the bed.


Line 97) Are you okay now?

Sotsona hesitantly responds.


Line 98) C-Can we cuddle?

Casimir and Sotsona blush.

Sotsona shyly justifies herself.


Line 99) L-Listen. If we’re both in each other’s embrace, it’ll help us fall asleep faster because we’ll feel safer.


Line 100) O-Okay then. Whatever helps us feel less scared, right?


Line 101) R-Right. It’s obviously all for that reason.

Casimir puts his arm over Sotsona’s shoulder and she brings her head close to his chest and hugs him tightly.

The both of them blush immensely as they try to get themselves situated in their cuddling position.


Line 102) Is that okay?


Line 103) Yeah. Anyways. Good night.


Line 104) Goodnight to you too.

They hug each other tightly and nod off to sleep.

The next morning rolls around.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 19, 2024
Last Updated on July 19, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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