Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 27

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 27

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir proclaims he and Sotsona need to have a serious conversation. This conversation sparks Sotsona to get something important off her chest about Casimir spoiling her.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 27: 

February 22nd 2024. The day is Thursday. It is the evening.

Casimir just announced he needs to talk to Sotsona about something “important”, after she finishes tidying up the place after Zephryn left. 

Sotsona senses Casimir’s serious demeanor.


Line 1) You’re serious. What’s going on?

Casimir looks confused, then realizes his outward behavior.


Line 2) Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize my tone.


Line 3) It’s nothing serious, just professional. I guess if that’s even a way to put it.


Line 4) … Alright. What’s the deal then?


Line 5) Have you thought about the job position I told you about?

Sotsona sighs.


Line 6) I’ve been so preoccupied with other things that it slipped my mind.


Line 7) Okay. Well on a more serious note, do you want to go back to your old job?


Line 8) You’re the one that said I should wait until we get my bank account situation sorted out.


Line 9) Right. But weren’t able to buy the gifts from that flower shop for my mother and I? So, there’s still money in your account, right?


Line 10) No, I had spare cash on me from the tips I made this Monday. 


Line 11) You probably don’t remember, but I told you I don’t have a card on me and that my parents would usually handle payments*.

*Refer back to episode 17, details in lines 47, 48, etc.


 Line 12) Overall, it would be nice to know that my money is safe and out of reach from my parents.


Line 13) Of course. But, you’re still avoiding the question.


Line 14) Will you be returning to your old job?

Sotsona responds in a passive way, being clueless as to what to do about her current predicament.


Line 15) I don’t know, Casimir.


Line 16) We both know that I don’t want to go back.


Line 17) It’s not a matter of whether I want to or not. I have to go to work one way or another.


Line 18) I haven't worked in almost a week, and it doesn’t feel right.


Line 19) I won’t let myself slack off and do nothing all day.


Line 20) I have to get back on my feet so that I feel productive.


Line 21) But, I don’t want to take the job you offered me because I want to find something on my own.


Line 22) I want someone to take me in as I am. Not from networking favoritism.


Line 23) Although I understand where you're coming from, I hate to break it to you, but, 99% of job positions are gained through networking favoritism schemes.


Line 24) If you wait until someone notices you because you're “qualified” or “experienced”, you’ll be waiting for a WHILE, regardless of what job position you’re looking for.


Line 25) Especially nowadays, it’s extremely difficult to find a job without advertising, promoting, or marketing yourself in some way.


Line 26) Of course you can stay hopeful until someone EVENTUALLY reaches out to you.


Line 27) But if you were previously a waitress, sorry for sounding blunt, but you’re most likely only going to get offered job positions based on those workfield spheres.


Line 28) Which means it will most likely be a crappy work environment with a low paying wage.


Line 29) Again, all something you waited to hear back from.


Line 30) And the cycle repeats. As soon as you get sick, you'll start looking again and be trapped in a endless cycle of  searching for opportunities and landing on ones that are below average.


Line 31) Because I am someone you CAN network with, you should take advantage of my opportunity now.


Line 32) You might not believe that you're qualified enough or that you’ll fit into our company…


Line 33) But I promise you that you’ll feel welcomed and find it enjoyable.


Line 34) My assistant Yuvin will go through all the work training you could possibly need for your position.


Line 35) You’ll be working in a lavish building and office, along with me by your side.


Line 36) And the payment is good, better than minimum wage, of course.


Line 37) But, I’m not saying that the work is easy. But you’ll get a feel of what it’s like for yourself if you agree to take the job.


Line 38) So, what do you think? My assistant is awaiting a response since he’s so impatient.

Sotsona thinks about what Casimir is offering to her.

Line 39) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir is right, he’s a businessman that knows what the economy and employment status of everyone in the world is right now.

Line 40) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Holding out and looking for a job that is  just as bad as my old one will only elongate my torment.

Line 41) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If anyone else were in my shoes they’d accept his offer immediately.

Line 42) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, it doesn’t sit right with me to say yes.

Line 43) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If I say yes, I’d feel like I’m only using Casimir for my benefit. Like, the only reason I’m here is because he’s providing so much for me.

Line 44) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: That’s feels inhuman. The two of us should be able to offer each other assistance without me having to think that way.

Line 45) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But since he’s so rich, how else am I supposed to feel?

Sotsona gets serious considering Casimir’s offer.


Line 46) Casimir, there’s something about your offers that don’t sit right with me.

Casimir senses Sotsona’s serious tone.


Line 47) Don’t get me wrong. I’m more than grateful for how you’ve been treating me these past few days.


Line 48) But, I feel like I'm getting spoiled.


Line 49) I don’t deserve all of this gift showering. And I feel ashamed accepting all of it.


Line 50) However, besides all of that, I guess I do need to SERIOUSLY consider your job offer.


Line 51) But, just promise me something so that I can officially agree with this job opportunity from you.

Casimir’s eyes spark, eager to know what Sotsona wants him to promise.


Line 52) Sure, anything. What do you want?


Line 53) From here on out, can you promise me that you’ll try not to affiliate me with what your wealth can offer?

Casimir looks confused.


Line 54) What do you mean? Can you elaborate?

Sotsona blushes, but Casimir stares at her in confusion as to why she’s suddenly acting shy.


Line 55) I don’t know how I feel about you.


Line 56) I don’t know if I like you, or if I’m jealous of you. Or if I’m feeling both of those things.


Line 57) But I feel “something” blossoming between us.


Line 58) Whether it be friendship or more.


Line 59) Unfortunately, I think I'm feeling this way because of your money, not because of you as a person disregarding your wealth.


Line 60) Since all I see is your wealth, I think I am creating a false impression of who you truly are.


Line 61) It’s not fair that I see you in that light at the moment.


Line 62) Since, I think I’m going to be HERE for a while, I want to see you for who you truly are.


Line 63) Casimir Adair, the human being, not Casimir Adair, the wealthy successor to a multi-billion-dollar company.


Line 64) Now do you get what I mean by you not associating your wealth with me?

Casimir persists to look at Sotsona with confusion, not comprehending what she’s trying to convey to him.


Line 65) You want me to be myself without my infamous name and money?


Line 66) Yeah. You without your title and riches. You as any other ordinary person. That’s how I want to see you.

Casimir is still confused, trying to process Sotsona’s request.


Line 67) But, who the hell am I without those things though?

Sotsona offers Casimir some assurance.


Line 68) I’m sure excluding all your lavish abilities, there lies a cutting edge personality ready to be set free.

Casimir continues to ponder Sotsona’s request.

Line 69) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Who am I without all of my privileged opportunities?

Line 70) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Even I don’t know how I can promise Sotsona that.

Line 71) Casimir’s inner thoughts: My entire life has been centralized around my parents’ success and me being their heir.

Line 72) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But besides that, who am I as a PERSON?

Sotsona looks at Casimir with concern.


Line 73) Are you okay? I didn’t make you fall into an existential crisis by asking that question, right?

Casimir looks at Sotsona in a worried way.


Line 74) I don’t know the answer to that. So, I’m not sure if I can promise you what you wish for.

Sotsona tries to cheer Casimir up.


Line 75) Hey, don’t brood over that. I’m not asking you to figure all of this out now.


Line 76) I’m just asking you to try to keep your promise.


Line 77) If you’re struggling to find an answer now, I’m sure you’ll be able to in the future.


Line 78) You just need to find out who you are without all of this.


Line 79) My personal struggle was to break out of the stigma that I needed education in order to find myself because I didn’t know what to do with my life.

Sotsona reaches for Casimir’s hand and this catches him off-guard.

She squeezes his hand to console him.


Line 80) Just try to look within yourself as a person and show me that side of you.


Line 81) Take all the time you need to figure this out.


Line 82) The same way you have continuously promised me that you’ll be there for me, I’ll be here for you too.


Line 83) I would be going against our contract if I didn’t support you or offer a helping hand.


Line 84) Having been through something similar in finding myself, I can offer my advice to help you along the way.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.


Line 85) So, as long as I agree to attempting to fulfill your promise, you’ll work for my company?


Line 86) Yes, but to get a head start on your promise, you can’t give me benefits or raises just because I’m your fiance. Do you get what I mean?

Casimir blushes.


Line 87) Treat me like every other employee. I don’t want any special treatment whatsoever.

Sotsona notices why Casimir got so flustered all of a sudden.


Line 88) Did I say something wrong?


Line 89) N-No… This is just the first time you called me your fiance. That’s all.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 90) Aw, jeez. That’s what you’re getting all shy over?


Line 91) Obviously nobody at work can know about our relationship. 


Line 92) Which is why you can’t make things obvious once I start working or else people will get suspicious. Capeesh?

Casimir nods his head in understandment.


Line 93) I’ll let my assistant know about your decision.

Sotsona nods her head and stands up from her seat.

Casimir catches her attention before she goes.


Line 94) Before you go, let me thank you for saving my butt earlier today.

Sotsona shrugs her shoulders in confusion.


Line 95) What do you mean? If anything you’re the one that saved my butt by canceling your moms plans on an early marriage*.

*Refer back to episode 25, lines 70, 71, etc.

Casimir laughs.


Line 96) That was a close one, wasn’t it? But anyways, I wanted to thank you for answering my mother’s questions.


Line 97) We weren’t fully prepared with how we should approach her.


Line 98) But you came up with something on the spot, and that worked out for us in the end.


Line 99) If I’m being honest, I’m quite ashamed I didn’t know more about the way your parents treated you in the past.


Line 100) You were being vulnerable with my mom by opening up about them.


Line 101) It was my first time hearing some things too, and I’m sorry I didn’t know about it sooner. I should’ve asked for the whole story from the start.

Sotsona playfully smirks.


Line 102) That’s nothing to be sorry about. 


Line 103) From now on, I’ll try my best to communicate with you better.


Line 104) You have every right to know about the things I mention freely to others.


Line 105) I wouldn’t want to make you feel bad for not knowing something about me.

Casimir smiles.

He gets out his phone to call his assistant Yuvin about Sotsona’s agreement to take the job.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 2, 2024
Last Updated on July 2, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
