![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 62A Chapter by Yosh![]() After Marvin, Calista, and Talulla successfully reunite in 1967, Calista and Talulla explain how they found him after a lot of wandering around.![]()
Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.
Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 62: The day is Saturday April 15 1967. Marvin and Calista embrace each other with a hug as they were panicking they would never be able to see each other. Marvin starts to sob. Marvin Line 1) I thought I was never gonna see you again. Marvin Line 2) I’m so relieved. Calista Line 3) Aww. Don’t cry. I’m here, okay? I’m right here. Talulla watches as her friends reunite. She walks down to their level. Marvin unbinds from Calista and hugs Talulla. Marvin Line 4) I’m glad to see you too. Talulla hugs Marvin back. Talulla Line 5) So am I. Marvin tries to gather himself. Marvin Line 6) Where were you guys? We go back to when they crashed and Calista sees Marvin trying to hear her. Calista’s narration: Line 7) If only he could hear what I’m saying. Line 8) What if these’re the last words I can ever say to him? A bright light engulfs everything and Talulla and Calista spawn in an alleyway. Calista opens her eyes. Calista Line 9) Marvin?! Calista snaps into reality and sees she’s still holding Talulla’s hand. She looks beside herself and notices Marvin’s gone. Calista Line 10) Huh? Where’s Marvin? Calista Line 11) What’s going on? Calista looks around to the new atmosphere. Talulla is just as shocked. Talulla Line 12) C-Calista. I-I think we made it! They look around in shock that they have landed in the 60s. A person walks past them. Talulla gets their attention. Talulla Line 13) Excuse me. The person halts and listens to Talulla. Talulla Line 14) This is a weird question. But, what year is it? The person is bewildered. Person Line 15) What a foolish question! Surely you know what year it is? The person walks by and ignores Talulla. Talulla Line 16) Just answer the question! Person Line 17) 1967, you weirdo! Don’t do drugs! Talulla and Calista’s eyes widen. Calista Line 18) It’s true! We really made it! The girls celebrate. They look around, enticed by the new surrounding they’re in. Talulla Line 19) But, where the heck did Marvin go? Calista Line 20) I have no clue. Talulla Line 21) We should go look for him. Calista and Talulla walk around for a bit. Talulla notices some structures. Calista notices her expression. Calista Line 22) Did you notice something? Talulla Line 23) Yeah. Take a look at that building. Talulla points her finger. Calista looks at the structure. Talulla Line 24) Do you notice it? Calista finds the building recognizable. Calista Line 25) It looks familiar. But I can’t put my finger on it. They head inside the building and notice that it’s a cafe. Talulla looks around the structure and notices it. Talulla Line 26) I think this is THE cafe! Calista Line 27) What cafe? Talulla Line 28) The one we always go to! The one where Teresa works at! Talulla Line 29) The layout is identical! This has to be it! Calista tries to familiarize herself with the layout and compare the two. It strikes her that Talulla is correct. Calista Line 30) Oh wow! You’re right! Talulla Line 31) That means it’s been around since this time! Calista smiles. A worker approaches them. Worker Line 32) Would you guys like to order something? Talulla Line 33) No thank you! But say… When was this cafe established? Worker Line 34) Just this year. Talulla looks at Calista excitedly. Talulla Line 35) Alright, thanks! Talulla and Calista head out. Worker Line 36) Are you sure you guys don’t want to order anything? Talulla Line 37) No. We’re good. Thanks for your help. They head out. Calista tries to put the pieces together. Calista Line 38) I’m trying to figure things out. Talulla listens in. Calista Line 39) If we spawned in this timeline around 20 minutes back, and this cafe is located here… It clicks for Calista. Calista Line 40) That must mean we spawned where our apartment should’ve been in this timeline! Calista Line 41) Hear me out. The cafe in our time is around walking distance from our place. Calista Line 42) It’s close to our apartment. Around 10-20 minutes walking. Calista Line 43) Since this is the same cafe. That means we spawned in the area where our apartment was built. Calista Line 44) But, since we’re in the past, our apartment wasn’t built yet. That’s why we ended up in some random alleyway. Talulla Line 45) If that’s the case. Marvin must be where he originally was in this time. Talulla Line 46) I forgot. But, do you remember where he was before he landed in 2023? Calista Line 47) Yeah, that makes sense! I remember he said he was at his friend Todd’s dinner party. Calista laughs reminiscing about the first time they met. Calista Line 48) Remember the day when he landed he was so shocked that he fainted? And we had to plop him on our couch. Calista Line 49) The next day, I came to check up on him because he was still sleeping Calista Line 50) He was so disoriented and woke up thinking that I was his friend Todd. Talulla smiles. Talulla Line 51) That must be where he is then. Calista Line 52) How the heck are we gonna find him? Talulla shrugs her shoulders. Talulla Line 53) We’ll figure it out. They wander around for 30 minutes. Calista Line 54) How long has it been? Calista Line 55) Feels like we’ve been walking forever. Talulla Line 56) I’ll just ask around then. Talulla pesters strangers. Talulla Line 57) Excuse me. By, any chance do you know who Todd is? The person nods their head no and keeps walking. Talulla keeps asking people, but everyone says no. She asks one last group of people. Talulla Line 58) Excuse me. Do you guys know who Todd is? Calista notices the group of people. Todd Line 59) My name is Todd! Are you talking about me? Talulla looks at Calista because she’s clueless. Calista Line 60) Y-Yeah. Todd Line 61) I’m sorry, but do we know each other? Calista Line 62) U-Um. No. But, you know a friend of mine. Calista Line 63) His name is Marvin. I’ve been looking everywhere for him all night. Calista Line 64) Do you know where he could be? Todd is shocked. Todd Line 65) So, you know Marvin. What a coincidence! We’re looking for him too. Jax Line 66) Our luck finding him might be busted though. He ran out of our dinner party saying he was busy. Calista Line 67) Oh. I see. Todd Line 68) We’ll keep looking for him though. He must be around this area. Calista Line 69) Where was the dinner party you guys were at? Todd Line 70) It’s further down the street. Take a left, then a right, then two more lefts and it should be there. You’ll notice because it’s crowded. Calista Line 71) Thanks! You guys have a lovely evening. Calista and Talulla wander about the direction the dinner party is located. Todd Line 72) Wait I didn’t catch your- Todd looks and sees that they’ve already walked away. Todd Line 73) Name. Then they call it a night saying they’re stumped since they can’t find Marvin. Talulla and Calista wander around some more. Calista is astonished she recognized the people. Talulla Line 74) How did you recognize them? Calista Line 75) They’re the people from the picture. The woman and the man with long dark hair are Russell and Cady. *We get a reference to the picture she’s talking about. Talulla Line 76) Oh! Marvin’s friends! Calista Line 77) Did you not recognize them? Talulla Line 78) Not at all, then look so different now. Calista Line 79) Alright Todd said to make a left. They make a left and wander around some more. They end up at the dinner party location. Talulla Line 80) This must be the place! It looks so vintage! Calista Line 81) If Marvin ran out. He should be around this area. Or further down. Calista Line 82) Let’s just go straight forward. They walk further down to some areas. They then spot a guy crouching on a bench. Talulla nudges Calista. Talulla Line 83) Hey. Is that-! Marvin recognizes their voices and runs to them. Calista Line 84) It’s Marvin! Calista runs to Marvin and they hug each other. They are back to present time. Marvin Line 85) I’m sorry you guys had to walk around everywhere. Marvin Line 86) Especially in heels. You guys must be exhausted. Marvin puts his arm around the shoulders of both the girls. Marvin Line 87) Let’s head back to my place. It’s late. Calista Line 88) What about your friends? Marvin Line 89) No worries. I’ll leave them a call saying that urgent business came up. Marvin Line 90) You guys are my top priority right now. Calista smiles. Calista Line 91) If you say so. Marvin calls a cab and they get into it. Elouise observes them leaving. Elouise Line 92) Just who the heck are those girls?! They arrive at Marvins place and he reaches into his pocket for his key. He feels around and notices the ring box his father gave to him. He pulls it out. Marvin Line 93) Um. I forgot I had this. He reaches back in and gets his key. Marvin Line 94) Found them. Marvin unlocks the door and leads the both of them in. Marvin Line 95) Welcome to my place! They hear barking and Marvin's doberman Rex comes to greet them. Calista is surprised and he jumps on her, making her fall back. Marvin Line 96) Rex, buddy! I’ve missed you. Rex covers Calista in slobber. Marvin Line 97) Calista, are you okay! Calista laughs. Calista Line 98) I forgot you mentioned you had a dog. They all laugh and pet his dog. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 15, 2024 Last Updated on July 15, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author