Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 46

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 46

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona and Casimir exit the yacht after it finally makes it back to the bay's dock. As they walk around some more, something Casimir says spurs Sotsona into asking him a serious question.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 46:

February 25th 2024. The day is Sunday. It's nighttime.

After Casimir and Sotsona have spent some time at the yacht party, they get ready to leave as the boat makes its way back to the bay’s park dock.

They say their goodbyes to the host and go their merry ways, continuing to walk around the bay.


Line 1) Did you gift her something? She didn’t include us when she was unwrapping presents, and I thought she’d call us out for not bringing anything.


Line 2) I gave her some last minute money from the both of us. She told me to thank you on my behalf.

Sotsona admirably stares at Casimir.


Line 3) That’s a nice thing for you to do. Thank you for that.


Line 4) Therefore, what we did today about sneaking on this yacht, was not a bad thing after all since I eventually made things up to her.


Line 5) That’s some weird logic. But, I guess you’re right. It was all eventually for a good cause.

Casimir gives Sotsona a smug look.


Line 6) Who would’ve thought that she’d be naming her baby Sotsona.


Line 7) Your name is not even that common. I’m still so shocked that she mentioned that.


Line 8) It’s not every day that a huge coincidence like that happens.

This comment spurs Sotsona into asking Casimir a question.


Line 9) Say, do you believe in fate?

Casimir replies with certainty.


Line 10) Of course I do. Who doesn’t?


Line 11) If I’m being honest, I kind of don’t. I’m on the fence after what happened just now with the whole baby naming thingy.

Casimir looks at Sotsona with shock.


Line 12) Why don’t you believe in fate?


Line 13) I guess I just haven’t had something substantial enough happen that led me to believe it.

Casimir playfully tries to act offended.


Line 14) So you don’t think us meeting was fate?


Line 15) More chance than fate.


Line 16) But, I’d like to hear why you believe in fate.

Casimir playfully smirks at Sotsona.


Line 17) Because of you.

Sotsona blushes and acts coy in a flustered manner.


Line 18) If I were you, I wouldn’t go blabbering accusations like that.

Casimir laughs.


Line 19) First of all “accusations” is an outrageous word to use in this context.

Casimir nosily air quotes close to Sotsona’s face.


Line 20) Second of all, it’s for a valid reason.

Sotsona playfully rolls her eyes.

She looks intriguingly at Casimir.


Line 21) Then, explain away.


Line 22) It’s not anything you haven’t already heard.


Line 23) Well, then remind me. Is it okay for you to repeat yourself? Sometimes I have the memory of a goldfish.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in a teasing manner.


Line 24) I don’t mind repeating myself. I was hoping you could admit that you know what I’m about to say. But you’re acting clueless because you want to hear me repeat it, huh?

Casimir playfully nudges Sotsona.

Sotsona’s eyebrows furrow in confusion.


Line 25) How did you come up with a conclusion like that?

Casimir playfully smirks and points his finger at Sotsona.


Line 26) Give up your bluff. I know you’re playing dumb on purpose.

Sotsona passionately shrugs her shoulders.


Line 27) I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about.


Line 28) Fine. I’ll say it again then.

Casimir props himself up on a ledge as he walks by Sotsona to be taller.

He extends his hand out and wiggles it in front of Sotsona to grab it.

She playfully rolls her eyes and accepts his hand while blushing.


Line 29) You think we met by chance, but I think we met by fate. Yada yada yada…


Line 30) Tomato tomata, it’s the same thing when you think about it.


Line 31) I simply walk into a restaurant, and you so happen to be the waitress that serves my table.


Line 32) I already mentioned that I was having difficulties matching with people previously*, which is why I decided to scout someone of my own.

*Refer back to episode 7, line 44, and episode 8, details starting on line 74.


Line 33) And, just so happened, that when I was assigning myself that goal, you popped into my life.


Line 34) The universe gave me a clear sign that you’re the one. It couldn’t be more obvious.


Line 35) And now knowing how good of a team we are, and how good we’ve been connecting so far…


Line 36) I’d have to say that you were carefully planted into that very moment of my life, for us to be together this way.


Line 37) If it were any other person, we wouldn’t have meshed this well.


Line 38) But, since it’s just you and I… We’re the best dynamic duo I could ever think of!

Casimir’s eyes squint from smiling so hard at Sotsona.

Sotsona’s eyes glisten, sparking from Casimir’s words.

Her cheeks flush into a beet like color.

The wind elegantly blows in her hair.


Line 39) I think the best way to describe what’s going on between us is it’s like we’re stuck in a rom-com movie.

Sotsona playfully rolls her eyes.


Line 40) You’re one hopeless romantic, Casimir.

Casimir passionately justifies himself. 


Line 41) You don’t get it. It’s like every moment I’m with you, the lightings perfect-


Line 42) The ambiance is flourishing, the vibes are delightful-


Line 43) You’re delightful.

Sotsona gets timid and unwillingly blushes even redder than before.


Line 44) Everything is placed so perfectly. Like we’re in a scene from a movie.


Line 45) In my head, fireworks are bursting, along with smooth jazz playing in the background.


Line 46) All I’m hoping is that this rom-com movie has a happy ending.


Line 47) So, the real question I should be asking is are you going to make it end happily?

Sotsona blushes and rolls her eyes.


Line 48) Even if it takes a while, will we have our happily ever after?

Sotsona replies in a flustered manner.


Line 49) I-I guess I’m willing to give it a shot.

Casimir looks at Sotsona, pleasantly surprised by her words.

His eyes glisten and spark, feeling sentimental.

He blushes along with Sotsona.


Line 50) T-That’s got to be the first time you directly admitted to working our relationship out!

Sotsona blushes.

She looks at Casimir in an embarrassed manner.


Line 51) W-Was agreeing to marry you not enough?


Line 52) I already told you that words of affirmation is one of my love languages*.

*Refer back to episode 37, line 20.


Line 53) If you don’t continuously tell me about something until I’m convinced, that just translates to me that you don’t care.

Sotsona annoyingly responds back to Casimir.


Line 54) Why are you spinning a completely different meaning in your head?


Line 55) That’s just the way I am. I’m well aware it’s a bad habit.


Line 56) I said I’d accept you with all your flaws*. Are you willing to accept that in me too?

*Refer back to episode 7, line 109.

Sotsona rolls her eyes again and blushes.


Line 57) Why do I have to say it outloud all the time? You should know by now that I’m not confrontational.

Casimir sadly leans his head to the side, signaling for Sotsona to agree.

Sotsona feels Casimir’s guilt trip and give into his request.


Line 58) Fine, fine. I’ll try my best. But, just try to do something about that habit of yours. I never once said that I don’t care about our relationship.

Casimir appreciatively smiles at Sotsona.


Line 59) However, I still think I’m missing a huge piece of your explantation.


Line 60) If you think that our encounter is fate, just because things weren't working out for you in your search for a partner…


Line 61) Just how bad were things that the first thing you saw, AKA me, was going to be your next target?


Line 62) It just doesn’t make sense to me why I’m your first choice. You could’ve easily found someone better. You must’ve been desperate to settle for me.

Sotsona observes Casimir and notices him looking upset.


Line 63) Maybe it’s not the best topic of discussion. But, you have to tell me one way or another.

Casimir takes a deep breath before delving into the conversation.


Line 64) You may not understand this, but I was truly lonely.

Sotsona senses the mood and intently listens to Casimir empathetically.


Line 65) Some may not get it, because technically I could have everything I want, or could make anything I want happen…


Line 66) But, that’s simply not true.


Line 67) You already know by now that I have Yuvin and my mom by my side…


Line 68) But, there’s still this part of me that neither of them have seen. I only show that part to myself.


Line 69) And I’ve just been dying to open up to someone and let loose because I was slowly about to burst with the wrong crowd.


Line 70) And now I can finally let myself burst without any shame because of you.


Line 71) Truth is, money can do a lot of things. However, money can never replace genuineness and authenticity when it comes to life.


Line 72) I tried to see if that could work, and you already know how that ended*.

*Casimir is alluding to his failed relationship (the blind dates his mother would send him on).


Line 73) So, when my eyes laid on you, I just knew I had to embark myself on you one way or another so that we could connect.


Line 74) And I’m glad I did. Because if I did nothing, we’d be on opposite sides of the road.


Line 75) You may think that it’s crazy for me to feel this way, especially only after one week of knowing each other…


Line 76) But, there’s no mistaking this feeling.


Line 77) You say I’m a hopeless romantic…


Line 78) But, I just think I’m hopelessly yours, Sotsona.

Sotsona feels touched by Casimir’s words and looks at him sentimentally.

Sotsona hesitantly responds, trying to process Casimir’s words.


Line 79) I didn’t know you felt that way.


Line 80) I was keeping it in because I thought that saying it would feel too early.


Line 81) But, since you asked, I couldn’t keep you hanging any longer.

Sotsona softly smiles at Casimir.

Line 82) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: We have a lot more in common than I thought.


Line 83) I think that I’m getting to know you quite well, Casimir.

Casimir smiles in satisfaction.


Line 84) I’m very glad to hear that. And don’t say I could find anyone better because you ARE better, Sotsona.

Sotsona blushes.

Casimir and Sotsona finally make it back to their hotel.

They unwind by doing their routines and head to bed on their separate beds.

The next morning rolls around and they get ready for the day.

February 26th 2024. The day is Monday. It's morning.


Line 85) So, what should we do today? I think we refreshed ourselves enough yesterday with the whole spa shebang.

Sotsona looks through the hotel provided travel pamphlet of Palau.


Line 86) Hmm… I want to do something lively. Something that someone would cross off their bucket list.

Some time passes by as Sotsona continues to look through the pamphlet.

Casimir interrupts her.


Line 87) You’re taking too long to decide. Let me see the pamphlet.

Sotsona passes the pamphlet over to Casimir.

He covers his eyes, and extends his hand out to pick a random place.

He opens his eyes to see what he picked.

He brings the pamphlet closer to himself.


Line 88) Yeah. This’ll do. Let’s go snorkeling and scuba diving.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in confusion.


Line 89) What’s the difference?


Line 90) If we go scuba diving, we’ll be able to go deeper in the ocean.

Casimir tries to scare Sotsona.


Line 91) We could see sharks…

Sotsona crosses her arms and tilts her head to the side in contemplation.


Line 92) I wouldn’t want this rom-com to turn into a survival movie.


Line 93) Oh, come on. We’ll be with professionals. They wouldn’t let us become shark bait.

Casimir whips his hair sassily.


Line 94) Especially not the CEO of Adair hair products.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 95) When are you ever going to get the opportunity to dive with sharks again?

Casimir speaks in a convincing tone.


Line 96) Come on. We should do it. It’ll be cool to brag about too.


Line 97) Wait. Come to think of it. You can swim, right?


Line 98) Yeah. But this is a little too extreme. What if I drown?


Line 99) Again, we’ll be with professionals, and I’ll also be by your side.


Line 100) So, what do you think? Are you down?


Line 101) You can’t tease me, I’m way to excited to back out of this now.

Sotsona rashly agrees.


Line 102) Fine. We’ll go.

Casimir celebrates.

They head off to a snorkeling and scuba diving sight.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 17, 2024
Last Updated on July 17, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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