Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 41

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 41

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona and Casimir head over to the spa that Sotsona suggested. Casimir tries to alleviate any flustered feelings from what happened between them last night.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 41:

February 25th 2024. The day is Sunday.

Casimir and Sotsona make their way over to the spa resort that their hotel offers as an amenity (refer back to episode 36, line 27).

Casimir is keeping quiet from Sotsona, still feeling guilty about kissing last night.

Sotsona is thrilled about going to the spa for the first time.

She strikes a conversation with him in excitement.


Line 1) Since it’s my first time going, what should I expect?

Casimir flinches from Sotsona talking to him.

Line 2) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Keep your cool, Casimir. If you act weirdly, it’ll only make things more awkward between the two of you.


Line 3) Expect to have a good time. I’m sure you’ll like it.


Line 4) We’ve had quite the hectic week, so you deserve to relax.

Sotsona happily smiles at Casimir.

Casimir nods his head proudly from attempting to talk to Sotsona normally.

Line 5) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I think I did pretty well with that interaction. This may not be so hard after all.


Line 6) Do they offer haircuts at spas?

Casimir flinches, startled from Sotsona’s sudden questioning once again.


Line 7) Not that I’m aware of. Don’t tell me you want to cut your hair?


Line 8) Would that be the worst thing in the world? You seem against it.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in shock, wondering why she’s questioning him about his reaction.


Line 9) Of course I’m against it. You have the best hair that I’ve ever seen on anybody!


Line 10) You have the most perfect dark, healthy, long, shiny, sleek hair. Why do you want to change it?

Sotsona laughs from Casimir passionately being against her idea.


Line 11) How do you know so much about my hair? Can you really tell all of that by simply looking at it?

Casimir blushes.

Line 12) Casimir’s inner thoughts: It’s not like she can know I was playing around with it yesterday.

Line 13) Casimir’s inner thoughts: And then that one thing led to another, and we ended up kissing.

Casimir regains his composure and comes up with an excuse.


Line 14) Yes. You should know by now that I have a good eye*.

*Refer back to episode 23, line 41. 


Line 15) I guess you have a good point. But, my long hair holds so many memories.


Line 16) Along with this new restart to my life, I want to have a bit of a glow up as well.


Line 17) I want to look unrecognizable. Obviously in a good way.


Line 18) I just want to look the way I’ve always wanted to.


Line 19) And now that I have a chance to seize that opportunity, why not go for it?

Casimir nods his head in understandment.


Line 20) That’s honestly a good reason, I suppose.

Casimir hesitates before asking Sotsona his next question.


Line 21) Forgive me for assuming, but, aren’t you Native American?

Sotsona nods her head.


Line 22) I don’t know much, but aren’t you like not supposed to cut your hair?


Line 23) We can, actually. Different tribes have different rules. Traditionally you must keep it long.


Line 24) But in my tribe, they allow us to cut our hair.


Line 25) It holds a deeper meaning though.


Line 26) Our hair represents a strong cultural identity. So, it’s very sacred to us.


Line 27) The longer your hair, the stronger that bond is.


Line 28) If we decide we want to cut our hair, it symbolizes the end of a huge chapter in our lives.


Line 29) But the beginning of renewal and more memories to make.


Line 30) And I’m ready to take that on.


Line 31) But I’ll have to keep the hair that’s cut off.


Line 32) It’s considered disrespectful to throw it away so casually without giving it a proper send off.

Casimir looks intrigued.


Line 33) So, what’s the proper way to send it off?


Line 34) We burn it off in a ceremony with any sort of herb.

Casimir tilts his head to the side.


Line 35) Interesting. So, how short would you like to cut it?


Line 36) Definitely not too short. I was thinking of getting layers.

Casimir tries to picture layers on Sotsona.

He nods his head in understandment.


Line 37) Actually, now that you bring it up, I think that would be better suited for you based on the way your face is structured.

Sotsona beams.


Line 38) You think so? So, you’ll let me do it?


Line 39) Of course. You don’t need my permission. You can do whatever you want.


Line 40) We’ll just have to see if this spa offers hair makeovers as well.


Line 41) If it does, you can ask them for a haircut then. But, just be on the lookout so that they don’t accidentally throw your hair away.


Line 42) And don’t go too berserk if you decide you want to do something else like dye your hair.


Line 43) This color suits you. Don’t change it. Remember when I said I have a good eye?

Sotsona smirks.

They finally arrive at the spa.

They enter and get themselves situated into different areas.


Line 44) Anyways, it’s time we part ways.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in confusion.


Line 45) I’m gonna do my thing, you do your thing.


Line 46) We can’t do it together?

Casimir blushes.


Line 47) Maybe I should’ve prefaced you on how a spa works, but you don’t typically go with someone at the same time.


Line 48) Not unless it’s like getting your nails done or going to the sauna.


Line 49) Either way, we most likely won’t cross paths because spas are catered to gender. 


Line 50) So, then what am I supposed to do?


Line 51) Just get whatever treatments you want to get done.


Line 52) It’s usually a solo thing.


Line 53) I can do whatever I want?


Line 54) Of course. Go all out. Today is supposed to be our day to rejuvenate.

Sotsona nods her head in understandment.


Line 55) Alright then. Happy relaxing.

Casimir nods his head and they part ways.

Line 56) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Good. Taking time away from Sotsona will help me clear my head.

Line 57) Casimir’s inner thoughts: We’ve been by each other’s side all week.

Line 58) Casimir’s inner thoughts: This will be a good time to balance things out for ourselves.

Sotsona goes to the hair treatment section.

A specialist offers her guidance.


Line 59) Right this way, ma’am.

The specialist opens a private room for Sotsona to get her hair done.

Sotsona’s eyes widen from shock and she excitedly enters.

Line 60) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wow! This is so lavish! I’ve never had this kind of treatment before.

They introduce themselves to each other.

Sotsona enters and the specialist sits her down on a salon chair.

The specialist puts a cover on Sotsona and brings her hair to the front.


Line 61) What are you looking to get done with your hair today, ma’am?


Line 62) Just any sort of treatment that you recommend for my hair type. But before we get started on that, do you guys offer haircuts by any chance?


Line 63) Yes we do. What are you looking to get done?

Sotsona gets hit with a wave of relief


Line 64) Oh that’s great. I was thinking of getting layers. But, since you’re the professional, what do you recommend?

The specialist analyzes Sotsona’s hair.

She beams looking at it.


Line 65) Hair like yours is the reason I love my job.

Sotsona smiles.


Line 66) I’m thinking some round layers, and a few face framing bangs should do the trick.

Sotsona looks a bit concerned from the specialist mentioning bangs.


Line 67) Bangs?


Line 68) It’s not the bangs you’re thinking of. They’re more to give your face curvature. But, they’ll blend in with the rest of your hair, giving it a more flowy look.

Sotsona nods her head in enthrallment.


Line 69) That sounds great. Please, work your magic.

The specialist gets started on Sotsona’s hair styling.

She snips her hair bit by bit and Sotsona looks down to see it falling.

Line 70) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s too late to go back now. We’re finally cutting it off.

After some time, the stylist finishes cutting Sotsona’s hair and gives her the recommended treatment.

She also styles Sotsona’s hair by blowdrying it to look bouncy.

She turns the salon chair to the mirror to show Sotsona her finished look.

Sotsona looks stunned at the mirror.


Line 71) Wow! This is crazy!


Line 72) What do you think? I think it turned out lovely.

Line 73) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t believe this is my hair. I look like a completely different person.


Line 74) I-I love it! It looks so fresh. This is definitely what I had in mind.


Line 75) I’m so glad. It was fun playing with your hair.


Line 76) Would you like to keep the excess to maybe donate? We cut off quite a bit.


Line 77) Actually, I would like to keep it for something else. Could you please collect it?

The specialist collects Sotsona’s hair and places it in a bag for her.


Line 78) Just out of curiosity, what will you be using it for?


Line 79) I’m native so I have to conduct a ceremony to send it off.

The specialist intriguingly nods her head.


Line 80) Then this must’ve been a big step for you. You should be proud of yourself.

Sotsona happily smiles from the specialist’s consideration.


Line 81) It was a big step. Thank you for making it happen.

After finishing, Sotsona leaves and goes to other sections.

She gets her nails done, a massage, and a facial.

*Shot cuts to Casimir getting a massage.

Line 82) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I’ve been so tense lately. I definitely needed something to loosen up.


Line 83) Your back is full of knots. You must be a hard worker.


Line 84) But remember to cut yourself some slack. Too much stress can cause your body pain.


Line 85) If that pressure accumulates, it can cause you to have issues in the future. Especially with old age.

The specialist digs into one of Casimir’s back knots, diving deep into his tissues.

Casimir winces in pain.

The specialist checks up on Casimir in concern. 


Line 86) Sorry, did I get you too hard?


Line 87) Don’t worry. I can handle it. Do what you must.


Line 88) Alright. I just want to make sure I undo everything well enough for you.


Line 89) Are you doing okay? How did you back get this bad?


Line 90) I thought you were a massage specialist, not a therapist.

The specialist laughs.


Line 91) Why can’t I be both? I haven’t seen a back this tense in years. You’ve piqued my curiosity.

Casimir laughs.


Line 92) Your speculations aren’t far off. I’m in quite the pickle.

The specialist perks their ears, eager to hear more from Casimir.


Line 93) I did something rashly and ended messing up.


Line 94) However, the only one that remembers doing the deed is me, not the other person.


Line 95) And it’s already killing me to keep that secret from them, and the tension between us only seems to get more awkward as the seconds go by.

The specialist looks at Casimir in concern.


Line 96) Um. You didn’t do anything bad, right?


Line 97) Not necessarily, but it’s just a huge step that I didn’t think logically about at the moment.


Line 98) Now, I just don’t know what to do. What do you think?


Line 99) Take my advice, things that are kept hidden from others never end well.


Line 100) I think it’s best you confront this person about what you did before it eats at you.


Line 101) That’s the only thing I can’t do.


Line 102) Then smooth it into things.

Casimir’s ears perk in interest, wanting to hear more from the specialist.


Line 103) What do you mean?


Line 104) Avoid mentioning it, but move up to it to make things flow smoothly.


Line 105) You’re being quite vague. But from what I’m understanding, what you did with this person seemed too early considering your dynamics with them, am I right? 

Casimir shamefully nods his head.


Line 106) Then, you’re going to have to move yourself up to that level, so that when you mention what you did, it seems fine because the timing is right.


Line 107) Do you get what I mean?


Line 108) But, do you think I still stand a chance?


Line 109) You’re going to have to prove that you stand a chance.


Line 110) Which is why you should keep trying to make things right with this person.


Line 111) Time heals all things.


Line 112) Your redemption with this person starts the second you see them again.


Line 113) You have to give all your might to reach that goal.

They finish their massage session.

Casimir gets all his other treatments done and rests in a jacuzzi with a steamy towel on his head.

Line 114) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I really needed this. I feel much calmer, like I’m finally on vacation.

Casimir looks through his phone while he chills.

Sotsona spots Casimir and approaches him without him noticing.

She looms over him while he’s on his phone.

Casimir flinches when he notices Sotsona standing over him.

Sotsona waves at Casimir and goes into the jacuzzi with him.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in shock from her new haircut.


Line 115) Sotsona?! Is that you?!

Sotsona beams.


Line 116) Yeah, what do you think of my new hair?

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 12, 2024
Last Updated on July 12, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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