![]() Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 33A Chapter by Yosh![]() After some time of napping in the elevator, it starts operating again, and Sotsona and Casimir are safetly able to make it back home. On the ride home, a reckless thought comes across Casimir's mind.![]() Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law. Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 33: February 23rd 2024. The day is Friday. Since Sotsona and Casimir are stuck in the elevator waiting for help, they sleep on each other’s shoulders. Finally help comes along the way and the elevator starts moving again. Sotsona hears the noises of the elevator cranking and it wakes her up. She opens her eyes and feels the sensation of the elevator going down. She looks at the floor numbers and notices that they’re changing. Line 1) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I guess we’re finally heading down. I didn’t think the elevator would start working again. Line 2) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I thought we'd be rescued through those vents you usually see in movies when people are in this sort of predicament. Sotsona taps Casimir’s shoulder. Sotsona Line 3) Casimir, wake up. We’re finally going down. Casimir awakens from hearing Sotsona’s voice, looking ar her with sleepy eyes. He yawns and stretches his body. Casimir Line 4) I guess they fixed the problem. Either way we’ll have to flag this elevator so that maintenance can double check it. After a couple of minutes, Casimir and Sotsona finally arrive on the first floor. As the elevator doors opens, a technician appear in front of them. The technician looks at Casimir and Sotsona in relief. Technician Line 5) Good thing you guys are safe. Casimir and Sotsona exit the elevator. Sotsona Line 6) What happened? Why did we get stuck? Technician Line 7) When I came here, I was confused as to why the whole building was dark and empty. Technician Line 8) This immediately made me think that the power must’ve gone out, so I quickly searched for any breaker panel around here and had the whole system rebooted. Sotsona checks the time on her phone and calculates that she and Casimir were stuck in the elevator for approximately 1 hour. Sotsona Line 9) Why did it take so long to fix the issue? Technician Line 10) You guys weren’t the only ones that needed our help. The whole power routing system wasn’t working for others in the area as well. Technician Line 11) Since we recently had a blizzard earlier in the week, all the melted snow has been seeping into power ducts causing malfunctions. Casimir Line 12) So, there’s nothing wrong with the elevator? There was just a power outage? The technician nods his head. Casimir directs himself to Sotsona. Casimir Line 13) That explains why everything was dark when we left my office. Here I thought it was because the building’s lights were turned off. Casimir Line 14) I guess you were right after all, Sotsona. Technician Line 15) Well, since you guys are settled down okay, I’ll be heading out. Sotsona Line 16) Thank you for rescuing us. They bid their goodbyes to the technician. Casimir and Sotsona finally leave the building, heading over to Casimir’s car. Casimir starts up the car for driving and looks at Sotsona in a funny way. Casimir Line 17) Do you see how things worked out just fine? Casimir teases Sotsona. Casimir Line 18) Now you have to stop doubting yourself, knowing that we were in a life threatening situation just now, right? Sotsona gives Casimir the look of being afraid to admit he was right. Casimir Line 19) But, I should give you some credit. Your intuition about being skeptical from how dark the building was turned out to be right. Sotsona Line 20) I can’t believe how quickly you change from being exhausted to your usual bubbly self. Casimir Line 21) I only sleep when I really have to. And now that I took my nap, I’m feeling quite rejuvenated. Casimir Line 22) This feeling makes me kind of want to do something reckless. Sotsona Line 23) Let’s not get ahead of ourselves and just go home. Sotsona Line 24) I think that nap actually disoriented you rather than rejuvenating you. Casimir looks at Sotsona with thrill in his eyes. Casimir Line 25) Oh, come on. Let’s do something spontaneous. Casimir Line 26) You mentioned earlier today that we should take a cooking class* together, right? *Refer back to episode 28, line 84. Sotsona confusingly nods her head. Casimir Line 27) What's the first place you think of when you hear “high end cooking"? Sotsona questions herself. Sotsona shrugs her shoulders not knowing how to respond to Casimir’s question. Casimir Line 28) Personally, I think of France. Sotsona Line 29) What are you implying? That we get croissants? That’s not as spontaneous as I thought you’d think. Sotsona Line 30) But, if I’m being honest, that actually sounds nice. We should even learn how to make them. Casimir Line 31) If you want to get them and even learn how to make them, then why don’t we go to the motherland herself? Sotsona’s eyes widen in shock when she realizes what point Casimir is trying to get across. Sotsona Line 32) You want us to go to France?! Casimir beams in excitement. Casimir Line 33) Yes! Let’s go there for the weekend! Sotsona tries to process Casimir’s proposal. Sotsona Line 34) You’re insane! How could we just go there so nonchalantly? Casimir Line 35) Nobody makes the rules. We can go whenever we want to. Casimir Line 36) So, let’s fly out today! Sotsona looks at Casimir in disbelief and shock. Casimir Line 37) Let’s go home, pack a light luggage with only necessary belongings… Casimir Line 38) Head to the airport and purchase the tickets at the door. Casimir Line 39) And if they don’t have any spare tickets left for France, we could always go somewhere else. Casimir Line 40) What do you say?! Let’s get out of the country! Sotsona tries to wrap her head around Casimr’s idea. She looks at him and notices how excited he seems from the idea already being planted into his head. Line 41) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: How can I say no when he looks this excited? Casimir Line 42) Wait. I’m forgetting the most important detail. It's unlikely that you have your passport on deck, right? You probably left it at home, huh? Casimir Line 43) Or do you not even have a passport to begin with? Sotsona Line 44) My passport is actually in my bag back at your place. Casimir looks at Sotsona in shock from the perfect timing. Casimir Line 45) No way! How convenient! But, why is your passport in your bag? Sotsona Line 46) I kind of just threw it in there and it’s been lying in my bag ever since. Sotsona Line 47) Also, I don’t have any other form of ID, so I just show my passport to people who need to see it. Casimir looks concerned at Sotsona. Casimir Line 48) Alright, just be careful with who you show it to. But what do you say? Let’s go to Paris? Casimir Line 49) You’re the one that said we shouldn’t have to wait for special occasions to do whatever we want to do. Casimir looks at Sotsona with excitement, hoping that she agrees to Casimir’s trip idea. Sotsona laughs from the irony of her words coming back to bite her. Sotsona gives into Casimir’s idea. Sotsona Line 50) Fine. Let’s go. Why not? Casimir beams in celebration. Casimir Line 51) WOO HOO! WE’RE GOING TO FRANCE, BABY! Sotsona celebrates with Casimir. They arrive home and get to packing. Casimir lends Sotsona a carry-on bag and she packs 2 days worth of clothes and other essentials required for traveling (like her passport). Casimir packs all of his necessities in a carry-on bag as well. After twenty minutes, the both of them are all dressed up and ready to go to the airport. Casimir and Sotsona meet up with each other in the living room. They beam spotting each other in excitement. Casimir Line 52) Wooh! We’re going out of town! Casimir Line 53) They’re so many butterflies in my stomach right now. I’m so excited! Sotsona Line 54) I’ve never been out of the state or country, so I’m very excited too! Sotsona Line 55) Although, I’m nervous about being on a plane for the first time. Casimir’s jaw drops in shock as he hears Sotsona tell him she’s never traveled or been on a plane before. Casimir Line 56) That’s crazy! I promise you that this trip will make up for it! They exit his penthouse and order a taxi to drive them to the airport. When Sotsona and Casimir arrive at the airport they go to the front desk receptionist to purchase plane tickets. Receptionist Line 57) Hello. How can I help you, sir? The receptionist can tell that Casimir looks happy. She feels welcomed with his warm energy. Casimir Line 58) Hello, ma’am. This is unplanned, but, by any chance is there a possibility that you have two extra tickets for France? The receptionist looks at Casimir in shock. Receptionist Line 59) To France? That’s quite the request, sir. Casimir Line 60) Could you also please take a look to see what extra seats you guys have that are departing today in general? The receptionist looks at any available ticket selections to scour any left over spots. Receptionist Line 61) So, unfortunately, we don’t have any more tickets available for France. Receptionist Line 62) But we do have tickets available for Koror, Palau. Casimir looks at the receptionist with confusion. Casimir Line 63) Palau? Where is that? Receptionist Line 64) It’s a country in Oceania, sir. Casimir Line 65) Oceania? What’s that? Sotsona looks clueless and interested in knowing too. Receptionist Line 66) It’s close to Australia. It’s a watery region with many islands. Receptionist Line 67) It’s very tropical and has many outdoorsy activities. Receptionist Line 68) It’s perfect for a couple like you guys. Are the both of you on your honeymoon? Casimir blushes. Sotsona intervenes by grabbing Casimir’s arm and leaning into him flirtatiously. Sotsona Line 69) Yes we are. But we fell off on the planning aspects of our trip. The receptionist smiles at them. Receptionist Line 70) That’s lovely to hear. So, would you guys like to book two tickets for Palau? I highly recommend you guys visit. Sotsona stares at Casimir for assurance as he continues to blush from how Sotsona just interacted with him. They nod their heads to confirm that they want to go to Palau. Casimir replies to the receptionist, still being flustered from Sotsona. Casimir Line 71) W-We’d like to purchase two tickets please. The best seats you have left. The receptionist rings their purchase and they go through TSA and other security checks. Sotsona and Casimir finally make their way to the waiting terminal of their plane ride. Casimir leads Sotsona to the seating area. Casimir covers his face away from Sotsona because he’s still flustered from how they interacted with each other earlier. Line 72) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Saying we’re on our honeymoon to the receptionist… Line 73) Casimir’s inner thoughts: That’s way too bold of a move for even me to do. I can’t believe Sotsona addressed us that way. Line 74) Casimir’s inner thoughts: It seems like she feels the need to tease me back. Line 75) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But after pulling me in earlier today and then doing this… Line 76) Casimir’s inner thoughts: It’s not crazy for me to assume that she may be feeling “something” for me, right? Sotsona Line 77) Why are we sitting? Don’t we need to go into the plane? Casimir snaps out of his haze. Casimir laughs hearing Solsona’s clueless comment. Casimir Line 78) You’ve really never been through anything like this, huh? Sotsona Line 79) Well, no. So, why aren’t we getting on the plane? Casimir Line 80) We still have two hours until we need to board the plane. Sotsona’s jaw drops in shock. Sotsona Line 81) Two hours?! I would’ve taken my time packing if I had known that we wouldn’t be boarding automatically. Casimir Line 82) Sorry. I thought you knew about this. Did you rush? Sotsona Line 83) Sort of. But two hours is overkill. Is this how every airport operates? Casimir nods his head. Sotsona Line 84) How many hours will the plane ride be? Casimir searches up the distance on his phone. Casimir looks shocked seeing his answer pop up. Casimir Line 85) … 17 hours… Sotsona looks at Casimir in shock. Sotsona Line 86) 17 hours?! And here I thought two hours at the airport was too long. Sotsona Line 87) What are we going to do for 17 hours? Casimir Line 88) Sleep, eat, and watch movies. It’ll be relaxing, trust me. The receptionist was able to give us some good seats. Sotsona thinks to herself about Casimir’s explanation. Sotsona Line 89) That actually doesn’t sound that bad. Casimir Line 90) The time will go by quickly, I promise. Sotsona Line 91) But, I think going this far and only spending the weekend will leave us with barely anytime to stay over for vacation. Don’t you think we should lengthen our time? Casimir Line 92) Now that you bring that up, you have a good point. Casimir Line 93) We should stay longer, right? 17 hours is practically a day. So, it’ll approximately take us around 34 hours flying in and out. And that doesn’t even include the waiting time. Sotsona Line 94) Exactly. We won’t have time to enjoy our vacation. We should plan to stay longer. Casimir smiles. Casimir Line 95) I don’t mind taking off a few more days of work. Sotsona Line 96) Can you blame yourself? We planned this trip spontaneously. But we didn’t know it would take this long to get to our destination. Thus, we should stay longer. Casimir Line 97) You’re right. We should stay for like a week. That’ll give us enough time to explore around thoroughly. Sotsona smiles at Casimir from their agreement. Sotsona observes the other people in the airport. A thought comes across her mind. Sotsona Line 98) Isn’t it crazy that everyone here has somewhere they want or need to be? Sotsona Line 99) I bet that if we ask a stranger where they’re going, they would give us a plethora of details about their trip. Casimir smiles. Sotsona Line 100) It makes me feel like all this time I’ve been missing out on life. Sotsona Line 101) People are out there living their lives, going to places I never thought I’d have the chance to go to. Sotsona Line 102) There’s so much I’m getting introduced to and I don’t know how to process it. Sotsona Line 103) But, I’m so excited to experience it. Sotsona Line 104) And I feel so fulfilled that I’m finally doing something to be ABLE to experience it. Sotsona Line 105) And that’s all thanks to you. Casimir feels touched from Sotsona’s words and blushes. Sotsona Line 106) Let’s have a good trip together. Casimir smiles. Casimir Line 107) I won’t let you down. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 5, 2024 Last Updated on July 10, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author