In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 51

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 51

A Chapter by Yosh

Calista does some last minute packing before she heads off on her business trip. Talulla and Marvin spend some time with each other as they wait for her to come back.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 51:

December 26 2023. The day is Tuesday.

Calista is getting ready to leave for her business trip.

She gathers all of her belongings by the door side.


Line 1) Did you pack everything you need for your trip?


Line 2) I think so.


Line 3) Well I need you to KNOW so.


Line 4) Double check that you’ve packed everything.

Shot cuts to Marvin spotting Calitsa’s laptop charger on the dining room table.

Line 5) Marvin: I’m pretty sure this is Calista’s charger.

Calista walks back to the doorside confirming she double checked everything.


Line 6) Are you certain you have everything?


Line 7) Yes. I’m all set to go.

Marvin comes by to the girls with the charger in his hand.


Line 8) Calista, isn’t this your charger?

Calista looks shocked.

Talulla looks disappointed.


Line 9) It is! Thank you for bringing it to me. Gosh, I don’t know how I could forget this!

Calista timidly glances at Talulla’s face.


Line 10) Well obviously you didn’t check WELL enough. So, go back around!


Line 11) Y-Yeah. I will.


Line 12) Check everywhere!


Line 13) Aye aye, captain!

Calista walk back to her room.

Talulla rubs her head and Marvin smiles.


Line 14) Do you still like her even if she’s forgetful?


Line 15) What? Of course. What she did just now was so adorable.

Talulla smiles.


Line 16) You better keep an eye on her then. Once you guys… You know.

Talulla is signaling if they ever get together. She crosses her fingers.


Line 17) Oh, come on. I haven’t even confirmed if she feels the same way about me.

Line 18) Talulla: Man, he’s clueless.

Shot cuts back to Calista checking everything in her room.

Line 19) Calista: Alright. I think the coast is clear.

She opens her desk once more and spots the presents Marvin has given her.

She touches the shell necklace, and then puts it on herself.

She then puts on the new rings he got for her during christmas.

*Reminder of when he asked for her ring size. And then unwrapping it for christmas day. Calista gives Marvin a good present too.

Calista’s narration

Line 20) Does he think he’s being slick, giving me all these presents?

Line 21) It’s so obvious he likes me. I should take them on my trip.

Calista blushes.

Line 22) I'll miss him when I'm away. 

Calista walks back to where all the luggage is.


Line 23) Finally finished, your majesty?


Line 24) Yep. I’m going to get going now.


Line 25) Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you off?


Line 26) You have to use your car for work, or you’ll be late.


Line 27) I’ll just order a ride. Don’t worry about me.

Talulla hugs Calista.


Line 28) Call me when you get there?

Calista nods her head.

Calista then goes to hug Marvin.

He’s caught off guard but hugs her back tightly.


Line 29) You don’t have to call me. Not unless you want to. Just let me know that you’re safe.

Calista smiles.


Line 30)  For sure. Anyways I’ll see you guys soon. Bye.

She opens the door to exit. But halts as she is standing outside.


Line 31) Ugh. I don’t want to go!


Line 32) This is going to be the most boring time of my life.

Talulla rubs Calista’s shoulder.


Line 33) Suck it up, buttercup. It’ll be over before you know it.

They wave off Calista and she exits as they close the door.

They watch as she gets into a taxi.

Marvin is leaning on the window with his face and hands pressed onto it as he watches her leave.


Line 34) Jeez, Marvin. Is it ever that serious?

Marvin quickly removes himself all embarrassed looking.


Line 35) Go get ready for work.

Marvins being sarcastic.


Line 36) Boy am I thrilled to spend the week with you.

He walks away to get dressed.


Line 37) That better not have been sarcasm.

She smiles it off.

Shot cuts Calista driving to the airport.

Calista’s narration:

Line 38) I hope I get something out of this trip, other than being bored to death.

Line 39) I have to go meeting, after meeting, after meeting.

Line 40) All of this is doable on a day to day basis because I get to come home and see my friends.

Line 41) But coming back, and not being able to see them.

Line 42) My life will lack that thrill for some time.

Line 43) My friends are more like family to me than my actually family.

Line 44) It won’t ever be easy just to leave them like this.

2 days go by without Calista.

December 28 2023. The day is Thursday.

Talulla and Marvin are watching their show without Calista.

Marvin looks out the window to see a blizzard happening.

Line 45) Marvin: It's so cold outside. We may not be able to go on that trip Calista planned.


Line 46) What if Calista’s flight gets delayed?


Line 47) Since the weather’s so bad, that could happen.


Line 48) You’re supposed to say, “don’t worry Marvin, that won’t happen”. Not that!


Line 49) I’m not going to feed into your fantasies.


Line 50) Take a look outside. There’s a blizzard happening. They most likely will have to cancel the flight.

Marvin boinks Talulla with a pillow.


Line 51) Don’t say that!


Line 52) You’re the one that told me you could manifest things.


Line 53) That’s how you got sick that one time, when all you did was pretend to be sick for Calista’s sake.

*Flashback to that scene.


Line 54) I did say that, didn’t I?

Talulla praising herself.


Line 55) You wanna know why? Because I’m THE G!

Marvin boinks another hit on Talulla with the pillow.


Line 56) Do that one more time and see what happens.

Marvin does it again and Talulla goes off.

Marvin lays sluggish on the couch as Talulla just beat him at a pillow fight.

A death scene is about to come on a show they’re watching.

A character unexpectedly dies and they go off on a rampage.


Line 57) Give me the remote!

 Marvin does just that and Talulla checks to see if there’s any more episodes left.




Line 59) What?! Why would they end on a cliffhanger!

Talulla gets her phone and checks when the next season will be back.


Line 60) Next season won’t be back until 3 years.


Line 61) I can’t wait that long!


Line 62) I probably won’t even be here for that long!


Line 63) You better contain yourself around Calista.


Line 64) She can’t know we watched this without her. She’ll feel so betrayed.


Line 65) Are we bad friends for watching it without her?


Line 66) She insisted we should.


Line 67) No, she didn’t.


Line 68) You’re right she didn’t. I just couldn’t wait any longer.

Marvin looks shocked.


Line 69) She’s going to be so mad. We suck for watching our show without her.



Marvin looks at Talulla and is shock.


Line 71) Not you lying to yourself just to justify your actions.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 72) As much as I had fun with Talulla, just her and I.

Line 73) Things just didn’t seem enticing enough, because Calista wasn’t around.

Line 74) Things just seem emptier than usual.

2-ish more days go by without Calista. She's been gone for around 5 days in total.

December 30 2023. The day is Saturday.

*Shot cuts to Seattle Washington where Calista just got off of doing many meetings.

Line 75) Calista: Jeez, I’m toast. I can’t go to another meeting.

Calista’s narration:

Line 76) Only one more day till I get to see my family again.

Line 77) I can get through this. Just 6 more meetings to go.

Calista lays her exhausted head on a table.

Line 78) I can’t believe this is how I’m spending my last couple of days before the year ends.

Line 79) Everything’s been so boring lately I just want to do something bold when all of this is over.

Calista looks out to see it’s snowing outside.

Line 80) Talulla may hate me for this, but I miss Marvin more than her.

Line 81) I just miss his warm smiles, and cute little quirks.

Line 82) I can’t wait to see him again.

Line 83) Throughout this trip. He’s been engulfing my mind like crazy.

*Calista thinking about Marvin while she’s working and in meetings.

Line 84) It must be because we’re always together, and now that we’re apart, it’s just habitual to think of him.

Line 85) I just want to be around him.

Line 86) I keep thinking about questions I want to ask him.

Line 87) Or simply have him explain more backstories about him.

Line 88) Something about the sound of his voice is soothing. And I miss it so much because I haven’t heard it in a while.

*Talulla and Marvin calling Calista over the phone.

Line 89) I just wonder why he hasn’t been contacting me, though.

Line 90) He called early on when I started out on the trip. However, after a couple of days he stopped messaging and calling me.

Line 91) Is he avoiding me? Does he not want to talk to me?

Line 92) Why is it that I only see him when Talulla calls. He doesn’t keep in touch besides that.

Line 93) I can’t help but feel kind of hurt.

*Scene cuts back to 2 days ago while Talulla and Marvin are hanging out.

December 28 2023. The day is Thursday.

Talulla is painting Marvin’s nails after they finish watching their show.


Line 94) Are you this bored, that this is what you’ve resorted to doing?


Line 95) Bro, just let me do my thing.


Line 96) Do you miss her?


Line 97) Obviously.


Line 98) How much?


Line 99) Well, a lot of course.


Line 100) Is she on your mind?


Line 101) Well yeah. She’s on it even more since I can’t see her on a daily basis.


Line 102) You do realize that it’s only been 2 days?


Line 103) So what? I miss her even when we’re at work all the time.


Line 104) When we get off work, I can't wait to see her.


Line 105) It's a shame it's only for a couple of hours because by the time it ends, it’s already night. And the day’s over.


Line 106) And then the weekends are just too short for me to be fully satisfied when we hang out.


Line 107) That’s why I’m looking forward to that trip she promised we’d go to when she gets back.


Line 108) Then we’ll really be able to spend some quality time together.

Talulla smiles at Marvin bittersweetly.


Line 109) What’s with that look? Did you mess up my nails?


Line 110) Don’t you get what that means, Marvin?


Line 111) It means I miss her, duh.

Talulla clicks her tongue.

Line 112) Talulla: How could you be this dense?

Marvin jumpscares Talulla by loudly saying his next statement.


Line 113) Ahh! Don’t mess up!

She messes up his nail.


Line 114) You goof head!

Talulla grabs a pillow from the couch and smacks Marvin.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 51 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
