In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 57

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 57

A Chapter by Yosh

After they profess their love to each other, Marvin and Calista head back to their apartment where Talulla waits for them, so that all of them could celebrate the New Year's together.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 57:

December 31 2023. The day is Sunday.

After a while of hugging each other, the two head upstairs to stop leaving Talulla hanging on her own.


Line 1) Why don’t we head on back, Calista?


Line 2) We can’t leave Talulla hanging.

Calista laughs.


Line 3) That’s true. She wants all of us to celebrate the holiday together.

Calista checks the time to see that it's an hour till the new year starts.


Line 4) We have one more hour of this year.

Marvin grabs Calista’s hand and leads her back to Talulla’s place.

Calista is caught a bit off-guard but goes on with him.


Line 5) Already holding my hand, huh?

Marvin looks back at Calista and smiles.


Line 6) Like you said I’m embracing these spare moments we have together.

Calista smiles bittersweetly at Marvin.

Calista’s narration:

Line 7) Since we confessed our feelings to each other, I don't want to worry about how things will turn out.

Line 8) I’ll just live my life to its fullest with whatever time we have together.

Line 9) Even if it’ll be our last moments ever. I won’t ruin the mood.

They lead themselves back to their apartment and knock on the door.

Talulla comes by to open it and is in shock seeing them hold hands.


Line 10) B@tm@n and R0bin are back. I take it things went well?

Talulla hugs both of them tightly.


Line 11) Ugh! I’m so happy for you guys!


Line 12) Let’s celebrate!

They play some board games as they wait for the countdown to come.

A montage occurs of them doing that.

Talulla gets the glasses ready for their toast.


Line 13) How many minutes do we have until the countdown?


Line 14) Roughly two.

Talulla hands each of them a glass.


Line 15) I’d like to say a toast.


Line 16) This whole year has been quite interesting if I do say so myself.


Line 17) We’ve got Marvin here.


Line 18) A blast from the past who’s been living with us for around 8 months, I believe?

They nod their heads.


Line 19) He appeared out of thin air just like that.


Line 20) All I can say is that I’m grateful for this time we’ve spent together. And we’re lucky to have you around.


Line 21) Let’s raise our glasses for the New Years, newfound love, and overall for us to accomplish and flourish a lot this year.


Line 22) We’ve got five seconds!

They all countdown together.

Talulla, Marvin, and Calista

Line 23) Five, four, three, two, one!

Talulla, Marvin, and Calista

Line 24) Happy New Year!

They clink their glasses together and drink up.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 25) I can’t believe it’s already the New Years.

Line 26) The ambitions we hope to accomplish.

Line 27) The resolutions we promise to maintain.

Line 28) But mainly, the people we spend it with.

Line 29) I’m not sure how things go from here with Calista and I.

Line 30) All I know is we’ll make what we have last for the time being.

Line 31) Overall, if my goal was to find a love to fulfill what I couldn’t before…

Line 32) And Calista and I met due to fate…

Line 33) That means she was my purpose all this time.

Line 34) Calista’s my reason.


Line 35) I’m definitely not going to work tomorrow.


Line 36) Of course not, we’ve been up all night. I know I’m not going. That’s for sure.


Line 37) I’m eepy. I’m gonna head to bed.


Line 38) No problem. Get well rested.


Line 39) Marvin.

Marvin is questioning Talulla.


Line 40) I’m really glad things worked out between you two.


Line 41) You and me both.

Calista gets out of the bathroom and Talulla rubs her shoulders.


Line 42) Goodnight you, sorry to leave you and Marvin on clean up duty.

Calista hugs Talulla.


Line 43) That’s alright. Sleep well.

Calista makes her way to the living room where Marvin is.


Line 44) Are you sleepy yet?


Line 45) I’m still good, how are you? You just be jet lagged.


Line 46) I have enough battery life left within me to get this cleaned up.


Line 47) I don’t want to start the new year on the wrong foot waking up to all of this.


Line 48) I’ll help you out.

Calista smiles.

They take down decorations.

And get to washing dishes.

Calista glances over to Marvin.

Marvin catches her gaze.


Line 49) Do you want to ask me something?


Line 50) How’d you know?


Line 51) You tend to glance like that at me when you have a question.


Line 52) So, what is it? What are you wondering about?


Line 53) This is going to sound blunt, but was I the only woman you were seeing?

Marvin answers without hesitation.


Line 54) Yes. From the start you were the only one.

Calista is shocked.


Line 55) So, you never went on those blind dates?


Line 56) Or anyone you might’ve matched up with from the dating app?


Line 57) Remember the woman who bailed on me?


Line 58) Which one? It’s happened many times.


Line 59) Right. I used that excuse plenty of times.


Line 60) It was when you bought me the suit, and bouquet that I eventually gave to you instead.


Line 61) After things went south with that date. I stopped searching and looked in front of me to have my eyes set on you.

Calista is shocked.


Line 62) So, besides her. I’m the only woman you’ve been seeing?


Line 63) Yes. I’m sorry for lying to you all that time. But, I was testing if things would work out with you. And before I knew it, I was hooked by you.


Line 64) I deactivated my dating profile a while back. I still kept the app, just in case you got suspicious I was no longer using it. Are you mad at me?

Line 65) Calista: For some reason I’m relieved. And also quite impressed that he covered things up so well.

Line 66) Calista: Or am I just the one who was oblivious all this time?


Line 67) I’m not mad. But, I’m curious about what else you’ve been hiding. So, could you just tell me everything?


Line 68) Remember the horror movie date we had, and the reservation I couldn’t cancel?


Line 69) Oh my gosh, I had my doubts about those but just went along with them!


Line 70) See? I knew my intuition was right.


Line 71) Is that all?


Line 72) I fessed up to Talulla first that I liked you. And she helped me strategize how to hang out with you, so that I’d get to know you better. 


Line 73) Like the time she got sick?

Marvin nods his head.


Line 74) No way!


Line 75) It was sort of a lie, because she eventually actually got sick and bought me another day to hang out with you. That was when we went to the beach.

Calista is putting the pieces together.


Line 76) Ahh. I see now.


Line 77) So, you’re not mad at me?


Line 78) Not at all. Knowing you, such decisions wouldn't be made without a valid reason.

Marvin smiles.


Line 79) Plus, I myself have also been keeping some things a secret.

Marvin is curious.


Line 80) And I thought I was the only one.


Line 81) Do you remember that time we made steak to celebrate you teaching me how to cook?

Marvin nods his head.


Line 82) That day you got wasted and confessed to me that you liked me.

Marvin is shocked.


Line 83) I knew I must’ve said something. Ugh. I can never trust myself when I’m drunk.


Line 84) After that, I told Talulla and then fessed up myself that I liked you back.


Line 85) So, she’s been caught up in the middle of this.


Line 86) As we exchanged feelings, she proved her loyalty by keeping secrets for both of us.


Line 87) I feel bad though. Keeping all of that in for so long, must've been difficult for her.


Line 88) Yeah. I also feel bad.


Line 89) We’ll make it up to her.


Line 90) By going on that trip we planned?

Calista smiles.


Line 91) Now we have to go.


Line 92) You said we deserved it and I couldn’t agree more.

They both smile at each other.

Marvin remembers one last thing.


Line 93) While we’re on the subject of spilling our guts, Talulla and I watched the show without you.

Calista’s jaw is open.


Line 94) What? You traitors! I thought you guys would wait for me, so that we could watch it all together.


Line 95) I’m sorry. Are you really bummed?

Calista hugs Marvin.


Line 96) No. You and Talulla are the only people that can get away with doing something like this.

Calista looks up at Marvin while they hug.


Line 97) Before, the highlight of my year would be to wait for a show like that.


Line 98) But, this time around. The highlight of my life was coming home to see you.

Marvin hugs Calista tightly.


Line 99) I’m all yours. You can have me.

They look at each other.


Line 100) I really am sorry though.


Line 101) If you’re that sorry let me sleep beside you tonight.

Marvin blushes.


Line 102) If that’s a fair compensation, then so be it.

*Shot cuts to them lying next to each other and talking.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 103) How I’ve been waiting for the moment we could lie next to each other like this.

Line 104) Not as friends but as lovers.

Line 105) The thing I’ve been waiting oh so patiently for, is by my side at this moment.

Line 106) And I have never been happier.


Line 103) Calista.

Calista is questioning Marvin.


Line 104) Can you be my girlfriend for the time we have left?

Calista is touched.


Line 105) I thought that’s what we were already doing.


Line 106) It’s not official until someone declares it.

Calista laughs.


Line 107) Alright then. How could I ever say no to a question like that?


Line 108) I’ll be your girlfriend as long as you be my boyfriend for the time being.


Line 109) And how could I ever say no to that?

Calista hugs and cuddles into Marvin’s side.

Marvin snuggles back to her.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 57 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
