Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 45

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 45

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona and the lady on the balcony continue to talk. What happens next?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 45:

February 25th 2024. The day is Sunday. It's nighttime.

Sotsona and the old lady are continuing to talk with each other on the balcony of the yacht.

Sotsona smiles at the lady appreciatively.


Line 1) Thanks. I really needed to hear that.

Old lady

Line 2) Anytime. I’m just glad that we bumped into each other, so that I could help you out.


Line 3) Can I ask you one last thing?

Old lady

Line 4) Of course. I’m all ears.


Line 5) Do you believe in fate?

The old lady laughs.

She passionately responds with her answer.

Old lady

Line 6) Why, yes. Yes, I do.


Line 7) Can I ask why?


Line 8) Are you sure it’s not just an idea we’re comfortable hearing?


Line 9) That it gets rid of our sense of responsibility by telling us regardless of our choices, what’s “meant to be” will make up for it?

The old lady takes a deep breath before answering Sotsona’s question.

Old lady

Line 10) Fate is real because everything in life is connected. At least, that’s the way I see it.

Old lady

Line 11) Everyone is placed in your life meticulously.

Old lady

Line 12) I feel it in my bones, that you and I were meant to meet each other today.


Line 13) Sure. But you’re still not explaining why.

Old lady

Line 14) Let me ask you this, do you think that everything that happens in your life is just a mere coincidence?

Sotsona thinks to herself.


Line 15) I think a series of choices is what led me to my life in the present. But not by something predetermined that I was meant to experience.

The old lady intently takes in what Sotsona just said.

Old lady

Line 16) Hmm. I get what you mean. I wish I could blatantly prove to you that fate it real. But, you’ll just have to experience it for yourself.

Old lady

Line 17) But, picture this, there is this invisible thread tied to each person that was meant to be in your life.

Sotsona nods her head in understandment to the lady’s vision.

Old lady

Line 18) It doesn’t matter the timing, the place, nor the circumstances. Everyone is attached.

Old lady

Line 19) The thread is super durable. Even if the thread gets tangled, tightened, or pulled apart, it can never be broken, no matter what.

Old lady

Line 20) Your fate was created by present actions you were supposed to take that will inevitably lead to consequences in the future.


Line 21) Wouldn’t that be destiny?

The old lady smiles.

Old lady

Line 22) Many people tend to mix the two up. However, they’re both completely different things.

Old lady

Line 23) Fate is something that will happen regardless of what you do because you attract it. Destiny, on the other hand, is something you determine for yourself that makes up the outcome of your future.

Old lady

Line 24) I personally believe in both destiny and fate.

Sotsona’s eyes glisten in fascination.

Old lady

Line 25) When you do something in the present, it’ll come back to you in the future.

Old lady

Line 26) That is karma.

Old lady

Line 27) There’s good and bad karma.

Sotsona looks at the lady in distress from her explanations.

Old lady

Line 28) Bad karma is not necessarily a result of bad choices.

Old lady

Line 29) What comes back to you is determined by a number of factors.

Old lady

Line 30) Not every path we follow is based on OUR choice. And wherever we end up, we endure the repercussions.

Old lady

Line 31) That’s why bad things happen to good people sometimes.

Old lady

Line 32) How they ended up is not their fault. It’s not like they’re all knowing what route in life to take is best.

Old lady

Line 33) Because of this, whatever you do, either voluntarily or involuntarily, will have an effect.

Old lady

Line 34) Everything in life is in a cause-and-effect cycle.

Old lady

Line 35) Things don’t happen without any reason.

Old lady

Line 36) But the reason they happen doesn’t always serve justice at the end of the day.

The old lady sneaks a glance at Sotsona’s distressed face.

She laughs.

Old lady

Line 37) I’m sorry. Did I overload you with too much information?

Sotsona nods her head.

Old lady

Line 38) Listen, dear, don’t take it too seriously.

Old lady

Line 39) There’s no need to ponder every action you take and question all the things that have happened to you.

Old lady

Line 40) Just go about your life doing whatever you want, whatever feels right.

Old lady

Line 41) Life is seriously unserious. And unseriously serious.

Sotsona rubs her head in distress.


Line 42) You’re making my brain hurt, ma’am.

The old lady smiles amusingly at Sotsona.

She puts her hand on Sotsona’s shoulder to console her.

Old lady

Line 43) You’re quite amusing, Sotsona.

Old lady

Line 44) Go on your own course of life.

Old lady

Line 45) Whatever is meant to be will make it’s way to no matter what.

Old lady

Line 46) Whether you believe in fate and destiny or not.

Old lady

Line 47) We all go through a phase of questioning everything. Don’t sweat it.

Old lady

Line 48) One day, something truly extraordinary will happen to you, and there will be no other explanation for that, besides fate.

Sotsona smiles and nods her head in understandment from the old lady’s wisdom.

*Shot cuts to Casimir searching all around the yacht for Sotsona, finally entering the balcony and spotting her.

He calls her out in relief


Line 49) Sotsona! … I mean K-Kiana*! There you are!

*Remember that Kiana is Sotsona’s fake name for the party (refer back to episode 44, line 22)

Casimir rushes over to Sotsona.


Line 50) I’ve been looking everywhere for you.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in confusion.

Line 51) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why’s he looking for me when he’s the one that left me in the first place?

Sotsona rolls her eyes in annoyance.

Line 52) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I swear! Casimir makes no sense at times.

The old lady raises her eyebrows playfully looking at Casimir.

Old lady

Line 53) This must be the “special someone” you were talking about earlier.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in confusion.

Sotsona blushes from embarrassment.

Casimir notices Sotsona’s flushed face from the old lady pointing out Casimir’s presence.

Sotsona tries to change the topic to end the awkward tensions between them.


Line 54) W-Why were you looking for me?


Line 55) They just cut the cake. Turns out the host is having a girl.

The old lady cheerfully celebrates from hearing the great news.

Old lady

Line 56) What great news! I’ll be having a grandaughter!

Old lady

Line 57) Let’s go have cake you two.

The old lady pats Sotsona’s shoulder.

Old lady

Line 58) I’m glad we were able to talk, you.

The old lady leads all of them out of the balcony and into the main party room.

Sotsona pulls Casimir aside and whispers in his ear.

She speaks in a passive aggressive tone. 


Line 59) Did you really look all over for me just because some unknown host is having a girl?

Casimir looks at Sotsona nervously.


Line 60) You seem upset. Is that a bad reason?


Line 61) It just doesn’t seem valid enough when you’re the one who left me on my own in the first place.


Line 62) But look, leaving you on your own made progress. You eventually found someone to talk to.

Casimir playfully nudges Sotsona’s shoulder.


Line 63) Do you even know that we set sail? How are we going to get back to the mainland?

Sotsona checks the time on her phone.

She shows the time to Casimir.


Line 64) Look how late it already is. We could’ve been back at the hotel by now.


Line 65) Well obviously we can’t since we set sail.

Sotsona whines in annoyance.


Line 66) What do you want me to do? Shove the captain out of the way and steer this boat back to mainland?


Line 67) It is what it is. Let’s have a good time while we’re at it.

Casimir puts his arm around Sotsona again.

He brings her in a little closer than before.


Line 68) I won’t leave you this time around. I got acquainted with some people, so we’ve familiarized ourselves enough to hang out with just the two of us.

Sotsona blushes since she’s so close to Casimir.

Sotsona tries to divert her attention by looking beside herself to see where the old lady went.

To no avail, the old lady is not near them anymore.

Sotsona rubs her head trying to process what the old lady had said to her earlier.

Line 69) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s strange. I was looking at her face the entire time we were talking, but now that I’m trying to recall our conversation, I can’t remember how she looked like at all!

Line 70) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: On top of that, I’m just now realizing that she called me by my real name*, even though I only introduced myself to her with my fake one.

*Refer back to line 43 of this episode.

Sotsona tries to process why that occurred.

Line 71) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Something about her aura seemed mystical. I can’t put my finger on it. Whatever we had was truly a strange interaction.

They walk into the main room where all the party attendants are and get served some cake.

Sotsona and Casimir sit next to each other while eating the cake on a table.

Before Sotsona takes a bite, Casimir stops her by blocking his hand.

He looks at her in concern.


Line 72) Should I ask what’s in this cake? What if you’re allergic?

Sotsona looks at Casimir amusingly.

She gives him reassurance.


Line 73) It’s fine. I should be more bold and do things without thinking twice.


Line 74) But we should take extra precautions regardless.

Sotsona moves Casimir’s hand out of the way and takes a bite of the cake in front of his face.

He nervously look at her.


Line 75) Ironically, you’re saying this when you sneaked on here without thinking twice.

Casimir tries to justify himself.


Line 76) That’s because I knew the risks we were taking and how to swerve by them.


Line 77) However, eating cake is different. You don’t know the risks you’re taking consuming it.


Line 78) Firstly, by now you should know I’m not prone to allergies…


Line 79) The only thing I’m allergic to is you.

Casimir sarcastically squints his eyes.


Line 80) Haha. Very funny.


Line 81) Secondly, the same rules apply…


Line 82) By eating this cake, I’m doing something bold by not knowing what's in it. Even though there MIGHT be something that potentially causes me to have an allergy.


Line 83) And I’m not even batting an eye, because I want something sweet.


Line 84) That’s the risk I’m taking.


Line 85) And you can’t talk, since you took way too MANY risks today.

Casimir folds his arms in frustration.


Line 86) I guess you’re right.

The party host walks by Casimir and Sotsona’s table.


Line 87) Hey there again, Dylan*. Are you enjoying the cake?

*Dylan is Casimir’s fake name (refer back to episode 44, line 25). Casimir previously got acquainted with the host, while Sotsona was talking to the lady on the balcony (this wasn’t explicitly written in the story).

Casimir offers the host a warm smile.


Line 88) It’s delicious. Did you make it yourself?

The host shyly waves off Casimir’s complement.


Line 89) Oh, stop~ I’m way to lazy to make a bunch of cakes for a party. I just ordered them.


Line 90) Either way, you’re sense of taste is immaculate. I’m sure everyone else is enjoying these cakes too.

The host addresses Sotsona.


Line 91) You’re too kind. Are you also enjoying the cake? K-Kiana?

The host looks at Sotsona nervously.


Line 92) I’m so sorry for my manners, remind me how we know each other, Kiana?

Sotsona looks at Casimir, not knowing what to do.

Casimir motions his hands in a certain way to sign for Sotsona to come up with an excuse.

Sotsona nervously responds, hoping that the host will take her excuse.


Line 93) F-From work. We work at the same job.

The host snaps her fingers in realization.


Line 94) Right. How could I forget that stunning face? I’m sorry for not remembering. I’ve been on maternity leave for a while.

Sotsona nervously laughs and reassures the host.


Line 95) Don’t worry about it. This cake is amazing by the way.

The host happily smiles.


Line 96) Your baby girl doesn’t know how lucky she is to have a mom like you.

The host looks touched by Sotsona’s words.


Line 97) Thank you. That means a lot ot me.


Line 98) I was wondering, do you have any names in mind?

The host happily shares her name ideas to Sotsona and Casimir.


Line 99) I have my top three in mind. There’s Dorotea, Mari, and…


Line 100) Sotsona. But, I still haven’t narrowed down which name is my main choice though. They’re all just so pretty.

Sotsona’s eyes widen in shock.

Chills run down her spine.

*She gets reminded of what the old lady said about something that happens that only fate can explain (refer back to line 48 of this episode).

Casimir looks at Sotsona in surprise.


Line 101) T-Those are some really unique names.


Line 102) Out of all of them though, I think you should go with Sotsona.


Line 103) I know someone with that name and they’re quite the extraordinary person.

Casimir winks at Sotsona.

She blushes from his remark, slightly feeling touched.

The host excitingly responds.


Line 104) You really think so? I’m so glad you agree, because I was lenient on that name compared to the rest of the bunch.


Line 105) Well, thank you for your input. I’ll be on my way now. Enjoy the rest of your time here.

The host leaves their table.

Sotsona looks at Casimir skeptically.


Line 106) Is that name suggestion your doing? Did you blabber about me to the others while you were “getting acquainted”?

Casimir raises his hands in a “spare me” pose, while looking at Sotsona innocently.


Line 107) I swear I didn’t do anything. It’s just a coincidence.

Sotsona smiles at the irony of the events.

Line 108) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Was that a coincidence?

Line 109) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Or was it fate?

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 17, 2024
Last Updated on July 17, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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