Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 43

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 43

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona get ready to go on their outing that Sotsona proposed after her ceremony (she felt the need to get closer to Casimir). They go on an adventure together that Casimir suggested.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 43:

February 25th 2024. The day is Sunday. It's nighttime. 

Sotsona and Casimir get ready to go on their outing since Sotsona proposed she wanted to make things up to Casimir and he suggested they go out on another adventure.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 1) I’m not necessarily the kind of person that’s easily insecure about superficial things like looks…

Line 2) Although, there was that one time at the mall*, but that had more to do with my status and less on how I looked.

*Refer back to episode 18, line 9, etc.

Line 3) Suddenly, now that I’ve laid out that I want to get closer to Casimir because I don’t like how our dynamics don’t seem like we’re in a genuine relationship, it seems daunting to accomplish such a task…

Line 4) I’m overthinking everything!

Sotsona rubs her head in distress, trying to get ready to hang out with Casimir.

Line 5) What do I wear? How should I style my hair? What jewelry goes best with the occasion?

Line 6) There’re just so many thoughts flooding through my mind and I don’t know how to go about things.

Line 7) Last time when Casimir’s mother Zephryn was visiting, he helped me get ready.

Line 8) But now, I can’t ask for his help.

Line 9) That defeats the whole purpose of figuring things out on my own.

Sotsona covers her eyes and randomly picks out something to wear from her bag.

Her hands land on a white lacy top, along with a medium sized red skirt. 

Sotsona observes what she just picked out and shrugs her shoulders in confusion.

Line 10) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This will do. It’s not like we’re going anywhere fancy. At least, that’s not what I’m assuming.

Line 11) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Let’s go with looking casual but still somewhat put together.

Line 12) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Now just what shoes would go with this?

Sotsona fiddles through her bag once more to find some shoes and her hand lands on some boots.

She nods her head, thinking she’s assembled a solid outfit.

Sotsona finally gets ready after picking out her outfit and Casimir waits for her in the living room of their hotel.

Sotsona walks out in her outfit and Casimir stands up to get a good look at her.

Casimir observes Sotsona and looks at her as if he’s caught in a trance.

Line 13) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Wow! How amazing does she look?

Sotsona looks nervous, misinterpreting Casimir’s amazement as disappointment.

Line 14) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Uh oh. Did I pick the wrong thing? That must be why he’s looking at me like that.

Casimir snaps back into reality to offer Sotsona reassurance.

He provides Sotsona with an appreciative smile.


Line 15) Sotsona, you look great.

Sotsona’s eyes widen in shock from Casimir’s unexpected flattery.

Line 16) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: So, he thinks I look good? I must’ve misread his signals.

Sotsona can’t contain her blush from Casimir’s remark.


Line 17) T-Thank you. You look great yourself too.


Line 18) I mean, you always look great. You never miss when it comes to picking out the right things to wear.

Casimir boastfully accepts the complement.

Sotsona switches the topic away from the flirtatious tensions developing between them.


Line 19) So, where exactly will we be going?


Line 20) Wherever our feet take us. There’s so much of this place that we haven’t explored yet.

Sotsona excitingly nods her head.

They head out of the hotel and walk around the city.

They find a bay that’s crowded with people including a bunch of outdoorsy mall kiosks surrounded.

The bay is similar to a park with places to roam around.

Sotsona walks beside Casimir and takes in the city lights.

Casimir looks at Sotsona.


Line 21) How are you liking the city so far?

Sotsona excitingly explains.


Line 22) The lights lure you in. They’re eye catching and just add to the overall vibe of roaming around the city.

Casimir happily smiles at Sotsona.


Line 23) I agree. The atmosphere is quite cozy.

Casimir spots a portion of the bay that leads to the greater ocean.


Line 24) Look this way.

Casimir walks over to the bay’s shore and Sotsona follows him.


Line 25) Be careful. You wouldn’t want to get those flashy shoes of yours wet.

Casimir walks over to the boulding rocks at the bay and stands on multiple of them to walk around and get closer to the bay’s shore.

Sotsona looks over at Casimir in confusion.


Line 26) Why are you trying to get so close?


Line 27) For a better view, of course. Get over here.

Sotsona leans her head to the side and eventually abides to Casimir’s request.

She makes her way over to the rocks, walking around to reach Casimir.

On her last step, she slightly trips on one of the huge rocks.

Casimir catches her before she tumbles.


Line 28) Woah there! You’re the one that should be careful.

Sotsona lets out a chuckle from the irony of her words biting her back.

She takes in the view of the sunsetting from the bay.

Casimir takes a deep breath, letting serenity take over his demeanor.


Line 29) When I say it doesn’t take much to please me, this is what I mean.


Line 30) There’s nothing that special about this bay. Yet, it’s so captivating and is completely worth walking over all those bumpy boulders for.


Line 31) You get a good view of the sky from here. You also get to see where the ocean continues endlessly.


Line 32) The illuminating colors of the sky reflect on the water. It’s the perfect cherry on top for this scenery.


Line 33) And the sea breeze-

Casimir intently inhales and exhales the fresh ocean air.


Line 34) Nothing beats the fresh and cleansing scent.

Sotsona admirably stares at Casimir as he descriptively take in the scenery of the bay’s shore.


Line 35) You’re quite eloquent when describing visuals, you know that?

Casimir looks over at Sotsona after her remark.

The colorful sky shines a soft brightness on her face.

His eyes soften and glisten as he looks at her appreciatively.

Line 36) Casimir’s inner thoughts: This lighting lets me get a good glance at the different shades that make up her eye color.

Line 37) Casimir’s inner thoughts: It magnifies her beauty tremendously.

Line 38) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I can’t help but get lost in her eyes. It’s like staring into a kaleidoscope.

Line 39) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I could look at her all day.

Sotsona notices Casimir looking at her intently.

Line 40) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What could he be thinking about looking at me in this way?

Line 41) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I wish I could read his mind. 

Sotsona smiles at Casimir.

He smiles with her.


Line 42) You’re right. This bay is quite extraordinary.

Casimir continues to lead them around the area, walking from place to place to see everything at the bay’s park.

The evening sky gets darker.

As they walk, Casimir strikes a question to Sotsona.


Line 43) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Sotsona thinks of a answer to Casimir’s question.


Line 44) That’s a tough one. But, I guess I’d have to say Sweden?


Line 45) You don’t seem too certain with that answer. Why Sweden?


Line 46) I don’t know if this is true, but I think I read someone saying that it’s one of the safest countries in the world to live in.


Line 47) When it comes to the region, they have everything. They have beaches, snowy weather, blissful summers, even mountains.


Line 48) And I also think that Swedish accents are interesting. I’d love to learn the language.


Line 49) What about you? Where would you want to live?

Sotsona looks interested in hearing Casimir’s response.


Line 50) I’d want to live in China.


Line 51) The architecture there is insane. There are many attractions that look lovely.


Line 52) The culture is rich, the people there are very respectful… 


Line 53) The country just calls my name. It’s very beautiful there.

Sotsona nods her head in understandment.


Line 54) Then why don’t you just move?

Casimir laughs.


Line 55) It sound like you want me to move just to get rid of me.

Sotsona offers Casimir reassurance.


Line 56) No. It’s just you have the ability to do so, so why not just go?


Line 57) I mean of course, maybe learn the language first, which will probably take you a couple of years.


Line 58) But, it’s a realistic aspiration. You can make it happen within the snap of your fingers.

Casimir considers Sotsona’s explanation.


Line 59) I get what you mean when you say it’s realistically something I could do.


Line 60) But, at the same time, I’d have to consider so many factors.


Line 61) Everyone I know is back in Chicago. I wouldn’t want to them leave on their own.


Line 62) Where else would I work? I can’t just do nothing in China for the rest of my life.


Line 63) When you sort all that out, you could always still ACTUALLY live there.


Line 64) So, what’s holding you back?


Line 65) It’s not that simple to let go of the place I’ve lived in my whole life.


Line 66) Chicago holds a deep place in my heart. I was born and raised in Illinois.


Line 67) Leaving it to fulfill my own reckless aspirations seems a bit selfish.


Line 68) How is it selfish to live in the country you’ve always wanted to live in?


Line 69) I don’t know. It just seems like too big of a change to commit to now.


Line 70) So, you’re scared of change?


Line 71) Isn’t everyone? We’ve built this enclosure for ourselves that keeps us in our comfort zones.


Line 72) And when something threatens that comfort zone, we get defensive and find excuses to substitute that fear.


Line 73) What can I say? I’m only human.

Casimir raises his hands in a “spare me” stance.


Line 74) That’s true. We think broadly about certain things, and then freeze up when we have to consider taking action upon them.


Line 75) It’s silly, but it’s in our nature, I suppose.


Line 76) In that case, we just have to get bolder in making spontaneous decisions.


Line 77) Just doing something and not thinking twice about the outcome or consequences.

They walk along a dock, where many yachts and boats are tied upon.


Line 78) Have you ever been on a yacht?

Sotsona shakes her head no.


Line 79) Does it feel weird being in a capsule and rocking in the water each time a wave passes through?


Line 80) It depends on the person. Some get sea sick.


Line 81) But if you’re not prone to motion sickness, you should be fine. It’s quite stationary. Just like a plane*.

*Refer back to episode 34, line 16.


Line 82) There’s no other way to describe it besides feeling like you’re floating on water, with slight vibrations here and there.

As they walk along the dock, they stumble into a huge yacht with an open entrance and lights on from the inside.

The yacht is still attached to the dock on a rope.

Casimir and Sotsona can hear people bustling on the inside, along with loud music playing.

Casimir leads himself to the entrance of the yacht and extends his hand out for Sotsona to enter with him.


Line 83) Why don’t you feel if for yourself?

Sotsona replies in a sarcastic way.


Line 84) Nice joke.

Casimir replies in an assertive manner.


Line 85) I’m not joking. Let’s get in.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in shock.


Line 86) Are you crazy? This is someone’s private property. We can’t just get on it like nothing.


Line 87) We have no clue who these people are. Why would you want to get on a stranger’s boat?


Line 88) I feel like it goes along with the theme of how you were saying we should do bolder things more often without thinking twice about the consequences or outcomes.


Line 89) But I didn’t allude that you apply it to everything.

Casimir offers Sotsona reassurance.


Line 90) Don’t be such a stickler for rules. Come on. It’ll be fun. Let’s just go. What’s the worst that can happen?

Sotsona thinks of a bad outcome.


Line 91) What if we set sail? We don’t have any clue where we’ll be heading.


Line 92) No one uses a yacht like this to go too far. I’m certain they’ll be near the bay’s park.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in confused desperation.


Line 93) Why do you want to go so badly?

Casimir responds passionately.


Line 94) I just want to go on an adventure.

Sotsona looks at Casimir with concern.


Line 95) This is going too far. I’m scared of our safety.

Casimir gives Sotsona a reassuring and convincing smile. 


Line 96) Just follow my lead.


Line 97) We’ll blend in just fine.

Casimir extends his hands out for Sotsona to grab onto to get on the yacht.


Line 98) This is harmless. We’re not doing anything detrimental to anybody.


Line 99) Don’t you want to know what it’s like to float on water?

Sotsona sighs and rolls her eyes in annoyance.


Line 100) Fine. But if we get caught, I’m putting the blame on you.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 16, 2024
Last Updated on July 16, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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