In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 55

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 55

A Chapter by Yosh

Calista and Talulla continue to debrief about her confession that she loves Marvin. After wrapping up speaking with his friends, Marvin sets himself to go back to the girls' place to rip the band aid.

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 55:

December 31 2023. The day is Sunday.

Talulla tries to navigate Calista’s newfound love for Marvin. 


Line 1) Hoof. I already feel better after telling you this.


Line 2) A lot of weight has been lifted off my chest.


Line 3) So, what do you think? Although I know it's not the right time, I just can't help myself.


Line 4) Sorry. It’s just a lot to take in. I’m not sure what to say.


Line 5) Let me just ask you this. Do you plan on telling him?


Line 6) I’m not sure how Marvin’s love life is going. Whether he’s going on dates from that dating app, and whether he’s found someone else that’s caught his eye.


Line 7) But, I feel like he only has his eyes set on me.


Line 8) He spends most of his free time with me, so when else would he be going on dates?


Line 9) Which leads me to conclude that he’s not going at all. It must be the excuse he’s giving me to keep his feelings under wraps as he spends more time with me.


Line 10) Or, that could just be the excuse I’m making for myself to somehow put the pieces together.


Line 11) I’m sure I can’t contain myself around him with my feelings.


Line 12) I know that sounds unreasonable. But, that’s why I want to tell him.


Line 13) I can be the person he loves to fulfill his goal.


Line 14) I’m okay with him using me.


Line 15) I want to tell him how I feel regardless of whether it interferes with his plans.


Line 16) It’ll probably be the most selfish thing I’ll ever do.


Line 17) But, I can’t wait any longer. I want to come clean.


Line 18) Tell me I’m being crazy! And that I’m not thinking clearly about the consequences of my actions!


Line 19) But, that’s not how I feel.


Line 20) I think you should tell him Calista.

Talulla smiles.


Line 21) If I’m being honest. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this thrilled.


Line 22) You’ve been so radiant lately. And you’re glowing.


Line 23) That’s how I know for certain your feelings for him are true.


Line 24) And it’s wonderful to hear that.


Line 25) If you think the best decision for you to do is to tell Marvin how you feel. Then go for it.


Line 26) When Marvin told me how he felt and what he wanted to do, I was opposed.


Line 27) I even insisted we should initiate the ceremony without you, in hopes that it would ease Marvin's pain about ever seeing you again.


Line 28) But, I only felt that way, because I didn’t think you were in love with him.


Line 29) I thought I would be against it, if you confronted me about your feelings for Marvin.


Line 30) After all. The last thing I wanted you to experience again was what happened with Raymond.


Line 31) But seeing you so happy, made me realize I can’t stand in your way. Even if you get hurt during the process.


Line 32) This is something you want to do. And I suggest you give it your all.


Line 33) You have my full support.

Calista looks at Talulla in shock.


Line 34) What is it?


Line 35) You just said that you insisted that you and him initiate the ceremony without me because he told you how he felt.

Talulla is confused.


Line 36) Oh. Are you mad that I mentioned we do that before you came home? I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean it-


Line 37) No! Talulla! You just confirmed that Marvin loves me!

Talulla panics and reflects on what she said.

She gasps and covers her mouth.


Line 38) If what he told you meant that he was able to initiate the ceremony before I got home, then that means he loved me back!

Calista blushes.


Line 39) Oh my gosh! I wasn’t supposed to be the one to tell you that.

Shot cuts to Marvin still conversing with his friends.


Line 40) It’ll be painful to go through this in any way it unfolds.


Line 41) The only issue is that it’ll be painful for the both of us.


Line 42) We’ve already talked about this before. And we’ve concluded that it’s a lose-lose situation.


Line 43) You just need to see Calista for yourself.


Line 44) She might have something she wants to say to you in return.


Line 45) Cady’s right. Go see her and see how things turn out.


Line 46) We can continue talking about all the possible things you could do for hours, but nothing will happen until you make the big step to take action.


Line 47) Just stick with a plan, and see how it pans out.


Line 48) I know you’re overthinking this because you want to make the best decision.


Line 49) But, there isn’t a perfect solution to this.


Line 50) I think you should just go wherever your feet take you.

Cady gets up to hug Marvin.


Line 51) You’re a brave guy, Marvin. I wish you the best outcome for this.

Russell gets up to hug Marvin as well.


Line 52) You’re a tough cookie. I know you’ll make the right decision and everything will be okay.

Marvin hugs them back.


Line 53) Thank you guys. It means a lot.


Line 54) It’s getting pretty late. Why don’t you head over there right now?


Line 55) Alright then. I'll go do that.


Line 56) You got this Marvin. We believe you.


Line 57) You can do this. Good luck!

Marvin heads out and walks over to the girls place.

As he walks he thinks to himself.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 58) My focus has been on achieving my goal, that I’ve overlooked what happens after achieving it.

Line 59) I can’t believe I let myself be so ignorant. I wish I wasn’t so stubborn.

Line 60) Something I can’t get a hold of is why I can’t seem to make the right decision whatsoever.

Line 61) This is my second lifetime to redeem myself, and I’m still screwing things up based on not thinking things through.

*Marvin get’s a flashback of Calista telling him that he should be easier on himself.

Line 62) That’s right. Blaming myself won’t do any good.

Talulla texts Marvin.

Talulla: Make your way back home, Marvin.

Talulla: Calista really needs to see you. I may have said something I shouldn’t have.

Talulla: Trust me when I tell you shouldn’t be ashamed to face her.

Marvin replies that he’s coming.

Marvin's narration continues:

Line 63) Well. There’s no use in procrastinating any longer.

Line 64) But I just can’t seem to face her yet.

Line 65) Is there a way I can do it indirectly, just to save myself from the embarrassment?

Line 66) Gosh, I’m such a coward that I’m starting to disgust myself.

Line 67) But I can’t seem to urge myself to do anything else. I guess I don’t have any other choice.

Marvin makes his way to the girls place.

Marvin calls Talulla and she picks up.


Line 68) Hey, are you here?


Line 69) Talulla, I need you to do me a favor.

Talulla opens the door for Marvin.


Line 70) Why did you urge me to open the door? You do realize Calista can most likely hear your entrance.


Line 71) Sorry that I’m making you do a bunch of things.

Marvin hands Talulla a letter.


Line 72) Give this to Calista for me.


Line 73) It’s a letter. I’m too much of a coward to face her by myself and spill my guts.


Line 74) Tell her to meet me at the rooftop of the building if she’s finished reading it and wants to see me.

Marvin hears shuffling that Calista is walking by.


Line 75) Talulla, is Marvin here?


Line 76) I gotta go.


Line 77) Don’t do this Marvin. Just talk with her now.

Marvin walks away.

Calista doesn’t make it before he leaves.


Line 78) Who was that just now?


Line 79) It was Marvin.


Line 80) Alright then, I’ll go after him.

Calista makes her way to the door.


Line 81) He doesn’t want you to do that.


Line 82) What? But why?


Line 83) He can’t face you. Not until you read this.

Talulla hands Calista a letter.


Line 84) He wrote you a letter.


Line 85) When you’re done reading that and you want to go see him, he said to meet at the rooftop of this building.


Line 86) I just don’t understand why he’s coordinating things this way.


Line 87) Why can’t he just say this to my face?

Calista is frustrated.


Line 88) I don’t know. Just get to reading I guess.

Calista takes the letter to another room.

She opens it and gets to reading.

Marvin’s letter:

Line 89) Dear Calista, let me just start off my saying I’m terribly sorry for how I will be acting towards you.

*Back to when Marvin was writing the letter once he confirmed how he felt when Calista was away.

Line 90) The way I feel about you has changed drastically and it’s hard to arrange my emotions into check.

Line 91) Which is why I’m deciding to distance myself from you.

Line 92) I know it’s the wimpiest move to make, but I don’t know any other way to figure all of this out.

Line 93) Ever since you’ve left for your trip, your absence hit me hard.

*Marvin feels lonely since Calista is gone.

Line 94) At first, I thought it was just because I missed you, but it runs deeper than that.

Line 95) When I’m around you my worries melt away, and I can be myself.

*Marvin hanging out with Calista.

Line 96) You bring me out of my comfort zones and urge me to try out new things.

*When he went on the roller coaster or flew the helicopter.

Line 97) You’ve opened my eyes to a whole new world.

Line 98) And I’ve never felt more alive.

Line 99) As I was putting the pieces together of my feelings for you, everything clicked into place.

Line 100) You’re considerate, and show immense care for those around you.

Line 101) You make people feel welcomed and noticed.

Line 102) You have a way of including people so that they feel recognized.

Line 103) And you have a gift with your words.

*Times when Calista comforted Marvin.

Line 104) Countless times I’ve opened up about my hardships.

Line 105) And you always swooped in by adding clarity to your consolations.

Line 106) How much I’ve grown since you’ve been by my side, I could never be more thankful for.

Line 107) But, it’s made me realize something that I’m scared to go further with.

Line 108) I’ve fallen so deeply for you Calista.

Line 109) I’m so in love with you Calista.

Line 110) And being completely transparent, I’ve been holding it back for quite some time.

Line 111) I’ve been suppressing it because I know that the moment I realize this. It means I’ll have to let you go.

Line 112) This newfound fire in my life that’s been ignited has to be blown out.

Line 113) I’m so sorry, for having you meddled into this.

Line 114) You’ve been through so much already and I thought I could be a shoulder for you to rest your head on.

Line 115) But now things are very difficult.

Line 116) And it’s been so hard for me to come to terms with it.

Line 117) But hey, I guess all of this was meant to be like you’ve said before.

Line 118) Remember when I called you a witch early on when we first met?

Line 119) I guess you really are one because you’ve casted some love spell on me.

Line 120) I wish you all the best, and completely understand if you never want to see me again for how I’ve been treating you.

Line 121) So, if this is our last interaction, it’s been a gift to know you all this time.

Line 122) I wish you all the best in the future and know that all will be well for you.

Line 123) Thank you for reading.

Line 124) Sincerely, Marvin.

Calista quickly gets up and makes it to the rooftop of the building.


Line 125) I’ll be back Talulla.

Calista exits.

Talulla smiles bittersweetly.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 55 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
