In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 58

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 58

A Chapter by Yosh

Marvin and Calista happily wake up next to each other in bed after professing their love to each other. They happily eat breakfast until Talulla addresses the elephant in the room.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 58:

January 1st 2024. The day is Monday.

Calista wakes up to Marvins hands wrapped around her as they sleep on the side.

She opens her eyes, blinks herself awake and notices Marvins hands wrapped around her.

As she notices she turns over to face him and sees that he’s still sleeping.

She touches his face a bit and runs her fingers through his hair.

Then she snuggles into him engulfing his full scent.

Calista’s narration:

Line 1) This scent is unbeatable.

Line 2) Feeling his body against mine, wrapping me in warmness.

Line 3) I feel so loved and cared for.

Line 4) I can’t believe this is real life.

Calista props herself up and strokes Marvins hair as she admires him.

Line 5) How can a person lay next to me like this and be called my boyfriend?

Line 6) Are you sure he’s not a robot?

Calista puts her head on Marvin’s chest and hears his heart beating.

Line 7) The sound of his heart beating.

Line 8) He’s just a human like everyone else.

Line 9) But unlike everyone else, he’s my boyfriend.

Line 10) The person I one day decided to full heartedly trust and love.

Line 11) Just a simple human, just like me.

Line 12) It’s shocking that we overlook what it’s like to be THIS close to a person.

Line 13) It’s a level of affection I didn’t know existed up until now.

She continues to snuggle into him.

Line 14) If only time could stop, so that I could keep him in my arms like this forever.

Line 15) Feeling his chest and stomach slowly rise as he breathes in and out.

Line 16) His veins that pulse as his heart pumps blood.

Line 17) He’s a living human being. 

Line 18) And he’s become such an important part of my life.

Marvin slowly opens his eyes and sees Calista.


Line 19) Good morning.

Marvin smiles.


Line 20) IT IS a good morning.


Line 21) I get to see your face when I wake up.

Marvin touches Calista’s face and rubs the side of it with his fingertips.


Line 22) How’d you sleep?


Line 23) The best I’ve slept in a while. What about you?


Line 24) I slept great too. But, that’s only because you were laying next to me.

Calista smiles.


Line 25) Were you just watching me sleep?


Line 26) Only for a bit, I didn’t want to disturb you. 


Line 27) I just want to admire how soundly you sleep.

Calista hugs Marvin.


Line 28) I can’t believe you’re here with me.

Marvin is confused.


Line 29) What do you mean by that?


Line 30) I just can’t believe you’re with me like this.


Line 31) We’re both fully functioning people who just decided one day to get together.


Line 32) Although we do have complex emotions.


Line 33) It’s just crazy because we’re living on a floating rock.


Line 34) We’re nothing but a speck in the universe, yet deep down this is what we’re dealing with.


Line 35) Hmm. I get what you’re saying.


Line 36) But, isn’t it a bit too early to be thinking that way.

Calista smiles.


Line 37) Am I making your brain hurt?


Line 38) Slightly, but in a good way.


Line 39) I would prefer to have these deep thoughts early in the morning, but only because you prompted them.


Line 40) On any other day, the only thing that’d happen to me was waking up like normal.


Line 41) It’s good that there’s a change in my life now because of you.


Line 42) You make simple things elaborate.


Line 43) It’s exciting, and entertaining.


Line 44) For all I’ve known you. I’ve never been bored.


Line 45) You make my life exhilarating.

Calista blushes and in return stuffs her face into Marvins chest.


Line 46) Thanks, but you’re making me shy.

Marvin hugs her back tightly.

They make their way to the kitchen where they start eating breakfast all together, including Talulla.


Line 47) I’m so glad I took the day off.


Line 48) I need time to process the new year.


Line 49) I’m still a bit disoriented.


Line 50) Remember that trip that I told you about?


Line 51) That we could all go somewhere after I got back from mine. 


Line 52) Let’s take a week or two to ourselves. After all, I wasn’t able to enjoy my holiday break.

Talulla sighs.


Line 53) You know. As much as I’d love to go.


Line 54) I think the both of you need to talk.

Calista and Marvin are confused.


Line 55) What do you mean?


Line 56) You guys know what I mean.


Line 57) Is it really the best idea for all of us to be going on a trip when we know what our circumstances are?


Line 58) I hate to be blunt and slap you guys in the face with a reality check.


Line 59) But, need I remind you that the longer you both stay together the harder it’ll be to say goodbye.

Marvin and Calista get haunting looks on their faces.


Line 60) Look. I know you both love each other deeply. And you guys don’t want to depart just yet, because you want to spend time with each other as lovers.


Line 61) But, I’m telling you right here right now, that doing that will only hurt you guys more.


Line 62) So, before you guys go about planning trips. Instead plan how you guys will leave each other.


Line 63) Procrastinating will not benefit you in any way.


Line 64) I’m sorry for being a party pooper. But, this is a vital thing you guys must take care of ASAP.


Line 65) I’m just looking out for the both of you. I’ll give you guys some privacy.

Talulla gets up and leaves.

Calista glances at Marvin.

Calista’s narration:

Line 66) Talulla’s right. We have to take care of this before we go planning our lives together.

Line 67) I didn’t want to burden myself thinking about this yesterday because I was trying to enjoy my time.

Line 68) But, the longer we prolong this. The more dire our consequences become.

Line 69) We have to talk about this whether we like it or not.

Marvin abruptly faces Calista and takes both of her hands.


Line 70) I’ve decided I won’t leave you.

Calista is shocked and shakes her head no.


Line 71) You can’t do that Marvin. I won’t allow it. Plus, what about what the psychic said about the world?


Line 72) How can we trust them? It’s been longer than a day and nothing has happened yet. They’re the ones that disappeared out of the blue. This is the choice I’m making, that feels right to me.


Line 73) This way around we won’t have to make grandiose decisions about leaving each other.


Line 74) I’ll be by your side from now on.

Calista looks at Marvin bittersweetly.


Line 75) Marvin. You can’t say that. You’ll be giving up your entire lifetime just to be with me.


Line 76) I won’t let you do that.


Line 77) Why not?


Line 78) Because you’ve fulfilled your duty. 


Line 79) Leaving was your main goal from the start.


Line 80) It’s the only exit we know of.


Line 81) I won’t let that opportunity leave only because we can’t leave each other.


Line 82) We can’t let that happen. And we have to prioritize what will happen to the world.


Line 83) But, I don’t want to leave you.


Line 84) Things just started for us. Why can’t I enjoy it a little longer?


Line 85) I know, and I don’t want to leave you either.


Line 86) I wish there was a way for us to spend more time together without this opportunity leaving us.

Marvin gets struck with an idea.


Line 87) What if you come with me?

Calista is confused.


Line 88) How can we make that happen?


Line 89) Think about it, Talulla and you held hands and said the affirmation that brought me to this timeline.


Line 90) Early on, when we were trying to see if we could send me back we recreated that ceremony except I wasn’t holding your hands. I was just standing there as you guys started the ceremony.


Line 91) If we find two other people who can initiate the ceremony without us and just stand engulfed in it.


Line 92) What if that sends all of us to my time?

Calista’s eyes spark up.


Line 93) That sounds like a hypothetical possibility.


Line 94) That's what it is. But, think about it. Doesn’t that make sense?


Line 95) If that works out, you’ll be at my time and we can hang out with each other from there.


Line 96) Therefore, my opportunity won’t go to waste, and I’ll still have you by my side.


Line 97) We can be with each other there, until we decide to leave on our own.


Line 98) It’s the only way we get to spend more time with each other.


Line 99) We’ll still have to leave each other eventually, but at least this way we can spare some more time together.


Line 100) So don’t you think it’s worth a shot?

Calista smiles.


Line 101) It’s worth it.


Line 102) You were the one who said what we have is worth fighting for.


Line 103) So, let’s fight for it.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note


Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 58 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
