Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 39

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 39

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir is still trying to process the fact that Sotsona just kissed his cheek for the photo, feeling immensely flustered. However, later on, something even more intense happens.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 39:

February 24th 2024. The day is Saturday. 

Sotsona just kissed Casimir’s cheek for a photo.

The tourists that took their pictures leave them on their own.

Casimir awkwardly stands next to Sotsona, caught off-guard from what she just did to him.

He is all flustered on the inside, trying to retain his composure on the outside.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 1) She… Just kissed me!

Line 2) Why did she do that?

Line 3) Doesn’t she know by now that I get flustered easily?

Line 4) Especially in front of strangers! What was she thinking?!

Casimir tries to consider some logical reasons.

Line 5) What if she was just caught up in the moment?

Line 6) We were having a sentimental talk until the tourists approached us.

Line 7) She must’ve felt the need to act upon our discussion, feeling her emotions heightened from the alcohol, since she’s obviously drunk.

Casimir tries to calm himself down, trying not to jump to conclusions.

Line 8) I must be blowing this situation out of proportion then if all she gave me was just a simple peck on the cheek.

Casimir squeals on the inside.

Line 9) But, regardless, this is HUGE for me.

Line 10) Sure, she may be drunk and so am I, but, she still seems to have control over herself.

Line 11) I should try to act as nonchalant as possible so that I don’t create even more awkward tension between us.

Sotsona pokes Casimir’s shoulder as he zones out from thinking about their kiss.

When she pokes him, he flinches dramatically, being shocked by her sudden presence.

Sotsona laughs from this reaction.


Line 12) Jeez. Why are you so jumpy? Can I see your phone really quickly?

Line 13) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Oh… She just wants to see my phone. I didn’t know what else to expect.

Line 14) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But, it’s not like she would kiss me again like that. That seems out of character.

Casimir reaches into his pocket and hands over his phone to Sotsona, unlocking it for her as well.

She looks through his photos, and sees the ones that the tourist just took of them.


Line 15) Man, we really DO look like a couple in these photos.

Sotsona shows Casimir the photo of her kissing his cheek and he blushes.

Line 16) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Why is she showing me that photo? Just what is she trying to do?

Casimir tries to say something to break up his flustered tension.


Line 17) I-I guess we do. W-We must be getting better at pretending.

Line 18) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But, was that really JUST pretend? It seemed like a bit more than that from my take.

Sotsona checks the time on Casimir’s phone.

The time is 11:39 PM.


Line 19) I think we’ve done enough activities for the day. Do you want to head back to our hotel now?

Casimir blushes immensely.

Line 20) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Why would she mention something like that? With this mood, going back to our hotel only means one thing…

Sotsona stretches her back and arms.


Line 21) I’m starting to feel tired. And being tipsy isn’t really helping with that.

Casimir snaps back into reality, straying away from his fantasies.

Line 22) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Oh. So, she’s just tired.

Casimir shakes his head from disappointment.

Line 23) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I should be ashamed. What was I thinking?

Line 24) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’s the one that just wants to go back to our hotel to FINALLY rest, and here I am having my mind in the gutter.

Casimir pinches his face cheek, putting himself into check.


Line 25) Yeah. Let’s head home. It’s late, and we have plenty of time to explore this place tomorrow.

Sotsona nods her head in agreement.

Casimir and Sotsona grab a taxi and have a silent ride home, however, Casimir still feels guilty from thinking intrusively about Sotsona.

Sotsona happily looks out the window taking in the scenery of the city.

She opens up the window, letting the wind blow in her hair.

This gesture catches Casimir’s attention and he smiles looking at her.

Line 26) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’s so breathtaking. I feel bad that she has to deal with the likes of  me. 

Line 27) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She deserves someone that appreciates her, not someone like me who just looked at her the way I did just now.

Casimir sadly leans his head on the taxi window.

They finally arrive at their hotel, and check in as usual, heading into their room.

Sotsona plops on her bed face down.


Line 28) Don’t you want to get unready?

Sotsona replies with a muffled voice from her face being laid down on the bed.


Line 29) I will. But, for now, I just want to lay down…

Casimir chuckles from Sotsona acting lazy.


Line 30) Alright then. I’ll go take a shower first then. I’ll try to be quick so that you can use the restroom after me.

Sotsona waves her hand at Casimir, still laying her face down.


Line 31) No. Please. Take your time. I think the alcohol is just getting to me.


Line 32) Well, we did drink a whole bottle together, so I don’t blame you. Champagne is a grower.


Line 33) You can really hold your liquor though. You seem completely unfazed.


Line 34) I may seem cool on the surface, but I was really trying to power through when we were hanging out earlier because I was starting to feel disoriented.


Line 35) Ahh. Really? I’m sorry that I dragged you along.


Line 36) I started feeling a bit unwell too, but I didn’t want that to get in the way of me wanting to explore the city.

Casimir smiles, feeling amused by Sotsona’s aspirations and intrigued that they felt the same way but held it in.


Line 37) It seems that we were both pretending to feel fine when we were in fact both feeling badly.

Sotsona laughs realizing this.


Line 38) Hmm. That’s kind of cute of us.

Casimir blushes.


Line 39) Alright. I’m off.


Line 40) Kay. Happy showering.

Casimir walks into the bathroom and silently panics from feeling so flustered.

Line 41) Casimir’s inner thoughts: My heart just melted. How can she be so cute?!

Line 42) Casimir’s inner thoughts: If she’d let me, I’d squeeze her to death from cuteness aggression.

Line 43) Casimir’s inner thoughts: And the way she was also putting up a front for me, so that we could prolong hanging out with each other.

Line 44) Casimir’s inner thoughts: My heart! That makes me so happy! She’s so dorky for that.

Some time passes and Casimir finishes showering and exits the bathroom.

He’s quiet, assuming that Sotsona probably fell asleep.

Casimir spots Sotsona’s bed and sees her resting in it.

Line 45) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Just as I thought, she fell asleep.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.

Line 46) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But I told her that she shouldn’t sleep with her hair down. I even promised her that I would put her hair into a braid before she’d go to sleep*.

*Refer back to episode 34, line 94.

Line 47) Casimir’s inner thoughts: And she’s also wearing makeup. Sleeping with that on will clog her pores.

Casimir finds Sotsona’s bag and fishes out micellar water, cotton pads, and a hair tie.

Casimir soaks a cotton pad in micellar water and takes off Sotsona’s makeup.

Line 48) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I have to be gentle. I don’t want to wake her up.

Casimir gently takes off Sotsona’s makeup and admires her face. 

Casimir’s narration:

Line 49) She’s a work of art. A true masterpiece.

Line 50) Her face is beautifully sculpted, like a marble statue.

Line 51) Her eyebrows are full and perfectly curved.

Line 52) Her eyes are angled in a way that makes her look kind.

Line 53) Her lips, plump and supple, curving into the perfect shape whenever she talks.

Line 54) She’s magnificent. Why aren’t more people glancing at her twice when she walks by them?

Casimir appreciatively smiles.

Casimr finishes taking the makeup off of Sotsona’s face.

Line 55) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Now, just how do I prop her up so that I can braid her hair?

Casimir thinks of a way.

Line 56) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I guess I could turn her to the side, somehow.

Casimir gently pushes Sotsona to be laying on her side.

Casimir pulls back with his arms up, hoping that moving her like that didn’t wake her.

Casimir checks back on Sotsona and notices that she’s still asleep.

He is relieved that Sotsona didn’t react.

Line 57) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Good. She’s still asleep. Now I can braid her hair comfortably.

Casimir gently places himself on Sotsona’s bed beside where she rests.

He softly collects her hair and begins braiding it.

Line 58) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Based on the way she cares for her hair, I’m surprised it’s still intact.

Line 59) Casimir’s inner thoughts: It’s still so sleek and healthy. Quite coarse and thick too.

Line 60) Casimir’s inner thoughts: It must be because of her great genetics. I don’t spot any split ends at all.

As Casimir is braiding Sotsona’s hair, his finger gets stuck on a knot, causing him to accidentally tug on her hair.

Casimir quickly pulls back, worrying that he woke Sotsona up.

After a couple seconds of no reaction from Sotsona, Casimir picks up the loose braid and tries to gently untangle the knot.

Line 61) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She must be brushing her hair from the top to the bottom. That’s what causes knots.

Line 62) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I need to teach her how to take better care of her hair.

Casimir tries to undo Sotsona’s knot, but he still has to slightly tug on some of her hair strands for the knot to budge.

Casimir squints his eyes trying his best not to spoil Sotsona’s sleep.

One final tug, and Sotsona lifts her head and opens her eyes, awoken from her slumber.

She turns her head to the side gently and interlocks her gaze with Casimir’s.

Casimir freezes in place, still holding Sotsona’s hair, as she catches him braiding it.

In panic, he drops her hair and scoots a bit back to distance himself from her.


Line 63) I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up.

Sotsona’s eyes soften when she sees Casimir.

She grabs her hair wondering what he was doing.

Sotsona brings her hair over her shoulder and notices the braid Casimir was trying to do with her long hair.

She smiles from Casimir’s consideration.

Sotsona replies to Casimir in a sleepy voice.


Line 64) You remembered? That you wanted to braid my hair before I fell asleep?

Casimir is caught off-guard with this question from Sotsona and blushes.


Line 65) Y-Yeah, I didn’t want you to sleep with your hair down. That could cause damage.

Sotsona lets out a chuckle.


Line 66) That’s sweet of you. You’re considerate for doing this.


Line 67) I’m sorry if my hair was tangly. 


Line 68) No. I’m sorry for pulling on your tangles… And doing this secretly while you were asleep.


Line 69) Don’t worry. I know you were just trying to smooth them out and help.

Sotsona rubs her eyes.

Sotsona realizes she’s wearing makeup and may have messed it up by rubbing her eyes.

In panic, she looks at her hand, expecting to see if any residue came off.

Sotsona looks at her hand in confusion when she doesn’t spot any smudges.

Line 70) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wait. I’m confused. I thought I didn’t take my makeup off.

Line 71) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I didn’t get a chance to do my routine since I passed out the second we made it back to the hotel, so this makes no sense.

Sotsona looks over at the nightstand beside her bed and spots her makeup remover and used cotton pads.

Sotsona puts the pieces together and smiles realizing what Casimir must’ve done.


Line 72) Aw. Did you take my makeup off for me too?

Casimir feels embarrassed and ashamed from Sotsona noticing.

He blushes even more immensely.


Line 73) Y-You weren’t supposed to see that. I thought I put everything back.

Sotsona aggressively throws herself onto Casimir for a hug (remember he is still lying next to her).

Casimir blushes from this off-guard reaction.

Casimir’s hands freeze in the air, not knowing what to do with them.

Sotsona sneaks her arms over Casimir’s shoulders and rubs his back while they hug each other.

Casimir panics on the inside.

Line 74) Casimir’s inner thoughts: W-What is she doing? S-She’s hugging me? This is all so sudden.

Sotsona rubs her face on Casimir’s chest, continuing to hug him.

Casimir blushes as red as a tomato.

Line 75) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I can’t restrain myself. She’s being so affectionate and clingy.

Casimir hugs Sotsona back very tightly.

They hug each other for a few minutes very closely.

Sotsona pulls back and their faces are inches away.

Casimir can’t restrain himself from caressing Sotsona’s face.

He tucks a piece of her hair behind her ears and gently rubs her cheek.

The both of them smile at each other.


Line 76) What are we doing Sotsona?

Sotsona rolls her eyes from Casimir ruining the moment.


Line 77) You never ask the right questions. 

Casimir chuckles.


Line 78) I didn’t think you would be hugging me like this, ever.


Line 79) Well, I’m doing it now, so enjoy it while it lasts I suppose.

Casimir continues to rub Sotsona’s face.


Line 80) I guess you’re right. I shouldn’t question myself when I’m enjoying this.

Sotsona leans her head on Casimir’s shoulder.

Casimir rubs Sotsona’s head and continues to hug her.

Casimir realizes something.

His eyes widen at his realization.

Line 81) Casimir’s inner thoughts: No. What am I REALLY doing?

Line 82) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Sotsona is drunk. She’s not in her right mind. I mean, so am I. But, my senses are slightly still intact.

Casimir pulls Sotsona off of him gently.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in confusion.

She reaches for him, wanting to go back into their hug.

Casimir gently pushes Sotsona back.

She replies in a snappy manner, being upset from his refusal.


Line 83) What are you doing? I thought you said you were enjoying this?


Line 84) You’re drunk. I shouldn’t be doing this.


Line 85) You’re drunk as well. We’re not doing anything bad. We’re just hugging each other.


Line 86) Still. It doesn’t seem right to me. I’m stopping now. Sorry.

Sotsona’s eyebrows furrow in frustration.


Line 87) I don’t want you to stop. I like this. There’s nothing to be sorry about.


Line 88) Trust me, I like it too. But, if we keep persisting like this, I won’t be able to keep myself contained.

Sotsona reaches back to Casimir.


Line 89) Don’t control yourself. I don’t want to think about what’s wrong or right tonight.

Casimir’s eyes widen from Sotsona’s desperation.

He continues to contain his wits.


Line 90) Stop, Sotsona. Just go to sleep or take a shower. This is finished.

Casimir gets off of Sotsona’s bed, but she grabs his arm in a hasty manner.

She replies in annoyance to Casimir walking away.


Line 91) Where do you think you’re going?

Casimir’s ears blush, trying hard not to look at Sotsona.


Line 92) I want you to stay by my side. Come back. I’m allowing you to do this.


Line 93) Even if that means you can’t restrain yourself-

Casimir turns back to Sotsona and leans in for a passionate kiss.

Her eyes widen from shock, then close in satisfaction.

They put their arms around each other and get closer as they savor the kiss.

Casimir and Sotsona both blush immensely.

They pull back and look at each other sentimentally.


Line 94) So, I guess I’m your first kiss, huh?

Sotsona tries to get out of the trance she's locked in from Casimir’s kiss.

She laughs from his comment.


Line 95) Yeah. I guess you are.

Casimir looks shy.


Line 96) I’m honored. I hope you liked it.

Sotsona laughs and rests her head on Casimir’s shoulder as he lays beside her again.


Line 97) What the heck? Who says that after they kiss someone?

They laugh with each other from the awkwardness.

Casimir gets comfy on Sotsona’s bed and pats his chest for her to lean her head on.

When Sotsona lays on Casimir’s chest, he wraps his arms around her and they cuddle with each other.


Line 98) This feels very nice.


Line 99) Mhm. I agree.


Line 100) Let’s stay like this for the whole night.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 11, 2024
Last Updated on July 11, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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