![]() Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 30A Chapter by Yosh![]() Sotsona tries to process Casimir having a sister since he never mentioned her. After the orientation, thinking about the promise she made him, Sotsona helps Casimir with his papers.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 30: February 23rd 2024. The day is Friday. Sotsona gets introduced to the team of employees she’ll be working with. Celestyn Adair (Casimir’s sister, and Zephryn’s oldest daughter) just introduced herself as the COO of Adair to Sotsona. Sotsona is still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Casimir has a sister. Line 1) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t believe Casimir has a sister. Line 2) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Not only that, but she’s also the COO of Adair. Line 3) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why did he never tell me any of this? Celestyn warms up to Sotsona in a skeptical way. Line 4) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: So this is the infamous Sotsona that mom mentioned is marrying Casimir. Line 5) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: Mom even told me that Casimir wants to keep this relationship a secret from everyone at the company, so I guess I should play along. Line 6) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: I wouldn’t want the other employees to suspect anything going on between them. Celestyn Line 7) So, Sotsona. When will you start working with us? Sotsona Line 8) Um. I should be able to start by next week. However, I still have to take some drug tests, and then get my background check confirmed. Sotsona talks with the other employees as Celestyn speculates her some more. Line 9) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: Background check, huh? That’s just a cover for mom to investigate Sotsona further. Line 10) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: I mean I completely understand, but why do we have to do this with everyone new? Line 11) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: I guess she’ll forever be paranoid about something going wrong with our family or the company. Line 12) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: She’ll always be on edge after what happened with dad. I can’t blame her for that. Line 13) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: She mentioned Casimir and Sotsona have been seeing each other for 3 years, and yet, none of us knew about it. Line 14) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: Now, even I’m suspicious. How did he land on someone like her? Line 15) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: Someone as pretty as her. To be honest, I’m kind of jealous. Yuvin checks his watch and realizes he needs to get some of his own work done. Line 16) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Alright, everything I needed to get done with Sotsona is complete. Line 17) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Except the personal research. But I’ll do that during my spare time. Yuvin Line 18) Sotsona, let’s get going. Sotsona nods her head in understandment and heads out, to exit with Yuvin. Sotsona Line 19) It was nice meeting all of you. I’ll see you guys soon. Have a great weekend! The other employees all bid Sotsona goodbye, and she leaves. Celestyn trails Sotsona with her eyes as she walks out. Nakari sneaks up behind Celestyn as she thwacks a pile of papers on her desk. Nakari notices how entranced Celestyn looks by Sotsona. Nakari Line 20) Don’t even think about it. Celestyn flinches from being caught off-guard. Celestyn replies in a blunt way back to Nakari. Celestyn Line 21) Mind your own business, Nakari. Nakari stands in front of Celestyn and crosses her arms, giving her a dull look. Nakari Line 22) Look, I know that you just ended things on bad terms with your previous girlfriend… Nakari Line 23) But, you certainly can’t date an employee. That’s out of bounds. Celestyn rolls her eyes at Nakari in frustration. Celestyn Line 24) It’s not what you think. Quit making assumptions. Nakari leans her head to the side and gives Celestyn a smug look, seeing right through her antics. Zeren walks over to them and places more documents on Celestyn’s desk. He notices the weird vibes going on between Nakari and Celestyn. Zeren Line 25) … Is everything okay? Celestyn Line 26) Everything is fine, just walk away- Nakari intervenes. Nakari Line 27) No! Everything's not fine. Celestyn has her eyes set on Sotsona. Celestyn gets offended by Nakari’s comment. Celestyn Line 28) That is not true! Zeren lets out a laugh. Celestyn looks at Zeren with bulging eyes. Celestyn Line 29) What the hell are you laughing about? Zeren Line 30) You’re just so relatable, Celestyn. That’s all. Nakari looks shocked and disappointed at Zeren. Nakari Line 31) Not you too! Zeren passionately defends herself. Zeren Line 32) What? She’s tall, dark, and mysterious. What’s there not to like about Sotsona?! Celestyn thinks out loud. Celestyn Line 33) She’s way too tall for him. Hridyanshu walks over and places more documents on Celestyn's desk. Hridyanshu Line 34) Who’s too tall for who? Nakari is confused by Celestyn’s statement. Nakari Line 35) Yeah. Who are you talking about? Zeren Line 36) Don’t tell me she has a boyfriend? Indazita walks over to the whole group and places even more documents on Celestyn’s desk, finalizing the huge pile already accumulated. Indazita Line 37) Who has a boyfriend? Celestyn looks around and notices that all of the employees approached her. Celestyn gets irritated from all of them surrounding her. Celestyn Line 38) What? Is this gossip hour? Everyone get back to work! Zeren Line 39) Tell us who her boyfriend is! Hridyanshu Line 40) Wait! But who are we talking about? Indazita Line 41) Yeah, who’s who? Nakari Line 42) Is she dating someone? Celestyn lashes out at all of her employees for asking too many questions and accidentally blurts out her thoughts. Celestyn Line 43) Sotsona is getting married! All the employees look at Celestyn in confusion. Zeren looks defeated. Zeren Line 44) D****t! I should’ve known someone like her was already taken! Nakari Line 45) Like you’d stand a chance. Hridyanshu looks at everyone in confusion. Hridyanshu Line 46) How did this topic even come up as a conversation? Indazita Line 47) How do you know that Sotsona is getting married, boss? Celestyn rubs her head in distress. Celestyn Line 48) It truly concerns none of you guys! Celestyn Line 49) Plus, we shouldn’t be talking about someone's personal life behind their backs like this. Nakari Line 50) Thank goodness she’s off limits. Both you and Zeren would've pounced on her like a group of hyenas finding a dead carcass. Celestyn puts everyone in their places. Celestyn Line 51) Shut your mouths and get back to work! All of them return to their seats sensing Celestyn’s serious tone. Celestyn Line 52) You guys are the head staff and supervisors of Adair hair products, act like it! Celestyn Line 53) Remember that all of you are replaceable. Do any of you guys want to get fired?! All of the employees stay quiet. Zeren and Indazita whisper to each other. Zeren Line 54) Yeesh. Someone’s grouchy today. Indazita Line 55) It’s that temper of hers. Celestyn catches them talking to each other and gives them the stank eye. The both of them straighten up and get back to work. Celestyn stares at the pile of papers on her desk and sighs before looking through them. She rubs her head in distress and accepts fate. *Shot cuts back to Yuvin and Sotsona. Yuvin Line 56) Well, we’re officially finished with everything you needed to get done with today. Yuvin Line 57) Just make sure to take the drug tests as soon as possible. The earlier you get that out of the way, the faster we can get you started working here. Yuvin Line 58) Other than that, we’ll have to wait until we get your background check confirmed. Yuvin Line 59) Once all that’s done, I can start training you for your position. Sotsona assures Yuvin. Sotsona Line 60) That sounds good. I appreciate your time and efforts. Yuvin Line 61) Would you like me to call you a cab? I think Casimir will be working late today. Sotsona Line 62) That’s alright, I have nothing else to do after this. And I promised to help Casimir with his papers. Yuvin gets reminded about how he intervened on Sotsona and Casimir earlier and found them flustered. He sighs and lowers his voice before speaking with Sotsona. Yuvin Line 63) Listen, I know you guys are “dating”, but have some dignity while you’re at work. Yuvin Line 64) I don’t know what I intervened on between you guys earlier. But save those things for when you get home. Yuvin Line 65) Especially since you guys want to keep this relationship under wraps from everyone else. Sotsona gets flustered and awkward around Yuvin from pointing out what happened earlier between her and Casimir. Yuvin Line 66) Anyways, I have work to tend to. See you around. Have a good weekend. Yuvin walks off and Sotsona awkwardly responds. Sotsona Line 67) Have… A good weekend too… Line 68) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why did he have to remind me of that? Line 69) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I don’t know why I pulled Casimir in like that earlier. Line 70) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It just felt like he switched the subject onto me and my "impatience" when I brought the topic up of Casimir unintentionally using his wealth against me again. Line 71) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, since those weren’t his intentions because it seemed accidental from his perspective, I should’ve just dropped it. Line 72) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I guess I just gave into my impulses. Sotsona smacks her head in frustration. Line 73) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: There’s no point in contemplating seeing him any further. I made a promise, so I should keep my word. Sotsona heads to Casimir’s office and knocks on his door. Casimir talks loud enough for Sotsona to hear and quickly puts his phone away, pretending to go back to work again. Casimir Line 74) C-Come in! Sotsona hears Casimir’s approval and enters his office. Casimir Line 75) Oh, Sotsona. Did you finish everything you needed to do? Sotsona Line 76) Yeah. Yuvin said I was done for the day, and then I remembered that I promised to help you with your papers. Casimir beams in relief from Sotsona remembering her promise. Casimir Line 77) Oh, right. Please! Come help! Sotsona walks over and Casimir moves a chair for Sotsona to sit on his desk beside him. Sotsona sits and looks shocked seeing the amount of documents on Casimir’s desk. Sotsona Line 78) Oh jeez. Why are there so many papers?! Casimir Line 79) I know, right? It’s practically a week's load of documents that I need to review. Sotsona Line 80) It seems untouched. Did you even get started? Or were you watching your drama? Casimir flinches from being caught again by Sotsona. Sotsona leans her head to the side and gives Casimir a playfully disappointed look. Sotsona Line 81) Come on. We have to lock in. Tell me what we need to do. Casimir nods his head and picks a paper to demonstrate to Sotsona what to do. Casimir Line 82) Alright. So, it’s quite simple, just really tedious. Casimir opens the document to a certain page and points to the date. Casimir Line 83) So, you see how this page is dated as 12/09/23? Sotsona nods her head in understandment. Casimir Line 84) All you have to do is cross it off and date the paper as 1/25/24. Casimir Line 85) Then on the other pages highlight the dates that aren’t marked as 12/09/23. Casimir Line 86) So to summarize, if anything is marked for 12/09/23 cross it off and replace it as 1/25/24. Sotsona is shocked from how easy the task is. Sotsona Line 87) That’s it? But, that’s so easy. Casimir Line 88) This is just revising the dates on a report for an acquisition. I have to make sure they are verified for proof. Sotsona looks at Casimir in confusion. Sotsona Line 89) What does that have to do with running a hair care brand? Casimir laughs from Sotsona’s ignorance. Casimir Line 90) Believe it or not, but there’s more to a hair care line than just its products. Sotsona Line 91) I honestly had no clue. This work truly seems like overkill for such a simple business. Casimir smiles, finding Sotsona’s curiosity amusing. Sotsona Line 92) Off topic, but, why didn’t you tell me you have a sister? Casimir Line 93) Right. Celestyn. She’s the COO of Adair. My older sister. Sotsona Line 94) Wow. I didn’t take you as being the younger sibling. Sotsona Line 95) Don’t take this the wrong way but she seemed kind of cold when I met her, but I guess we just need to warm up to each other. Casimir Line 96) Yeah, we’re not that close to each other. Sotsona feels bad for Casimir. Sotsona Line 97) That’s a shame. I’m sorry to hear that. Sotsona Line 98) But you still should’ve mentioned her to me. After all, she’s a member of your family. Sotsona looks curious. Sotsona Line 99) I wonder… Is there anything else I don’t know about you? Casimir Line 100) I thought our contract said we would lay off of each other's personal lives. Sotsona Line 101) Well, yes. But these kinds of things are integral for me to know. Sotsona Line 102) So, do you have any other siblings? Casimir Line 103) Nope. It’s just me and my sister. Sotsona Line 104) So, if it’s just you and your sister, and then your mom… What about your dad? Casimir changes the subject. Casimir Line 105) Why are you bubbling with so many questions? Sotsona Line 106) It’s because you left out such an important detail in not mentioning that you have a sister. Casimir Line 107) Well then it’s my turn to ask questions. Why did you pull me in earlier today? Sotsona gets caught off-guard with Casimir’s question and blushes immensely. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 4, 2024 Last Updated on July 4, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author