Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 29

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 29

A Chapter by Yosh

Yuvin (Casimir's assistant) gets started on the orienatation with Sotsona. Things get a bit hectic and nerve wracking for Sotsona throughout her first day of work.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 29: 

February 23rd 2024. The day is Friday.

Yuvin leads Sotsona outside of Casimr’s office to get her started on the orientation.

Yuvin leads Sotsona to the main floor, and shows her around the different rooms.

After going through almost each and every floor/room necessary for the tour, Yuvin leads Sotsona to the office division she’ll be working in.

They head into the elevator and Yuvin presses the floor button to where her office is located.

Line 1) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: So far she’s been quite competent with the orientation.

Yuvin rubs his head in distress.

Line 2) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Even I’m exhausted from wandering around so much. I forgot how big this building is.

Casimir looks over at Sotsona and notices how upbeat she looks.

Line 3) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Is she putting up this front to make a good impression?

Line 4) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Does she even know what kind of work is in store for her in the future?

Line 5) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Can a waitress really handle working here?

Yuvin feels bad for thinking that way about Sotsona.

Line 6) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: I shouldn’t be so harsh on her.

Line 7) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: I have no right to judge. I was just like her many years ago.

Line 8) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Who knows, maybe she’ll work her way up just like me.

Line 9) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: But would I necessarily say that I’ve worked myself up?

Line 10) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Being Casimir’s assistant is more of a downgrade if I’m being honest.

Yuvin clears his throat to start a conversation with Sotsona.


Line 11) The division you’ll be working at is on the same floor as Casimir’s office. So, I’m assuming you’ll be rubbing shoulders with him every now and then.

Sotsona’s eyebrows raise in shock.


Line 12) You’re really offering a rookie like me a chance to work alongside him?


Line 13) Casimir is the one that specifically requested that. Not me.


Line 14) … Oh. I see. So, does that mean I’ll be working with prestigious employees of the company?

Yuvin nods her head.

Sotsona looks frightened.


Line 15) Isn’t that a bit much? Shouldn’t I be offered something a bit more entry leveled?

Yuvin sighs and repeats his comment more passively aggressive than before.


Line 16) Like I said. Casimir requested this, not me.

Line 17) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: There goes my speculation that Casimir was finally starting to show me his true colors.

Line 18) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I specifically told him to not give me any sort of benefits just because I’m his fiance.

Line 19) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: The other employees will notice that I’m not on the same level as them when it comes to working. 

Sotsona is frustrated at Casimir and her emotions are apparent through her demeanor.

Line 20) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Dang, Casimir! Why do you always have to ruin things when I think I’m having a moment with you?

Line 21) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What happens when I don’t comprehend the work and slow everyone down?

Line 22) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wouldn’t that be bad for the business?

Line 23) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: There’s no way his mother would let something like this slide.

Line 24) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Dang, the pressure is on.

Yuvin notices a change in Sotsona’s behavior, and is slightly satisfied that she’s starting to crack under pressure.

Line 25) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Now she’s finally showing some realistic emotions.

Line 26) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: I knew someone like her wouldn’t be so smiley knowing what she’ll be getting into.

Yuvin and Sotsona arrive on the highest floor of the building where Casimir’s office is at.

Line 27) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I need to talk with Casimir to change this. I don’t feel confident enough going through with this plan.


Line 28) Would you please excuse me for a second?

Yuvin nods his head, and Sotsona walks over to Casimir’s office and barges in without knocking.

Line 29) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Only someone like her would get away with not knocking before storming into Casimir’s office.

Sotsona barges into Casimir’s office to see him giggling while watching something on his phone.

In panic, Casimir turns his phone off and pretends to get back to work.

Sotsona calls Casimir out.


Line 30) I saw that. Why are you pretending to do your work?

Casimir tries to act oblivious to Sotsona’s speculation and pretends to write something, looking hard at work.

Casimir tries to offer a viable explanation for what Sotsona just witnessed.


Line 31) Um. You know. As you can see…

Casimir quits the act knowing Sotsona sees right through him.


Line 32) So I started a new drama. Big deal.


Line 33) I’m still going to get this work done one way or another.

Casimir switches the topic, questioning Sotsona in a demanding manner.


Line 34) Why did you barge in here? I’m your boss, treat me with some respect.

Sotsona is unfazed by Casimir trying to scold her.


Line 35) Was that supposed to scare me?

Casimir understands he can’t break through Sotsona.

He clears his throat and avoids her eyes.


Line 36) Shouldn’t you be having an orientation?


Line 37) It’s practically done.


Line 38) Then what are you doing here? Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet?


Line 39) … Well, maybe just a bit.


Line 40) Why in the world did you offer for someone like me to work alongside you?

Casimir looks confused.


Line 41) So that I can keep a better eye on you. Why else?


Line 42) Do you realize what exactly that means?

Casimir shrugs his shoulders in confusion.


Line 43) Not only will I be working alongside you, but I’ll be working alongside your most elite employees!

Casimir nods his head in understandment.


Line 44) That’s the whole point.

Sotsona tries to gather her wits in frustration to Casimir’s confusion.


Line 45) Casimir, try to put yourself in my shoes.


Line 46) I’m a complete rookie, how am I supposed to work beside those kinds of people?


Line 47) I don’t know a single thing about operating a business!


Line 48) This is a recipe for disaster.


Line 49) If I cause this company to become bankrupt, you have only yourself to blame.

Casimir laughs.


Line 50) At least you know what being bankrupt means.

Casimir stands up and walks over to Sotsona.

He gets close to Sotsona and she’s confused as to why Casimir is approaching her like this.

Casimir places his hands on Sotsona’s shoulders and looks her deeply in the eyes.

Sotsona’s eyebrows furrow in confusion.


Line 51) Sotsona. I thought you said you trust me.


Line 52) I do but-


Line 53) If you trust me, then what are you so worried about?


Line 54) I have my fair share of business experience. So, I know exactly what you’ll be getting into.


Line 55) All I’m trying to say is that if I’m able to handle it, I’m sure you can too.


Line 56) I already told you. You’re a passionate fiery person that’s dedicated to do anything.


Line 57) But, you’re being impatient again.


Line 58) You don’t even know what you’re getting yourself into, and yet you’re already underestimating your potential.


Line 59) I told you that you should challenge yourself to try harder.


Line 60) Nothing has even happened yet, and you’ve already given up.


Line 61) I wouldn’t have put you in this position if I didn’t think you’d be able to handle it.


Line 62) Get back out there and meet the other employees.


Line 63) Believe that you are enough.


Line 64) You’re capable in doing this.


Line 65) Release you doubts.


Line 66) And bring more confidence.

Casimir rubs her shoulders, and Sotsona’s eyebrows loosen up in relief to Casimir’s pep-talk.

She rolls her eyes, giving into Casimir’s assurance.

Line 67) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I suppose he’s right.

Line 68) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I guess I was overreacting.

Line 69) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir isn’t just an ordinary businessman.

Line 70) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s the successor of Adair hair products.

Line 71) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I should trust that he has enough expertise to make a decision like this.


Line 72) If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask.


Line 73) But also don’t try to be a “know-it-all” because my reputation is on the line, so try your best.

Sotsona’s ray of hope dissipates.


Line 74) Was saying that supposed to be encouraging?


Line 75) I’m just trying to be realistic, but like I said, holler if you need help.


Line 76) Anyways, finish up with your orientation.

Casimir pats Sotsona’s back and tries to walk away but, Sotsona pulls on his sleeve.

Casimir stops and turns back to Sotsona in confusion.

Sotsona and Casimir are closer to each other than before.


Line 77) You can’t have the last word and walk away like that.

Sotsona stares at Casimir intently.

Casimir’s eyes spark with affection.

Yuvin barges in on them through Casimir’s office door.

Yuvin notices that he intervened on Casimir and Sotsona having a moment.

Casimir and Sotsona blush immensely.

They turn away from each other in embarrassment.

Casimir nervously tries to justify himself to Yuvin.


Line 78) It’s not what you think.

Casimir pushes Sotsona to his door for her to exit with Yuvin.


Line 79) Take her away and finish up the orientation.

Casimir shuts the door, and Sotsona covers her face in embarrassment.

Yuvin looks at Sotsona, feeling immensely disturbed.

Line 80) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: What the hell did I just interrupt?

Line 81) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: She’s obviously way too flustered to meet anybody right now.

Yuvin realizes the perfect timing.

Line 82) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Wait… This is the perfect timing to do the background check on her.


Line 83) Before we meet the other employees, why don’t we do a background check on you first?

Sotsona looks up at Yuvin in relief.


Line 84) Please. Anything other than meeting the employees at this given moment.

Yuvin leads Sotsona to another room on the same floor to do her background check.


Line 85) Scan your fingerprint on this pad.

Sotsona goes up to the contraption and it scans her fingerprint.

Yuvin hands Sotsona some papers to fill out that are necessary for the job.

Sotsona stumbles into the section that needs her bank account information.

Line 86) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: For now I’ll put down anything that necessary, but when will we figure out if my bank account is not longer in my parents’ control?

Line 87) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: It’s too late now. After the finger print scan, she’ll be investigated ASAP.

Line 88) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: Other than that, I’ll do my own research on her when I get my hands on her social security number.

Yuvin sighs in distress.

Line 89) Yuvin’s inner thoughts: This isn’t the most ethical thing to do, but it’s necessary for the business. After all, I made a promise to Zephryn.


Line 90) By the way, I’m not sure if you know, but you won’t be starting to work today.

Sotsona nods her head in understandment.


Line 91) You still have to do drug tests and get a physical exam consultation.


Line 92) I understand. Do what you need to do.

Yuvin flinches thinking Sotsona is onto him.

Sotsona finishes the papers and hands them to Yuvin.

Yuvin responds frantically.


Line 93) A-Are you ready to meet the other employees?


Line 94) Yeah, I’m sorry about earlier.

Yuvin leads Sotsona back into the main office, and the other employees divert their attention onto her as she walks in.


Line 95) Division 1, please welcome your new co-worker, Sotsona Begay.

Sotsona awkwardly introduces herself to all of them.


Line 96) Hello, everyone. I’m Sotsona, and I look forward to working with all of you.


Line 97) Please give her a warm welcome everyone.

Hridyanshu Roy:

  • Age 25

  • Has been working for the company for 3 years.


Line 98) Nice to meet you Sotsona, I’m Hridyanshu.

Indazita Thet

  • Age 29

  • Has been working for the company for 5 years.


Line 99) The name’s Indazita. Nice to meet you.

Nakari Troche

  • Age 27

  • Has been working for the company for 4 years.


Line 100) I’m Nakari. It’s my pleasure to meet you.

Zeren Cavus

  • Age 26

  • Has been working for the company for 4 years too.


Line 101) I’m Zeren. I look forward to working with you.

Celestyn Adair

  • Age 28

  • Is Casimir’s sister, 2nd successor of Adair hair products.


Line 102) I’m Celestyn Adair. The COO of Adair hair products. Welcome to our team.

Sotsona looks at Celestyn in confusion.

Line 103) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Hold on. Adair? 

Sotsona connects the dots as to who Celestyn might be.

Line 104) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir never mentioned he has a sister!

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 3, 2024
Last Updated on August 28, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
