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In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 50

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 50

A Chapter by Yosh

Marvin, Calista, and Talulla are getting ready for the holidays together. Marvin finds nothing much in their fridge to cook and goes to Calista's room where he finds her doing something unexpected.

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 50:

December 23 2023. The day is Saturday.

The trio is getting ready for the holidays. Calista brings up the fact that she’ll be out for the holidays because of a business trip. We also get a recap from Marvin about how his life is like these past 8 months living in 2023.

Marvins narration:

Line 1) I’ve been in 2023 for 8 months.

Line 2) Ever since then, I’ve been hanging out with my very good friends.

Line 3) Who have welcomed me into their home.

Line 4) And provided me with non-stop support.

Line 5) Throughout this time, we’ve been hanging out with each other.

Line 6) Getting to know each other.

Line 7) And building great bonds together.

Line 8) Throughout our friendships.

Line 9) There’s something blossoming between me and someone very special.

Line 10) I’ve liked Calista for many months now.

Line 11) For some time, she was a bit closed off and I wasn't sure if she liked me back.

Line 12) However, ever since she’s opened up to me back then.

When Calista opened up to Marvin about how she wants to hang out with him because she’ll miss him when he’s gone.

Line 13) Something huge has been ignited, between us.

Line 14) We’re great friends. However, there is an unspoken word between us that has the possibility to change everything.

Line 15) It’s love. However, I’ve been denying it all this time…

Line 16) Because I know the moment I come to my senses. 

Line 17) I will have to leave the people who have been so welcoming to me all this time.

Line 18) However, I've given it some serious thought.

Line 19) Should we really take the psychic’s word?

Line 20) Can they be trusted?

Line 21) When she told us all the rules, she seemed so unsure.

Line 22) A part of me wants what she said to us to be false.

Line 23) But on the other hand. If it is false.

Line 24) I’ll be stuck here forever.

Line 25) I’ll never be able to get back to the time in which I belong.

Line 26) When I first landed in 2023.

Line 27) I was tense because all I wanted to do was go back home.

Line 28) At the time, I thought the worst thing to ever occur would be me being trapped in this timeline.

Line 29) But, as time has progressed, I've let loose.

Line 30) Being stuck in this time, wouldn’t be the worst thing to ever occur.

Line 31) Afterall, I’ll be with people I’ve grown fond of.

Calista is in her room packing for a business trip.

Marvin opens their fridge to see nothing much in stock.

He then walks to Calista’s room and knocks to ask her what to make for dinner.


Line 32) Hey, Calista. May I come in?


Line 33) Yes, of course, Marvin. Come on in.


Line 34) It’ll be quick. I just want to ask what you’re thinking for dinner-

He opens the door and spots Calista rolling her clothes and placing them in her luggage.


Line 35) I’m not sure. Is there not much in the fridge?


Line 36) Um. Yeah. We could use some ingredients.


Line 37) I’ll head to the grocery store once I’m finished packing.


Line 38) May I ask what you’re packing for?


Line 39) Oh! My boss is quite notorious for letting me know things super last minute.


Line 40) Around an hour ago he called me saying I need to go on a business trip by next week.

Marvin is shocked.


Line 41) What?! Why couldn’t he give you a heads up? The holidays are coming up for crying out loud!


Line 42) I know right. But, it’s not so bad. I’ll be back before you know it.


Line 43) What days will you be going?


Line 44) I fly out Tuesday evening and will be back Sunday afternoon.


Line 45) So, I’ll be gone for almost a full week.


Line 46) Where are you flying to?


Line 47) Seattle, Washington. Meetings are held with all the corporations throughout the country to discuss how the business is doing and how to improve it. 


Line 48) I’ve never attended up until last year when I had to fill in for a person.


Line 49) Let me just say. It was the most boring week of my life.


Line 50) I hate going to my job on a daily basis. But, going for a week 24 hours straight, Is really pushing it for me.


Line 51) But, if I decline. I miss out on good pay. And that would be a waste.


Line 52) This may be a dumb question, but if you hate your job so much, why not just quit? I know that’s easier said than done. But, is putting yourself through this, all that worth it?


Line 53) I’ve contemplated quitting various times. But, I just wouldn’t know what to do with my life.


Line 54) If the time comes that a better opportunity arises. I’ll go for it. But, at the moment, I’ll stick to this. Even if I dread going everyday.


Line 55) I hope that opportunity comes along soon, so you don’t have to torment yourself any longer.

Calista smiles.


Line 56) By the way, is everything paid for? Like hotel, plane tickets, food, etc.


Line 57) Yes, of course. I would never agree on going if those things weren’t paid for.


Line 58) It’s just going to be SO boring without you and Talulla.


Line 59) Don’t you have any work friends?


Line 60) Pft! No. I’ve tried to put myself out there. But, I simply don’t fit in. So, I’ve given up all hope.


Line 61) Before you came along. Talulla was really the only best friend that I had.


Line 62) It’s hard making friends as an adult. Especially how things are nowadays.


Line 63) But, I’m much more content with only having a few people I’m close with.


Line 64) I just wish my job wouldn’t drag me by a leash, so that I could just hang out with you guys some more.


Line 65) But, many people have already declined to go on this trip because of the holidays, so it’s mandatory I come.

Calista rolls her eyes.


Line 66) Don’t go. Stay here with us and we’ll celebrate the holidays.


Line 67) I wish I could stay. But, like I said, this trip is mandatory for me. 


Line 68) If I don’t come. I’m sure my boss will fire me just like that.

Calista snaps her fingers.


Line 69) I’m really sorry. Were you looking forward to spending time with all of us for the holidays?


Line 70) Well yeah. But, I was especially looking forward to hanging out with you.

Calista blushes.


Line 71) I’ll make you a deal.


Line 72) When I get back from my trip. All of us can have a rebound holiday trip. We can go out of town somewhere for longer than just a weekend.


Line 73) We could celebrate the New Year’s, even if it’s over.


Line 74) How does that sound to you?

Marvin smiles.


Line 75) That sounds amazing.


Line 76) We deserve to go on vacation.

Calista smiles.


Line 77) Like all deals. You have to shake on it.

Marvin leads out his hand.


Line 78) Whatever you say.

She leads out her hand and they shake on it.

Their hands are still touching.

Marvin unwinds and brings his hand face up.


Line 79) Place your hand on mine.

Calista does just that.


Line 80) What are you trying to figure out?


Line 81) I just want to compare our sizes. Your fingers are so lengthy and slender. 


Line 82) Yours are kind of stubby.

Marvin looks at Calista a bit offended.


Line 83) I meant that as a complement.


Line 84) Wispy hands are so fragile.


Line 85) What do you mean? They’re perfectly fine.

Calista smirks and blushes.


Line 86) What’s your ring size?


Line 87) Why are you asking?


Line 88) I’m just curious.


Line 89) I’m a size seven. What about you?

Marvin’s jaw is wide open.


Line 90) What? What size are you?


Line 91) Fourteen.

Calista laughs.

Marvin hands his ring to Calista and she puts it on her finger.


Line 92) That’s double my size.

They smile at each other.


Line 93) But don’t fret about it. I’m pretty sure that size is normal.

She hands back his rings and their hands collide a bit more.

Talulla walks into Calista’s room.


Line 94) Hey Calista, what are we eating for dinner-

They quickly take their hands off each other and try to act casual.


Line 95) What did I walk into?

Calista and Marvin

Line 96) Nothing!

Talulla spots the luggage and gasps.


Line 97) Are you two planning on running away together?!

Calista and Marvin

Line 98) No!


Line 99) Don’t deny it. I literally see the luggage.


Line 100) I got a last minute call to attend a business trip next week.


Line 101) Around the holidays?! Is your boss the devil?!

Calista shrugs.


Line 102) So, you’re going?


Line 103) I have to go. It’s not optional.


Line 104) Just when we were about to have the thr33 musk3t33rs holiday extravaganza?


Line 105) Are we the thr33 musk3t33rs?


Line 106) Yeah. They’re like an iconic trio. Just like us.


Line 107) When did we agree to this?


Line 108) Wasn’t there actually four musk3t33rs?


Line 109) Fine, then what do you guys think we should be called?


Line 110) We have to think of something from Marvin’s time so that he understands.


Line 111) The B33s G33s?


Line 112) Is that what you guys think of, when you think of my time?


Line 113) I mean we can’t be anything else, because you wouldn’t know what we’re talking about.


Line 114) The Supr3m3s?


Line 115) You know what. I’m b@tm@n.

Marvin nudges Calista.


Line 116) You’re R0bin.

Marvin points to Talulla.


Line 117) And you’re the j0k3r.

Talulla is shocked.

She tackles all of them in revenge and they happily hang out.

Christmas comes around and they hang out then and exchange presents.

It’s now time for Calista to leave for her trip.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 50 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
