Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 32

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 32

A Chapter by Yosh

After wandering the building and stumbling into Yuvin, Sotsona makes her way back to Casimir's office and they start leaving until something unexpected happens on the elevator ride down.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 32:

February 23rd 2024. The day is Friday.

As Sotsona heads back to Casimir's office, she finds him tidying up his workspace after waking up to leave because it’s late.

Casimir questions where Sotsona was.


Line 1) I was wandering around the building.


Line 2) Is it a concern that everything is completely dark after office hours?

Casimir laughs.


Line 3) No it’s not. That’s just how things are when work is over.


Line 4) Why did nobody even tell us anything?


Line 5) The workers rarely approach me. They tend to leave me alone.


Line 6) So that you can stay cooped up here and watch drama’s all day?

Sotsona gives Casimir a smug look.

Casimir playfully rolls his eyes.


Line 7) No, because I do busy work and would like to be left alone during those times to focus.


Line 8) But your busy work is just highlighting a bunch of dates.


Line 9) Are you implying that my work is easy?


Line 10) Well, based on what we did today, yes.


Line 11) What we did today was out of the ordinary compared to my daily regime.


Line 12) Alright. But I found it fairly simple.

Casimir smiles in an upbeat manner.


Line 13) Well, then you’re more suited for this company than I thought.


Line 14) And you were even doubting yourself earlier. But, look how things worked out.

Sotsona offer Casimir a nervous smile.


Line 15) I guess everything worked out in the end just like you said.


Line 16) Anyways, do you have some sort of key? I went all the way to the first floor and the exit door is closed.


Line 17) Of course I do. We would be locked here all weekend if I didn’t have a key.


Line 18) Is everyone gone?


Line 19) No, Yuvin’s still-

Line 20) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wait. I promised that I wouldn’t say anything about our interaction.

Sotsona corrects herself.


Line 21) Em. Sorry, I meant everyone’s gone.


Line 22) Real talk. Does this place have security?


Line 23) Of course it does. Why wouldn’t it?


Line 24) Well, the way everything is closed down makes it seem like there’s absolutely no one patrolling the building.


Line 25) That’s just your imagination. My mother would never let such a thing occur in her company's prime headquarters.


Line 26) Whatever. Can we just get out of here already, so that I know for certain that we aren’t locked out?


Line 27) Of course. I’m all ready to leave.

Sotsona nods her head and they exit his office.

Casimir locks his office door and they head into the elevator.

Sotsona and Casimir enter the elevator and Casimir presses the first floor button.

The door closes as they make their way to the first floor.

Casimir exhaustingly leans his head on the elevator's back wall.


Line 28) I’m so tired. When we get home, I’m just going to plop on my bed and call it a day.

Sotsona smiles.


Line 29) I guess you needed that nap earlier. But, I honestly couldn’t tell you were tired throughout the day.


Line 30) I guess I put up a good front then. I’m sorry that you were left to do all the work.


Line 31) I promise something like that won’t ever happen again.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir, trusting his intentions.


Line 32) I don’t mind helping you out with work.


Line 33) I’m just glad I was productive today.


Line 34) I appreciate your efforts. You’ll be a great employee here.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir, knowing that he’s being genuine.

Sotsona stares at the elevator floor numbers to see them lower.


Line 35) This building is so huge. It takes a while to get to the first floor.


Line 36) Yeah. I can’t believe someone was smart enough to invent an elevator to make it faster to get to places.


Line 37) It’s crazy how advanced humans are. We really underestimate ourselves. I mean, just look at all the inventions we’ve made.

Sotsona stares at the elevator’s floor numbers and notices that after a couple of minutes, they’re still stuck on floor 26.

Line 38) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: That’s strange. Why isn’t the floor number changing?

Line 39) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Maybe the system is bugged and we’re moving down regardless.

Sotsona tries to feel for herself if the elevator is lowering, but doesn’t detect any sensations.

Line 40) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But it doesn’t feel like we’re getting closer to the first floor.

Sotsona looks over at Casimir and observes that he doesn’t notice any sensations and is just sleepy.


Line 41) Casimir, do you know why the floor number isn’t changing?

Casimir’s eyes widen as he notices what Sotsona is pointing out to him.


Line 42) What the heck? I didn’t even notice. Why are we stuck on floor 26?


Line 43) I don’t know. Why won’t the elevator budge?

They wait a bit longer to see if the floor number changes, but it remains the same.

Sotsona stares at Casimir with uncertainty.

Casimir tries to console Sotsona, noticing that she’s feeling nervous.


Line 44) No need to panic. We’ll just press the emergency button.

Casimir presses the button.


Line 45) What are we supposed to do now? Just wait?


Line 46) There’s no helpline I’m aware of. So, yeah. We’ll just have to wait.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in a shocking manner.

Sotsona thinks of the worst case scenario and blurts it out in a panic.


Line 47) What if the elevator plummets and we fall to our deaths?!


Line 48) Those things only happen in movies. 

Casimir sits down on the elevator floor and leans his head on the side.


Line 49) Should we contact your mom or something?


Line 50) Just trust the button. Help is on the way. I’m sure my mom is asleep by now, since it’s so late.

Line 51) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Based on the way I’ve observed how things operate in this building and business, I’m not sure I can trust this button.

Sotsona whines and caves into her fears.


Line 52) Casimir! I can’t die like this!


Line 53) Settle down, Sotsona. You’re being impatient again.


Line 54) I’m not going to wait for help to come when I don’t know how things operate here!


Line 55) I didn’t even see any of the security you mention that patrols this building!

Casimir rubs his head in distress.


Line 56) Sotsona, I’m begging you to calm down. I’m too tired to deal with this.

Sotsona groans in panic.


Line 57) Casimir! I can’t calm down! I don’t care if you’re tired! This could be our last glimpse at life!

Casimir talks to Sotsona in a frustrated manner.


Line 58) Sotsona, why do you always have to be so negative?


Line 59) Why don't you focus on the positive aspects of life?


Line 60) It’s only been like 10 minutes and you’re already freaking out that we’re going to die in here.


Line 61) Just trust that things will turn out for the better. You need to learn patience and that in time things will be resolved.

Casimir hesitantly says his next statement.


Line 62) And.. Is being stuck here, really the worst thing to ever happen?


Line 63) Is it really that unbearable for you to be around me?

Sotsona sighs, annoyed at Casimir’s misinterpretation.


Line 64) You know that’s not what I’m implying.


Line 65) I just tend to think of the worst case scenario occurring in situations.


Line 66) Saying “just think positively” won’t change what my mind thinks of.


Line 67) This feeling of negativity has already been instilled as a habit for me.


Line 68) And you can break that habit by challenging yourself to think differently.

Sotsona intently stares at Casimir.

Casimir pats the space next to him for Sotsona to sit on.

She sits next to him and crosses her legs.


Line 69) While we wait, we can talk with each other.

Sotsona tries to settle down.


Line 70) Fine, okay. What do you want to talk about?


Line 71) About us. How was your first day at work-ish?

Sotsona sighs in distress.


Line 72) Nerve wracking. I haven't been this stressed out in a while.


Line 73) I’m sorry that you feel that way.


Line 74) It’s just first day jitters. Well… Besides this elevator getting stuck.


Line 75) I promise you that from here on out, it won’t be this stressful for you.


Line 76) And if it is, you know that you can reach out to me.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir.


Line 77) Thank you for letting me lean on you.


Line 78) But, is there a way for you to lean on me?

Casimir’s eyes spark, intrigued from Sotsona’s statement.


Line 79) What can I do for you to count on me?

Casimir is stumped thinking of an answer to Sotsona’s question.


Line 80) I- I don’t. Well- You already. Um. 

Sotsona laughs.


Line 81) If you’re struggling to come up with a straight-foward answer, then you don’t know.

Casimir looks at Sotsona speechlessly.


Line 82) I don’t have an answer for that on my part either. But in time, I think we’ll come around.


Line 83) I know we promised to stay out of each other’s personal lives…


Line 84) But, one way or another, I was bound to fess up about mine for the sake of our relationship. That so happened to occur quite early on.


Line 85) But, I just want you to know that I don’t want you to force yourself into telling me anything.


Line 86) However, I feel as though there's a characteristic about me that makes you hesitate in sharing anything with me.


Line 87) If that’s the case, can you tell me what the problem is?


Line 88) Am I being too difficult? Be honest with me. I can handle the truth.

Casimir’s eyebrows furrow, feeling upset that Sotsona is bringing this up and bashing herself in the process.


Line 89) Don’t talk that way. It’s not you. It’s me.


Line 90) What’s wrong with being difficult? Humans are complex beings. If we were easy, then we’d be robots.


Line 91) The way you act shows that you’re human. Don't let society's stigma about not letting your emotions consume you influence your behavior.

Sotsona feels relieved from Casimir’s assurance.


Line 92) Forgive me for prying further, but can you tell me why you won’t open up to me about…?

Sotsona goes silent, regretting bringing up that topic again.

Casimir senses the end of Sotsona’s sentence.


Line 93) About my dad?

Sotsona hesitantly nods her head.


Line 94) I don’t want to overload you with my lore.


Line 95) I feel like it’s too early for that.

Sotsona feels bad.


Line 96) I see… I’m sorry for even asking.


Line 97) We have boundaries. I should keep that in mind.


Line 98) Can you wait for me?

Sotsona’s eyes widen from Casimir’s request.


Line 99) I want to tell you. I REALLY do. But, the timing isn’t right yet.


Line 100) Can you just hold off a little longer?

Sotsona looks deeply into Casimir’s eyes.


Line 101) Of course I’ll wait. Take all the time you need.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona, appreciating her understanding.


Line 102) Can I rest my head on your shoulder?

Sotsona blushes from Casimir asking.


Line 103) Sure. You said you were tired. Take a nap until we get rescued.

Casimir smiles.


Line 104) Thank you, Sotsona. I’m sorry for being a hassle today.

Sotsona smiles and Casimir leans his head on her shoulder.

Sotsona leans her head on top of Casimir’s and they take a nap together.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 5, 2024
Last Updated on July 5, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
