Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 36

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 36

A Chapter by Yosh

After eating breakfast together, Sotsona and Casimir have many more hours until they arrive. During this time Sotsona reminds Casimir about some crucial planning aspects for their trip and more.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 36:

February 24th 2024. The day is Saturday.

Casimir and Sotsona decide what to do on the plane for the next couple hours before they land in Koror, Palau (their vacation destination).

Casimir and Sotsona finish eating breakfast and the flight attendant cleans up their stations.


Line 1) How much time do we have left until we land?

Casimir checks the amount of hours left on his monitor before they land.


Line 2) We still have around 6 more hours left to go.

Sotsona nods her head in understandment.

She cheerfully replies to Casimir.


Line 3) We’re almost there. I can’t wait!


Line 4) Do you have any plans on what we’ll be doing when we get there?


Line 5) No clue. I haven’t even booked our hotel.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in shock.


Line 6) What?! I thought you already handled all of that.


Line 7) No. I’m sure we can find a hotel when we land and book any room on the spot.


Line 8) Wouldn’t it be smarter to order a hotel room before we get there so that we’re guaranteed a place to stay at for our vacation?


Line 9) I mean sure. But, I see no problem in not booking anything now. I’m sure they’ll offer us some last-minute selections as well.


Line 10) We can’t be sure that they’ll have a room available for us. You should take extra precautions. 


Line 11) Trust me. When they find out who I am, they’ll let us through easily.


Line 12) But you haven’t even exchanged your money. Don’t you know that they charge extra fees for those things on the spot? We should visit an ATM when we land.

Casimir searches up the currency they use in Palau and finds his answer.


Line 13) Turns out Palau uses US dollars too, so that won’t be necessary. But let’s they DO charge extra fees. So what? It’s not like that’s something I can’t afford.

Sotsona rolls her eyes in annoyance from Casimir’s response.

Line 14) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: There he goes unwisely managing his money again. And he calls himself a “businessman”.


Line 15) Besides all of that, have you even told your mom that we’re out of town?

Casimir stays silent from being put on the spot.

Sotsona takes Casimir’s silence as confirmation that he hasn’t told his mom about their plans.

Sotsona responds in an irritated manner.


Line 16) Casimir, why haven’t you planned anything for this trip? This was all your bright idea.

Casimir gives Sotsona a smug expression.


Line 17) And who agreed with my bright idea?

Sotsona realizes something huge and her eyes widen in shock.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in confusion about her reaction.


Line 18) What’s wrong?


Line 19) I just remembered that I only brought two days worth of clothes.


Line 20) But, that’s only because I thought we were spending the weekend in Paris.


Line 21) But, since we decided at the last minute that we’re going to stay a week in Palau, that causes me to have a shortage.

Casimir realizes that he’s done the same thing.

He figures out a solution to reassure Sotsona.


Line 22) Big deal. I did the same thing. We can buy more clothes when we get to Palau.


Line 23) This is why people don’t plan trips spontaneously.


Line 24) Whatever. We’re not like other people.


Line 25) Fine. For now, let’s use our spare time left on this plane ride wisely to have SOME sort of trajectory for our vacation.


Line 26) Starting by finding a hotel, please.

Casimir nods his head in agreement and pulls out his phone.

Sotsona and Casimir browse his phone to find hotel options they have in Palau.

Casimir stops his scrolling at a luxury five-star hotel.


Line 27) What do you think about this one? It has a spa resort and gym included as an amenity.

Sotsona’s eyes spark in enthrallment 


Line 28) I don’t care about the gym, but the spa resort sounds appealing.

Casimir sneaks a glance at Sotsona’s intrigued face and smirks, feeling satisfied by her reaction.

Casimir scours for more information on the site before booking their hotel.

Casimir playfully asks Sotsona his next question.


Line 29) Should we order a two-bedroom, or a one-bedroom?

Sotsona gives Casimir the stink eye.


Line 30) Obviously a two-bedroom. I’m not sharing a bed with you.


Line 31) Fine. Don’t get mad at me if you're lonely at night.

Sotsona blushes and looks away from Casimir because of embarrassment.


Line 32) That’s an outlandish thing to even ask.

Casimir books the hotel.


Line 33) Okay, I just ordered our hotel room. The hotel is conveniently around 15 minutes away from the airport, so we should be there in no time once we arrive.


Line 34) See? That didn’t take long. I don’t know why you were putting it off.

Casimir breaks the fourth wall looking defeated.

Line 35) Casimir’s inner thoughts: The whole point why I was putting off booking our hotel was because I wanted to order it in person in the hopes that we would have limited room options.

Line 36) Casimir’s inner thoughts: My guess was that due to the limited room options, the receptionist would suggest we order a one-bedroom room, thus, Sotsona and I would share one bed together.

Line 37) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Am I the villain for wanting my “one-bed trope” that you read in books and watch in rom-coms?


Line 38) Now you should at least call your mom, so that she knows what we’re up to.

Casimir gives in and lets Sotsona boss him around.


Line 39) Fine. I will.

Casimir texts his mom about his plans with Sotsona.

Casimir puts his phone away and Sotsona looks at him suspiciously.


Line 40) You don’t look like you’re doing much calling to me.


Line 41) I sent her a text message.

Sotsona gives Casimir a dull look.


Line 42) Just call her. Why are you procrastinating?


Line 43) Think about the time difference. I wouldn’t want to call her when she’s probably sleeping.

Sotsona rolls her eyes in annoyance.


Line 44) Fine. I’ll let you off the hook with that.

Casimir laughs at Sotsona.


Line 45) What you were panicking about earlier was easily resolved in 20 minutes. How’s it like being a drama queen?

Sotsona looks at Casimir, taking offense to his remark.


Line 46) How can you say that when I’m the only one taking necessary precautions for our trip?


Line 47) If I hadn’t mentioned what I did just now, we would’ve been running around like a bunch of headless chickens the moment we arrived.


Line 48) Fine. I get your point. Now just relax.


Line 49) What do you want to do since we still have 6 hours left?


Line 50) What else is there left to do? I’m gonna watch some movies.


Line 51) Without me? We should do something that concerns the both of us.

Sotsona gives Casimir the side-eye.


Line 52) What are you suggesting?


Line 53) We should play like a “get to know each other better” game? Do you know what I mean?


Line 54) I guess. What do you want to play? Something childish like truth or dare?


Line 55) We should play the “Casimir asks, Sotsona responds” game.


Line 56) You just made that up.


Line 57) Yeah. Who said I couldn’t do that?


Line 58) Anyways, pretend like you're a celebrity guest at my show.

Sotsona raises her eyebrows at Casimir in confusion.

Casimir gets into character and holds a fake microphone.

Casimir gives his best talk show host impression a go for the game.


Line 59) Welcome everyone watching at home. We are back with your all time favorite game show, “Casimir asks, Sotsona responds” featuring your host, Casimir Adair.

Sotsona looks at Casimir embarrassingly.


Line 60) This evening we have a very special guest here with us, please give a warm welcome to Sotsona Begay.

Casimir claps and cheers for Sotsona to mimic the audience.


Line 61) “Oh my gosh! It’s Sotsona! She’s my favorite celebrity. Look at what she’s wearing! She looks amazing!”

Sotsona blushes from embarrassment.

Casimir shoves his imaginary microphone to Sotsona’s face for her to answer his questions.


Line 62) Is there anything you’d like to say before we get started?

Sotsona looks at Casimir strangely, but Casimir progressively moves his hands to signal to Sotsona to play along with his game.

Sotsona adjusts the microphone to her mouth by grabbing Casimir’s hand.

Casimir beams when he notices Sotsona playing along to his antics.


Line 63) I can’t wait until we’re over with this game.

Casimir gives Sotsona the side-eye for being a party pooper.

Casimir brings the imaginary microphone back to himself.


Line 64) In that case, we’ll specifically prolong this just for you.

Sotsona gives Casimir an annoyed whiny look.


Line 65) Question number 1: What was your first impression of me?

Each time either one of them speaks, Casimir alternates in bringing his imaginary microphone to them whether that be Sotsona or him.

Sotsona thinks about her question before answering.


Line 66) Short guy with sunglasses.

Casimir breaks character, reacting in disappointment to Sotsona’s response.


Line 67) Really? That’s all?

Sotsona nods her head.

Casimir gets back into character.


Line 68) Moving along. Question 2: Do you believe in soulmates?


Line 69) No. I don’t think that there’s only one person destined in this world for someone.

Casimir breaks character again, giving Sotsona a dull look because he’s not satisfied with her answers.


Line 70) Moving along, again! Question 3: What’s your favorite thing about me?

Sotsona responds quickly in a joking manner.


Line 71) Your money.

Casimir gives Sotsona an offended look.

Sotsona bursts out in laughter.


Line 72) That was just a joke. Your face was worth the lie.


Line 73) Let me think… My favorite thing about you Casimir is…


Line 74) The way you care for people. 

Casimir gives an interested look.

Sotsona further elaborates.


Line 75) You’ve made it abundantly clear that you care for me. And you’ve been looking out for me ever since. Making sure that I’m comfortable and secure.


Line 76) You look out for the way I feel and make sure that I have someone to lean on when in need of help. And because of that, I’ve learned to trust you.


Line 77) Because of that, I’m starting to feel more relaxed and safe around you.

Casimir wholesomely smiles hearing Sotsona talk about him in high regards.

Casimir blushes hearing Sotsona’s praise for him.

Line 78) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Finally. A good answer this time.

Casimir asks Sotsona a personal question since she flustered him with her response.


Line 79) N-Next question. Number 4: What was your first kiss like?

Sotsona furrows her eyebrows, being caught off-guard with Casimir’s question.

Casimir justifies himself.


Line 80) Don’t blame me. Blame the question maker?


Line 81) You ARE the question maker.

Casimir raises his arms in a “spare me” pose.

Sotsona rubs her head in distress.


Line 82) To answer such an outlandish inquiry, this is a trick question since I haven't had my first kiss.

Casimir micheviously smirks.

Line 83) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Good to know.


Line 84) Question 5: Would you rather love and lose, or never love at all?

Sotsona rubs her head in distress.


Line 85) Jeez. I might need some liquid courage to answer some of these questions.


Line 86) Answer the question first and then I might think about it.


Line 87) Trick question, again. I’ve never been in love, so I don’t know how to answer.

Casimir whistles at one of the flight attendants to catch their attention.

One of them comes over to him.


Line 88) Hello, could we have two glasses of champagne, please?

The flight attendant nods their head and brings over the champagne and two glasses.

The flight attendant pops open the bottle and fills their glasses up with the champagne. 

Casimir wiggles his glass in front of Sotsona for them to clink their glasses together.


Line 89) Here’s to new beginnings.

Sotsona rolls her eyes and clinks her cup with Casimir.

They each have a sip and Sotsona winces from the taste of the champagne.


Line 90) This tastes awful.


Line 91) Suck it up, buttercup.


Line 92) Are you done asking your questions?


Line 93) Yes. I’m sorry if I was “tormenting” you.


Line 94) It’s fine. I get that you’re curious about me, but could you be less obvious about the fact that you like me?


Line 95) All of your questions were very flirtatious.

Casimir gives Sotsona a smug look.


Line 96) Sorry, your highness. I just couldn’t help myself.


Line 97) Well, now I’m curious too. About you…

Casimir raises his eyebrows, intrigued to know more about what Sotsona has to say.


Line 98) It’s time for me to ask my questions now.

Sotsona clears her throat to perform her impersonation of a talk show host.

Sotsona copies Casimir by giving herself a fake microphone. 


Line 99) Ladies, gentlemen, people of all kinds, welcome to “Casimir roulette”. A game show where we ask Casimir all kinds of questions.


Line 100) Question number 1: Since you’re such an expert on going on dates, why did none of them work out?

Casimir looks at Sotsona in shock from her question.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 8, 2024
Last Updated on July 8, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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