In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 54

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 54

A Chapter by Yosh

Calista comes back from her trip excited to approach Marvin about her feelings. While Marvin, on the other hand, is delaying seeing Calista, scared to admit his feelings to her.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 54:

December 31 2023. The day is Sunday.

Calista is making her way to Jersey again for all of them to celebrate New years together.

Calista lands in Jersey.

Calista’s narration:

Line 1) It’s finally noon of Sunday, which means I’m finally done with this exhausting trip!

Line 2) Now, I can finally come home and see my friends!

Line 3) It’s a shame that today is the last day of the year though.

Line 4) I wish we all had some more time to hang out with each other before the year ends.

Line 5) But, the weather isn’t looking as shabby as it was a couple days ago, so I’m sure all of us can plan the trip we wanted to go on once I come back.

Line 6) I’m still unsure on how to tell Marvin about how I feel.

Line 7) All I know is that Talulla should be the first to know.

Line 8) Maybe she’ll offer me some words of  advice.

Line 9) Maybe planning to confess my feelings to Marvin isn’t the best thing to do right now, considering what the psychic said would happen to the world.

Line 10) Either way I’ll have to find out my next steps based on what she says.

Line 11) But, I’m quite dead set on telling him soon.

Line 12) I want to come clean, even if he doesn’t feel the same way.

Line 13) Love is a strong word. And Marvin doesn’t even know that I like him, unless Talulla told him behind my back, which I know she wouldn’t do.

Line 14) Is going that quickly going to frighten him?

Line 15) Should I take things slow instead of love bombing him out of the blue?

Line 16) But, it really isn’t out of the blue.

Line 17) It was a progression, and I was being quite obvious around him for some time.

Line 18) Jeez, my mind’s all over the place!

Line 19) See, this is why I need to talk to Talulla.

Line 20) I need to make sure I’m not doing the wrong thing.

Shot cuts to Talulla and Marvin decorating for the New year eve celebration.

Marvin looks nervous and is keeping to himself.

Line 21) Talulla: I can tell Marvin’s feeling queasy, but who can blame him.

Line 22) Talulla: He still hasn’t told me about the option he’s going to go through with.

Line 23) Talulla: But, I won’t urge him too much. He needs to think on his own.

Line 24) Talulla: He’s a responsible adult. I trust whatever he wants to do.

Marvin gets dressed for something.

He heads to the porch of the apartment and puts on his shoes.


Line 25) Um. Hey. Are you heading somewhere?


Line 26) You do realize that Calista will be coming home soon?


Line 27) I just got a text from her that she’s in a Taxi.


Line 28) I… Don’t think I can be around her right now.


Line 29) I’m going to go see my friends and see what they have to say about my situation.


Line 30) I’m still at a crossroads of what my next step should be. But I’m more lenient on not saying anything to her until the last moment.


Line 31) I want to figure out what I should do before I say anything to Calista. And I need my friends to offer me advice.


Line 32) Are you going to come back eventually?


Line 33) If I’m going to be honest. Regardless of what decision I decide, I’m still going to prolong seeing her until the last moment.


Line 34) It’s best I avoid being around her, even though I want to see her more than anything.


Line 35) You haven’t been keeping in touch with her. And now you’re avoiding her.


Line 36) I’m sure she’ll take a bit personally. She misses you after all.


Line 37) I-I know. This isn’t easy for me either. But, I just need to sort things out. This is just something she’s gonna have to endure.


Line 38) Alright then. But, come back before the New Year starts.


Line 39) We all have to be present for the count down.

Marvin nods his head and heads out.

Line 40) Talulla: I’m not sure that procrastinating is the best option for him right now. But, if this is his way of coping, so be it.

Marvin heads to Cady’s house.

Cady opens the door, surprised to see Marvin on a holiday.


Line 41) Marvin? What are you doing here on a day like this?


Line 42) Oh. Are you busy prepping? I’ll just head to Russell’s place then. Sorry.

Cady opens the door wider to show Marvin that Russell is at her house.


Line 43) I’m already here, dude.


Line 44) Oh. Can I come in?


Line 45) Of course. But, I thought you’d be with the girls. What’s going on?


Line 46) I promise I’ll explain everything.

They all sit on the dining table where Marvin discusses all that he’s been through.

He leaves his friends shocked.


Line 47) I don’t know what to say, Marvin.


Line 48) Except that THIS is a valid reason for an emergency meeting.


Line 49) I’m guessing I should say my last goodbyes with everyone and then just leave?


Line 50) I mean. That is what you’re supposed to do after you fulfill your goal.


Line 51) We said from the start that if you were going to pursue Calista or anyone matter of fact, leaving them would never be easy.


Line 52) And since that time has come, you have to think through what the best decision to make is.


Line 53) Calista could never know what you feel for her as all of you initiate the ceremony to send you home. That is, as long as you don’t admit how you feel to her.


Line 54) Or you could confess how you feel and still leave. But, I think that would only make things harder.


Line 55) But, I think another variable we have to consider is that we don’t know how Calista feels yet.


Line 56) She could be in love with Marvin for all we know.


Line 57) But, since that’s unclear. It just makes the next steps hard to think about.


Line 58) I know I said we shouldn’t rely on your gut feelings, but I think that’s our best bet for the moment.

*Back to that Episode where Marvin called the emergency meeting to tell them that Calista asked Marvin out on a date and he thought that was big steps.


Line 59) Do you think Calista likes or loves you, Marvin?


Line 60) From the way she’s been acting ever since that day we talked, she's more confident.


Line 61) And when she asked me out to the arcade I thought for sure she liked me.


Line 62) But, after I talked to you guys, I realized I got my hopes up.


Line 63) Either way, there’s something inside of me that’s telling me that I’m not mistaking this feeling.


Line 64) Although, it’s just an assumption and we won’t know anything for sure. I believe that Calista has feelings for me.


Line 65) Well then if you think so. You should see her.


Line 66) And you should tell her that you fulfilled your goal and are ready to go home.


Line 67) If she likes you. I don't think she'll hold back in telling you, once you announce that.


Line 68) If she doesn’t say anything, you should be able to go back with a bit more ease, since you’ve realized the love was only one-sided.


Line 69) That’ll hurt him just like the other options.


Line 70) Think about it. If Marvin realizes that love was just one-sided, it’ll pain him to know he’ll never be able to confess his feelings to Calista.


Line 71) Let’s say she does like him back and he confesses. That’ll make it even harder for him to leave her either way.


Line 72) So, you’re saying I should go home?

Russell and Cady are confused.


Line 73) Well of course. You went through all this trouble just for that. You can’t miss out. Plus, what the psychic said about the space time continuum was ominous. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Line 74) Exactly. Marvin this is your only shot to get home for all we know.


Line 75) If you don’t go home, you’ll lose everything from your lifetime.


Line 76) You’ll be giving up your lifetime just to be in this one. If that is even a possibility.


Line 77) It’s either that, or the whole world ending. Is that worth it to you?

Marvin contemplates.

Shot cuts to Talulla’s place as Calista comes back from her trip.

Calista knocks on the door.

Talulla excitedly opens it and lets Calista in.


Line 78) Calista!


Line 79) Talulla! Hey!

They hug each other tightly.


Line 80) Oh gosh. I missed you so much.


Line 81) I missed you too!

Calista looks around to see if Marvin is around.


Line 82) He’s out right now.


Line 83) Oh. Do you know where he is?


Line 84) He’s at his friend's place. He said he’ll be back pretty late.

Line 85) Calista: Why is he out today of all days when today is the day I get home?

Line 86) Calista: Does this correlate to how distant he’s being to me?

Calista looks upset.


Line 87) I know you’ve been wanting to see him. But, he’s just with his friends for an urgent reason.


Line 88) So, don’t be bummed out.


Line 89) Oh. He must be celebrating New Years with them.


Line 90) Sureeee. It just so happened to fall on the same day as your homecoming.

Line 91) Talulla: Let’s just go with that excuse, so she doesn’t feel anymore upset than she is.


Line 92) Well then, that explains everything.

Calista smiles.


Line 93) He’ll be spending it with us too. Just at a later time.


Line 94) Truth is Talulla. I want to see him for more than just my reason of missing him.


Line 95) I have something I need to tell him.

Line 96) Talulla: Don’t tell me she’s in…


Line 97) After being gone for almost a week. I’ve realized something about myself regarding Marvin.


Line 98) All I could do was think about him to ease my boredom.


Line 99) One thing led to another and he engulfed all of my thoughts.


Line 100) I started looking into why he was being offly distant while I was on this trip.


Line 101) I wondered to myself why I took offense to that. Which could only explain one thing.


Line 102) And that was regarding my feelings for Marvin.

Calista blushes.


Line 103) I thought to myself that I must be in love with him, if this is how I truly feel about him.


Line 104) And knowing that, seemed to make everything fall into place.


Line 105) Everything makes sense when you think about it.


Line 106) And that leads me to believe I’m in love with Marvin.

Talulla’s face goes into shock.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 54 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
