In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 52

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 52

A Chapter by Yosh

Talulla's remark she made earlier in the day, ponders in Marvin's mind, leaving him frustrated as to why he can't think of anything else. This causes him to come to a realization.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 52:

December 28 2023. The day is Thursday.

As Marvin gets ready for bed, he contemplates what Talulla meant while she was painting his nails.

*Flashback to what Talulla said to Marvin as she was painting his nails.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 1) What did she mean by, “don’t you know what that means, Marvin”?

Line 2) Why is that question weighing on my mind?

Marvin grabs his head.

Line 3) I’m too tired to think about this any further.

Line 4) It’s already giving me a headache.

Marvin rolls over the other side of the bed.

30 minutes go by.

Marvin ruffles his sheets out of frustration from being awake.

Line 5) Ugh! I’m so frustrated! Why can’t I just go to sleep?!

Line 6) You know what? Maybe I’m just thirsty.

Marvin gets up from bed and heads to the kitchen.

He grabs a cup and fills it with water, all tired looking.

Line 7) This better put me to sleep.

He plops in bed, face down and tries to sleep.

30 more minutes go by.

Marvin frustratingly smacks his face and gets up from bed.

Line 8) Body! Why are we all of a sudden not sleepy?!

Marvin gets stimulated.

Line 9) Now I have to pee! 

Marvin gets up to use the restroom.

He sits back in bed.

Line 10) That dang question has me thinking all over the place!

Marvin checks out his phone and sees that the time is 12:07 a.m.

Line 11) Oh my Gosh! It’s already been 2 hours!

Line 12) If I head to sleep right now, I’ll only get 6 hours of sleep.

Line 13) Should I just not go to work tomorrow?

Line 14) No. I need to chip in on the rent this month like I usually do.

Line 15) Let’s just get to the bottom of this question.

Line 16) The context was that Talulla asked me about Calista, since she’s been gone for some time.

Line 17) All I said was that I missed that she hasn’t been around.

Line 18) And because of that, I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately.

Line 19) So, what’s the big deal? What does all of this mean? To answer that stupid question, so that I can go to sleep.

Line 20) All it means is that I miss Calista! Isn’t that obvious?!

Line 21) Not only is she my crush, but she’s my friend.

Line 22) Due to her absence, I’ll obviously be longing for her presence.

Line 23) Isn’t that just how everyone feels when they miss someone?

Line 24) The part of their daily recheme that they filled is empty.

Line 25) All that’s left is the space they engulfed when they were there.

Line 26) And that’s super apparent, since Calista has recently just left for her trip.

Line 27) Okay! Let’s really dive into it. Because I still feel like I still haven’t answered the question.

Line 28) When Talulla went on her trip, I felt her absence as well.

Line 29) And I missed her too. But, in a friendship kind of manner.

Line 30) Since this is Calista we’re talking, I’ll miss her harder because I like her like crazy!

Line 31) So, those situations are completely different.

Line 32) Then why the heck is that question still irking me so much?

Line 33) Is it because there’s a bigger reason, that I just don’t want to admit to?

Marvin puts his face in his palms and leans back.

Line 34) I just need to block it out! This feeling will eventually go away! And I’ll be alright!

Marvin gets flashes of Calista in his head and he flinches and winces his body.

His heart is bumping loudly.

Line 35) I can’t feel that way! I just can’t feel that way, yet!

Line 36) Stop it! Stop it! Just let it go!

Marvin frantically flips out his phone and searches up, “ How do you know if you’re in love with someone?”

He becomes self-aware.

Line 37) Oh no!

Line 38) It’s too late!

Line 39) I-I’m in love with Calista!

Line 40) I love her!

Line 41) I’ve been suppressing this feeling for so long!

Line 42) B-But it’s true. I really do love her!

Marvin blushes, and in a panicky way gets up out of bed and starts pacing around the room.

Line 43) I should wake her up!

*He’s talking about Talulla.

Line 44) She’s the one that caused me to feel this way!

Line 45) She did this to me! All too soon too!

Marvin curls himself into a ball on his bed!

Line 46) I could just lie in front of all of them and continue living here as I do, right.

Line 47) I don’t think that will be noticeable, right?!

Line 48) I’m great at keeping my emotions in check!

Line 49) Wait, wait! It’s fine if I do that because my whole goal was not to fall in love, but to experience another love just as impactful as the one I had with my sister!

Line 50) My sister and I share a love that is beyond compare.

Line 51) Therefore, this is just love. Not ground-shaking love!

Line 52) Which means, I haven’t fulfilled my duties just yet.

Line 53) That means I can stay longer, until the day I experience it similar to my previous one.

Marvin cuddles himself to bed and tries to go back to sleep.

Line 54) I’m alright. Nothing has happened so far besides self-awareness.

Line 55) But, that’s just not enough to make the cut.

An hour goes by and Marvin’s eyes are bloodshot.

Line 56) How long is this going to take!

Marvin looks at the clock and sees that it’s 4:00 a.m.

Line 57) Just lovely! 2 more hours till I have to be up and ready for work!

Line 58) But, nobody knows that the entire trajectory of my life just changed!

Line 59) How can I get this off my chest without being confrontational?

Marvin glances at the pen and paper on his desk. He quickly grabs it and goes into writing.

He gets visuals of Calista as he does so.

He throws the notepad on the ground and frustratingly grabs the top of his head.

Line 60) D****T! This is just as momentous as my love!

Marvin gets a bit emotional.

The morning rolls around and Marvin is making breakfast all puffy eyed, and bloodshot for Talulla.

December 29 2023. The day is Friday.

Talulla walks in and sits down on the dining table.


Line 61) I nearly floated here! What’s that glorious smell?!

Marvin responds in a sullen tone.


Line 62) I’m making you a breakfast sandwich.

Talulla imitates him.


Line 63) “I’m making a breakfast sandwich”. Dude, what’s with that tone?


Line 64) It’s Friday! You should be celebrating! After that we only have 2 more days till you know who comes home.


Line 65) You have to be excited and up beat!

Marvin ignores Talulla.

Talulla’s phone rings.

Talulla picks up since it’s Calista.


Line 66) Hey! Calista, how are you doing?!

Calista is responding from the other line.


Line 67) Can you believe I just got off of a meeting at 3:00 AM?

Time difference between Jersey and Washington state is 3 hours ahead.


Line 68) What?! That’s crazy! It’s only six in the morning over here.


Line 69) You should be getting rest.


Line 70) Yeah, I’m about to get ready for bed. How are you guys doing?


Line 71) We’re doing good.


Line 72) Marvin’s, just being Marvin.

Talulla flips the camera and shows Marvin making breakfast.


Line 73) Say hi to Calista!

Marvin awkwardly turns around and waves at the camera.


Line 74) Buddy! Are you okay? You look exhausted.

Talulla flips the camera back around.


Line 75) He’s probably just burned out from work.


Line 76) Oh… I-I see.


Line 77) Get some rest, Marvin!

Marvin doesn’t respond.

Line 78) Calista: He looks more than exhausted

Line 79) Calista: I hope he’s okay. I’ve never seen him like this.


Line 80) Anyways, go to sleep, you!


Line 81) Okay, I will.


Line 82) See ya!


Line 83) See ya!

They end the call.

Shot cuts to Calista in bed.

Calista’s narration:

Line 84) I wanted to hear from Marvin himself how he was doing.

Line 85) Why was he so silent? And he looked like he didn’t want to be seen by me.

Line 86) I’m probably just tired and looking into the situation too much.

Shot cuts to Marvin.

He looks furious at Talulla as she eats the sandwich that he made her.

Talulla notices and stops.


Line 87) You good, buddy? Want a piece?


Line 88) Did you make yourself any?


Line 89) Stop staring at me like that!


Line 90) By the way your eyes are bloodshot. Did you get any sleep?


Line 91) You look groggy. Feeling okay?


Line 92) Do you wanna know why?


Line 93) I mean, I’m sure it’s self-inflicted.


Line 94) It’s because of you.

Talulla mutters a “huh”.


Line 95) This is my fault?!


Line 96) Do I look like Mr. S@ndm@n to you?


Line 97) I don’t control your dreams or sleep!


Line 98) If you wanna blame someone, blame yourself!

Marvin stands up frantically.


Line 99) That stupid question! “ don’t you know what that means, Marvin?”

Talulla is clueless.


Line 100) What are you talking about?


Line 101) Guess what? It kept me up all night, and I couldn’t sleep!


Line 102) Because I kept thinking of my impending doom that once I feel that way I have to leave!


Line 103) Marvin, you’re making me worried. What’s wrong?

Marvin tries to settle himself down.


Line 104) You’re right. This isn’t your fault. I’m sorry for blaming you.


Line 105) I don’t understand!

Talulla gets up and walks over to Marvin. She places her hands on her shoulders.


Line 106) What is it with you?

Marvin starts to cry.


Line 107) There’s something you should know.


Line 108) What is it? What’s going on? Just tell me.


Line 109) I realized something.

Talulla gives Marvin a reassuring look so that he knows it’s okay to open up.


Line 110) I-I realized. That I’m in love with Calista.

Talulla senses the mood and hugs Marvin tightly as he cries into her shoulder.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note


Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 52 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
