In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 68

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 68

A Chapter by Yosh

The next day rolls around going along without any dull moments for Marvin, Calista, Talulla, and even Elouise.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 68:

The day is Monday April 17 1967.

Marvin is making breakfast for all of them.

Calista sneaks behind him to give him a hug.


Line 1) So, you’re not going to work today?

Marvin grabs Calista’s face.


Line 2) I can’t be going to work, when I have someone like you waiting for me at home.

Calista smiles.


Line 3) Won’t it be bad if you don’t go?


Line 4) I mean it won’t necessarily be the best thing, but I don’t care.


Line 5) Oh, come on. I don’t want you to get scolded because of me.


Line 6) This is a choice I’m deciding to make.

Marvin squeezes Calista’s cheek.


Line 7) You don’t need to worry.

Marvin kisses Calista’s forehead.


Line 8) I’m glad I get to spend the day with you.

Calista smiles.


Line 9) I’m glad too.

Calista waves her hand for Marvin to lean forward.

She grabs his face and kisses him.

Marvin gets lost in the moment and continues to kiss Calista.

They hold each other tight.

Talulla comes out of her room and catches them.

She looks distraught.

They are shocked she caught them.


Line 10) You know what? Maybe I should just go back to bed.


Line 11) Wait, breakfast is ready.

The toast timer goes off as they awkwardly stare at each other.

They get to eat breakfast and talk about their day.


Line 12) So, do you guys plan on going anywhere today?


Line 13) We don’t have anything planned at the moment. We just intend to spend the day together.

Talulla is annoyed on the inside.

Line 14) Talulla: Which means I’ll be a third wheel.


Line 15) Did your plans change because of me?


Line 16) Not necessarily, but it’s better this way, so you don’t feel excluded.


Line 17) You guys, just go somewhere.

They listen in to what Talulla wants to say.


Line 18) I’ll be bored without you guys, but I’d much rather have you two  spend your time with each other, rather than finding ways to include me.


Line 19) And plus, you guys are being mushy gushy too.


Line 20) Not that, it’s a bad thing. 


Line 21) It’s just something I don’t want to witness.


Line 22) And I’m sure your friends are busy with their day-to-day habituals, so I don’t want to be thrown into their plans either.


Line 23) I’ll figure something out, just don’t worry about me.

They smile at Talulla.

Calista picks up all their plates and hugs Talulla.


Line 24) Thank you

Shot cuts to Elouise getting up in the morning with puffy eyes.

Todd notices the state his sister is in and questions her.

He looks at her in wonder.


Line 25) Piss off, Todd. Why are you all up in my business?


Line 26) Your eyes are puffy, your makeup’s not fully removed, and you look tired and upset.


Line 27) Have you been crying?

Elouise gets sarcastic.


Line 28) Congrats detective, you solved the mystery.

Elouise sarcastically claps.


Line 29) Are you okay?


Line 30) What’s it to you?


Line 31) Well, I care about your well-being. So, just tell me what’s going on?


Line 32) It’s none of your business.

Todd rolls his eyes.


Line 33) Well, I’m off to work.


Line 34) I left some waffles in the fridge.


Line 35) Have a good day.

Todd brightly smiles at Elouise.

She rolls her eyes and opens the newspaper.

Elouise grabs a remote and turns on the news while she prepares breakfast.

Line 36) A recent study speculates that going outside for a 30 minute walk, can increase your dopamine levels.

Line 37) This analysis comes from the “Book of living by Reginald Brown”.

Line 38) Back to you, Jack on your interview with Reginald Brown. 

Line 39) Jack: It is such an honor to have you here with us Mr. Reginald Brown.

Line 40) Reginald: I’m glad to be here.

Line 41) Jack: Let me ask you this, sir. 

Line 42) Jack: If you could give one piece of advice to whoevers watching this news channel, what would you say to them? 

Line 43) Reginald: Hoof. That is quite a tough question.

People in the news broadcast laugh.

Line 44) Reginald: But, if I could say anything, it would be…  to be kind to others.

The people laugh again.

Line 45) Jack: That’s it? Why is it so simple?

Line 46) Reginald: It actually runs deeper than you think, Jack.

Line 47) Reginald: Kindness goes a long way no matter what you're going through.

Line 48) Reginald: It could save someone's life and turn their day completely around.

Line 49) Reginald: On top of that, it doesn't cost a thing. It’s completely free.

The broadcast people laugh and Elouise shuts it off.


Line 50) What a bunch of nonsense.

Elouise eats her breakfast.

Shot cuts to Marvin and Calista taking a stroll.

Marvin suddenly gets weary and grabs Calista’s hand abruptly.

He drags her to the end of a building and hides from the main entrance.

Calista whispers.


Line 51) What’s going on?

Marvin brings a shushed finger to his mouth.

He holds Calista close and examines the entrance of the building.

The entrance has Marvin's dad talking to some guy on the table outside smoking a cigarette.

Marvin tries to overhear their conversation.

Dad’s friend

Line 52) Your birthday is coming up. Got any plans?

Dad’s friend

Line 53) The big old five, zero.

Marvin’s dad

Line 54) It’s not a day I’m looking forward to. I can tell you that.

Dad’s friend

Line 55) Why not? Aging’s a privilege.

Marvin’s dad

Line 56) Not when you’re a businessman.

Marvin’s dad

Line 57) The clock’s ticking. And some day, my scrawny son is gonna take over my work.

Dad’s friend

Line 58) You’re too rough on that boy. He’ll handle it as easy as pie.

Marvin’s dad

Line 59) How can he handle a business if he can’t even land himself a woman?

The dad’s friend laughs.

Dad’s friend

Line 60) It’s not as simple as you think.

Marvin’s dad

Line 61) Well, it’s starting to take a toll on our business.

Marvin’s dad

Line 62) He needs to marry someone in power. Someone just as powerful as our business.

Marvin’s dad

Line 63) Our company can heavily benefit from it.

Marvin’s dad

Line 64) But, that darn boy doesn't even want to show up to work.

Marvin’s dad

Line 65) I gave him my grandma’s ring, you know?

Dad’s friend

Line 66) Aw, now you’re just putting too much pressure on him.

Marvin’s dad

Line 67) Like I care.

 Marvin rolls his eyes.

Calista is confused.

Dad’s friend

Line 68) He’s still young, he probably wants to fall in love.

Marvin’s dad

Line 69) People like us don’t have time to fall in love.

Marvin’s dad

Line 70) He can deal with that after he’s married. But, it’s not like it’ll add any value to his life.

Dad’s friend

Line 71) Or he can just be a player, like you!

The dad’s friend laughs again.

Marvin’s dad gives him a cold look.

Dad’s friend

Line 72) Sorry, boss.

Marvin’s dad

Line 73) Either way, he can’t do what I did. He’s too sensitive.

Dad’s friend

Line 74) Maybe your son’s… A homosexual?

Marvin’s dad stares at his friend blankly.

Marvin’s dad

Line 75) He’s already enough of a burden to me. I don’t want him to be gay on top of that.

Marvin whispers.


Line 76) B*****d.


Line 77) What’s going on? 


Line 78) It’s nothing worth listening to.

Marvin grabs Calista’s hand and they leave.


Line 79) Are you okay?


Line 80) You look tense.


Line 81) I’m just slightly pissed off.

Marvin smiles at Calista.


Line 82) I won’t ask why, then.

Calista leans on Marvins shoulder.

Elouise walks by and they walk past each other.

Elouise’s jaw is wide open.

Line 83) Elouise: The worst part about all of this…

Line 84) Elouise: Is that they look good together.

Line 85) Elouise: But, how the heck did some “plain jane” steal Marvin’s heart?

Line 86) Elouise: I’m better than her. That’s for sure.

Line 87) Elouise: But, if that’s his type then so be it.

Line 88) Elouise: His actions say a lot about him. And I’m no longer gonna bat an eye to it.

Elouise tries to blow off the topic.

Shot cuts back to Calista and Marvin talking.


Line 89) So, where are we walking to?


Line 90) There’s someone special I want you to meet.

Calista is excited.


Line 91) Is it someone I should make a good impression on?


Line 92) Trust me, you’ll make a good impression, alright.


Line 93) This person is very precious to me.


Line 94) She’s quite tough to disappoint. That’s how sweet she is.


Line 95) I tend not to make good impressions on people.


Line 96) I can plead that as well.


Line 97) We didn’t start off too strong, did we?


Line 98) No. But, the second I got to know you better.


Line 99) I was completely infatuated.

Calista blushes.


Line 100) Either way, I want to give this my best shot.

They make their way to the destination and Marvin knocks on the door.

The person opens it up.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 68 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



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