![]() Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 31A Chapter by Yosh![]() Casimir asks Sotsona why she pulled him in earlier in the day. Many events unfold after that, leaving Sotsona overwhelmed.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 31: February 23rd 2024. The day is Friday. Casimir confronts Sotsona on why she pulled him in suddenly when he was dismissing her earlier after she barged into his office*. *Refer back to episode 29, details in between line 76 and 77. Sotsona’s caught off-guard with this question and her face flushes with embarrassment. Sotsona covers her face and looks away from Casimir. Casimir playfully continues tease Sotsona, giving her a smug face. Casimir Line 1) Answer the question. Why did you pull me in earlier? Line 2) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I had a sneaking suspicion that he would bring that up again. Line 3) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: So, what do I say back to him? I should make up an excuse. Sotsona awkwardly responds. Sotsona Line 4) There… Was just some lint on your sleeve. Casimir leans back on his chair in speculation to Sotsona’s comment. Casimir Line 5) Lint? On my sleeve? Sotsona turns back to look Casimir in the face. Sotsona Line 6) You heard me. And the reason I pulled you in was because I was wiping it off. Obviously. Casimir playfully smiles at Sotsona. Sotsona continues with her bluff, noticing that Casimir is not convinced. Sotsona Line 7) What? It’s the truth. Why else would I have pulled you in? Especially while we’re at work. Casimir flirtatiously responds. Casimir Line 8) I don’t know. Maybe to get a better look at my handsome face. Casimir smolders at Sotsona. Sotsona gives Casimir a dull look. Sotsona Line 9) That… Definitely wasn’t the reason. Casimir looks offended from Sotsona replying too quickly from his comment. Casimir Line 10) So… Then what’s the real reason? Sotsona sneaks a look directly into Casimir’s eyes and notices that he’s calling her bluff. Sotsona gives up with her lie and confesses the truth to Casimir. Sotsona Line 11) I don’t know why I pulled you in, okay? Sotsona Line 12) I’m just as confused as you are. Casimir laughs. Casimir Line 13) Fine. I’ll guess I’ll take that as an answer. Sotsona gets back to work on Casimir’s assignment. They continue working for a long time and have lunch with each other as well. After many hours of working, they finally finish everything very late. Sotsona sets her highlighter down as she finishes correcting the last page needed to be reviewed. She stretches her arms and groans from the relief. Sotsona Line 14) Casimir. I’m finally finished- Sotsona turns to her side and notices that Casimir fell asleep beside her. Line 15) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s asleep? He didn’t seem tired. Sotsona gets a good look at Casimir’s sleepy face. Line 16) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wow. He looks slumped for sure. Line 17) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I don’t feel like waking him up. Sotsona checks the time on her phone. Line 18) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Dang! It’s 9:49 PM?! We’ve been working for so long. Line 19) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What else should I do? I’m sure everyone else has already left by now. We haven’t left Casimir’s office since lunch. Sotsona walks out of Casimir’s office and the rest of the building is pitch black. Line 20) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wow. It’s a bit scary here without people and lights. Line 21) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Shouldn’t there be some sort of security around? Sotsona walks over to the elevator and hits the first floor to make her way to the building’s exit. As she’s in the elevator, the bright lights make her squint her eyes and the elevator music disturbs her. Line 22) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s not even that late and I’m already getting the heebie jeebies from this place. Line 23) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why did no one give us a heads up that the building was closing for the day? Line 24) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Is that normal? Or is everyone just scared to approach Casimir since he’s the CEO? Line 25) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: In that case, why didn’t his sister even mention anything to us? Line 26) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I know Casimir brought up that they aren’t close, but no one would leave someone hanging like this. Line 27) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If not his sister, then what about Yuvin? Line 28) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Even Casimir said that Yuvin doesn’t like him that much, but either way he’s still his assistant. He has to supervise him to ensure his work duties. Line 29) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I didn’t think that everyone was so careless in this building. Line 30) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: You would think that since this is a highly esteemed hair care company, at least the employees would set a good example, but they don’t even do that. Line 31) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Maybe hiring me WAS a good choice. I’d surely never do something like this. Sotsona finally arrives to the first floor. Everything is pitch black, so Sotsona pulls out her phone to shine a flash. She makes her way to the door exit and tries to open the door. Sotsona notices that the door won’t budge because it’s locked. She looks concerned and worried. Line 32) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: We’re locked out?! How are we supposed to leave this place then? Line 33) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Does Casimir have an extra key? Maybe I should’ve woken him up. Sotsona walks back to the elevator and passes a computer lab in the first building floor. Sotsona peers into the computer lab out of curiosity and notices that there’s still one computer turned on compared to the rest of the bunch. Line 34) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: They even forgot to turn off one of the computers. This company is a mess. Sotsona walks further into the computer lab (it doesn’t have a door) and approaches the one computer that is on. Before she turns the computer off, Sotsona glances at it and notices that her name is on it. This catches her attention and she reads what’s on the computer. The computer reads Sotsona’s personal information: Sotsona Begay. 23 years old. Birthday 05/05/00. Highschool: XXXXX Phone number: XXX-XXX-XXXX Address: XXXXX Social security: XXXX Bank account code: XXXX Pin number: XXXX Employee record info: XXXX IP Address: XXXX Passwords:XXXXX Sotsona scrolls through the data pulled up on the computer about her. In disbelief, she continues looking through the computer in shock seeing all the sensitive information recorded about her. Line 35) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: W-What?! Why is this pulled up on a random computer? Sotsona looks scared. Line 36) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I-Is someone after me?! A chill shives down Sotsona’s spine. Line 37) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What an unsettling way to find out. Especially when the building is completely empty and only one computer is on. Sotsona tries to walk out of the computer lab but trips on something behind her. Sotsona looks up and sees that there’s a man standing behind her. From fear, she screams being scared of the unknown person that suddenly appeared behind her. The person turns on their phone flash to reveal who they are to Sotsona. Sotsona recognizes the person and sighs from relief. Sotsona Line 38) Yuvin? You’re still here? Yuvin looks at Sotsona in annoyance. Yuvin Line 39) Jeez. You screamed like you’re in a horror movie. My ears hurt. Sotsona justifies herself in a snappy manner. Sotsona Line 40) You’re the one that scared me. I didn’t even hear you come into this room. Sotsona’s demeanor changes into frightened desperation. Sotsona Line 41) Yuvin. You need to help me. I think there’s someone after me. Sotsona shows Yuvin the computer with her information all over it. Sotsona Line 42) Casimir and I were working for many hours and didn’t leave his office at all throughout the day. Sotsona Line 43) As I left his office after finishing his work, everyone had left, and the lights had been turned off. Sotsona Line 44) I came down here to see if there was anyone left only to spot that the entrance door was locked. Sotsona Line 45) Then, as I make my way back to the elevator, I spot this lonesome computer that’s turned on from the rest of the bunch. Sotsona Line 46) And upon further speculation, all of my personal information is on it. Sotsona Line 47) I think someone must’ve been hacking into it to find out such confidential things about me. Please help me get to the bottom of this! After fearfully explaining everything to Yuvin, Sotsona notices how unfazed he remains. Sotsona Line 48) Did you not hear anything I just said? Yuvin Line 49) You caught me. Sotsona looks at Yuvin in confusion. Yuvin Line 50) Although, I guess it was my fault for leaving trails. I should’ve waited until you and Casimir left. Yuvin Line 51) I just didn’t feel like waiting. I don't want to sacrifice my personal time for extra work. Sotsona stares at Yuvin in disbelief. Sotsona Line 52) What are you talking about? I don’t get- Yuvin Line 53) I’m the one that’s doing the hacking to get your personal information. Yuvin squeezes through Sotsona and sits back down in front of his computer. Sotsona looks at Yuvin in shock from how nonchalant he’s acting. Sotsona Line 54) You?! W-Why? Why are you doing this? Sotsona Line 55) I might not be educated on business, but isn’t this kind of stuff illegal? Yuvin Line 56) That would be correct. But, it doesn’t take an expert to figure that one out. Sotsona tries to justify herself, frightened by Yuvin’s abilities and indifferent demeanor. Sotsona Line 57) Why are you doing this? I’m innocent! I swear! Yuvin Line 58) I know. I can verify that your records are squeaky clean. Sotsona Line 59) So, then why are you looking through my sensitive files? Yuvin Line 60) I assure you that I have a valid reason. Sotsona waits for Yuvin to explain, but he nonchalantly signs out of the computer, disregarding her bewilderment. Yuvin gets up to leave. Yuvin Line 61) My job here is done. I owe you no explanation. Sotsona grabs Yuvin’s arm as he tries to walk away. Sotsona Line 62) Where do you think you're going? You’re not leaving until I get an explanation. Yuvin Line 63) I’m not obligated to give you one. Have a great weekend, Ms. Begay. Yuvin dismissively walks away from Sotsona. Sotsona feels exposed and wants Yuvin to suffer the consequences. Sotsona Line 64) Should I call the cops, then? Yuvin confidently defends himself. Yuvin Line 65) Good luck trying to convince them of this. There are no traces of my actions left on that computer. Sotsona won’t back down. Sotsona Line 66) I’m sure surveillance footage will do the trick. Yuvin continues to defend himself. Yuvin Line 67) The cameras here are blurry. Nobody will believe you. Think of the company's reputation. Sotsona Line 68) Then I’ll tell Casimir. He’ll believe me. Yuvin’s eyes go wide in shock. He stops in his tracks and looks back at Sotsona in a irritated manner. Yuvin Line 69) Are you threatening me? Sotsona Line 70) Did you not feel threatened enough from me wanting to call the cops? Line 71) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: If she tells Casimir, he’ll surely believe her, therefore I’ll be busted. Especially after I promised Zephryn that I would complete this task seamlessly. Yuvin stands in front of Sotsona and sighs in frustration. Sotsona Line 72) Explain yourself then. Yuvin cautiously explains what he was tasked to do to find out more about Sotsona. Sotsona intently listens to his explanation. Sotsona is caught up on why Yuvin did his research but not on the general motive. Sotsona Line 73) So, all of this was to ensure Casimir’s reputation and safety? Yuvin nods his head as a confirmation. Sotsona Line 74) Then why didn’t you guys just ask me for this information? I could’ve easily told you. You didn’t have to go behind my back and do this. Yuvin Line 75) The whole point of us doing this is because we don’t trust you. Whether what you tell us is true or not, we won’t be convinced until we have concrete evidence. Yuvin Line 76) Anything you say could easily be fabricated. That’s why Zephryn asked for me to do this. Yuvin Line 77) I understand that it’s not ethical, nor fair to you or Casimir. Yuvin Line 78) Even though it’s illegal, it had to be done for the sake of protection. Yuvin Line 79) I’m sorry. I promise I didn’t tarnish any of your records, in case you thought I was sabotaging you. I just had to look through your personal information to verify things. Yuvin Line 80) Can you promise me that you’ll forget everything you saw or heard today and move on with your life? Yuvin Line 81) More importantly, don’t tell Zephryn or Casimir about this because I’ll be the one getting reprimanded. Sotsona tries to understand Yuvin's point of view. Sotsona Line 82) Okay. I won’t say anything. Sotsona Line 83) I just didn’t know that’s how things operate here. Yuvin Line 84) I assure you we’re not some shady business. Yuvin Line 85) Something happened a long time ago that caused us to operate things this way… A moment of silence passes between them, and Sotsona looks at Yuvin in confusion. Sotsona Line 86) And that is…? Yuvin sighs and avoids eye contact with Sotsona. Yuvin Line 87) I can’t tell you. Surely Casimir will let you know eventually on his own. Sotsona Line 88) Why can’t you tell me? Yuvin Line 89) It’s… Personal. I can’t betray the person that requests for this information to be private. Sotsona Line 90) Well all my sensitive information was personal too. Just spill the beans while you can. Sotsona Line 91) Or else I’ll tell Casimir about your situation. I’m sure he’ll have you fired in a flash. Yuvin’s eyes widen from Sotsona’s threat, feeling unsettled. Yuvin Line 92) Don’t do this, Sotsona. I really can’t tell you. Sotsona Line 93) Say goodbye to your job then. Yuvin responds in a frustrated manner. Yuvin Line 94) Fine! I’ll give you a hint since you're being so persistent. Yuvin Line 95) It has something to do with Casimir’s dad. That’s all I can tell you. Sotsona looks curious. Yuvin Line 96) You’ll be the one marrying him eventually. You don’t want to know about something like this behind Casimir’s back. Yuvin Line 97) Just imagine how betrayed he’d feel knowing you’re informed about this. Line 98) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If it’s something that serious and detrimental to my relationship with Casimir, then I won’t pry. It seems like a sensitive topic on Casimir’s part as well. Sotsona looks annoyed. Line 99) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But jeez! Why am I the only one that’s being so lenient with the way people are operating things? Sotsona Line 100) Fine. I won’t delve into this any further. Sotsona Line 101) But don’t try to pull something like this ever again even if it’s behind my back, or I won’t hesitate in telling Casimir. Sotsona Line 102) If you ever have to do something like this, just come to me head on. Yuvin nods his head in understandment. Yuvin Line 103) Thank you for understanding. I’ll make sure come to you when I have to deal with something like this again. Yuvin Line 104) I sincerely apologize. Have a good weekend. Sotsona nods her head and Yuvin leaves. Sotsona makes her way to the elevator and makes it back to Casimir’s office. She enters his office and notices that Casimir’s awake, organizing documents before they leave work for the day. Sotsona Line 105) You’re finally awake. Casimir Line 106) Hey there. Where did you go? End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 5, 2024 Last Updated on July 5, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author