In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 46

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 46

A Chapter by Yosh

Calista proposes something to Marvin that makes him surprised since it seems like it needed a lot of courage and boldness to do so.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 46:

August 26 2023. The day is Saturday.

Calista and Marvin have another week to themselves since Talulla is still on her trip.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 1) While Talulla has been gone, Calista and I have been spending time with each other.

Line 2) After our trip we went to work as usual.

Them going to work.

Line 3) Then came back and hung out with each other.

Coming home and spotting each other.

Line 4) Like usual we would play bored games, talk, or watch a movie. Maybe even a show.

Them playing games.

Chatting with each other.

And watching a movie/show.

Line 5) As much as I’d like for us to go somewhere everyday.

Line 6) I appreciate these mundane moments we spend together.

Line 7) And we’re not always dressed up around each other.

Line 8) It makes hanging out with her feel even more special.

Line 9) I feel like not everyone gets to see her this way.

Line 10) I’m honored to be able to.

Line 11) This may sound selfish, but I want to keep this part of her to myself.

Line 12) When the weekends come around. 

Line 13) I’m the one to ask Calista out.

Line 14) However this time around.

Line 15) Things have changed.

Them chatting while eating breakfast.


Line 16) Do you have any plans for today?

Marvin is caught off-guard.


Line 17) What do you mean? I usually hang out with you on the weekends?


Line 18) Just asking. I thought maybe you wanted to meet up with your friends*. Stuff like that.

*During these past 4 months Marvin has been keeping in touch with his friends, it is just not shown yet.


Line 19) How are they doing?


Line 20) They’ve been busy. They have to take care of their grandkids and do duties around the house.


Line 21) Russell is the only one who’s retired. Cady is still working, so she’s extra busy handling things.

Calista is attentively listening.


Line 22) So, why are you asking? Is there somewhere you have to be today?

Calista shakes her head no.


Line 23) So, you’re free and I’m free.


Line 24) What a coincidence.

Calista is trying to be slick.

Line 25) Marvin: Looks like she’s having trouble saying it. So, I’ll just help her.


Line 26) Do you want to hang-

Calista cuts him off.


Line 27) Let’s hang out.

Marvin blushes.


Line 28) Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cut you off.


Line 29) What did you want to say?

Marvin’s narration:

Line 30) And just like that for the first time ever, Calista asked me out.

Line 31) Before you go wondering why this is a big deal…

Line 32) Since, she did after all suggest a fancy dinner last week. And the day after we went to the aquarium, she suggested we hang out.

Line 33) But, those were times where I took the lead and initiated something first, on my own with her.

Line 34) Now, do you understand why this situation is different?

Line 35) She's the one taking action.

Line 36) You may say I’m blowing this situation out of proportion. But, to me this is major to me. 


Line 37) So, what were you thinking for today?


Line 38) How about we hit up an arcade?


Line 39) Are you twelve?


Line 40) What! It’s actually a very adult thing to do.


Line 41) Nowadays, there’s even more adults than there are kids.


Line 42) Doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of an arcade?


Line 43) Shouldn't the little ones enjoy it instead of us?

Line 44) Marvin: Wait, why am I questioning this? She’s asking me out on a date for crying out loud! I should agree regardless of where we go.

Line 45) Marvin: This isn’t an ordinary event. This is something she initiated on her own.


Line 46) Nevermind. Let’s go.


Line 47) Are you sure?


Line 48) Yeah. I don't know why I looked into it so much. The arcade sounds fun.

Calista smiles.

They make their way to the arcade.


Line 49) Okay, you have a certain amount of tokens on your card.

Calista shows him.


Line 50) All you’ve got to do is swipe it.

Calista swipes it.


Line 51) To play the game, you will need to spend however many tokens it costs.


Line 52) Once you play and win you’ll get prize money.


Line 53) Back in the day it used to come in big coins or tickets.


Line 54) Nowadays, it gets transferred back to your game card, but separated from the tokens.


Line 55) You can check how many you earn as you swipe the card.

Calista shows him the icon profile part.


Line 56) Then you collect as much price money as you can.


Line 57) We’ve already bought all the game tokens, but if you need more because you want more prize money. Don’t hesitate asking.


Line 58) The old arcade rules still apply. This is just more technologically advanced.


Line 59) So, what do you think?

Marvin is quite impressed but a thought just dawned on him.


Line 60) You know what I just realized?

Calista shrugs in questioning.


Line 61) This is just like gambling.


Line 62) Think about it. You spend money, to play money, to win money, all for a certain prize.


Line 63) This time around it’s just available to a wider variety of people.


Line 64) This is funner than gambling though.

Calista swipes her card and signals for Marvin to stand next to her.


Line 65) Whoever slams the most dunks. Wins.


Line 66) You’re so on.

They throw the balls into the basket and Calista gets more when they’re done.

She celebrates as she wins.


Line 67) Don’t be bummed out. This game takes practice.


Line 68) Let’s pick something up your alley.

They go to a game where you have to throw balls at dummies.

Marvin knocks the most dummies down and celebrates as he wins.


Line 69) Told you this was more your cup of tea.

They play table pong and Marvin wins.


Line 70) Good game.

They play skee ball.


Line 71) How many points did you get?

Calista replies confidently.


Line 72) Two-hundred.


Line 73) I got four-hundred.

Marvin sticks out a L and “nehs” his tongue.

Calista is shocked.


Line 74) Let’s go bowling then. I’ll definitely beat you on that.


Line 75) Are you kidding? Bowling is back from my day. If anyone is gonna win. It’s gonna be me.

They go bowling and Calista hits the last strike.


Line 76) Woo hoo! Another strike!

They look at the scoreboard and Calista wins.

Calista claps her hands.


Line 77) That means I win.

Calista celebrates.

She sticks out an L and “nehs" back at Marvin.


Line 78) You’re the one that started it.

They play a lot more games and then end up in the photo booth.


Line 79) Let’s take pictures.

They pose and a one crappy quality photo prints out from the other end.


Line 80) This quality looks like it’s back from my time.

Calista laughs.


Line 81) Hey, at least it’s vintage.


Line 82) That’s one way to put it.

Calista spots a claw machine and her eyes beam.


Line 83) Marvin, look at the T-rex plush.

They walk over.

Calista scans her card and sees she doesn’t have much game tokens left to play with.


Line 84) I’m gonna use my last few tokens to win this thing.

Calista tries the claw machine and loses all her coins.


Line 85) Here, let me try.


Line 86) You’ll really use your spare coins to win me the gift?

Calista is touched by Marvin’s kindness.


Line 87) Who said I was gonna win it for you.

Calista is shocked.


Line 88) I’m kidding, it’s obviously for you.

Calista is relieved.


Line 90) I feel like the technique is to spin it around and then launch it when it just about hits the target.


Line 91) That actually sounds like it’ll make sense.


Line 92) Someone passed physics.


Line 93) Heh. Barely.

He does his technique and gives it a shot.

He does it multiple times and loses all his coins.

He lays his head on the machine and lightly bangs it from being defeated.


Line 94) Sorry for making you use all your tokens.

Marvin lifts his head up and smiles at Calista.


Line 95) It was worth it.

Calista blushes.


Line 96) Besides we still can buy some things from the money we won.


Line 97) But, I promise you. I’ll eventually win one of these things.

They make their way to the gift shop.


Line 98) I’m gonna browse around.

Marvin nods his head.

Line 99) Marvin: I want to get Calista something, since I lost the claw machine.

He browses the stuffed animals and finds one he thinks Calista will like.

Line 100) Marvin: This and a bit of candy will get my money’s worth.

They head back home from their day.


Line 101) What’d you buy?


Line 102) You’ll see.

They get back home and Calista gets ready to gift Marvin his present.


Line 103) I got you a little something something.


Line 104) I had a gut feeling you’d do something like this.


Line 105) So, I also got you something.

Calista is shocked but looks at Marvin gratefully.


Line 106) Hey. You shouldn’t have.

They exchange their bags and open up what they got.

The gift is 2 bulldog plushies that are different colors and some candy.

Calista and Marvin

Line 107) You got me the same thing!


Line 108) Did you catch me buying it and copy me?


Line 109) No. I just got it because it seemed like something you’d like.


Line 110) That’s why I got your gift.


Line 111) And you got me chocolate. You know me well.


Line 112) If anyone knows me well, it’s you. You got me sour candy! My favorite

Calista looks at Marvin happily.


Line 113) Thank you. I had a blast with you today.


Line 114) I’m glad you feel that way. I also had a great time. Thanks for the present.

They beam from happiness at each other's gifts and smile.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 46 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
