Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 35

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 35

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona eat breakfast on the airplane together and chat about some deep things.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 35:

February 24th 2024. The day is Saturday. 

After Sotsona and Casimir get ready for the day on the airplane, they un-recline their seats and set their stations to eat breakfast together.

A flight attendant walks by and gives Casimir and Sotsona menus.


Line 1) Order whatever you like.

Casimir winks at Sotsona.


Line 2) If you say so.

After a couple minutes of skimming the menu options, Casimir and Sotsona get ready to order.


Line 3) What are you getting?


Line 4) I’m going to have the seared Halibut. What about you?


Line 5) I’m getting caviar.

Sotsona jokingly smiles at Casimir.


Line 6) Whatever floats your boat.


Line 7) You should try some.


Line 8) No thanks. I’m not a big fan of seafood.


Line 9) First of all, you’re ordering Halibut, so that makes no sense. And second of all you tried sushi at the Japanese restaurant and ended up liking it*.

*Refer back to episode 19, details in between line 105 and 106.


Line 10) Really? That whole day is a blur for me.

Casimir replies sarcastically.


Line 11) It’s not like you blacked out or anything. I wonder why?

Casimir playfully leans his head to the side to mock Sotsona.

Sotsona and Casimir order their meals.

The flight attendants bring out Sotsona and Casimir’s orders.

Sotsona observes how decked out Casimir’s plate looks when they serve him the caviar.


Line 12) Wow! What a pretty plate! But, where’s the caviar?


Line 13) Isn’t caviar fish eggs? I don’t see that on your plate.

Casimir mischievously smirks.


Line 14) That’s because it hasn’t been unboxed yet.

Sotsona glances at the round box on Casimir’s plate that is beside the other food that come along with his dish.


Line 15) That round box is the caviar? I thought that was like butter or something.

Casimir laughs.

Casimir opens up the round box and shows Sotsona the carefully encased caviar that is perfectly filled to the top of the box.

Sotsona gets a good look at the caviar.


Line 16) Being completely honest, in my opinion, it looks unappetizing. What’s the appeal?


Line 17) It has an umami flavor and a unique texture.


Line 18) But, the real star of the show is the price.


Line 19) How much is it? I already know it’s going to be expensive because this is what all the rich people in movies eat.


Line 20) An entire casing like this ranges around like 500-1,000 dollars.

Sotsona’s jaw drops in shock.


Line 21) Just for a casing that small?!

Casimir nods his head.


Line 22) Why? For what reason would someone put an outrageous price on such a small box like this?


Line 23) Caviar comes from a species of fish called the Sturgeon.


Line 24) These fish rarely produce eggs, so the availability is unpredictable.


Line 25) Because of the harvesting, manufacturing, quality, maturation, and other factors, all those things entail the price to be this expensive.


Line 26) You probably know all about this because you’re a businessman, right?


Line 27) Probably. But, also because I’m a rich man too.

Sotsona rolls her eyes.


Line 28) So what I’m hearing is that if these fish were more common and easier to manufacture, they wouldn’t be THIS expensive?


Line 29) Yes. I suppose you’re right. It would be just like any other roe.


Line 30) Therefore, people aren’t really paying for the caviar itself, but more for how hard and expensive it is to get?

Casimir realizes that Sotsona may be onto something.


Line 31) … I guess you have a point.


Line 32) That just goes to show that the whole stigma behind it being categorized as “classy food” is a bunch of bull.


Line 33) It’s like people who pay for designer. They’re paying for the brand, not the item itself.


Line 34) I assure you they sell replicas all around the world with the same quality but cheaper price.


Line 35) Just thinking about all of this makes my head hurt.

Casimir playfully smiles at Sotsona as they continue to talk and eat breakfast.


Line 36) The way things are set up in this world is so unfair.


Line 37) Everything always comes down to money and that makes my stomach turn.


Line 38) It’s a way of life. There is no possible way to live without it.


Line 39) Yeah, but who set that system up? We did.


Line 40) We could have had it easy. But we decided to make everything so difficult for ourselves.


Line 41) I’d much rather be, I don’t know… A jelly fish.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in confusion.


Line 42) A jellyfish?


Line 43) Yeah. Not only do they look cool, but they just float around all day and do nothing.


Line 44) They have no brain or heart, but they’re still alive.


Line 45) Why would you want to live without a brain or heart?


Line 46) Your brain helps you think and your heart helps you feel.


Line 47) I personally wouldn’t want to live without those things.


Line 48) But jellyfish don’t know about things like thinking or feeling. Well, as far as we know.


Line 49) Like I said, they have it easy.


Line 50) That’s sad. They don’t have a clue about the world.


Line 51) I’d much rather live life with the tribulations of having a functioning brain and heart rather than living without them.


Line 52) Being the way we are and processing things can be painful at times. Nonetheless, all the good that comes along with that suffering makes it worthwhile.


Line 53) You can only say that because you’re privileged. I'm just now starting to understand what you're talking about, but that's because you're letting me into your life.


Line 54) If we never crossed paths that one day I served you, I wouldn’t be on an airplane flying over to a country in Oceania. 


Line 55) I would’ve continued living a life that didn’t serve me.


Line 56) But, isn’t it better to live this way rather than having no feelings at all?

Sotsona shrugs her shoulders in confusion.

Casimir “hmphs”.


Line 57) Well, then. I guess I have a new goal to obtain.


Line 58) And what may that be?


Line 59) I want to prove to you that life is worth living.


Line 60) To feel every part of it, rather than not to feel.


Line 61) You’re setting so many goals for yourself. Are you sure you can handle all of that?


Line 62) Of course I can. The first step to success is believing in yourself.


Line 63) If you believe in yourself, you’re already half way there.


Line 64) The next half is for you to put in the work to make your goal a reality.


Line 65) Which will require patience and hard work.


Line 66) But perseverance and diligence can get you through anything.


Line 67) Though you may have doubts…


Line 68) Believe it or not, some people aren’t even on step one.


Line 69) I pray they find their way through life. I wish nothing but the best to everyone.

Sotsona smirks.

Line 70) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir thinks interestingly.


Line 71) So, do you think you’re making progress with your goals?


Line 72) Of course. I think I’ve already accomplished a lot within such a short amount of time.


Line 73) At this rate, I should be able to complete all of my goals very soon.

Line 75) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: To remind you, Casimir has three goals.

Line 76) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: His first goal, which I can never seem to forget, is that he aims to convince me to like him back… Romantically.

Line 77) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: His second goal is to refrain from using his wealth to benefit me in extraneous ways.

Line 78) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: His third goal is to convince me that it’s more important to feel one's way through life than to not.

Line 79) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Since I think that he hasn’t made much progress in his second and third goals…

Line 80) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: That could only mean that Casimir thinks he’s making progress in his first goal of making me like him back.

Sotsona squints her eyes in confusion at Casimir.


Line 81) What are you implying?


Line 82) So… You’ve figured it out?


Line 83) Why are you asking if you know the answer to that question?

Casimir playfully smiles at Sotsona.


Line 84) I think that you’re starting to like me, in a romantic way, of course.

Sotsona blushes from hearing Casimir say that out loud.

Sotsona covers a portion of her face to hide her flustered complexion.


Line 85) If you’re reacting this way, that means that I’m right, right?

Sotsona awkwardly responds.


Line 86) Not really. It’s just a bold thing to mention, that’s all. Especially considering the structure of how this contractual relationship works.


Line 87) Not necessarily. Our contractual marriage falls under the category of marriage. So, saying this isn’t out of line whatsoever.

Casimir catches Sotsona’s gaze, but she immediately looks away.


Line 88) You don’t have to say anything to confirm my speculations. But just know, I have my suspicions.


Line 89) Think whatever you want. It’s your mind. You’re the one that said you’d rather think than not. So, there’s that for you.

Casimir chuckles.

Line 90) Casimir’s inner thoughts: If she’s getting this defensive that just goes to show that my guess isn’t wrong.


Line 91) There’s no denying what’s blossoming between us and you know it.


Line 92) I’m willing to bet you’ll have a crush on me by the end of this trip, if you don’t already have one.

Sotsona blushes intensely.

Line 93) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: How can he say something like that so smoothly, when HE’S the one that has a crush on me?

Line 94) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Usually people tend to act shyly when approaching their crushes, but he’s the complete opposite.

Line 95) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: And it’s only making me even more flustered.

Line 96) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t let him win. I need to say something bold too!


Line 97) And I’m willing to bet that by the end of this trip, you'll be in LOVE with me. If you aren’t already.

Casimir’s eyes spark.

Line 98) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Sotsona. You never fail to surprise me.

Casimir blushes and smiles.

Casimir extends his hand out to seal their bet in a handshake.

Sotsona extends her hand out too and the both of them give each other a firm handshake.


Line 99) If I win, we date. OFFICIALLY.


Line 100) If I win, we get a pet.

Casimir spreads some of his caviar on a mini pancake for Sotsona to try.

Casimir plops one into her mouth.

Sotsona off-guardedly looks at Casimir confusingly, still flustered from their bet.


Line 101) I didn’t know you wanted a pet. But, deal!

Sotsona uncertainly eats the caviar Casimir fed to her just now.


Line 102) So, how is it?

Sotsona’s eyes loosen in satisfaction from the taste of the caviar.


Line 103) It’s definitely good. But not worth the price.


Line 104) At least you can say that you’ve tried caviar in your lifetime. YOLO!


Line 105) True. But that bite was probably worth 20 bucks. Which makes me feel like a rich b*****d, honestly.


Line 106) You’re the one that said people buy it for the price and rareness.


Line 107) You’re point?


Line 108) If you eat it and enjoy the caviar itself for what it has to offer, then those feelings don’t count. You’re the one that said it’s bull.

Sotsona tilts her head to the side in confusion to Casimir’s remark.


Line 109) I’m pretty sure that’s not how that works.

They continue to eat their food and enjoy each other’s company.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 6, 2024
Last Updated on July 6, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
