![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 45A Chapter by Yosh![]() Marvin and Calista head to their upgraded room and try to figure out how they will be sleeping with only one bed available for the both of them.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 45: August 19 2023. The day is Saturday. They arrive at the upgraded grand-suite and figure out how to sleep the night. Marvin Line 1) Wow! This place is nice. Calista Line 2) Woah! It’s one upgrade that’s for sure. They observe the big bed centered in the room. Marvin Line 3) I’ll lay some bulky sheets on the ground and sleep on the ground. You take the bed. Calista Line 4) No. That won’t do. Don’t you dare sleep on the ground. Marvin senses Calista’s assertive tone. Calista Line 5) This is supposed to be a vacation. Nobody is sleeping on the ground. Marvin blushes. Marvin Line 6) Does that mean we’re both sleeping on the bed? Calista Line 7) Would that be an issue with you? Calista Line 8) We’ve done it before. Let’s just do it again. Calista Line 9) Even though it was an accident back then. Calista Line 10) Besides, this is a king size mattress. We’ll have enough room to sleep like spiders on both sides of the bed. Marvin laughs. Marvin Line 11) It’s no issue with me. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable. Calista Line 12) I am comfortable. We’re just friends. Friends sleep next to each other all the time. You’re the one who told me that. Marvin blushes. They split the bed in half. Marvin Line 13) Do you have a preference on which side? Calista Line 14) Nope. Do you? Marvin shakes his head no. Calista Line 15) I’ll just take the left side since I’m left-handed. Marvin is surprised. Marvin Line 16) New fact of the day from Calista. Calista Line 17) Are you right-handed? Marvin Line 18) I’m also a lefty. Calista is surprised. Calista Line 19) Heck yeah! I don’t think I’ve ever met another lefty in my entire life. Calista reaches out her hand and Marvin places his to hers. Calista Line 20) The world was built for right-handed people. Calista Line 21) It’s always a struggle for us to maneuver things. Marvin smiles. They notice that they’re touching hands for a while and take them off. They blush when they notice. Marvin Line 22) Alright. I'm gonna go to sleep. Mind if I turn off the lights? Calista Line 23) Please do so. Good night. Marvin Line 24) Goodnight, Calista. They turn their backs on each other and stare at the other side of the wall. Line 25) Calista: I wish he wouldn’t turn his back on me. Line 26) Marvin: I wish she wouldn’t turn her back on me. They head to bed and wake up the next morning face to face. August 20 2023. The day is Sunday. They slowly open their eyes and see each other in front. They quickly get up and look away from embarrassment. Marvin Line 27) Uh. Good morning. Calista Line 28) Good morning to you too. Marvin Line 29) Did you sleep alright? Calista Line 30) Yeah. How did you sleep? Marvin Line 31) Well. I slept very well. Marvin Line 32) Are you sure you slept alright? Marvin Line 33) Was I snoring? Calista Line 34) Oh, come on. You know you don’t snore. Calista Line 35) But, do I? Marvin Line 36) Yeah. You were so annoying. Calista is shocked in embarrassment. Marvin Line 37) I was just joking. Calista throws a pillow at Marvin. Calista Line 38) You really had me thinking that was true. Marvin Line 39) Okay, but truthfully, you do snore. It’s just not obnoxiously loud. Calista Line 40) What? So, I snore regardless? Dang it! They get ready and have breakfast somewhere. They go out exploring by visiting times square, central park, brooklyn bridge. They get hungry and eat at a pizza place. They get back to their hotel with the leftover pizza box and sleep again just like yesterday. August 21 2023. The day is Monday. They pack up their stuff and put their luggages in Talulla’s car. Marvin Line 41) This trip went by so quickly. Calista Line 42) It did. Didn’t it? They’re both bummed out that they have to go back to work. Marvin Line 43) We can hang out after work with each other though. Calista smiles. Calista Line 44) I’ll be looking forward to that. Calista Line 45) Wait. I just remembered. Marvin is confused. Calista Line 46) I have to go grocery shopping. We don’t have a lot in the fridge. Marvin Line 47) Then let’s go together. Marvin Line 48) I’ll help you out. Calista Line 49) You don’t have to. Marvin Line 50) But, I want to. The day goes by and they go to the store together. Marvin Line 51) Did you make a list? Calista Line 52) I’m not THAT organized. Marvin Line 53) You should’ve made one. Calista Line 54) I never make a list when I go out. I just wing out what I need. Marvin tsks his tongue. Marvin Line 55) Alright. Let me think. We need bread, eggs, oil, and cheese. Calista Line 56) Oh, right. I forgot we need bread. Calista Line 57) Thank you for the reminder. Marvin Line 58) What would you do without me? They smile at each other. Calista Line 59) We need shampoo and conditioner. Calista grabs two bottles of something. Marvin grabs a bottle. Marvin Line 60) Calista these are both conditioners. Calista looks and figures it out. Calista Line 61) Oh. Right. Marvin Line 62) Are you tired? Calista Line 63) I guess so. Marvin Line 64) So, you didn’t sleep well. Calista Line 65) I did. It was just an unfamiliar setting, so I didn’t get the best sleep. Calista Line 66) That usually happens to me. Marvin looks at Calista questionably. Marvin Line 67) You didn’t get a good night of sleep because of me, huh? Calista Line 68) Marvin, it’s not that. Marvin Line 69) You’re just not saying that because you don’t want to hurt my feelings. Calista Line 70) I guess sassy Marvin got unlocked again. Marvin is confused. Calista Line 71) You were being moody when you were drunk. Marvin covers his mouth and looks at Calista in shock. Calista Line 72) Hey. Don’t worry. I’m the same way. Marvin Line 73) I’m really, really sorry. Marvin Line 74) Let me make it up to you by washing the dishes. Calista Line 75) Kay. If you’re up for it. Marvin is a bit shocked. Marvin Line 76) You’re not trying to talk me out of favors like you usually do anymore. Calista Line 77) Like I said. I’m more comfortable around you now. Marvin smiles. They head home, eat, and clean up. They unwind and do their routines. Marvin Line 78) Wanna watch a movie, Calista? You make the pick. Calista comes by the living room. Calista Line 79) You know I’m always down to watch a movie. Calista Line 80) I want you to pick it though. Calista Line 81) Pick an old one. Something back from your times. Marvin Line 82) Are you sure you’re up for that? Calista Line 83) Of course. I love the old H0llyw00d aesthetic. Marvin Line 84) If you say so. Marvin puts an old movie for them to watch. Calista nods off beside him. Marvin Line 85) This is the part where- Marvin tries to talk to Calista but notices she fell asleep during their watch. Marvin Line 86) I should’ve known you were gonna nod off like this. Line 87) Marvin: I don’t want to watch this without her though. Line 88) Marvin: We can watch it another time together. Marvin slides Calista’s body onto the couch and gives her some pillows. He throws the throw on her so that she has a blanket. He looks at her as she sleeps. Line 89) Marvin: She looks so comfy and cozy. Line 90) Marvin: She sleeps so thoroughly. Marvin places Calista’s phone by her side and sets an alarm. Marvin then sends himself to bed. Marvin’s narration: Line 91) Lately Calista has been acting differently. Line 92) I can tell she’s opened up a lot. Line 93) But what sparked that? Line 94) Why do I feel like it has something to do with the day her makeup was smudged? Line 95) She hasn’t spoken like this to me ever, until that moment. Flashback to Calista admitting herself to Marvin that one morning. Line 96) But, I’m glad our relationship is progressing. Line 97) After all, it's been around 4 months. Line 98) I don’t know how much longer this will last. Line 99) All I know is that the people that surround me make a huge difference. Line 100) I’m just glad that I have supportive friends around me. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 2, 2024 Last Updated on July 2, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author