Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 38

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 38

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona arrive in Palau. What happens nexts since the both of them are still tipsy from the champagne they drank on the ride over?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 38:

February 24th 2024. The day is Saturday.

After talking with each other some more, Sotsona and Casimir rest on each other's shoulders (they passed out because of the champagne).

The airplane captain comes on the line again to announce that all of the passengers and crew are landing in Palau.


Line 1) This is your captain speaking again just to announce to everyone that we are finally arriving in Korar, Palau.


Line 2) Make sure you guys are buckled up, and safely in your seats for landing.

As the captain speaks, Sotsona and Casimir are still sleeping on each other, unfazed by the captain's announcement.

The plane starts flying down to its landing area at the airport.

This falling feeling from earlier wakes up Sotsona.

Line 3) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Ugh. Not this feeling again. Especially when I’m drunk.

Line 4) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I better not get nauseous.

Sotsona sits upright and stretches her body.

Sotsona looks over at Casimir and notices him still asleep on her shoulder.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir.

Line 5) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He looks so silly when he’s asleep.

As the wheels of the plane extend, they clash loudly on the pavement, signifying that the plane has just landed.

This abrupt landing feeling wakes up Casimir.

Sotsona notices that Casimir’s awoken.

She smiles at him.


Line 6) We’re finally here.

Casimir rubs his eyes and squints from the bright lights of the plane.

He replies in a sleepy manner.


Line 7) Yay. Now we can go to our hotel.

Casimir yawns and stretches his body.

Sotsona checks the time on her phone.

The time is 8:47 PM.


Line 8) It’s a bit early. How do you feel?

Casimir rubs his temples, feeling a headache settling in.


Line 9) I feel drunk. That’s for sure.

Sotsona pokes Casimir’s cheek in excitement.

Casimir looks caught off-guard by this out of character action from Sotsona.


Line 10) Don’t you want to party?

Casimir looks heavily confused at this suggestion from Sotsona.


Line 11) Party? How?


Line 12) Just with ourselves. On the streets of our new vacation destination.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in confusion.


Line 13) You don’t want to go to our hotel and sleep?


Line 14) We’ve done enough sleeping. It’s time to celebrate.

Casimir restlessly smiles at Sotsona as a signal that he confirms of her plans.

After a couple minutes of driving around until the plane is parked, the plane finally stops, signifying that the flight is over.

All the passengers clap when the plane lands.

Sotsona looks at Casimir confusingly, but claps with the rest of the passengers.

As the passengers start exiting, Casimir gets up to retrieve their carry-on bags.

He slightly wobbles as he gets up from being drunk and staggers to the cubby above them to get their bags.

As he grabs the bags he struggles handling the weight.

He hands Sotsona her bag.

Sotsona takes the bag from Casimir’s grasp and feels the heaviness of it too.


Line 15) Sheesh this bag is heavy!

Casimir replies in a joking manner.


Line 16) Because it’s filled with a bunch of clutter.

Sotsona looks at Casimir offendedly.


Line 17) What’s that supposed to mean?


Line 18) You know, how it’s filled with makeup, skin care, all those kinds of things.

Sotsona rolls her eyes.


Line 20) Whatever. If you were me, it’d be heavier.

Casimir leads the way for Sotsona to go in front of him for them to exit the plane.

As Sotsona stands she also wobbles from being drunk.

Casimir and Sotsona finally exit the plane and wave the flight attendants off.

Sotsona exits first and waits for Casimir to catch up to her.

Casimir exits the plane, slightly missing a step, but swiftly getting back into the groove of walking.


Line 21) Where do we go now?

Casimir notices how excited Sotsona looks.


Line 22) Hold your horses, we still have to go through TSA.

Sotsona whines in annoyance.

Casimir and Sotsona go through all of the security check-ups necessary and finally exit the airport.

Sotsona whines.


Line 23) Those were the longest 30 minutes of my life.

Sotsona and Casimir take a look at the way Palau looks out of the airport.


Line 24) Why does it look like we’re in the middle of nowhere?

Casimir looks around in shock too.


Line 25) I don’t know. We’re probably just not used to the way this place looks. 


Line 26) Anyways, let’s call up a ride and head to our hotel.

Casimir calls a taxi and they get driven to their hotel.

Casimir and Sotsona arrive at their hotel and check-in.

Casimir leads Sotsona to their room.

Casimir opens the door with the card key the hotel reception offered him.

Casimir opens the door for Sotsona and they walk into their hotel together.

Sotsona beams as she sees how amazing their hotel looks.

Sotsona walks over to her bed and plops on it.

She excitingly responds.


Line 27) WOO HOO! We’re on vacation baby!

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.

He abruptly drops his carry-on bags on the ground and plops on his bed beside her.


Line 28) Now it finally feels like it. I was starting to get concerned from the way everything looked when we stepped out of the airport.


Line 29) Me too. But now we’re finally here.


Line 30) This is my first vacation ever!


Line 31) I can’t believe I’m here! It’s so exciting!

Casimir smiles over at Sotsona as they lay in bed.


Line 32) Do you still want to go somewhere?


Line 33) Are you sleepy now that you’re in bed?


Line 34) Sort of. But I’m also hungry.


Line 35) We passed out earlier on the plane, so we didn’t get a chance to eat dinner.


Line 36) That’s true. Then, why don’t we go out for dinner?

Casimir blushes.

Casimir sits up from his bed, looking at Sotsona in shock.


Line 37) Are you asking me out? ... On a date?

Sotsona gets out of bed and kneels in front of Casimir.

Casimir starts blushing very intensely.

Sotsona playfully rolls her eyes.


Line 38) You’re not feeling jet lagged, nor too drunk, right?

Line 39) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I said that we shouldn’t go on a date tonight because I thought we would feel tired and groggy after we landed.

Line 40) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, since we’re here and we feel fine…

Line 41) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: There’s no reason for us not to go on a date.

Line 42) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Especially since I want to celebrate with him.

Casimir’s eyes spark and his face flushes red even more.


Line 43) N-No. I-I feel just fine.

Sotsona stands up proudly and extends her hand out to Casimir.


Line 44) Then let’s go on a date!

Casimir continues to blush and looks flustered as Sotsona steps up and asks him out.

Casimir takes Sotsona’s hand and she pulls him up to stand.

When Casimir gets up, he and Sotsona are very close to each other.

Sotsona blushes getting a good look at Casimir’s face.

Line 45) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Maybe it’s the alcohol, or what I actually think…

Line 46) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, Casimir looks quite handsome.

Sotsona interlocks her hands with Casimr’s and smiles at him.


Line 47) Let’s go! What do you want to eat?

Sotsona pulls Casimir’s arm to the exit of their hotel room.

Casimir happily follows Sotsona.

Casimir and Sotsona exit the hotel and Casimir calls a cab.

They make their way to the downtown part of Palau and arrive.

Sotsona and Casimir take in the view of all the lights beaming and attracting them into town as they walk together.

Sotsona spontaneously takes Casimir’s arm and they run with each other around the town.

Casimir is surprised by Sotsona’s actions but goes along with her.

Sotsona stops at a random restaurant.


Line 48) Why don’t we eat here? The place looks nice.

Casimir and Sotsona head into the restaurant and get seated at a table.

After browsing around the menu for some time, they finally choose what they want to eat and dig in once the waiter comes to bring them their food.

After they finish eating, the waiter comes by to their table to take their food and Sotsona whispers something into their ear.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in confusion.


Line 49) What was that for?

Sotsona mischievously smirks at Casimir.


Line 50) You’ll see.

The waiter comes back to their table and waves over at the rest of the waiters to follow them.

Casimir looks at the waiters, confused as to what’s about to go down.

One of the other waiters comes out of the kitchen with a crackling candle on top of some dessert.

They dim the lights of the restaurant and the other waiters gather around Sotsona and Casimir’s table.


Line 51) What’s going on?

The waiters start singing Casimir happy birthday.

The other guests at the restaurant divert their attention to Casimir and Sotsona’s table.

Casimir gets flustered from the sudden cheering and audiences’ eyes on him.

He looks over at Sotsona who is clapping her hands and cheering along with the rest of them.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 52) I feel like this is a scene straight out of a movie.

Line 53) How did I get myself so immersed into this?

Line 54) It’s so sudden and unexpected.

Line 55) But, I feel so happy, even though I’m not necessarily in my right mind.

Line 56) With Sotsona looking at me in this lighting, running around the city together.

Line 57) She’s so beautiful and I feel so free with her.

Line 58) We had a good time bonding with each other during the flight ride here.

Line 59) There’s this sneaky feeling in my stomach that’s jinxing that I might lose the bet we made*.

*Refer back to episode 35, details starting on line 97, etc.

Line 60) How could I not give into the bet when this is what I’m dealing with?

Line 61) What’s in store for us in the future?

The staff and Sotsona finish wishing Casimir a happy birthday.

Casimir timidly takes in all the effort they put into this celebration.


Line 62) Thank you for this, guys. I really appreciate it.

Casimir's thanks are appreciated by the waiters.

They finally leave Casimir and Sotsona alone.

Casimir sneaks a look at Sotsona happily staring at him.

Casimir can’t help but laugh processing what has just happened


Line 63) It’s not my birthday. Why did you do this?


Line 64) I thought we’ve already established that we don’t have to wait for special occasions to do things like this.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.


Line 65) Didn’t I set the mood?


Line 66) You definitely did. I’m impressed.


Line 67) I must be rubbing off on you, right?


Line 68) Or were you always like this?

Sotsona smiles.


Line 69) I’m only like this because of you.


Line 70) … And maybe because I’m drunk.

They laugh with each other.


Line 71) Eat your dessert, so that we can go explore the city some more.

Casimir smiles.

Casimir scoops some of his dessert and plops it into Sotsona’s mouth.

She unexpectedly eats it.

Sotsona blushes from Casimir feeding her.


Line 72) See? It’s definitely because of you.

Casimir finishes his dessert and Sotsona drags him outside.

As they walk around the streets of downtown Palau, Sotsona asks a local about some tourist attractions nearby.


Line 73) Excuse me? Is there a good place to go to see the city from a view?

Casimir confusingly looks at Sotsona, not expecting her to strike up a conversation with a stranger.


Line 74) Like sight seeing?

Sotsona nods her head.


Line 75) You’re in the right area. Do you see that ruin with the staircase over there? The one a couple blocks away from us? It’s shining with lights.

The local points for Sotsona to see.

Sotsona follows the local’s finger.

Sotsona’s eyes sparks in excitement when they land on the ruin.


Line 76) Ooh. Yeah. It looks so pretty over there.


Line 77) Wait till you see the view. You can see some of the ocean from there as well.


Line 78) It’s a renowned balcony for all tourists to view and take pictures from.

Sotsona gives the local an appreciative smile.


Line 79) Thank you for enlightening us. I appreciate the help.

Sotsona grabs Casimir’s arm and drags him to the ruin the local was pointing at.

Line 80) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’s taking the lead for today, dragging me everywhere like this.

Line 81) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But I like it. It feels like we’re on an adventure.

Casimir and Sotsona arrive at the ruin and go up the stairs.

Casimir gets a glance at Sotsona’s excited face.

Line 82) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She looks so happy. I’m seeing such a new side of her.

They make it to the top of the stairs and Sotsona walks over to the balcony.

Casimir follows behind her and they take in the view of the city from the ledge.

Sotsona’s eyes spark and she beams seeing the sight of the city and ocean.


Line 83) Wow! That local wasn’t kidding. It’s so breathtaking up here.


Line 84) Yeah. Even though it’s nighttime you can still see the city beautifully.


Line 85) The stars are shining so brightly that it illuminates the sky.

Sotsona takes a deep breath of the ocean air.


Line 86) Wow! We’re living the life!


Line 87) I can’t believe that I’m this lucky in getting a chance to see something so beautiful.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.


Line 88) This makes you happy?


Line 89) Of course! Who wouldn’t be happy in my shoes?

Casimir admires Sotsona’s admiration for the vacation.


Line 90) I’ll take you anywhere you want to go, Sotsona.

Sotsona looks at Casimir sentimentally.


Line 91) Just say the place, and we’re there.


Line 92) This can be our lives all the time.


Line 93) I’m here to make that possible.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir, appreciating his existence.


Line 94) Of course you are. 


Line 95) Thank you. This spontaneous trip has started off great.


Line 96) You’ve thanked me enough. I already know you’re grateful for all of this.


Line 97) I’m just glad you’re able to experience it.


Line 98) If anyone is deserving and worthy of all of this, it’s you.

Sotsona’s eyes soften from Casimir’s remark.

A tourist taps Casimir’s shoulder.

Casimir turns to look over at them.


Line 99) Hello, could you please take our picture for us?

Casimir smiles at the tourists.


Line 100) Of course.

The tourist hands over their phone to Casimir.

The rest of the tourists friends pose for the picture and Casimir takes multiple on their phone.

Casimir retrieves the phone to the tourist.


Line 101) Thank you so much. We really appreciate it.


Line 102) It’s no problem. I’m glad I could help.


Line 103) Could we repay the favor by taking your photo?

Casimir looks over at Sotsona for assurance.

Sotsona nods her head in agreement.


Line 104) Sure. That would be nice.

Casimir passes his phone over to the tourist.

The tourist moves their hands as a signal for Casimir and Sotsona to squeeze in together.

Sotsona puts her arm over Casimir’s shoulder.

Casimir blushes, not expecting Sotsona to pose that way with him.

Sotsona leans in closer to Casimir.

Sotsona looks at Casimir’s face and impulsively kisses his cheek.

The tourist takes the pictures for them.

The tourist passes Casimir his phone, and he awkwardly accepts it, still being flustered from Sotsona kissing his cheek out of the blue.


Line 105) They turned out nicely. You guys are a great couple.


Line 106) T-Thank you for taking our pictures.

Sotsona places her hands on Casimir’s shoulders.

Sotsona happily thanks the tourist for their act of service.


Line 107) Yes. Thank you so much.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 9, 2024
Last Updated on July 9, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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