In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 69

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 69

A Chapter by Yosh

Marvin leads Calista into a house that belongs to someone dear to him. The person opens the door for them leaving Calista flustered, not knowing what to expect from this sudden visit.

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 69:

The day is Monday April 17 1967.

Calista and Marvin make their way to mama Milly’s house.

She opens the door and warmly greets them.


Line 1) Mama Milly!


Line 2) Oh, Marvin it’s you!

Marvin tightly hugs her.

She is shocked but hugs him back.

Marvin gets teary-eyed.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 3) In my previous life. Russell and Cady told me that Mama Milly passed away.

Line 4) Which means, when I traveled to 2023, she was long gone by that time.

Line 5) Knowing that she was no longer around, pained me so much.

Line 6) I’m so relieved to see her here, living and breathing.

Line 7) I’m so grateful to be holding her in my arms.

Line 8) She’s my real parent, not that grouchy old man that was gossiping behind my back.

Mama Milly’s back is aching a bit.


Line 9) Now, Marvin. Your strong arms are crushing my frail bones.

Marvin unbinds immediately.


Line 10) Oh, I’m so sorry.

Mama Milly notices Marvin's teary eyes.


Line 11) Big boy, are you crying?


Line 12) Did you miss me that much?


Line 13) We talked over the phone a couple days ago.

Line 14) Marvin: I don’t remember that. 

Mama Milly kisses him on the cheek.


Line 15) And who’s this beautiful young lady that you’ve brought here today?

Calista immediately gets flustered.

She bows down.


Line 13) I’m Calista Turner, ma’am.

Line 14) Marvin: What’s with the bow?

Calista gets back up from her bow and keeps her eyes set on the floor.

Marvin puts his arm around Calista.


Line 15) Mama Milly. I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend.

Calista blushes.

Mama Milly’s eyes spark up.


Line 16) Oh my, Marvin! I didn’t know you had one!


Line 17) We recently just got together.

Marvin looks at Calista.


Line 18) But, we’ve been getting to know each other for a while.

Calista looks at Marvin, but is really embarrassed.


Line 19) Come on in, you two.

They set foot into her house.


Line 20) Sorry for coming in without giving you a heads up.


Line 21) That’s alright. You’re always welcome to come whenever you’d like. And you know I always enjoy your company.

They get in and sit on a table.

Marvin looks around her home and is at ease.

Marvin gives off a relieving sigh.

He glances at Calista.


Line 22) At some point. I thought I’d never be able to see this place again.

Calista smiles.


Line 23) I’m glad we were able to make it back.


Line 24) Can I offer you guys something to drink?


Line 25) Heck. What am I thinking? We have a special guest. 


Line 26) I should prepare you guys some food.


Line 27) That won’t be necessary, ma’am. 


Line 28) Please don’t force yourself to do anything for us.


Line 29) I just wanted to stop by, that’s all.


Line 30) There’s no such thing as just stopping by at Mama Milly’s place.


Line 31) It’s a special occasion. I must make something.


Line 32) I’ll make that yaki-whatever you call it, Marvin. I know it’s your favorite.

Marvin stops telling Mama Milly not to cook something.

Calista looks at him.


Line 33) Can you convince her not to?


Line 34) She’s too stubborn to stop.


Line 35) And I do miss my mom’s cooking, so.

Calista looks at him happily annoyed.


Line 36) I’ll buy her a gift to make it up to her then.


Line 37) So, tell me. How did you two meet?

They tell Mama milly everything.

She’s almost finished preparing the food.


Line 38) It’s smelling good up in here.


Line 39) You know it always will.


Line 40) I’m almost finished.

She finished preparing the food and put it on a cute plate.


Line 41) Voila!

Calista gets flashbacks from when Marvin prepared her dinner.

Line 42) Calista: He takes after her.


Line 43) It looks amazing.


Line 44) Just wait till you taste it.

They all sit and dig in.

Calista takes a bite and her eyes spark.


Line 45) This is delicious!


Line 46) I knew you’d like it.


Line 47) This may be the best food I’ve ever had in my life!


Line 48) Oh, come on, Calista. You know it’s bad to lie to an old woman.


Line 49) I’m being serious. 


Line 50) You could be like a world renowned chef.

Mama Milly smiles.


Line 51) Really? That’s always been a dream of mine.


Line 52) You should make it come true.


Line 53) If you ever write a cookbook, I’ll be the first customer to snag it off the shelves.

Mama Milly laughs.


Line 54) I do have a couple of recipes up my sleeve.


Line 55) If I’m really that bored. I guess I’ll do it.

They finish up their meals.


Line 56) Don’t touch the dishes. I’ll wash them.

Marvin interjects.


Line 57) A guest shouldn’t do that. I’ll wash them.

Calista whispers to Marvin.


Line 58) Marvin, this is my time to show off to your mom.


Line 59) By washing dishes? I don’t think so.

Mama Milly overhears their conversation.


Line 60) That’s alright. Let him do it.


Line 61) I have something I want to show you, Calista.

Marvin gets to washing the dishes and Ameilia leads Calista to the living room.

Ameilia pulls out some albums.


Line 62) Wouldn’t you like to see some baby photos of Marvin?

Calista beams.


Line 63) Of course! I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.

Ameila flips through some pages and shows some photos.

Calista looks at them in awe.


Line 64) Aww, what a cutie!


Line 65) Right? He was such a doll!

They flip through them and keep looking.

There’s one photo where a woman is holding Marvin as a baby.


Line 66) This woman is Marvin's real mom.


Line 67) I remember this day like it was yesterday.

*Flashback to when Marvin’s mom was giving birth to him.

Day March 27th 1939.

Marvin's mom is struggling to give birth.

Ameilia’s narration:

Line 68) There was a time where Marvin’s dad was just a simple young man.

Line 69) He had a rough past because his mother passed away.

Line 70) This led his aggressive dad to take control in parenting him.

Line 71) Around the time, Marvin’s dad was fooling around with some girl, and got her pregnant.

Line 72) Marvin’s grandfather grew ill during this time as well.

Line 73) And eventually, he died a couple days after Marvin was born.

Line 74) This grief shocked Marvin’s dad immensely.

Line 75) Although, he despised his father for mistreating him all those years.

Line 76) When he passed away, he couldn’t help but be stricken with grief.

Line 77) And when he looked into the eyes of his first born son.

Line 78) The rage and fury that bundled inside of him all these years.

Line 79) Would be passed down to this baby.

Line 80) And thus, the cycle repeats.

Line 81) After Marvin’s mother gave birth to him. All she wanted to do was hold her baby in her arms.

Line 82) But, his father wouldn’t allow that.

Line 83) He drove her out of the house, and away from Marvin.

Line 84) She desperately wanted the baby.

Line 85) But, just couldn’t be there for him.

*Shot cuts back to them.


Line 86) She was a bright woman.


Line 87) I remember caring for her all those months when she was pregnant.


Line 88) She was radiant and super positive.


Line 89) Most of all, she was excited to give birth and become a parent.


Line 90) It’s a shame she couldn’t be there for him.


Line 91) If you don’t mind me asking. What happened to her?


Line 92) She and I grew fond of each other as I took care of her.


Line 93) As Marvin was growing up, we would often exchange letters. And I would give her updates on how Marvin was doing.


Line 94) At one point, she stopped sending me letters.


Line 95) I got a rebound letter from an unknown address that explained what happened to her. 


Line 96) She passed away, and they even listed where she was buried.


Line 97) Marvin and I have visited there, from time to time.


Line 98) I don’t know the full details. But, all I know is she unfortunately passed away.

Calista looks bummed.


Line 99) I-I had no idea.

Mama Milly rubs Calista’s shoulders.


Line 100) It’s a tough subject for Marvin to touch on.


Line 101) He’s had it so rough.


Line 102) Yeah, but he’s one resilient boy.


Line 103) Which is why, as his girlfriend. I want you to promise me something.

Calista listens in.


Line 104) Give him the world.


Line 105) That boy deserves so much greatness.


Line 106) Make him feel loved.

Calista smiles.

She leads out her hand for a pinky promise.


Line 107) You have my word.

They pinky promise each other.

Marvin listens in to their conversation from the other room.

He smiles.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 69 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



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