Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 47

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 47

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona make it to the scuba diving sight. Sotsona feels antsy and unsure of whether she should go through with their plans for the day.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 47:

February 26th 2024. The day is Monday.

Sotsona and Casimir head off to a snorkeling and scuba diving sight.

They get suited up in their gear, ready to be in the water.

Casimir exits the changing room and shows his attire to Sotsona, who’s all suited up and ready to go as well.

Casimir anticipates a good response from Sotsona.


Line 1) How do I look?


Line 2) Like you’re ready to go scuba diving. How else should you look?

He gives Sotsona a dull look, being disappointed from her answer.


Line 3) Fearless. Exceptional. Brave. Daring. Courageous…

Casimir pouts his lips in a butt-hurt manner.


Line 4) There’s so many other things you could’ve said. However, you went with the most obvious answer out there.

Sotsona raises her hands in a “spare me” pose.


Line 5) Sorry I’m not as punctual in my vocabulary as you.


Line 6) If you use the word punctual so casually, then you are. Be more creative next time.


Line 7) Anyways. Let’s get going. They’re probably waiting on us.

Casimir gets walking to the boat, but doesn’t feel Sotsona’s presence trailing behind him.

He looks back and sees that she’s still seated in her resting spot.

Casimir responds in confusion.


Line 8) Are you glued to your seat or what?

Sotsona looks away from Casimir, avoiding the elephant in the room.

Casimir makes his own assumptions.


Line 9) Are you waiting for me to leave because you’re too embarrassed to walk beside me from the way I look?

Sotsona faces Casimir in annoyance from his bad habit.


Line 10) There you go coming to your own conclusions again. Stop that.

Casimir raises his hands in a stance that questions Sotsona.


Line 11) Then what is it? Let’s go.

Sotsona hesitates before she comes clear of her thoughts.


Line 12) Why don't you just go on your own, and I stay here wearing this suit just to feel better about myself for doing something instead of nothing?

Casimir looks at Sotsona with bewilderment.


Line 13) What are you trying to say?

Sotsona gives Casimir a nervous smile, hoping that he’ll agree with her negotiation.


Line 14) I think putting on this suit is enough. Why don’t you go scuba diving for the both of us?


Line 15) Is this because you’re scared?

Sotsona speaks in a fearful manner.


Line 16) Listen, I was doing some research on the cab ride here, and an article said that if you swim to the surface too quickly-


Line 17) The nitrogen in your body won’t have time to dissipate into your bloodstream, thus forming bubbles, therefore potentially causing health problems in the future.


Line 18) There’s also a possibility of death!

Casimir walks over to Sotsona.

He crouches in front of her.

She lowers her head to look him in the eye.


Line 19) I’ll repeat myself. I know I mentioned that I wanted to do more bolder things without thinking twice and the same rules should apply-


Line 20) But, the risks here aren’t calculated correctly for me to be able to swerve them, like how you did with sneaking onto the yacht.


Line 21) I only gave you a couple of examples on the risks people take when scuba diving, there’s plenty of other like-

Casimir hugs Sotsona’s lower body.

Sotsona is caught off-guard with this sudden action.


Line 22) What on earth are you doing?

Casimir stands up as he holds Sotsona, swinging her over his shoulder.

Sotsona yells at Casimir as he does this, not expecting for him to pick her up.

Line 23) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: For such a short man, why is he able to pick me up so easily?

Line 24) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why does he also seem offly experienced too? Is this not the first time he’s had to pick me up?

Sotsona flails her arms and legs, trying to worm her way out of Casimir’s grasp.

Sotsona blushes, feeling flustered.


Line 25) Put me down, Casimir! I’m not getting on that boat!

Casimir remains unfazed and walks over to the boat sight where the diving instructors are setting up their scuba gear and boat.

The diving instructors look at Casimir in shock as he holds Sotsona. 

Casimir gives them a thumbs up to reassure them he’s okay, while Sotsona continues to blabber to Casimir, trying to convince him to leave her alone.


Line 26) Sotsona~ People are watching.

He whispers at her.


Line 27) You told me that you get embarrassed easily, right? So, stop acting like a child.

Sotsona blushes in embarrassment realizing Casimir’s point.

Casimir steps onto the boat and places Sotsona in one of the seats.


Line 28) Man up. You’re too tall to act like this.

Casimir boops Sotsona’s nose.

She looks at him in distress.


Line 29) Why do I have to keep repeating things for you to get them through your head?


Line 30) I told you to stop thinking about the worst. And how many times have I been right about the positive outcomes?

Sotsona remains silent, avoiding Casimir’s gaze, knowing he’s right.

Casimir cups his ear in a listening manner, awaiting Sotsona’s response.


Line 31) I don’t hear you. How many times?

Sotsona gives in and admits her answer to Casimir.


Line 32) Everytime.


Line 33) Exactly. So, just power through.


Line 34) I promise to you that this is going to be fun.


Line 35) I don’t want you to regret not having the chance to do something like this.


Line 36) So, just stay calm and trust me.

The instructors get the boat ready and start helming it to the scuba diving location.

Casimir sits beside Sotsona.

The instructors feel a bit awkward after witnessing the way Casimir and Sotsona just interacted with each other.

Line 37) Both of the instructor’s inner thoughts: Did he just gentle parent his girlfriend?

A couple minutes roll by as they continue to helm the boat to the proper location. 

Casimir looks over at Sotsona and notices how stressed out she looks.

Sotsona fidgets with her hands, trying to cope with her anxiety.

Casimir feels guilty looking at her.

Line 38) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Did I go too far by forcibly bringing her here?

Line 39) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Her stressful face is making me feel ashamed.

Casimir gently grabs one of Sotsona’s hands, stopping her fidgeting.

He interlocks his fingers with hers and holds her hand tightly.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in shock.


Line 40) You hand feels like the inside of a clam. Stop sweating so much.

Sotsona responds in a snappy manner.


Line 41) Telling me to “stop sweating” won’t automatically make me stop.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.

Line 42) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’s always been quick with her comebacks.


Line 43) Is dramatic your middle name?

Sotsona looks at Casimir in an offended manner.


Line 44) Maybe you should’ve done a shot before getting on.

Sotsona stubbornly looks away from Casimir, not in the mood to talk with him.

Casimir puts his arm around Sotsona, bringing her closer to him.


Line 45) Think of it this way…


Line 46) Did you ever have a mermaid phase when you were a kid?

Sotsona looks at Casimir in confusion.

Casimir replies in a serious tone.


Line 47) Answer the question.

Sotsona thinks to herself.

She replies in a flustered manner.


Line 48) It’s not something I want to bring up out of embarrassment, but, yeah.

Casimir burst out in laughter.

Sotsona gives Casimir an offended look, her jaw wide open in shock.


Line 49) Did you force me to admit that just to laugh in my face?

Casimir reassures Sotsona.


Line 50) Of course not. I’m laughing because we have a lot more in common than I thought.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in pleasant surprise.


Line 51) You? No way!

Casimir boastfully admits his confession.


Line 52) Believe it or not, I did. Or should I say my “merman phase” instead?

Sotsona smiles.

Line 53) Casimir’s inner thoughts: At least she seems happy now, even though a part of me died admitting to that.

Casimir happily explains his phase origin.


Line 54) When I was a kid, I so badly wanted to swim in the deep parts of the ocean to fully fulfill my mermaid dreams.


Line 55) Of course, I convinced myself at the time that I was actually a mermaid. Even going as far as saying that when I’d touch water I’d transform into my true state.

Sotsona slightly chuckles from Casimir’s remark.


Line 56) I wanted to swim in the ocean carelessly, seeing all the sea creatures and having the blue hue of light reflect on my face through the ocean, as I’d swim through the soft water.


Line 57) That being said, I would always beg my mom to go to the beach. However, whenever I’d go too far in the ocean, she’d scold me.


Line 58) The only place I’d be able to swim as freely as I’d like was the pool.


Line 59) I’d always imagined myself being in the ocean, swimming around in my imaginary mermaid tail.


Line 60) Anyways, what I’m trying to get at is that we have the ability to let ourselves do something like this.

Casimir happily smiles at Sotsona.


Line 61) So, let yourself have fun.


Line 62) Let the child within take control for the day.


Line 63) Let their dream come true.

Sotsona wholesomely smiles at Casimir.


Line 64) Wow. You just made me go down memory lane.

Casimir looks intrigued at Sotsona.


Line 65) Now I’m curious, what were you like as a kid?


Line 66) Happier. I was able to let myself be free.


Line 67) I wasn’t afraid of being weird. 


Line 68) Which, looking back, maybe wasn’t the best decision to make because I have loads of embarrassing memories.

Casimir defends Sotsona.


Line 69) Oh come on. You were just a kid.

Sotsona releases from Casimir’s embrace.


Line 70) No. It was bad.

Casimir looks interested.


Line 71) I wanna know.

Sotsona gives into her confession.


Line 72) Fine. I’ll tell you. 


Line 73) When I was REALLY in my mermaid phase…


Line 74) I made up this whole lie by tricking my bus mate into thinking that I was a mermaid by avoiding water.


Line 75) Whenever it would rain, I would eek at any splashes and avoid it.


Line 76) People would look at me strangely all the time, but I didn’t care.

Casimir laughs.


Line 77) That sounds like something you’d do.

Casimir pokes Sotsona’s cheek.


Line 78) You’re adorable for that.

Sotsona blushes, feeling embarrassed from her confession.

All of theme finally arrive to the location.


Line 79) We’ve finally arrived.

Sotsona’s fearful state takes over again.

The instructors get Casimir and Sotsona geared up and fully explain scuba diving protocols.

Casimir and Sotsona are caught up on what to do.


Line 80) That’s about it. Do you guys need me to repeat anything?

Casimir looks over at Sotsona for assurance and she shakes her head no.


Line 81) Then we’re all set for diving.

Sotsona looks frightened.


Line 82) Prop yourselves on the ledge of the boat. Back facing the water. Hands on your gear.


Line 83) Make sure to breath out of your mouth. But don’t panic for too much air. 

The instructor encourages them. 


Line 84) You guys can do this. Just keep in mind the things I told the both of you.

Casimir looks over at Sotsona.


Line 85) I’ll go first. I’ll be waiting for you.

Sotsona watches as Casimir effortlessly dives backwards into the water.

He fades into the ocean.

Sotsona takes a deep breath to brace herself.

Line 86) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Face your fears, Sotsona! You’ve made it this far already. There’s no backing out.

Sotsona rashly dives backwards and enters the water.

The water fully engulfs Sotsona’s body until she’s fully submerged.

She swims further into the ocean, finding her groove with the scuba gear on.

Sotsona spots Casimir deeper in the water, looking nonchalant with his hands behind his head.

He blows bubbles Sotsona’s way.

Sotsona can tell that Casimir is smiling even though his gear is in the way.

Casimir  motions his hands for Sotsona to catch up to him.

As she sets to get closer to him, a school of fish quickly passes between them.

This leaves the both of them in shock.

After the fish pass, Casimir opens his arms as a signal for Sotsona to come to him.

Sotsona hesitantly makes her way closer to Casimir.

After she makes it, Casimir takes Sotsona’s arm dragging her along the ocean as they go deeper to see corals and fish.

The instructors join Casimir and Sotsona.

They observe the ocean and appreciate the sea life around them.

Casimir swims freely around Sotsona, letting loose.

They stare at the fish that swim around them and pet some of them.

Sotsona flinches as the fish scatter around them briskly.

Line 87) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is definitely really cool!

Line 88) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I feel one with nature. It’s humbling.

Line 89) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I feel bad for being a hassle to Casimir earlier.

Line 90) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This was definitely worth coming too.

Sotsona looks over at Casimir.

He flips his flippers in her face.

Sotsona extends her arm out to Casimir.

Casimir grabs it and swims with Sotsona around the ocean area.

They stop around the mid portion of the ocean.

Casimir brings Sotsona closer to him.

Sotsona can hear him laughing through his scuba gear.

He shows her the “okay sign” and she signals back to him that she’s okay.

Casimir leans closer to Sotsona, causing her to feel flustered.

He leans even closer and blows bubbles her way.

Casimir swims lower to the instructor as he signals for all of them to be at his level.

Sotsona makes her way to the group and the instructor points his finger above them.

Casimir and Sotsona look at what the instructor is pointing at.

The instructor points at a  hammer head shark swimming above them.

Sotsona looks startled but Casimir finds her hand and hold it tightly.

Sotsona feels reassured by Casimir’s comfort and all of them take in the sight of the hammerhead shark swimming around the area..

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 91) We did end up seeing a shark.

Line 92) I thought I would feel scared, and I was at first…

Line 93) But since we were having such a good time, there just didn’t seem to be a reason to be afraid.

Line 94) Casimir was right, I was being dramatic.

Line 95) His assurance and intimacy just lightened everything up.

Line 96) I really did feel like we were playing mermaids with each other.

Line 97) Both of our inner children caught of glimpse of each other.

Line 98) After all those times when I thought nobody understood me…

Line 99) Finally, there's someone who understands me and doesn't judge me for who I am.

Line 100) I didn’t know I needed this. I feel like I’m starting to heal.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 18, 2024
Last Updated on July 18, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
