In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 48

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 48

A Chapter by Yosh

Calista continues to contemplate her feelings for Marvin. Talulla tries to assure and comfort her in any way possible. Marvin makes his way to the girls' place and is surprised that Talulla is back.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 48:

August 27 2023. The day is Sunday.

Calista is pacing around in her room.


Line 1) This isn’t right.


Line 2) Marvin has to be with someone else.


Line 3) Someone he can love just for a while and end things easily with.


Line 4) If we fall for each other.


Line 5) I don’t think I’ll be able to let him go.


Line 6) I mean just look at the way things ended up with Raymond.


Line 7) I haven’t seen my brother in 5 years and I still think about him everyday.


Line 8) Because I love and care about him.


Line 9) No matter how this turns out, it's already going to be so hard because Marvin and I have become such good friends.


Line 10) We just can’t be more than that.


Line 11) Tedious thing is… There’s nothing I can do about it.


Line 12) I can’t just tell myself not to feel the way I do.


Line 13) I wish I didn’t get attached to people so easily.

Talulla laughs and sighs.


Line 14) Stop pacing around. You’re making me nervous.

Calista sits in an uncomfortable stance.

Talulla’s narration:

Line 15) This is the only downside of this plan.

Line 16) Having both of my friends get together is an amazing thing.

Line 17) But, what’s not so amazing is what's at stake.

Line 18) I know for sure that Marvin will be extremely devoted to Calista once they find out how the both of them feel. And that will only make it harder for him to let her go.

Line 19) However, he’s not the only one who feels that way.

Line 20) Calista’s on the same boat.

Line 21) Unlike Marvin, who had a busted love life in his previous one.

Line 22) Calista was abandoned by a loved one.

Line 23) And now, she’s skeptical upon letting people into her life so easily.

Line 24) As fast as they come in. They can leave just as quickly.

Line 25) When it comes to friends, she doesn’t have to worry, because she has me.

Line 26) And I won’t be leaving her anytime soon.

Line 27) But, loving someone romantically is completely different.

Line 28) The intimacy, passion, and dedication cannot be compared.

Line 29) But, Marvin’s not here to stay.

Line 30) The second Marvin falls for Calista.

Line 31) No matter what, he'll have to go back.

Line 32) It’s extremely unfair!

Line 33) There just has to be a loophole! But, there isn’t. The whole world as we know it is at stake.

A thought comes to Talulla as she daunts on it.


Line 34) Listen, Calista. There is no doubt that this will be an extremely tough experience for you.


Line 35) You couldn't help liking Marvin. And that’s fine.  So, don’t blame yourself.


Line 36) But, either way Marvin would have to fall in love with someone.


Line 37) He would have to experience this with someone else.


Line 38) Things didn’t necessarily go our way and you ended up being that person.


Line 39) Regardless, if that person wasn’t you. They would’ve had to like Marvin, fall in love with him, and then eventually leave him, just like that.


Line 40) This situation was bound to happen no matter if that person is you or somebody else.


Line 41) All in all. What I’m trying to say is that this is an obstacle you’re going to have to overcome.


Line 42) It sucks. But it is what it is, since you play an integral role in Marvin’s situation.


Line 43) This situation was doomed from the start.


Line 44) I’m sure saying “get it over with” and “it won’t matter in the end because you’ll forget”, is something you most definitely don’t want to hear.


Line 45) Even if you do forget. This is something you feel right now.


Line 46) And you’re going to feel every emotion as we overcome this obstacle.


Line 47) Instead of dwelling on it. Just go with the flow.


Line 48) You can’t control the outcome. But, you can control how you embrace it.


Line 49) You should feel your way through things rather than ignore them and regret it when Marvin leaves.

Calista is attentively listening to Talulla.

Talulla places her hand on Calista’s shoulder.


Line 50) You’re not a robot, Calista.


Line 51) You’re a human. And humans are allowed to be sentimental.


Line 52) Let’s just look on the bright side of things. Okay?

Calista nods her head.

Talulla gives her a big hug.

The doorbell rings.


Line 53) That must be Marvin.

They all walk over to open the door.

Talulla opens the door to Marvin.


Line 54) Did you miss me?


Line 55) What’d you mean? Of course I did.

They both lean in for a hug and embrace their homecoming.

Marvin hugs Talulla tightly.

Calista looks at them sentimentally.

Calista’s narration:

Line 56) Talulla has good judgment about these things, so I trust what she’s telling me.

Line 57) Life’s a rocky road.

Line 58) Unfortunately, it’s not like the ice cream. It's ACTUALLY a rocky road.

Line 59) But, that’s the whole point.

Line 60) Life is to experience ALL of it.

Line 61) Instead of shutting my emotions away.

Line 62) I should let myself feel.

Line 63) Even if it’s painful at times.

Line 64) It’ll be more painful to look back and see that I didn’t do anything about it.

Talulla and Marvin finish hugging and Marvin stares at Calista.


Line 65) Welcome back.

Marvin smiles.


Line 66) Should I prepare something for us to eat?

Talulla is shocked.


Line 67) You cook now?

Calista nods her head and gives jazz hands.


Line 68) All the credit goes to Marvin though. He’s a real one for putting up with me.


Line 69) Look at you two working as a team.


Line 70) Surprise us, Chef!

Calista places a metal pan in the middle of the dinner.


Line 71) Everyone, gather around.

Calista lifts up the tin and shows them the food.


Line 72) Voilà! Bon appétit.

They beam on how good the food looks.

They dig in and finish.


Line 73) Wow, chef. You really did a number on us with that.


Line 74) You should be proud of yourself, Calista.


Line 75) Ugh! I hate the fact that I have to go to work tomorrow.


Line 76) I just want to hang out with you guys forever.

They all smile.


Line 77) Let’s go somewhere fun this weekend. All of us.

They nod their heads in agreement.

Talulla and Marvin get some alone time.


Line 78) I heard you were with your friends earlier. Is everything okay?


Line 79) Oh. I was just updating them on. Well you know… Calista.


Line 80) Was the progress so big that you needed to discuss it with your friends in person?

Marvin laughs.


Line 81) I thought so. But, we debriefed about it. We concluded that I was getting way over my head.


Line 82) It’s cause she asked you out, right?

Marvin blushes.


Line 83) So, she’s already told you.


Line 84) Of course she has. She tells me everything.


Line 85) Everything?

Talulla nods her head.


Line 86) So, you know how she feels about… Certain things?


Line 87) I know how she feels about things more than she knows it herself.

Marvin nods his head.


Line 88) Did you think that her asking you out was a big gesture?

Marvin nods his head.

Talulla chuckles a bit.

Line 89) Talulla: How ironic is it that he’s right!


Line 90) Marvin, Marvin, Marvin. You’re so adorable sometimes it hurts.


Line 91) Talulla. Do me a favor.


Line 92) I know we’re working together for me to bond with Calista.


Line 93) But, don’t ever feel the need to tell me how she feels.


Line 94) That’s between you and her.


Line 95) Hmm. Why not?

Marvin looks at Talulla conspicuously.


Line 96) Let’s say, for example, that Calista does feel a “certain way” about me. 


Line 97) If I find out about it.


Line 98) I-It’ll just prove that I’m in love with her.


Line 99) But, that’s your major goal, Marvin.


Line 100) You don’t get it.


Line 101) If I fall for Calista.


Line 102) I don’t think I can convince myself to go back to my time.


Line 103) I won’t want to leave her side. Even if that means humanity is doomed.


Line 104) Don’t get me wrong. I want to go back to my time. But, I don’t want to leave Calista.


Line 105) For me to stay some longer, she can’t find out how I feel, and I can’t find out how she feels.


Line 106) Do you understand what I mean now?


Line 107) Keep your words between the people you say them to.


Line 108) I’m sorry that you’re caught in the middle of all of this.

Talulla pats Marvin on the back.


Line 109) Don’t be sorry. I’m here to help. I put myself in this position.


Line 110) Oh, and roger that captain.

Marvin smiles.


Line 111) I owe you big.


Line 112) Oh, come on.


Line 113) Okay, maybe just do my chores and we’ll call it even.

Marvin smiles.


Line 114) I would do you chores for free.


Line 115) We don’t have to make a deal under those circumstances. I owe you much more than that.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 48 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



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