Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 48

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 48

A Chapter by Yosh

After Casimir and Sotsona go scuba diving, they go about their day doing a bunch of other things, leading to a particularly peculiar plan.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 48:

February 26th 2024. The day is Monday.

Sotsona and Casimir get back on the boat after they finish scuba diving. 

Casimir gets the scuba gear off himself and leans his head back in exhaustion on his seat.


Line 1) Man, I’m beat.

Sotsona takes off her gear as well and stretches her arms, releasing a big yawn.


Line 2) Me too. For some reason, all that swimming really wore me out.


Line 3) I just haven’t been able to swim around so freely in while that I used up all my energy.


Line 4) I have a feeling that I’m going to be sore tomorrow.


Line 5) Yeah, me too. But unlike you, this is my first workout in a while.


Line 6) So, it’s going to have an even bigger toll on my body.


Line 7) So, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?


Line 8) Hmm. I don’t know. Just nothing too strenuous. I’ve been active enough for the day.


Line 9) Same. I’m glad we came though. This was a great experience.

Casimir smirks playfully at Sotsona, inviting her to admit that she enjoyed it here as well.

She gives into his charade, rolling her eyes in playful defeat.


Line 10) I had a good time as well.

Casimir folds his arms and gives Sotsona a smug expression.


Line 11) I thought you’d say that.


Line 12) I think by now, I have a pretty good grasp on your character.


Line 13) Aren’t you glad I brought you here?

Sotsona blushes, reminiscing on how Casimir brought her on the boat by picking her up.


Line 14) I mean, I’m glad I got to experience this. But, I think picking me up was a bit much.


Line 15) How else was I supposed to get you on the boat?

Sotsona gives Casimir another playful expression of defeat.


Line 16) Good point.

The instructors helm the boat back to mainland and Casimir and Sotsona leave the scuba diving site.

They get dressed back into the clothes they arrived in.


Line 17) What if we went to the beach?


Line 18) It’s calming and we could just sit out in the sun. We don’t necessarily have to swim again.


Line 19) We’re already all salty from the seawater. Might as well continue with that theme. What do you think?


Line 20) The beach sounds nice. I haven’t been to one in a while.

They walk over to the beach (which is close to the scuba diving site).

The sun brightly beams on the waves, with people swimming about in the ocean.

They find a spot and Casimir lays out a towel (they brought for extra precautions before leaving the hotel).

Casimir and Sotsona sit next to each other, taking in the scenery.

Sotsona takes a deep breath of the ocean breeze.

Line 21) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir was right. Nothing beats the fresh sea breeze*.

*Refer back to episode 43, line 34.

Line 22) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s definitely relaxing to be here after we swam all day.

Casimir rocks his head from side to side because of fatigue.


Line 23) I’m feeling a bit lightheaded after scuba diving. What about you?


Line 24) Yeah, me too. It’s like all the energy within me got sucked out.


Line 25) Do you think if we walk around the shore, we’ll be able to regain some energy?

Sotsona nods her head.

Casimir gets up and Sotsona extends her hand out for him to pull her up.

He takes her hand and leads her to the shore.

They hold hands as they walk along the shore, letting their feet touch the water.


Line 26) How are you liking our vacation so far?


Line 27) It’s honestly been a hectic couple of days. It’s always something new with you.


Line 28) But, you’re having fun, right?

Sotsona nods her head.


Line 29) Since it’s Monday, I was wondering if it’s okay that you’re not at work today?

Casimir boastfully smirks at Sotsona.


Line 30) Sotsona, I’m Casimir Adair. If I don’t want to go to work, I don’t have to.


Line 31) What about me? I think I was supposed to get a physical exam and drug test taken today.


Line 32) It’s fine if we push that back for a couple of days. It’s not like you’re in any sort of rush to start working.


Line 33) That’s true. But, I probably can’t miss out on work like you do.


Line 34) I could easily be fired. But, you’re always guaranteed a place here since you’re mom’s the founder.

Casimir responds confidently, giving Sotsona reassurance.


Line 35) Trust me. Whatever I say, goes. They’ll think twice before deciding to fire you. I won’t let that happen.


Line 36) Whatever happened to you not using your status to get the things you want so easily? I told you not to grant me any sort of leniency just because I’m your fiance*.

*Refer back to episode 27, details starting on line 53, etc.

Casimir blushes hearing Sotsona address him as her fiance.


Line 37) T-There are certain exceptions. If I don’t bud in like this, they’ll walk all over you.

Casimir changes the subject to cease his flustered demeanor.


Line 38) Anyways, besides that, how are you REALLY doing?

Sotsona looks at Casimir in confusion.


Line 39) What do you mean?


Line 40) Well, a lot’s just happened within the past week. I wanna know how you’re processing everything.

Casimir hesitantly says his next statement.


Line 41) Especially now that you’re with me, and cut ties with everyone else.

Sotsona takes a deep breath before answering.


Line 42) Of course, it’s a bit hard to accept how fast things have progressed.


Line 43) But, I wouldn’t have wanted it to turn out any other way.


Line 44) I wanted change to occur in my life.


Line 45) So, there’s no issue in having everything occur so quickly.


Line 46) Sure, cutting ties with you know who wasn’t easy. But, it had to be done one way or another.


Line 47) I’m just letting myself take things one step at a time until I’ve fully moved on.


Line 48) It won’t be an easy journey, but it’s something I have to do to heal myself.


Line 49) And if I’m on the journey of healing, I have nothing to complain about since I know the outcome will be worth it.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona appreciating her resilience.


Line 50) It’s good that you’re looking at this in a positive light.


Line 51) If there’s anything I can do to help let me know.

Sotsona smiles thankfully.


Line 52) You’ve done quite enough. I’m grateful for everything you’ve made possible for me.

Casimir smiles, feeling Sotsona’s genuine gratitude.

Casimir shields his eyes away from the bright sun looming above them as they walk along the shore.


Line 53) It’s a little too sunny today, should we get going? I really want to take a shower.


Line 54) And we should eat something too, my stomach feels way too empty.

Sotsona nods her head in agreement.

Casimir and Sotsona head back to their hotel and get showered.

Casimir lays on his bed, wearing a bathrobe while scrolling on his phone.

Sotsona exits the restroom, with steam coming out of it, also in her bathrobe.

Sotsona plops on her bed and groans in satisfaction.

Casimir smiles.


Line 55) It feels so good to be back. I could fall asleep in seconds.

Sotsona’s stomach grumbles.

She look at Casimir awkwardly.

He smirks at her.


Line 56) We’re both just tired because we skipped lunch. Food will energize us.


Line 57) So, are we going out to eat?


Line 58) If you want. But, we could always order room service.

A wave of realization hits Sotsona.


Line 59) Ah. I forgot that exists.


Line 60) If you pull up the hotel’s website on your phone, there’s a menu of all the things they offer.

Sotsona nods her head and pulls up the hotel website on her phone to browse the menu options.


Line 61) I’m definitely ordering coffee. I’ll fall asleep if I don’t, and it’s way too early for that.


Line 62) Me too. I need something energizing coursing through my veins.


Line 63) What coffee did they order in *“Cupid’s strike*”?

*The C-Drama that Sotsona and Casimir got into watching (refer back to episode 14, details starting on line 36).


Line 64) Are you talking about a double shot espresso?

Sotsona snaps her fingers in realization.


Line 65) That’s the one. I’m definitely getting it.


Line 66) You know what? Me too. It has a lot of caffeine.

They order what they’re going to eat, along with their espressos.

They clink their espresso cups together and get to drinking.

The bitter drink makes the both of their faces grimace in delight.


Line 67) That’s the good stuff.

They finish their food and feel hyper after the coffee.

Casimir looks at Sotsona.


Line 68) Do you think the coffee affected you?

Sotsona’s eyes widen in energy from the caffeine.


Line 69) Yeah. I no longer feel sleepy or lightheaded.

Casimir checks his phone for the time.


Line 70) Me too. It’s not too late to go anywhere. Would you like to go somewhere?

Sotsona replies in an excited manner.


Line 71) Sure. I’m up for a late night adventure. What’d you have in mind?


Line 72) Alright, hear me out before you object.


Line 73) While you were in the shower, I was lurking around on my phone for tourist attractions in Palau.


Line 74) They said there’s an abandoned temple many tourists have been visiting lately.


Line 75) According to a review, it's a place worth checking out if we're in Palau. People said they had good experiences.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in confused concern.


Line 76) How does an abandoned, most likely haunted attraction have any sort of “good experience”?


Line 77) Because people said it was an interesting encounter.

Casimir looks curiously interested to attend the attraction.


Line 78) So, why don’t we go? There’ll be a tour guide accompanying us.

Sotsona responds in a skeptical manner.


Line 79) I don’t know. It seems suspicious. Why would I ever want to go somewhere abandoned?


Line 80) Just for the thrill of it. It’s goes along with the theme of crossing things off your bucket list*.

*Refer back to episode 46, line 86.

Line 81) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He has a point with that. And I promised myself that I wouldn’t back out in doing bolder things.

Line 82) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m not superstitious anyway, so it shouldn’t be a problem attending an attraction like that.

Line 83) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Either way, I should loosen up. Several times, Casimir has shown me that the worst possible outcome I could think of is usually just blown out of proportion.

Line 84) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He also seems curious to see the place for himself. I wouldn’t want to back out by being a party pooper.

Line 85) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Besides, I’ll have him and the tour guide protecting me.


Line 86) Let’s go then.

Casimir looks surprised that Sotsona agreed swiftly.


Line 87) Really? You want to go?


Line 88) Yeah. I wouldn’t want to bum you out by saying no. 


Line 89) I trust you. I don’t think anything bad will happen.

Casimir blushes hearing Sotsona say she trusts him.


Line 90) I’m going to get ready then.

The both of them get ready and head to the place by a cab.

Line 91) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Hearing Sotsona say she trusts me, definitely makes me feel protective of her.

Line 92) Casimir’s inner thoughts: We don’t know what we’re getting ourselves into, which is why I need to keep my guard up so that I can step in to defend her if we're put in dangerous situations.

Line 93) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Leaving her traumatized is the last thing I want to do. I’m just curious as to what this place is about.

Line 94) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I just hope that my curiosity doesn’t backfire on me. Then again, I’m not one to get scared easily, so I think I should be fine.

Casimir and Sotsona arrive at the abandoned temple and notice eerie trees surrounding the area.

The place looks gray and the evening sky makes the lighting in the area look ominous.

The place is empty, leaving Sotsona and Casimir waiting on their own.

Sotsona looks around in confusion.


Line 95) Where is our tour guide?

Casimir shrugs his shoulders in confusion.


Line 96) I have no clue. I thought they’d be here, but either we’re early, or they’re just late.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in concern.


Line 97) Are you okay so far? If you feel scared, don’t hesitate to latch onto me.

Sotsona thinks to herself.

Line 98) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Come to think of it, is that what Casimir is trying to do?

Line 99) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Is he trying to get me scared so that we become closer?

Sotsona gives Casimir a smug look.


Line 100) I’m fine for now. Thanks for the offer, I suppose.

Casimir and Sotsona’s tour guide sneaks up behind them without them noticing.

Tour guide

Line 101) Greetings.

The both of them flinch, turning around in a fright from the way the tour guide just scared them.

The tour guide laughs.

Tour guide

Line 102) Doing that never gets old.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 19, 2024
Last Updated on July 19, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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