![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 67A Chapter by Yosh![]() Talulla and Elouise continue their heated conversation, while Marvin and Calista spend some quality time with each other on their date.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 67: The day is Sunday April 16 1967. Talulla is saying everything she knows about Elouise. Talulla Line 1) You’re a rich, fussy, entitled girl who thinks that just because she has daddy’s money by her side, she can do whatever she wants. Elouise’s shocked. Elouise Line 2) Where did you get the audacity to say such a thing? Elouise Line 3) We’ve only just met. But, you're one courageous girl. Elouise Line 4) You think I’m going to let what you said slide by so easily?! Talulla Line 5) You’re already proving my point. Talulla Line 6) The way you handled the situation with the waitress just then, also proves my point. Talulla Line 7) Here she comes. Watch and learn. Talulla grabs her coffee and takes a sip of it. Talulla Line 8) Excuse me. I think you got my order wrong. Talulla Line 9) I asked for an espresso, not a cappuccino. Talulla Line 10) Could you remake that for me, please? Waitress Line 11) I’m sorry. I’m new here, so I’m trying to get used to the working dynamics. I’ll remake that for you right now. Sorry for the inconvenience. Talulla Line 12) I completely understand. Don’t worry. The waiter goes to remake Talulla’s drink. Talulla Line 13) See how I dealt with that? Talulla Line 14) Not only was I respectful, but I got to the point. Talulla Line 15) You’re what we call where I’m from a Karen. Talulla Line 16) You, on the other hand, spit your drink out and yelled at the waiter. Talulla Line 17) Yet, you had no idea that it was the waiter’s first day at work. Talulla Line 18) That’s the thing. You never know what someone’s going through. Which is why you should always be kind to them. No matter what. Elouise Line 19) You’re being a hypocrite. Talulla Line 20) How so? Elouise Line 21) You laughed at me. But, you have no idea what I may be going through. Talulla Line 22) Alright. I will say you kind of have a point. Talulla Line 23) But, regardless, someone like you needs to be put in their place. Talulla Line 24) And the person that so happens to put you in your place, is me. Talulla Line 25) Anyway, hopefully you get what I’m trying to say now. Elouise Line 26) You make no sense. Talulla Line 27) I make perfect sense. You just don’t understand me. Elouise Line 28) Then explain yourself. Talulla Line 29) Actually, you explain yourself. Talulla Line 30) Tell me what you’re going through that’s making you have it worse than others? Elouise Line 31) Well I was- Talulla Line 32) Let me guess. You had a plan to execute something, but it didn’t go your way. Talulla Line 33) That’s where my friend Calista comes in, doesn’t she? Line 34) Talulla: I want to freak her out. Elouise’s face is in shock. Elouise Line 35) H-How’d you know? Talulla Line 36) It’s written all over your face. Talulla Line 37) Now, because things didn’t go the way you anticipated, you think your whole life’s in shambles. Talulla Line 38) But, that’s just you being dramatic. Elouise Line 39) So, what are you saying? Talulla Line 40) I’m saying you’re being unreasonable. Elouise starts raging out. Elouise Line 41) HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?! Talulla Line 42) Keep your voice down, you’ll attract attention. Elouise notices the people watching. Talulla Line 43) Don’t make a fool out of yourself. Talulla Line 44) Again, you’re acting defensive because what I’m saying is true. Elouise is fuming. Talulla Line 45) Tell me. When did all of this start? Talulla Line 46) This sudden feeling of superiority. Talulla Line 47) That you think you can have everything you want. Talulla Line 48) That you think you can use people to your advantage. Talulla Line 49) Everything happens for a reason, so tell me what yours is? Elouise Line 50) You know what? You’re one pretentious b***h! Talulla Line 51) Ouch. I don’t deserve to be called that. Talulla Line 52) But, I’ll gladly accept an apology in return, since I know you only called me that because you’re upset. Elouise Line 53) An apology?! Just who do you think you are?! Talulla Line 54) I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again. I’m a good person. Talulla Line 55) Because I don’t put myself on this high pedestal thinking I’m better than everyone else. Talulla Line 56) Because I actually have respect for people. Talulla Line 57) Because I don’t use them to get the things I want. Talulla slowly gets louder in frustration. Talulla Line 58) Because I actually have a brain. And use my critical thinking skills to know that just because I’m going through a hard time, does not give me an excuse to lash out on others. Talulla Line 59) Because I’m not a selfish person, like you! Talulla Line 60) That’s who I am. And that’s who you aren’t. Talulla Line 61) And until you get that through your thick skull. Talulla Line 62) You’ll be suffering the consequences of your actions for the rest of your life! Talulla Line 63) Because karma’s the real b***h. Not me. Talulla Line 64) In actuality, I pity you. Talulla Line 65) People like you are lost causes. Talulla Line 66) You’ll never truly experience what it feels like to be a good person. Talulla Line 67) And it’s such a shame, because I think everyone in their life should feel how good it is. Talulla Line 68) But, maybe it’s for the better, because you don’t deserve it. Talulla abruptly leaves the cafe and leaves Elouise in shock. The waiter comes by with their drinks. Elouise notices. Elouise Line 69) Just bring me the check. Line 70) Elouise: What the heck just happened? Line 71) Elouise: She never told me her name, how am I supposed to report her to my dad? Line 72) Elouise: I have never had anyone in my life, talk to me in such a hurtful way. Line 73) Elouise: She has no idea what I’ve been through! *Shot cuts back to Calista and Marvin walking home to their apartment together. Their hands are interlocked. Calista Line 74) The city is so lively at night. Calista Line 75) Modern day atmosphere’s, are so blue and bright. Calista Line 76) Here, it’s easier on the eyes and ambient. Calista and Marvin look at each other. Calista Line 77) You’re looking handsome in this lighting. Marvin blushes. Marvin Line 78) And you look gorgeous as always. Calista kisses Marvin's hand. Calista Line 79) Thanks… B-B Calista Line 80) Babe. Line 81) Calista: Ugh, I’m making myself cringe. Marvin Line 82) Did you just call me babe? Calista attempts to wink at Marvin. He laughs. Marvin teases Calista in a songy manner. Marvin Line 83) You just called me babe. You just called me babe. Calista Line 84) Why do you have to be so weird about it? Marvin leans in and kisses Calista's cheek. She looks at him surprised and he winks at her. Calista Line 85) How are you such a natural at this? Marvin Line 86) Natural’s my middle name. Calista squeezes Marvin's cheek. Calista Line 87) I couldn’t resist. Your cheeks just look so squishy. Marvin laughs. They spot Talulla wandering some place walking Rex. Calista Line 88) Talulla! Over here! Talulla looks relieved to see them. She walks over and hugs them. Rex wags his tail in excitement. They are both a bit shocked by Talulla’s welcoming. Calista Line 89) Aww, did you miss us? Talulla Line 90) I’m not gonna lie, I really did. Talulla Line 91) Turns out, lifes a lot duller than I thought without any technology. Talulla Line 92) But, I’m probably just saying that because I’m so used to being on my phone. Marvin Line 93) Here, I got you some clothes, since you’ll be staying here for a while. Marvin Line 94) These flowers are also for you. Marvin hands Talulla the bag and flowers. Talulla is shocked. Talulla Line 95) Oh! Wow! Talulla Line 96) That’s so nice of you. Thanks! Marvin Line 97) About your boredom. You should get to know my friends. They’ll keep you company. Talulla Line 98) Well, she might not be a friend, but I talked with someone you know. They’re awaiting Talulla’s response. Talulla Line 99) I talked with Elouise. Their faces go blank. They sit on a bench and Talulla explains everything she said to her. They are in shock. Calista Line 100) Well someone had to say it. Talulla Line 101) Right. She should be glad that I gave her the biggest reality check of her life. Marvin Line 102) That must’ve been a lot to deal with. Talulla Line 103) Eh, it wasn’t so bad. Talulla Line 104) She needed to be humbled. They walk back home. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 17, 2024 Last Updated on July 17, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author