![]() Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 37A Chapter by Yosh![]() Casimir and Sotsona continue their game show antics and see where that leads them for their conversation.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 37: February 24th 2024. The day is Saturday. Sotsona and Casimir are continuing their game show antics with each other and now it’s Sotsona’s turn to go. Sotsona asks Casimir: “Why none of his dates worked out, even though he has a lot of experience”? Before Casimir answers, he chugs all the champagne in his glass. Sotsona looks at Casimir, eagerly awaiting his answer. Sotsona Line 1) So, what’s your answer, Casimir? Casimir hesitates before answering. Casimir Line 2) None of the dates I went on worked out because I was FORCED to go on them against my WILL. Casimir Line 3) And since I was forced, my way of not cooperating with my mother’s wishes was not complying to her setups. Casimir Line 4) We’ve already been through this*. Get with the program. *Refer to episode 8, details starting on line 68, etc. Sotsona Line 5) Let me rephrase. Why did none of your RELATIONSHIPS, not dates, work out? Casimir’s eyebrows furrow in distress. Sotsona Line 6) You’re the one that said you have a ton of experience. That also includes being in a romantic relationship, right? So, spill the beans. Casimir tries to think to himself. Casimir Line 7) I can’t put my finger on the reasons. I must’ve forgotten. Casimir Line 8) Maybe my mind subconsciously blocked out those thoughts and memories because they no longer serve me. Sotsona gives Casimir a dull look, disappointed from his answer. Sotsona Line 9) What a lame excuse. I want to hear something juicy. Spill your guts for crying out loud! Casimir Line 10) I plead the fifth! Sotsona rubs her head out of frustration from Casimir. Sotsona Line 11) You made me confess to practically everything. Why is it only okay for you not to answer? Casimir Line 12) Why should I affiliate my past with you? I thought that people don’t like hearing about their partner's exes? Casimir Line 13) We just started things off. Why taint that by me blabbering about my exes to you? Sotsona Line 14) It sounds like you don't want me to have a different perception of you after you tell me the truth. Casimir Line 15) It’s just not the right time. I can understand why you think it’s unfair though. Just ask me something else that I’ll surely respond to. Sotsona Line 16) Fine. Let me think. But, you better respond this time around. Casimir nods his head as a confirmation. Sotsona thinks of a question. Sotsona Line 17) I don’t know. What’s your love language? Casimir smirks. Casimir Line 18) Why do you want to know? Sotsona Line 19) I don’t know what else to ask. But as long as the questions make you feel uncomfortable. That’s what I aim for. Casimir Line 20) Sorry to disappoint, but that question doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable. My main love language would have to be words of affirmation. Casimir Line 21) But, I will say that acts of service, quality time, and physical affection also appeal to me. Casimir gives Sotsona a smug expression. Casimir Line 22) You should keep those in mind. Save them in your back pocket for when you need to refer to them. Sotsona rolls her eyes and scoffs. Sotsona Line 23) In your dreams. Casimir Line 24) If I’m at the process of making your dreams a reality, I can sure I can make mine too. Casimir pulls off his best smolder for Sotsona. Sotsona gives Casimir a distasteful look. Sotsona Line 25) Next question: How often do you think of me? Casimir blushes. Sotsona celebrates on the inside, thinking she has successfully made Casimir feel uncomfortable. Line 26) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Finally. I’m getting through to him. Casimir Line 27) Well, considering the fact that we haven’t been separated the whole entire week, I’d say pretty often. Sotsona slightly blushes, but tries to move the conversation along to distract Casimir from noticing that he made her flustered. She thinks of a random question to ask Casimir on a whim. Sotsona Line 28) Next question: What would you do if I called you in the middle of the night so suddenly? Casimir Line 29) I’d obviously answer and hear what you have to say. Sotsona adds more to the question, intrigued on what Casimir has to add on. Sotsona Line 30) And if it was an emergency? Casimir Line 31) I’d be at your beck and call at any moment. Casimir Line 32) Obviously, our contract instills we support each other. Refer back to clause 3 and 6*. *Refer back to episode 9. Sotsona blushes and looks flustered. Line 33) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Now why am I the one getting flustered from asking all these questions when my goal is to make Casimir feel that way? Line 34) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s backfiring. But, it’s not like I can ask him something completely outrageous in the hopes that he’ll get flustered. After all, we’re not that close. An idea pops into Sotsona’s mind. Line 35) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Maybe if I get a bit drunk I could. Sotsona drinks all the champagne from her glass. Sotsona Line 36) Pour some more, please. Casimir pours some more champagne into the both of their glasses. Line 37) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I need to think of something bolder to say. Sotsona Line 38) Next question: Hypothetically, how would you respond if I asked you out tonight? Casimir blushes immensely, but tries to contain his composure in front of Sotsona. Casimir Line 39) I-I-I would be delighted to take you somewhere nice to try and give you the best experience possible. Casimir acts coy. Casimir Line 40) D-Does asking this mean you want to go out with me? Sotsona Line 41) I mean, I wouldn’t necessarily be against it. But, when you think about it, us hanging out like this technically accounts to as a date. Casimir Line 42) Not really. It’s different when you declare it out like that so officially. Casimir Line 43) So, what’s your decision? Are we going out on a date tonight or what? Sotsona Line 44) Maybe some other time. We’ll most likely be jet lagged and drunk when we get to our hotel. Casimir fangirls on the inside. Line 45) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She didn’t say no. That means she indirectly asked me out and probably doesn’t even realize it. Sotsona glances at Casimir’s satisfied face and smiles. Line 46) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He seems very happy after I mentioned that. Line 47) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He has a good smile. I like seeing him giddy. Sotsona tries to think of more questions. Line 48) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’ve been avoiding the elephant in the room that we’ve alluded to several times. Line 49) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He has the experience, so he should know what that feeling is like. It’s time to address it. Sotsona playfully smirks. Sotsona Line 50) Have you ever been in love, Casimir? Casimir blushes and smiles. Casimir Line 51) Of course I have. Sotsona Line 52) Alright then, wow does it feel like to be in love? Casimir smiles trying to put into words what love is like. Casimir takes a deep breath before responding. Sotsona intently listens to everything he has to say. Casimir Line 53) When you’re in love, it’s like you’re thrown into another dimension where you're in this state of nirvana. Casimir Line 54) You’re consumed in this abundance of light that warms and radiates passion. Casimir Line 55) The funny thing is that it happens when you least expect it. It simply comes out of nowhere. Casimir Line 56) It’s like that one vague dream you’ve had that you so eagerly want to go back to but don’t remember the specifics of. Casimir Line 57) The details are cloudy and you’re unable to pinpoint the exact message… Casimir Line 58) Every word they say takes your breath away and jolts you with excitement. Casimir Line 59) They turn you into liquid. Your heart melts and you feel fluttering butterflies beaming in your stomach. Casimir Line 60) It’s almost like you’re under a spell. You lose control of yourself… Casimir Line 61) And all you want to do is make them the happiest person in the world. Casimir Line 62) Sweep them off their feet, so that they never have to touch the ground ever again… So that they can be in your arms forever. Casimir Line 63) Your souls intertwin, all those feelings you wish to convey travel through each other’s veins pumping into your heart. Filling all those empty spaces you didn’t know you had… Casimir Line 64) You wake up thinking about them. And go to sleep thinking about them. Staring at the ceiling filled with joy imagining your future with them. Casimir Line 65) They’ve immersed themselves so deeply within you and they consume all the thoughts in your mind. Casimir Line 66) When you’re around them, you feel all your problems dissipate because you feel a sense of security and hope knowing that they’re in your life. Casimir Line 67) You divert your attention to them. Afraid to even blink thinking you’ll miss a moment. Casimir Line 68) They’re like a work of art with intricate lines of detail finished into a masterpiece… Casimir Line 69) You just want to hear them laugh, smell their scent, listen to their voice. Casimir Line 70) You appreciate life more knowing that they’re in it. You start to savor every moment from fear of taking it for granted. Casimir Line 71) You’re so deeply infatuated with their existence, and want this feeling of deep devotion to fully engulf you and encapsulate you in serenity. Casimir Line 72) You’re able to be yourself around them because that filter you put on for everyone else slips off on its own in their presence. Casimir Line 73) You feel vulnerable. Like someone opened your chest and tore your heart right out. Casimir Line 74) It can be scary sometimes because you’re so unfamiliar with everything and don’t know what to expect. Casimir Line 75) But there’s this panging feeling in your gut that assures you everything will be okay. Casimir Line 76) Love takes hostage of you. There’s nothing you can do to fight back because your armor is defenseless against it. Casimir Line 77) It’s not like you can hurt them though. You don’t have the guts because they mean so much to you. Casimir Line 78) It’s like sometimes when you see a pretty flower and want to pluck it. Casimir Line 79) But, when you’re in love, you want to leave it in place. Casimir Line 80) You want to cherish and admire it from afar. Casimir Line 81) Water it daily and get lost from staring at its beauty. Casimir Line 82) And when you put your heart on your sleeve for them to know how you feel… Casimir Line 83) There can be this dark ominous feeling that creeps into you, thinking it’s not real. Casimir Line 84) Thinking that they’re faking it, just for your sake. Casimir Line 85) Thinking you shouldn’t let your guard down, because maybe they’ll turn their back on you. Casimir Line 86) And when they betray you… Casimir Line 87) It’s like they died. Casimir Line 88) Technically a part of them did die, and that was the part they exposed to you. Casimir Line 89) But you feel like your heart actually breaks… Casimir Line 90) And once you turn to look at your back, you see the knife they stabbed into you. Casimir Line 91) I even argue that feeling this way hurts more than them actually inflicting physical pain on you. Casimir Line 92) You can become a thin piece of tissue paper, ripped and torn apart, then crumpled and thrown away. Casimir Line 93) You question yourself. Thinking that if you were this reckless to have allowed something like this to occur from the start, then you’re doing all sorts of things wrong in your life. Casimir Line 94) Your lens of life that once had a vibrant, vivid filter to enhance everything, gets brutally taken off to reveal the dull, gray world around you. Casimir Line 95) You get filled with sadness and rainy skies that give you zero energy to do anything. Casimir Line 96) Then you get filled with dark fiery rage that is as sharp as a blade and has the ability to hurt anyone that gets in the way. Casimir Line 97) But that’s when life slaps you in the face. Casimir Line 98) You lose the boxing max and are on the ground looking bloody and useless. Casimir Line 99) But, for some reason, you see this ray of hope when you’re beaten down that blinds you. Casimir Line 100) This light hurts your eyes and warns you that if you aren’t careful, you’ll bleed on other people. Casimir Line 101) If you don’t heal properly, your blood will get on others. Casimir Line 102) And you’ll hurt them too. Putting them through the EXACT same pain you yourself have been through. Casimir Line 103) Which is why you have snap back into reality. Casimir Line 104) You wouldn’t want anyone else to experience what you had, right? Casimir Line 105) And that’s when you get up because you realize that the boxing match isn’t over. After all, rematches are a thing. Casimir Line 106) You take a deep breath and reboot everything within yourself. Casimir Line 107) The earth didn’t change when you thought your life was over. It looked exactly the same. Casimir Line 108) You get to this point where you’re just so tired of brooding. You want to experience joy again. Casimir Line 109) That’s where you prioritize yourself. And realize that life is still worth living. Casimir Line 110) The sun still shines, the wind still blows, the waves still crash. Casimir Line 111) Everything will be okay. Casimir points to Sotsona’s chest. Casimir Line 112) You… Just have to make it okay. Sotsona looks at Casimir with glistening eyes, gaining a whole new perspective on him. Sotsona’s narration: Line 113) I didn’t think that Casimir was this poetic. Line 114) On top of that, he’s quite descriptive. Line 115) I was able to paint a picture in my head to visualize everything he was saying. Line 116) If he’s able to talk this lyrically, I must’ve hit a sore spot asking him about his previous relationships earlier. Line 117) That’s why he refused to say anything. Line 118) Now, look at who’s the bad guy. Sotsona feels bad that she looked down upon Casimir earlier. She looks at Casimir in a melancholy state. Sotsona Line 119) I’m sorry. Casimir is confused as to why Sotsona is apologizing. Casimir Line 120) About what? None of this is your fault. Sotsona Line 121) Not about that, about being so nosy earlier, and about underestimating you. Sotsona Line 122) I’m learning a lot from you. Thank you for enlightening me. Sotsona offers Casimir a sincere smile. Casimir smiles back at Sotsona. Casimir raises a glass with Sotsona. Casimir Line 123) I forgive you. They clink their glasses together and take more sips, gradually becoming more tipsy. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 9, 2024 Last Updated on July 9, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author