In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 53

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 53

A Chapter by Yosh

Marvin and Calista come to the realization of their feelings. How does this impact Marvin's goal that he has to accomplish in getting back home?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 53:

December 29 2023. The day is Friday.

Marvin gets back from work thinking about his feelings for Calista all day.


Line 1) Hey there! I made you some dinner. Just as a thanks for making me that sandwich this morning.


Line 2) Are you feeling okay?

Marvin sadly smiles at Talulla.


Line 3) I’m just doing me. Thanks for asking.


Line 4) Come sit. I’m sure eating something will make you feel a bit better.

Marvin nods his head and sits down to eat.

Talulla sadly observes him.

Talulla’s narration:

Line 5) That face. It pains me.

Line 6) I can’t imagine how he must be feeling right now.

Line 7) Acknowledging the fact that you have to leave someone, the moment you confirm your love for them.

Line 8) In any other case, this would be bliss. But, because things are the way they are…

Line 9) As much as this was our initial goal from the start, since Calista was Marvin’s only romantic interest.

Line 10) It’s an unfortunate circumstance to occur.

Line 11) It hurts me to say this. But, I'm not so sure there’ll be a happy ending to all this.

Talulla pats Marvin’s shoulder.


Line 12) During these situations, I’m not sure what the right thing to say is.


Line 13) But, if you need to talk to me. Don’t hold back. I’ll try my best to support you.


Line 14) I’m the helper, remember?

Marvin looks Talulla in her eyes gratefully.


Line 15) I appreciate it.

They move to the couch as Marvin speaks his thoughts.


Line 16) I realize this was our initial intention from the start.


Line 17) I fell for Calista since nobody else caught my eye.


Line 18) And you set me up on all these dates for me to get closer to her.


Line 19) Truth is, I’ve been in love with her for a while now.


Line 20) I was just in denial of my feelings. 


Line 21) I lied to myself. Because I knew the moment I became self aware of my feelings. I would have to leave her.


Line 22) There’s no reason for me to stay here any further.


Line 23) A relationship between Calista and I will never work out, no matter how much we hope.


Line 24) We’re from two different lifetimes. How will we ever make that work?


Line 25) It would only work if one of us sacrificed our time to be with each other. But, we can’t even do that, since the psychic mentioned that humanity is at stake for us potentially ruining the space time continuum.


Line 26) I remember telling myself that the moment I fell for Calista I wouldn’t leave her, regardless of what would happen to the world.


Line 27) But, I only said that because I was in the moment. We actually have to take into consideration what will happen to the rest of the world if we decide to stay together.

Marvin rubs his head.


Line 28) But, I don’t know. I’m still deciding if I want to leave, or if leaving is even an option in actuality. I don’t know if we can trust what the psychics said.

Talulla is shocked.


Line 29) What?! You can’t decide that?!


Line 30) You’re finished. This is your only moment to take action.


Line 31) If you pass through it. When will you ever get the chance to go home?


Line 32) Marvin. I know you love Calista. But you can’t give up your lifetime just to be with her. We also have the future of humanity riding on your decisions.


Line 33) I really could give up my entire lifetime just to be with her though.


Line 34) Think about it. The psychic never said I had to leave automatically after I fulfilled my duty. She only gave us vague details without explaining any further. 


Line 35) All she said was once my goal was fulfilled I have the opportunity to leave once we do the ceremony once again. And then what would happen to the world. 


Line 36) What if I stay? I already achieved my goal. Can’t I just enjoy some more time with her?


Line 37) Calista told me herself that I should learn to put myself first.


Line 38) This is the perfect moment to seize that.


Line 39) Marvin, if you do that. You know it will only be harder to let her go. And what’ll happen to the rest of the world?


Line 40) Don’t make this harder on yourself. Just rip the bandaid off and get this over with.

Marvin stands up from the couch all frantically.


Line 41) I don’t want to! It’s just too hard! It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be!

Marvin starts getting emotional.


Line 42) Talulla, I can’t just leave her.


Line 43) I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

Talulla starts getting emotional from Marvin’s reaction. 

She looks at him bittersweetly.


Line 44) I can picture my whole life with her.


Line 45) We’ll move in together.


Line 46) Explore the world together.


Line 47) Go through our troubles together.

Marvin's voice cracks.


Line 48) Start a family together.

Talulla breaks down.


Line 49) Now do you understand why I can’t leave her?


Line 50) Can’t I get what I want for once in my life?


Line 51) Marvin, you know I want what’s best for you. But, this is just too risky for us to go through with.


Line 52) As your friend I want what’s best for you. 


Line 53) It’s best we get the ceremony over with right now, so that nobody will have to suffer any longer.


Line 54) No. I have to see Calista. I won’t leave without seeing her.


Line 55) We can do it just the two of us. And all of this will be over in a flash, right now.


Line 56) No. I need to see her. Even if it’s for one last time.


Line 57) Marvin, Calista can’t love you back!


Line 58) If she loves you, you’ll never have the guts to leave her!


Line 59) Why are you so against this?


Line 60) Trust me, if this were any other circumstance, I wouldn’t be.


Line 61) It’s great that you love her and all. But I don’t want to see you more hurt than you already are.


Line 62) From the start I was iffy about whether Calista would fall for you.


Line 63) If she does, it’ll make it harder for her to leave you because of what happened between her and her brother.


Line 64) You don’t want her to feel that way, do you? The abandonment she suffered through.


Line 65) I’m just looking out for the both of you.


Line 66) I love the both of you so much. 


Line 67) I can’t bear seeing two people I care about getting hurt from this.


Line 68) Think it over, Marvin. And take into account what the psychic said would happen to the world.


Line 69) You’re still processing and figuring out your emotions. 


Line 70) Give yourself time to sort things out to pick the best solution to all of this.


Line 71) I know you can do it.


Line 72) You’re resilient. You can preserve through this.

Talulla hugs Marvin and he sinks into her.

Shortcuts to Calista on her last day before she leaves back to Jersey.

December 30 2023. The day is Saturday.

Calista is in her hotel room just thinking things over.

Calista’s narration:

Line 73) What made Marvin become so distant?

Line 74) Did he finally decide I was no good for him, so cut ties with me the second I decided to leave?

Line 75) No. That doesn’t sound like something he would do.

Line 76) Maybe he’s grieving. His friends ARE old. Maybe one of them passed away?

Line 77) Wouldn’t they tell me about something like that happening though?

Line 78) That could be a possibility. So, that could be a plausible reason for this reaction from him.

Line 79) The real thing I should be wondering is why I care so much?

Line 80) So what? He's distant while I’m gone. Big deal.

Line 81) But, it is a big deal! Marvin isn’t just a regular someone. He’s the guy I like.

Line 82) And he likes me too.

Calista blushes.

Line 83) When he told me that he liked me. It seemed like he’s liked me longer than I’ve liked him.

Line 84) I must’ve been hard suppressing all those feelings for so long.

Line 85) At first I was awkward, but once he consoled me to let loose.

Line 86) I’ve been very bold. And haven’t been holding back things I’ve been meaning to say to him, besides the obvious reason that I like him.

Line 87) But, if I was him, from my critical thinking skills, I would’ve deciphered that I had feelings for Marvin.

Line 88) I’m not so sure why he hasn’t caught on yet.

Line 89) There must be something else that’s weighing on his mind much more.

Calista smacks her head.

Line 90) Well of course, he has to fulfill his goal of loving someone.

Line 91) He must be holding back on pursuing me if he likes me that way, since he would be using me to achieve his goals.

Line 92) I think he’ll feel bad if he does that to me.

Line 93) If I’m being honest, I wouldn’t be mad if he decided to use me.

Line 94) In fact, I’m a bit upset that he isn’t using the fact that he likes me to his advantage in pursuing his goal.

Line 95) He’s going out with other people to try and sway his mind from using me.

Line 96) I can’t help but be butt hurt from that.

Line 97) I still can’t put my finger on why I feel so upset about that though.

Line 98) Let’s think. I mean I really like Marvin. His personality. His cute quirks. The way he explains things. The way he talks.

Line 99) How he’s a bit shy, and awkward. But, can be bold sometimes too. Like how he gets sassy when he’s drunk.

Line 100) How his eyes show such emotion when he expresses his feelings.

Line 101) How he’s so considerate towards people’s feelings.

Line 102) Even if it causes him to sacrifice his own happiness.

Line 103) I just want to give him a big fat hug.

Line 104) Tell him that it’s going to be okay. And that he’s going to get everything he’s ever wanted.

Line 105) I want to give all the love and attention he’s ever needed.

Line 106) Because… I love him.

Calista’s face sparks up.

Line 107) That must be it! That’s why I’m taking his actions so personally.

Line 108) Why I feel left out that he’s not speaking to me after everything we’ve been through.

Line 109) Because I’m in love with the guy from crying out loud!

Calista blushes, squeals from excitement and kicks her feet.

Line 110) Gosh, can this day go by quicker! I want to go see him already!

Line 111) I don’t care if my feelings interfere at this point. I'm gonna tell Marvin I love him!

Line 112) I won’t be able to contain myself once I see him again.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 53 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
