In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 61

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 61

A Chapter by Yosh

Does the ceremony that Cady and Russell do to send Marvin, Calista, and Talulla back to 1967 work?

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 61:

January 1st 2024. The day is Monday.

As the bright light shines a portal opens.

Marvins narration:

Line 1) It’s too bright. I can’t see anything.

Marvin glances at Calista who is also shielding her eyes.

They face each other for what Marvin thinks may be the last time they have with each other.

Line 2) Is this the last time I’ll ever be able to see her?


Line 3) It’s so bright!

Marvin can’t hear Calista.


Line 4) What?! I can’t hear you!

Marvin can slightly hear the muffled noise of her voice.


Line 5) It wasn’t this bright before-!

The portal opens and they all get engulfed in it.

The room is a mess and Russell and Cady are astonished.

To lighten the mood Russell says something.


Line 6) Now we have to clean this mess up?

The candles dim out.


Line 7) I can’t believe that just happened!

We are sent all the way back to when Marvin was having a dinner party at Todd’s place.

The day is April 15th 1967. The day is a Saturday evening.

Marvin is sent back and accidentally pours wine on himself as he stands besides Elouise as Todd makes a toast.


Line 8) Jeez, Marvin! Be careful. 

Marvin is shocked that he is sent back.

He looks at Elouise in shock.


Line 9) Look what you did, now your whole blouse is stained.

Elouise takes a napkin and blots Marvin’s blouse.


Line 10) This won’t do any good.


Line 11) If you take that off now, I’ll have it washed up and dried by the end of the dinner party.


Line 12) Todd definitely has some shirts you can borrow. I’ll go get you a new one.

Elouise looks at Marvins shocked face.


Line 13) What? Are you that shocked you spilled wine all over yourself?

Marvin looks down on his blouse but his eyes are bulging.


Line 14) E-Excuse me, Elouise.


Line 15) Where're you going Marvin? Your shirt is dirty!

Marvin rushes away and goes to the bathroom.

He looks at himself in the mirror in shock.

He looks at the sink.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 16) I can’t believe it  actually worked!

Line 17) I’m back!

Marvin shrieks excitedly and jumps up and down.

Line 18) Everything is just like it was.

Line 19) Now I have to look for Calista.

Line 20) It’s strange we didn’t spawn in the same place.

Marvin’s intrusive thoughts start to come in about his doubts if Calista got into this time.

Line 21) Stop it. She’s here, alright. I feel it in my soul.

Line 22) I wouldn’t remember all of our memories if she was still back in 2024.

Line 23) Like the psychic said, we would forget all we’ve been through.

Line 24) If I still remember everything. Then there’s no need to worry. 

Marvin exits the bathroom.

Line 25) Just where could she be though?

Marvin searches around the dinner party to see if he can spot Calista.

He bumps into Jax (his friend that passed away).


Line 26) Jeez, Marvin. Where’re you rushing off to?


Line 27) Are you looking for someone? Need help?

Marvin looks at Jax all astonished.


Line 28) What’s with that face? It’s like you’re shocked to see me here.

Marvin hugs Jax tightly.

He starts getting a bit emotional.

Jax is uncomfortable.


Line 29) Heh, Marvin. What happened? Why’re you crying?


Line 30) I’ve missed you.

He pulls back and kisses Jax on the cheek passionately.

Jax is disgusted.


Line 31) Yuck! What’d you do that for?


Line 32) I was here the whole time. What do you mean you missed me?

Marvin wipes his eyes and boops Jax’s nose.


Line 33) I’ll explain later. I’m busy right now.


Line 34) Hello! Let me help you!


Line 35) Ah, right!


Line 36) Has anyone walked in and out of this building?


Line 37) Not that I know of. There’s a guest list, so people shouldn’t be able to walk in and out so easily.

Marvin remembers.


Line 38) Ah, that’s right!


Line 39) What’s the matter with you? Are you drunk?

Marvin pats Jax’s shoulders.


Line 40) Sure, let’s go with that!

Marvin wanders off.


Line 41) Where’re you going?


Line 42) I told you I’m busy.

Jax brushes it off and Marvin heads outside.

Elouise is trailing after Marvin.


Line 43) Where’d he head off to?


Line 44) Like I’m telling you. Just leave him alone.


Line 45) His shirt’s a mess. Now tell me where he went!

Jax annoyingly sighs.


Line 46) I’m not sure. All he said was that he’s busy. 


Line 47) Ugh! You’re useless!

Elouise wanders off clicking her heels.

Jax shouts at her.


Line 48) Says the stalker!

Cady and Russell go to Jax.


Line 49) What’s going on?


Line 50) Marvin’s acting like a weirdo.


Line 51) Where’d he go?


Line 52) I don’t know, he just ran off saying he was busy.


Line 53) Huh? That’s so unlike him.


Line 54) Right. He’s usually one to give us a heads up.


Line 55) Must be urgent. Do you think it’s an emergency?


Line 56) No… He seemed oddly upbeat.


Line 57) He even shed a few tears when he saw me.

Russell and Cady are shocked.


Line 58) But, why?


Line 59) Said he missed me. Seemed genuine.


Line 60) That doesn’t sound right. We should go after him.


Line 61) The stalker already did.

Cady and Russell annoyingly sigh.

Todd comes by them, noticing their shocked faces.


Line 62) What’s going on? Where’s Marvin and Elouise?

Shot pans to Marvin wandering around Todd's neighborhood complex.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 63) Jersey is small. Talulla and Calista could be anywhere.

Line 64) I just hope they’re nearby. I mean, where else could they be?

Line 65) I need to think. Do I notice any places around here that are still around in 2024?

Marvin looks around seeing that everything is unfamiliar.

Line 66) Nothing looks familiar. Everything looks old.

Marvin continues wandering around.

Line 67) It doesn't make any sense.

Line 68) Why would they spawn anywhere else?

Line 69) We got here together, and should’ve ended up here together as well.

Line 70) Gosh this is so tedious!

Marvin continues wandering around for 30 minutes.

He glances at his watch.

He puts his hands on his knees.

Line 71) Has it already been 30 minutes?

Line 72) This shouldn’t be taking that long.

Marvin gets intrusive thoughts again.

Line 73) No! I won’t cave in.

Line 74) I’ll look all around Jersey if I truly have to.

Line 75) I’m not giving up so easily.

Line 76) I will find Calista and Talulla. I just know it.

Shot pans to Elouise who is hiding behind a building watching over Marvin.

Elouise’s narration:

Line 77) Who the heck is he looking for?

Line 78) I followed him because I was curious.

Line 79) He looks devastated. What could be going on?

We get a flashback of Elouise watching Marvin’s dad give him the ring and overhearing their conversation.

Line 80) I’m supposed to execute my plan today.

Line 81) All this wandering around is killing time.

Line 82) We need to be engaged by tonight.

Shot pans to Marvin’s friends trying to wander around for Marvin.


Line 83) Do you guys think he went back to his place?


Line 84) Maybe. We should return to the party. There’s no point in wandering around if we don’t know where they are.


Line 85) I agree. We can just call him another time and see what’s up.

They retreat back to the dinner party.

Another 30 minutes go by as Marvin keeps searching for where Talulla and Calista could be.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 86) Out of everything we’ve discussed. I thought this would be the easiest thing to do.

Line 87) But, why is it turning out to be that hardest?

Marvin glances at his watch.

Line 88) It’s been one hour and I’ve already searched the block many times.

Line 89) What do we do if we’re never able to find each other?

Line 90) How are we going to get back?

Line 91) The girls don’t have any sort of device on them, so calling them would be a lost cause.

Line 92) What if Talulla and Calista are separated as well?

Line 93) How are they going to be able to navigate through this time, and reunite?

Line 94) What if all of this takes months?

Line 95) What if they didn't make it here in the first place?

Line 96) What if they’re still in 2024 and I’m just wandering around like an idiot holding onto the only shred of hope I have left in me?

Line 97) Sure, I still remember everything we’ve been through.

Line 98) But, what if the psychic made a mistake and we’re going to remember each other anyways?

Marvin buries his hands in his face.

He hears familiar voices.

He turns his head and spots two girls walking from a distance.

He rubs his eyes and examines Talulla and Calista.

As he notices this he sprints towards them fastly.

Talulla and Calista notice Marvin and Calista run towards him.

They bang into each other and hug each other tightly.

Shot pans to Elouise who is taking all of this in as she watches them reunite.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 61 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
